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    WeatherGeek Pro 2

    WeatherGeek Pro 2

    Weather and Education

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    WeatherGeek Pro 2 is a premium weather application which brings the world’s most advanced weather...

Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
The squad besides Joker & Harley are great (0 more)
Joker & Harley (1 more)
Poor Villains
Better than the last DC bomb
I went into this film with extremely low expectations, but I actually came out having enjoyed it more than Batman v Superman and I enjoyed it for what it was. Without a doubt though the worst part of the movie was the depiction of Joker and Harley and their relationship. Harley was simply there to be eye candy and deliver unfunny, cringey one liners and Joker was included for the sole reason of getting arses in seats, he is barely in the movie and when he is he brings nothing to it. You could honestly have cut his scenes out of the movie entirely and it would be almost the same film and the events would have unfolded just the same way. However the rest of the team are entertaining and work well together as an ensemble, the villains aren’t great but if you take this movie for what it is, it is quite enjoyable and certainly better than BVS.
Clue (1985)
Clue (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Casting (0 more)
None of the endings work (0 more)
Long Time Favorite
This movie is amazing. Mainly because the cast is made up of some of the most talented actors ever and they all play off of each other so well. One of the best ensemble casts ever assembled in my opinion. Tim Curry, Christopher Lloyd, Madeline Kahn, etc.

The storyline is maybe a tad dramatic and silly but it just adds to the charm and the humor. The humor is on the dark side which is the best kind. There are some amazing one liners and jokes.
When i first became familiar with this movie we had it on dvd and were able to watch all three endings. Sometimes when it's shown on tv, they only show one ending for time purposes and in my opinion you really use out when you view it that way. Having said that, because of the way the film was shot, none of the endings actually work. This is maybe the only negative thing I really have to say about it.
Local Hero (1983)
Local Hero (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Charming fish-out-of-water comedy drama, source of many inferior rip-offs. Sounds like a familiar story: materialistic high flier finds himself in an authentic community and begins to remember what the Important Things in Life are. However, what makes Local Hero pretty much the only film in this sub-genre worth your time is the fact it is so understated, and even subverts the form to some extent: the locals are in no illusions about how much easier their lives would be with a little more material wealth.

There are some laugh-out-loud moments, but in general this is more one of those consistently very amusing and slightly whimsical films, not at all meant to be taken seriously - there's a running joke about one character having a very abusive therapist, while the implication is that another character is part-mermaid. Well-played by a great ensemble cast (many well-known faces, although Peter Riegert doesn't seem to have had many other high profile parts), an exceptionally likeable film.