The Fall of the Iron Curtain and the Culture of Europe
Katalin Bogyay and Peter I. Barta
The end of communism in Europe has tended to be discussed mainly in the context of political science...

Death on the Installment Plan
Death on the Installment Plan is a companion volume to Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line's earlier novel,...

Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: 2017: Volume 2: Multiple Approaches Beyond Quotas
Cathrine Seierstad, Patricia Gabaldon and Heike Mensi-Klarbach
This edited collection provides a structured and in-depth analysis of the current use of multiple...

Agricultural Markets Instability: Revisiting the Recent Food Crises
Alberto Garrido, Bernhard Brummer, Robert M'Barek and Miranda P.M. Meuwissen
Since the financial and food price crises of 2007, market instability has been a topic of major...

Staging the Ottoman Turk: British Drama, 16561792
In the wake of the fear that gripped Europe after the fall of Constantinople (1453), the English...

Early Modern Diplomacy, Theatre and Soft Power: The Making of Peace: 2016
This book explores the secret relations between theatre and diplomacy from the Tudors to the Treaty...

How Nations Innovate: The Political Economy of Technological Innovation in Affluent Capitalist Economies
How Nations Innovate compares how affluent capitalist economies differ in their patterns of...
The History of European Jazz: The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context
The increased circulation of people and ideas within Europe is not matched by an awareness of a...

James Joyce in Context
This collection of original, cohesive and concise essays charts the vital contextual backgrounds to...

The Illustrated Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (retitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and...