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Becs (244 KP) rated Too Hot To Touch in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Too Hot To Touch
Too Hot To Touch
Lora Leigh | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Style: Extensive reading.

Point of View: Third person.

Difficulty Reading: Too Hot To Touch was a pretty easy read. I flew through the book but I also enjoy reading erotic romance books and tend to finish them in a short matter of time.

Promise: Lore Leigh promises a hot and steamy read that involves Breeds (like a shapeshifter) and humans falling in love (eventually…).

Quality: Too Hot To Touch was a quality read and in my book is worth a reread. Maybe not the type of book that you would reread over and over again as your go-to reread. But more of a when your craving a quick steamy romance.

Insights: So when I first received the book, I was like ‘Oh yea! This is going to be something like Twilight werewolves!!’ But as I started reading more and more I realized that it wasn’t. If that’s what you’re looking for, don’t read this. This is more of certain characters having an animal gene that doesn’t turn them into animals but gives them the ability to tap into the hunger and lust that animals get. Don’t get me wrong! It was still a very well written and catchy book. But if you’re not a fan of erotic romances, I would choose a different book.

Ah-Ha Moment: I mean any of the sexy scenes! But other than that not really a moment in the book that actually stood out to me.

Favorite Quote: “Every good girl loved a bad boy. It was a fact of life, a quirk of nature. Opposites attracts, and the badder the boy, the more attractive he was to that good girl who couldn’t help but be drawn to him.” – I mean it’s not wrong.

What will you gain: A well-written erotic romance that will leave you wanting to read Lora Leigh’s other novels.

Aesthetics: The cover was cool but didn’t really seem to go with the book. What I like most was how there were three novellas inside of the one book. Gave me a longer read instead of a simple, 100-page read.

“They were created, they weren’t born. They were trained, they weren’t raised. They were taught to kill, and now they’ll use their training to ensure their freedom.”
Taboo (Albright Sisters, #2.5)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had very high hopes for this book. While I wasn't disappointed, I shouldn't have set my standards so high just because of a pretty cover. The gorgeous cover is what intrigued me and I literally couldn't stop myself from buying it. I didn't know it was part of a series so I definitely am going to read the other three novels in the series. Although, I am so confused as to how they can consider this novel 2.5. What disappointed me about Taboo was the completely simplistic and unimaginative plot.

The rundown: boy and girl fall in love despite being in different classes of society. Because society would never accept their relationships, someone meddles, breaking them apart. One turns into a whore while the other turns into a crybaby and runs to another country. Said crybaby returns and, because he cannot get his once lover out of his head, he blackmails her into becoming his whore. Eventually, the truth comes out and the couple lives happily ever after.

Despite the uncreative plot, I really enjoyed this book. The erotic scenes were great except for one particular scene that just wasn't my taste. Despite that, they were expertly written. The only thing that actually bothered me was the fact that the female protagonist became a whore for the ton so that sex wouldn't be ruined for her. It was a major "Wtf?" moment and I almost threw the book across the room, especially since Michaels like to repeatedly bring this point up.

Overall, a pleasing erotic novel.
Everything Lavinia Kent writes is gold. From her characters to her story, it is easy to read the love and work she puts into every word. I am enamored with her complex characters who stories grab you from the very beginning and keep you hooked until the end. She has the ability to make her erotic scenes both intimate and tantalizing.

I have been waiting for Ruby’s story for a while now. As one of my favorite secondary characters, I was interested in story and HEA. Kent did not disappoint. A Very Ruby Christmas was everything I wanted and more, everything I didn’t know I was asking for. I couldn’t be happier with the story and how it ended.
Two Dukes are Better Than One
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am still on the fence about this one. On one hand, I enjoy historical menage a trois much more than contemporary ones. That being said, this one did have it’s faults. While I enjoyed the dynamic between the two male leads, I didn’t feel much chemistry between them and the heroine.The mysticism aspect also came off as convenient writing. It could have really added to the story but instead it just seemed to excuse why things were the way were without much explanation.

Overall, I did enjoy this read. The storyline was interesting enough and most of the erotic scenes are well written. I wasn’t wowed by it, but, knowing what I know now, I would have still read it.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Little Birds in TV

Oct 10, 2020  
Little Birds
Little Birds
2020 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Juno Temple (0 more)
Oddball drama
A rather odd, colourful drama series based on a collection of short erotic stories.
It's very flamboyant, with a mixture of weird and wonderful characters set in Tangier in the 50's. An American heiress travels to meet up with her English husband and encounters a hedonistic culture. Almost film noir like at times as well with plots covering some dark deeds as well.
Then main problem with a short 6 episode series as it feels directionless, probably not helped if it's based on several short stories. It doesn't seem to have a main plot running through it. What seems to be a major plot in one episode might be sidelined in the next. Just a bit strange overall.
A Lovely Paradox
A Lovely Paradox
Mahiraj Jadeja | 2022 | Contemporary, Erotica
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Raj dishonoured his family by going to America to chase a woman he has fallen in love with. Will he get his happily ever after?

First off, let me say yes, I know it says it's an erotic book. It really is. It certainly made me blush in parts, as well as wanting to say aww bless as he is so innocent. It just proves how different cultures work.

I read it as if Raj was talking, as that's how it seems to be written. Not sure if it was intentional but it works. It's not a story that I would read again but I enjoyed it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
Since this is the second in the series and emphasizes the story from the first part, I will include my review from that.

This is supposed to be a Snow White retelling but I really couldn’t see it. Regardless, it’s an erotic fairytale retelling which is right up my alley. It’s heavy on the erotica while still having enough plot to push the story forward. Normally I would be aggravated that this story is divided into three parts but I knew that going in and already had the rest of the story so I didn’t have to wait for the rest.

I love friends to lovers stories, especially childhood friends. I would like to say I enjoyed the premise to this story but honestly I thought it was stupid. I wish I had better word but there it is. Now you may be saying “but you knew that going in!” Honestly, I was hoping it was going to be a ménage. I guess it was just wishful thinking, because what I got instead was the age old “hey let me ask my male friend how to seduce this other male but wait my friend wants me” trope.

As the second in the series, Snow’s Submission continues with the heat and erotic scenes. However, I found myself disenchanted with Snow. I felt like she could have been a stronger lead and I wasn’t happy with how she handled the situation. At the same time, I understand the predicament she was in and furious with those who put her there.

That being said, I won’t ruin anything for you.
Nico's Heart
Nico's Heart
Dawn Sullivan | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved so much
I freakin loved this story... so ive been in a m/m mainly reading for fun world for the past year.. even my normal m/f havent held my attention but this story with its not overly erotic storyline has caught me and kept my attention like crazy.. i heard about this from another author friend and im so glad i decided to try it because this is truly amazing. i love the supernatural aspects.. i love that each story focuses on a specific couple but at the same time you get to see th eothers growing.. fighting.. finding.. loving.. etc.. its wonderful and im so glad i found this series.. i am currently reading every one i can get to as fast as i am able to lol
Wow... I didn't know what this story would be about when I started it. I am so glad I decided to do so anyways because it was amazing and wonderful. It was dark.. it was high.. it was low.. it was all over the place.. my feelings were invested so much that I kept reading until it was over and then I was left wishing I had more. It was wonderful. The writing was deep and complex and it was a roller coaster ride of emotions. The writing was erotic, thrilling and sensual.. it made you think... and made you wonder about what was happening next and there were a lot of surprises. Totally amazing story by Gavazzoni and I recommend it if you enjoy a dark, thrilling and suspensful story.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

The description for this anthology was rather vague, but it was listed under erotica so I went in with an open mind. I was not disappointed. I was treated with some of the most erotic stories I have read in a while. In fact, when I read it, I was in a dry spell with erotica. It seemed that everything I read was lackluster and boring. This duo spurred my love for erotica all over again. My only complaint is that I read through them so quickly that they ended way too soon. I wanted more. Since, I have read more stories from the author, and found them just as enjoyable.

I highly recommend these to anyone looking for a quickie (pun intended).