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The only person that would be capable of taming the wild Connor Dixon is Gabby Evans. Up by Five is the final story in the Just Everyday Heroes: Night Shift (previously Counting on Love series). In this final story Connor, who has been a part of the series from back in the Day Shift books (previously Bradford series), gets his moment in the spotlight. Once again Erin Nicholas hits it out of the park with Connor’s story. 5 stars from this Dixon fan!!

Connor is a man people love, to hate. He is cocky, annoying, brash, bossy, arrogant, dickish and totally runs his sisters lives. He is the only boy to his brood of sisters and he like being in charge of their lives, or so he thinks. He believes he walks on water at the very least. His sisters love him but think he needs to get his own life. He doesn’t think he needs to change at all, who doesn’t love him? He’s got girls falling all over him, his own bachelor pad, what more does a guy need? One apartment fire answers that question for him very quickly.

Gabrielle “Gabby” Evans doesn’t need anyone to help her do anything. Her brothers constantly underestimate her and she is tired of it. When her apartment burns down she has little options of what to next. Connor Dixon steps up and offers to share his apartment while she gets back on her feet. She doesn’t think she can do that, since she is wildly attracted to him, has been for a while now. But it would be safe, since he doesn’t seem the least bit attracted to her. Working together for so long, they have a familiarity, a friendship that has seen its fair share of drama, she knows this can work. Right?

Both Connor and Gabby have met their match in each other and right from the start anyone can see they were made for each other. Furniture testing aside, they play off each other’s strengths and weaknesses with ease. Sure there are some bumps in the road but hello that’s how relationships work.

The continuation of relationships from the previous novels, both day and night shift help add to the hysterical interactions splattered throughout the book. Connor and Mac could have their own stand up tour. I also loved the Candy Land (Medical version) in the book, which just shows again the camaraderie they all feel with each other. Connor is a man you love to hate but just love at the end of the day.

She’s the One is the 1st book in a 5 part Counting on Love series by Erin Nicholas. It is apparently a continuation of sorts to Nicholas’ Bradford series with some characters bridging the gap. I haven’t read the Bradford series as of yet but with some characters I’ve met I definitely will start asap.

Amanda Dixon is the oldest of her 3 sisters. Her brother Connor is their oldest sibling and has been a father figure in their lives since their Dad died unexpectedly years ago. She is the leader, the mother hen, the one she wants her sister to come to for advice, help or anything really. She doesn’t want to let her brother or sisters down, even as she has a secret in her past only Connor knows about. She knows she needs to have more of a life for herself but she can’t seem to stop. Can she find a way to work and have fun too?

Ryan Kaye is an all around manly man. He is a top-notch paramedic, football player and party guy. He knows the Dixon sisters as well as their brother Connor, his quarterback, and can honestly say he is interested. Emma has flirted with him in the past but they’ve never hooked up, not that he corrects the assumptions on that rumor.

Amanda assumes Ryan and her sister Emma have hooked up in the past, she envys Emma and how she handles herself. During a birthday party for her youngest sister, Olivia makes a birthday wish that Amanda and Emma trade places for one weekend. Each living life the way the other one would. That leads Amanda to make some wild choices for her weekend and she wants Ryan along for the ride. A motto of WWED (What Would Emma Do) makes her realize she had the wild child inside already.

Ryan can’t believe Amanda wants him to be a part of her wild weekend. He is definitely the man for the job. What he doesn’t count on is being the tame one during their night out. He realizes Amanda needs to get something out of her system and he doesn’t like the way she thinks about him and his past. He does the hardest thing by walking away. Can he make her realize she needs him for more than just one wild night?

They have quite a few obstacles to overcome, Connor, a car accident and missed signals but Amanda and Ryan are both strong characters who know what they want.

I read this book 2nd after reading book #2 first. I can honestly say that usually bugs the heck out of me. Not so with this author and this series. Each book is individual even though part of a series. You can easily read each on its own and know pretty much all there is to know to enjoy the story. I love that about books in a series. It doesn’t always help my OCD with reading order but it wasn’t unbearable.

I will most certainly read more from Erin Nicholas (and have already).

Shane Crick (5 KP) rated Haven, Kansas in Books

Dec 10, 2018  
Haven, Kansas
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A charismatic teenager, Lora Is a firm believer of the supernatural, and enjoys dabbling In witchcraft with her best friend Erin. When an unfortunate Incident occurs and a secret room Is discovered, Lora's world Is put Into a tailspin. Along with her pesky young brother Connor, their older Brother Luke, her boyfriend Ryan and her friend Spencer, they find themselves engulfed within a Haven mystery. A mysterious book holds the answers they need to stop the plight of an evil spirit, but something keeps hampering them from solving the clues. Enlisting the help of their parents, all parties work vigilantly to help stop this vengeful spirit before anymore deaths occur. The fate of Haven, Kansas lye within their hands.

Although geared toward a Young Adult crowd, many older adults will also enjoy this book. More so, If your a fan of horror and/or the supernatural. I found myself really enjoying this book as each chapter progressed and found It hard to put down at times. The storyline keeps you enthralled with wanting to know what will happen and It even has some surprise moments that you won't be expecting. This adds more depth to the story and pulls you In like a magnet wanting to know what the outcome will be. Grab a copy for yourself and find out what Haven, Kansas has In store.
It takes Two is the first book I’ve read by Erin Nicholas. It was also the first I read in the Counting on Love series, and I hate when I read a series out of order. The good news is that these books can stand on their own with minimal carrying over and lots of explanation to previous happenings.

Isabelle Dixon thought she could have a wild and crazy night before she has to settle herself into a new lifestyle because of a medical issue. She thinks Shane Kelley is the perfect candidate for the job. 6 months later she can’t believe she is still seeking him out and can’t seem to let go.

Shane Kelley has fallen fast and hard for Isabelle Dixon. He has asked her to move in with him multiple times and won’t take no for an answer. He thought their biggest obstacle was her brother Connor but it seems like they can’t get past something bigger. He won’t give up even when she seems to be keeping something really big from him.

Isabelle and Shane take a humorous road trip to find out if they can truly make it work between them. Each stop, on their way to a vacation house, has humor, angst, trials and truths. There may also be a little fun game included in their adventure, not known to all the parties involved.
I love the dynamic between the Dixon sisters, each with their own strengths and issues. Isabelle seems like a good mix of a party girl with a stay at home girl. She has to make some big choices with an unexpected health issue that hits her. She wants to hide herself away from the world but also loves being with Shane. Can she have it both ways and have them both happy?

Shane is the over the top, romantic boyfriend we all crave in life. Well maybe. He does go a little over the top sometimes but hey props for creativity. He loves Isabelle and wants to be with her all day every day. He knows she is hiding something from him but can he overcome the issues to make her happy for forever?

If you haven’t read anything by Erin Nicholas, what are you thinking? The Counting on Love series, which apparently is a semi continuation of the Bradfords series with brief appearances by some Bradford characters, is the perfect place to start. I haven’t read the Bradford series yet but I’m anxious to now since completing the Counting on Love series.
Equity (2016)
Equity (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Today’s movie for your consideration is from the same selection of films you’d find ‘The Boiler Room’ with only this one is far more ‘reality based’. A financial thriller depicting the cutthroat and take-no-prisoners world of investment banking and Wall Street. ‘Equity’ is directed by Meera Menon and written by Sarah Megan Thomas, Alysia Renier, and Amy Fox. The film centers on investment banker, Naomi Bishop who is attempting to put together one of the biggest deals in her life and Wall Street history after her first ‘failure’, while combating rivals in and outside her own company, across gender lines, and a federal investigation focusing on someone she knows intimately … Or so she thinks.


‘Equity’ appeared in competition at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival and stars Anna Gunn, Sarah Megan Thomas, Alysia Renier, James Purefoy, Sophie Von Haselburg, Margret Colin, Lee Tergesen, and Craig Bierko.


Investment banker Naomi Bishop (Anna Gunn) was one of the most successful investment bankers on Wall Street. She was unstoppable. Until she lost her first deal. Well into her career, she is striving to keep her reputation intact as a ‘rain maker’. The one in her company that secures the deal every time and brings record profits for her company in the process. In jeopardy of missing out on a promotion, she pours all her effort into her latest deal and in the process passes over her assistant Erin Manning (Sarah Megan Thomas) for a promotion. An eager young woman with a new husband and a baby on the way, Erin also strives to break through the ‘gender lines’ that still exist and make her on mark on Wall Street. At the same time Samantha (Alysia Reiner), an investigator who has recently made the jump from investigating federal drug cases to white collar crime, is looking into the activities of investment banker Micheal Connor (James Purefoy). Who may or may not be with the same firm as Naomi Bishop and also Naomi’s significant other . Bishop soon discovers the tangled web centering on this latest deal and soon realizes that not only might she have been betrayed, but it might have been from more than one of the people she ‘almost trusts’.


I found this film to be very much an example of the chaos in the world of finance as well as the personal lives that people in this field may or may not have and the dangers posed when you become friends or close to others in said field. A great deal, no pun intended, hinges on this world. The ‘average person’s’ future can be decided here and they have absolutely no control over it and all the while you have these folks bickering amongst themselves and scrambling for every dollar. Sometimes breaking the law in the process and sometimes with no regard as to whether it affects those closest to them. It is indeed chaos in a purer form with no ‘happy ending’ and no ‘bad ending’. It’s a multi-billion dollar game of musical chairs with chairs and people being removed.


The film is ‘realistic’. As far as what we, outside that world, see it as. It’s all a numbers game with the potential for great profit or great lose to them. Your friends and those you trust will turn on you like that. They care about the money and the next big deal. People just fall by the waist side. It’s a rather refreshing take on ‘greed and ambition’. I give this film 4 out of 5 stars.