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Nuns on the Run (1990)
Nuns on the Run (1990)
1990 | Comedy, International
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Robbie Coltrane (1 more)
Eric idle
I remember seeing this vhs back in the day and really liking it back then and still do it has plenty of gags and well it has a python in it as well Eric idle so it can't be that a movie. If u want a good night with a comedy u can't go wrong with this movie
Surprise Delivery (Hearts and Health #5)
Surprise Delivery (Hearts and Health #5)
D.J. Jamison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
the warm and fuzzies are back!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Hearts and Health series, but you don't need to have read the other books. I first met Eric in the first book I read, which was book 2, because I still haven't got round to reading book 1 yet! Casper pops up in book 4. All stand alone stories, with connecting characters based in and around the hospital in Ashe, Kansas. But you should! Cos, you know, warm and fuzzies, people! Warm. And. Fuzzies.

Cos that's what I'm loving about this series! That feeling it gives, when two guys finally give in to their feelings. When they get over their hang ups. When they give up the guilt that has been eating them alive and just LOVE on each other! I live my life through books like this!

Casper does all his adrenaline junkie stuff as a way to connect with his dead boyfriend of 5 years. Eric is married to his job, because his real husband left him. When Eric's 16 year old niece turns up at his door, pregnant and thrown out of her home, the two men are thrown together. Casper pulls at Eric to live a little, and Eric pulls at Casper to just slow down a bit.

Expect some roller coaster emotions from Casper here, as he deals with his self inflicted guilt. He struggles to let Kage go, and he struggles to talk to Eric, which in turn leads to some roller coaster emotions from Eric, although not quite as painful reading. I bawled my eyes out for them both!

Paul and Zane play a part, Paul especially for Eric dealing with the Board and budgets, makes Eric see, really SEE what's going on in the ER and it's Paul who makes Eric begin to think that maybe, just maybe, there is life OUTSIDE of this hospital. He just needs the push that Paul, Olivia and Casper give him. Trent and Xavier pop up too, but only briefly.

I loved this book, I read it in one sitting. I can't wait for more books in this series, but I'm wondering which way things will go now. Especially with what Eric, Paul and Trent have to decide to do. I don't really care whether future books will be based in the hospital or elsewhere, I just want and need more of these guys!

5 Warm And Fuzzies stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
Eric Nylund | 2007 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Best Of The Series
This is the final book of the halo series by Eric, and it is by far the best.
This book reminds you why you have to love everything halo, it introduces the spartan III's and gives a new face to how the spartans are.
With its amazing ending that leaves every halo nerd in tears as they feel the sacrifce a spartan makes to do the right thing
Inspired By Murder
Inspired By Murder
Audrey J. Cole | 2018 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good book, just not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my coy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos this may not make sense but I'll do my best!

Ordinarily, I LOVE getting into the minds of the bad guys. LOVE it, because it happens so rarely. I love being able to follow their twisted convoluted thinking (sometimes, anyway!) and actually being able to follow just WHY they do their thing.


But here? Not so much. I don't know if it is the subject matter, or just the way the author tells her tales (first one I've read of this author) or maybe just Eric himself. I dunno. I just didn't (and this is going to sound like I need some serious help!) connect very well with Eric!

He is an aspiring author, but needs the perfect crime. So, why not commit one to get it right?? So he does! He has it all planned out, and carries it off, and then the police start asking questions about his secretary? He is a little thrown off but pulls himself together enough to get justice for her, even if it isn't correct.

Stephenson, the detective in charge of solving the murders of a New York Times best selling romance author and his wife, knows Eric did it, he just has to give him enough rope.

But Eric has some tricks up his sleeve, and some secrets in his closet that throw the whole thing wide open, world wide open! And I DID like that! The man was three steps ahead of Stephenson every step of the way, and Cole pulls a blinder of a plot twist I did not see coming!

I did like the way the story unfolds, the way Eric unravels (sorta) I just don't think THIS particular book did very much for me.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Devil is in the Details (Broken Halos #1)
The Devil is in the Details (Broken Halos #1)
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Devil is in the Details (Broken Halos #1) by Maya Daniels
The Devil is in the Details is the first book in the Broken Halos series, and we meet Eric and Helena (Hel). At first glance, they appear to be on opposing sides, but not everything is as it seems. Eric is a Demon, whereas Hel is a Hunter. When Eric is approached by one of Helena's bosses, with a kill order and a special deal for the Demons, he wonders what is going on. None of that matters once he sees Hel though, and he will do ANYTHING to protect her.

This was a fast-paced, fun-filled, frolic of a book. I loved Hel's sassy attitude, and I thought her grief over her best friend was incredibly written. She admits she just wants to wake up, and owns her temper tantrums, apologising as necessary. Eric is the bad boy of the Demon world, and I loved him. There were two revelations about him, which shocked Hel both times. The first one I can understand, but the second? Surely if he is the first, the second is part of the same? (Trying so hard not to do spoilers here!!!)

This is an extremely well-written book that gives enough world-building for you to get to grips with their world, whilst still leaving more to come. This does end on a cliff-hanger, so fair warning. A thoroughly enjoyable first installment, and I can't wait for the second. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Better the Devil You Know (Broken Halos #6)
Better the Devil You Know (Broken Halos #6)
Maya Daniels | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Better the Devil You Know is the final book in the Broken Halos series. We start off with Raphael not doing too well and Eric fighting through humans, giving up on everything they held dear because Helena's gone. Hel, in the meantime, isn't sure where she is or even who she is, trapped in a world of grey.

This was a great final book to the series, with plenty of action and snark from Helena as she tries to find herself again, plus she has some new freaky-ass powers to contend with. Raphael keeps secrets throughout most of the book. And Eric is still Eric. He's growly and grumpy for all the right reasons.

Although the pacing is perfect, this book doesn't feel like the end to me. I guess it's because Hel and Eric still have so much more to do. So, really, it feels more like the end of a season. Now I just need to wait and see if there will be a second season or if it will get cancelled! 😁

I definitely recommend this book on the proviso that you are sensible and start at the beginning, otherwise you won't know what the "Hel" is going on.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hit the Ground Running
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eric Bakker has just received a cryptic message from his brother, Michael, about the disappearance of their parents. Now Michael is also missing, but who can Eric trust to help him with all of this. Michael says to trust no one. Eric is away at boarding school and hasn't made too many friends. What is he going to do to find his family?

Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Moon Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Hit the Ground Running had me hooked from the start. I read almost 1/2 the book on the first day. This is a faced paced novel that leaves you wanting more. Imagine your parents dumping you in a boarding school in Canada for no good reason and uprooting you from the home you've always known. Eric isn't sure why his family made the move to Canada or why he has to go to this school. He tries to stick to himself as much as possible. But when he needs help to find his family, who can he trust to help him. While contemplating his situation, he runs into Tess another student from the school, and she thinks she may have a way to help him. Can he trust her? Will he be able to find his brother and his parents before it's too late?

This is the first book in a trilogy. The end leaves you hanging so you will want to read the next book. I can't wait for it to be released.
Dead in the Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10)
Dead in the Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10)
Charlaine Harris | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
The title could just as well have been Much Ado About Nothing (I'm sure that nobody will ever confuse Harris' work with that of the Bard).

As the GoodReads synopsis suggests, there are plenty of subplots that should keep a long-time reader busy, but I found most of them boring.

Jason has settled down with a decent-seeming woman - that's good. And he actually seems to be willing to stand by his sister when she needs him, which is even better--without being asked, without so much as a reminder! Will wonders ever cease? (That one example says so much about why I prefer the books to the televised version.)

Otherwise, though, Eric's maker has shown up with a "brother" for Eric - one who is utterly dysfunctional. If this maker were as powerful and decisive as we are told he is, why hasn't he already taken care of business and put the "brother" down? Why bring him to Eric, as if he needs Eric's help to do the deed? That's completely backwards for this (or any other) vampire mythos. If a younger vampire couldn't handle one of his offspring, he might bring that one to his sire for help or judgment. Now, knowing Eric, and how very proud he is - his sire <b>must</b> know him very deeply, and must know that asking Eric for help will lose Eric's respect completely. How could he possibly lower himself to do that?

I'm more willing to believe that Sookie is having problems with her experiences during the Faerie "war" - why doesn't anybody else ever have PTSD in paranormal romance or urban fantasy books? Her "cure" comes WAY too easily, but it is a fantasy.

Some of a faerie relative's "explanation" for his behavior simply doesn't jive with what we've been told in prior books. Maybe the person in charge of continuity lost his or her job. Maybe Harris is tired of the series. Who knows?

Some of the little details left me befuddled. Bill dated who and now reveals he's her what? Why do crosses hurt vampires, but Bibles don't?

Maybe this book should be left for the diehard Sookie fans. I don't think I count as one.
The Nine: Zane
The Nine: Zane
Elle Arroyo | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story itself is very good, excellently paced and with a good group of characters.
THE NINE: ZANE is the first book in this series and tells of a family who are more than they appear. Zane, as eldest, is the one who houses demons inside him and has been chosen for a blood match with Sophia. Unfortunately, he loves her as a sister, whilst she loves another of his brothers. The man he wants, Eric, is pure human and has no idea what is going on.

I felt like Eric for most of the book! Zane has some serious mood swings and, yes, I do realise he's carrying demons around but still. I got whiplash a few times! Poor Eric!

In the first book of the series, you always find niggles and questions. I find the world settles down the further along you read. In this, I didn't think that the Anunnaki were sufficiently described. You get hints at WHAT they are, but not the WHO or the WHY. You also know that Zane doesn't have the best relationship with his father, but why? Also, just as an off-the-cuff comment, I thought the model on the cover looks WAAAY too young to be Zane OR Eric.

The story itself is very good, excellently paced and with a good group of characters. I thought the connection between Zane and Eric was slightly out of balance for most of the book, but the ending helped with that. This has definitely sparked my interest in the series and I will be reading more. I want to know more about their world and who inhabits their bodies. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus, #1)
The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus, #1)
Jonathan Stroud | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating

Have you ever read any Terry Pratchett? (incidentally, one of my favourite)

The author of this surely has; in particular putting me in mind somewhat of Eric.

This, however, is set in a (fictional) London, still on planet Earth, but where magic is real and practiced by the ruling (and not very pleasant) class of Magicians, who summon magical creatures to do their dirty work.

Which is where Bartimaeus comes in: a djinni summoned by the boy would-be Magician Nathaniel (aka John) and initially bound to do his will until he discovers his masters birth name.

The story is told roughly every 2 or 3 chapters about from the perspective of both Bartimaeus (in the first person, and with tons of footnotes) himself and from that of Nathaniel (third person, no footnotes), leading up to the final chapter which flits between the both of them in the one chapter alone.

The result, I found, was an enjoyable enough read (although you do want to smack one main character in particular around the head) - I may pick up parts 2 and 3 in the series, but would not be in any great rush to do so.