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American Reunion (2012)
American Reunion (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Romance
Cast (1 more)
Eugene levy
Taking my dad too see the film (0 more)
I remember when The movie came out taking my dad to seeing the movie difference is I got the film my dad did not anyway not the best American pie film but it has charm Eugene levy steals the movie for me this time always worth a rewatch
American Pie Presents: Book of Love (2009)
American Pie Presents: Book of Love (2009)
2009 | Comedy
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Past its best before date
After a very funny 5th and 6th films in the Pie franchise this takes a total nose dive. It looks so low budget, short on ideas and humour. With a new angle again with a new cast, except a small role for Eugene Levy as usual, it doesn't feel like the other films.

Awkwafina recommended Best in Show (2000) in Movies (curated)

Best in Show (2000)
Best in Show (2000)
2000 | Comedy

"It comes down to my specific brand of comedy – I really enjoy comedy that takes things to different places. Best in Show had already been out when I saw it, and it was the first improv sketch film I saw – it was my first mockumentary. And I noticed that the way that they do it is just so amazing. I was in love with Catherine O’Hara and Eugene Levy, who are amazing in A Mighty Wind as well. But Best in Show is so good because it was so evocative of a time and a place, this dog show that goes on, and I’d never seen, like I said, a mockumentary, I’d never seen improv."


Jackjack (877 KP) rated Schitt's Creek in TV

Oct 22, 2020  
Schitt's Creek
Schitt's Creek
2015 |
8.8 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Budget show but it works ridiculously well!!
So I first saw this program on tiktok a short video made me laugh so I thought why not I'll give it ago!

So when I first watched this I thought it was pretty low budget and the acting was shit. But as the episodes went on I got lost in it and I have binge watched it and almost finished. I feel the budget outlook gave it some sort of charm every episode makes me laugh and I have got lost in this story.

So this is about a rich family the roses who have unfortunately lost everything except for a small town the dad John Rose (Eugene Levy from American pie) brought for his son. This town is called schitt's creek and its about how this posh rich family go there with nothing and you see how they all grow up. It has the right amount of comedy and romance to keep me hooked. If your bored and looking for an easy watch, this is definitely the one. Good actors (took some getting used too) and a good story line. Keeps you laughing throughout.
American Pie (1999)
American Pie (1999)
1999 | Comedy
Comedy is a big hit in this film (0 more)
Acting (1 more)
Moderated porn for the teen
American pie is a film based a lot around some high school teenagers who love sex. Sex nudity and more sex. It centres mainly around jim, who is still a virgin and he has a ginormous crush on the foreign beauty Nadia. The film starts off where Nadia waits for Jim in his bedroom already getting naked. This is where the nudity begins, they may as well just slap a porn sticker on the film.

Putting the porn factor aside, the film does bring some pretty hearty laughs courtesy of Eugene levy and seann William Scott. They bring the laughs and giggles to the film and make it watchable.

A good thing I find about the film though is the twist that you start to see coming with Michelle. Now if you haven't seen the film I will not tell you anymore but you must watch it! Yes I have said it's mediocre and should been put as porn but this aside it is a watchable film that delivers on the comedic factor.

It's a good film for when your on your own with nothing to do, and in need of a laugh.. or maybe some alone time...

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Schitt's Creek in TV

Jan 22, 2021  
Schitt's Creek
Schitt's Creek
2015 |
8.8 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
This show was a little off my radar until it went ahead and won 9 Emmys earlier this year. I made a point of adding it to my watchlist, but remained largely unconvinced that it was going to be for me. Not based on anything solid, I just had a feeling.

One season in and I have to admit I find it very easy to watch (often in the background to doing something else) but am still a little on the fence. I can go an entire episode without raising a smile, but there have also been several moments that have had me rolling off my chair. My new instinct about it is that I am gonna need a lot more than the first season under my belt before I develop a true relationship with it. Maybe that was also the thinking of the Emmys, who mostly ignored it for 5 years and then threw everything at in retrospect once they realised it was ending and how fond they had become of it.

Eugene Levy and Maureen O’Hara, as the disfunctuonal parents of two grown up brats forced to slum it in a bumsville town once the family business goes bust, demonstrate terrific comic understanding and timing after years of practice in cringe comedy movies such as Best In Show. The fly on the wall style is not quite The Office, or Parks and Rec, but closest to Arrested Development – which I also struggled with at first, until the joke sunk in.

O’Hara especially, always teetering on the edge of wasted is a joy to watch; just naturally amusing and worth this kind of attention after a long and distinguished career. The kids also have their moments, the pan-sexual man-child David, played by Dan Levy, and the shallow vacuum that is Alexis, played by Annie Murphy, are deliberately annoying at first, but do become strangely endearing over time, a sign of great writing. Levy snr. is more the straight guy in the main, wallowing in pathos and his own ineffectual weaknesses as a father and husband, but also has some great moments here and there.

At this point I can’t honestly say if I will continue to the end, I’m just not that attached to it to face 5 more seasons for sure, but I may dip in from time to time. I do think it is worth a bigger audience than it already has stateside, I’m just not convinced a British / European audience really need it at this point in time, and if it has a time it is probably now or never, as its reference points are very of the moment, 2015-2020, before 2020 became something else entirely.
Finding Dory (2016)
Finding Dory (2016)
2016 | Animation
Finding Dory taught me this - Pixar are a company who can sell you the same film twice, and then annoyingly get away with it by making said film pretty damn good.

There is no denying that during the first 15 minutes, all I could think about was how everything unfolding was strikingly similar to Finding Nemo, almost as if they were making little effort to hide the fact.
By the time the opening act is over, and the main plot is set in motion, I was successfully drawn in and had forgotten my initial reservations.

The main factor in this is the great cast of characters. This time around, Dory takes centre stage, on a journey to find her parents after years of being separated. The film flits between the main narrative, and (ridiculously adorable) flashbacks to when Dory was a child. We get to see a fair number of new characters, most notably Hank, a suitably grumpy octopus whose irritable personality works great alongside the oblivious nature of Dory. The two of them provide a steady stream of humour. Also Bailey, a beluga whale has a running gag that never once gets old. It's all very well crafted and genuinely funny.
Of course, Nemo and Marlin return from the first film, and although they have a big part to play, Finding Dory resists the urge to turn the narrative too much much towards them, something that would have been easy to do considering the success of Finding Nemo.
There's also a fantastic voice cast attached, including Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Kaitlin Olson, Ty Burrell, Diane Keaton, Idris Elba, Eugene Levy (absolute legend), Dominic West, Bill Hader - even Sigourney Weaver appears, in one of my favourite running jokes of the film.

The animation is predictably stunning, managing to appeal to both younger and older audiences, and the narrative easily weaves between witty humour, and emotional gut punches - this is Pixar after all.

Finding Dory is a sequel that can stand proudly by it's terrific predecessor.
American Pie (1999)
American Pie (1999)
1999 | Comedy
Story: A quest for four boys to lose their virginity before they go onto college. A comedy about growing up through the awkward high school years. It also shows how important friends can be. A wonderful high school comedy that all will love. (9/10)

Cast: Jason Biggs as Jim – The guy who has no luck what so ever, be it caught watching adult channels by his parents or a web cam incident or some alone time with an apple pie. A very likeable character that you feel through his misfortunes. Star Performance (9/10)

Thomas Ian Nicholas as Kevin – He creates the pact to help himself and his friends. Basically he is the disappointed boyfriend of Vicki (Reid) after his bad timing on words. Slightly selfish character as the pact seems to be more about him. (8/10)


Seann William Scott as Stifler – The loud mouth friend who usually host the parties. Always finds ways to put people down. A very likeable unlikeable character. (9/10)


Eddie Kaye Thomas as Finch – The man of mystery always tries something outside the box to get the attention of the girls. A more cultured character that is the end is just the same as the rest. (8/10)


Chris Klein as Oz – The jock star player on the lacrosse team. Who takes a very different approach to finding a girl; he joins the choir and shows of his feelings. Great character changing role (9/10)


Eugene Levy as Jim’s Dad – You never learn his first name, but as he is Jim’s Dad you only ever know him as this. Giving his son the awkward conversations, Brilliant Awkward father role. Favourite Character (9/10)


Comedy: A comedy that is outrageous and is a laugh all the way through (10/10)

Music: Great sound track plus a cameo from Blink 182 (10/10)

Best Part: Jim’s Dads speeches are the highlight of the film

Similar Too: Road Trip, Superbad

Overall: One of the best comedies of the generation and also has some very good moments that are very real moments you will have or going to experience in life. It’s one which everyone will enjoy and now looking back on that time in life it was very funny to see how they acted and comparing it to how I acted.
American Reunion (2012)
American Reunion (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Romance
Alot of time has passed since 1999, and in that time there have been a long line of spin off American Pie films, if you don’t count the sequel and American Pie: The Wedding. Of those films only Jim’s Dad (Eugene Levy) has starred in every single one, so it was brilliant to see all the old gang back together again, and how we have missed them all.

The gang is back together – but was it worth it?
Grown up and with adult lives, they head back to where it all began for a high school reunion which of course involves a whole heap of laughter, and there is plenty of that.

Jim and Michelle are now married with a small child and stuck in a rut of a no sex marriage, Oz now a hot shot sports reporter has trouble controlling his high maintenance girlfriend. Kevin is seemingly happy as a house husband and Finch is still very much the enigma of the group, and then of course there’s Stifler, probably the only character not to have changed at all.

There are some outrageous moments, right from the opening scene, even giving a hint of what is going to happen would suck any laughter out of you so for that I am not going to reveal too much. Let’s just say it is once again Jim who pretty much steals the show.

The group start to look at themselves and realise that they are very much all grown up with things never able to be the same again, as Jim harshly points out to Stifler in one scene.

There is through all the hilarity some touching moments, in particularly featuring Jim’s Dad who is getting over the passing of his wife and takes some advice from Jim himself to get back onto the dating horse. This of course results in some more outlandish behaviour at another Stifler party.

The American Pie franchise is very much an icon of teenage angst, at least for those films that matter to us. I doubt anyone would have sat through any of the American Pie Presents films.

American Reunion manages to get the whole cast back together, even if they are only on screen for a brief few minutes its like seeing an old friend once again. It’s almost as if we can resonate with every character and are pleased that their lives have turned out or are going to turn out for the better.

The film climaxes with a killer piece of revenge courtesy of Stifler, one which in the back of our minds we knew was coming and involves a well cast cameo.

It might not be everyone’s chosen comedy of 2012, but its sure as hell going to be up there!
American Pie 2 (2001)
American Pie 2 (2001)
2001 | Comedy
6.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: With the boys back together after their first year at college, they spend the summer in a Lake house partying every night. Showing the next step each character has or in some cases has not taken. The story reflects real life, which I think adds something to make this the best in the series. (9/10)

Cast: Jason Biggs as Jim –The loveable loser is back getting himself into trouble again. Starting when his parents walk in on him again, there is also an unfortunate event with some glue. Hasn’t really grown up as much as he would have liked to and is still waiting for a chance with Nadia (Elizabeth). (9/10)

Thomas Ian Nicholas as Kevin – Again comes up with the plan that involves everyone going to the lake for the summer. Only problem is he is still waiting for Vicki (Reid) and hasn’t taken the next step, which he thought he would have done. Sort of the more serious character of the group makes him less interesting on the comedy side of the story. (8/10)


Seann William Scott as Stifler – Loud, Rude, Outrageous but we love him, Hasn’t grown up at all Still putting everyone down with one liners and has a new grudge with Finch after the Prom the year before. Stifler has become one of the funniest characters ever created. Star Performance (9/10)


Eddie Kaye Thomas as Finch – More cultured more grown up and wiser still waiting for his goddess Stifler’s Mum. Doing Tantra all the way through adds some very comical moments for him. (8/10)


Chris Klein as Oz – With his girlfriend Heather (Suvari) going away to Europe for the summer Oz joins the guys. The most grown up of the guys now. (8/10)


Eugene Levy as Jim’s Dad –Only because of his speeches are the funniest thing in the whole film because they are always in the most awkward moments. Favourite Character (9/10)


Comedy: Another great instalment of comedy though I think the story is better than the original I feel the overall comedy isn’t as funny but still very funny as the scenarios created are way funnier. (9/10)


Music: Even better soundtrack than the original (10/10)


Suggestion: Out of all the American Pie films this is the one I would suggest to anyone to watch as I feel it is the best. (10/10)


Best Part: The lesbian radio scene


Favourite Quote: Jim’s Dad ‘I think I bring a new meaning to the word cool’


Similar Too: Old School, Road Trip


Overall: With the better story moments and some very funny moments, this is another must watch comedy that will leave you in stitches once it’s all over. With the best moments of life after college before you start going into the big world.