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The Beast Side: Living (and Dying) While Black in America
The Beast Side: Living (and Dying) While Black in America
Dwight Watkins | 2016 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A vivid account of survival and growth
Dwight Watkins, a seasoned writer and teacher with indisputable talent and skills, gives a detailed account of living on the 'Other Side' of Baltimore. The Beast Side is a socio-historical examination of black lives in the United States juxtaposed against his upbringing in the area. Through his account we discover a poignant and unadulterated story about the systematic way black lives don't matter and how the challenges for African Americans are much deeper and pervasive than people will admit.

What helps the arguments in Watkins's essays hit home are the sobering and enlightening slices of life and characters he weaves throughout. By the end, you're left with an advanced understanding of this man's love for the community that formed him, and how neighbourhoods such as East Baltimore fit into the national debate for social change. A must for those who care about social equality.
Loved the insight into the creation and muse behind the series and characters and the other perspectives given by authors and reviewers. (0 more)
A lot of the pronunciation (in the audio book version) wasn't correct and was a bit off putting. (0 more)
Good accompaniment to the series
Overall I think this is a great accompaniment to the shadowhunters series. It gives a view from the author on how she came to create and develop the series and its characters. The essays and reviews given by various authors provides an interesting view on how they perceived certain character behaviours, attributes or even just topics covered in the books.

In the audio book version however, a lot of words and names were (from my experiences and explanations within the series - from the books, film or show) are incorrect and that's a personal grate of mine so I would recommend only the physical copy if anyone else is slightly annoyed by things like this.



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