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The Milagro Beanfield War (1988)
The Milagro Beanfield War (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Drama
Beautiful Drama
Director Robert Redford brings us this story of a New Mexico town where tensions begin to rise when one farmer uses an unauthorized form of water to irrigate his bean crop. The act is noticed by the local townspeople, the local law enforcement and the opposing force of a rich property magnate eager to build a sprawling golf course on the town's land.

The townspeople eventually band together after much debate, but they are not sure anything can be done.

I enjoyed this drama; however, felt like it dragged a bit at times. The ensemble cast was enjoyable especially Christopher Walken and John Heard. Rubén Blades as the local law was also fun to watch.

The vast New Mexico countryside was probably my favorite element to watch. No doubt this factor was also probably appealing to Redford who is a lifelong environmentalist.

I enjoyed it.

Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Me and my mum had to kill a bit of time recently and decided to go to cinema, the strangest cinema I have been to, like an old fashioned flea pit. We had a choice of three movies: frozen 2, last christmas, or knives out. We chose knives out, not knowing what to expect.
We both thoroughly enjoyed this movie, it has an amazing ensemble cast, the only thing throwing us off being Daniel Craig's Southern American accent.
I enjoyed the fact each character has it's own quirks and back story, and I found humour in each of the characters.
It also kept me guessing right to the end, where usually I can tell who's done it within the first five minutes.
It's not a genre I have really watched before, but I can't wait for it to come onto DVD, we managed to spend our spare time watching a really enjoyable film, which to me was time well spent.
Litte Fires Everywhere
Litte Fires Everywhere
2020 | Drama
The ensemble cast: outstanding (1 more)
An intelligent and often uncomfortable script
Gripping study of racism in small-town america
Flighty artist Mia (Kelly Washington) moves into the picture-perfect community of Shaker Heights Ohio with her daughter Pearl (Lexi Underwood) and is welcomed by busybody mum Elena (Reese Witherspoon). But as racial tensions, teenage passions and secrets from the past emerge, a pressure-cooker of tension builds.

This is an outstanding drama in the mould of Big Little Lies, and equally supported by an outstanding cast. Kerry Washington is Emmy nominated and justly so. But equally impressive is the young cast, particularly Lexi Underwood as Pearl and Megan Stott, who has a magnetic screen presence as Izzy and who I would predict great things for.

It’s a script that buzzes with uncomfortable racial tensions in these days of Black Lives Matters, and is gripping to the end.

I just hope that - unlike Westworld - they call it a day with this one perfect series.

Watch it!!
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Horror
Mockumentary about vampires living in modern-day New Zealand manages to mix darkness, pathos, and a huge amount of silliness with surprisingly effective results. Excitement builds as the premier undead social event of the year approaches, but apart from the everynight realities of vampire existence - finding prey, looking good without a mirror, doing the washing-up - the documentary subjects have other concerns, such as new vampires in their turf, a pack of mild-mannered werewolves, and their various exes.

Takes the horror element just seriously enough not to feel completely frivolous, and there are many references to and spoofs of other bits of vampire lore. Nevertheless, largely powered along by another energetic comic performance from Taika Waititi, although the rest of the ensemble is also good. Polished production and pretty good effects too, given the low budget (that's modern computers for you I guess). Not exactly ground-breaking stuff but consistently amusing.