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Dillon Jacoby-Rankin (202 KP) created a poll
Jan 18, 2020

Dillon Jacoby-Rankin (202 KP) created a post in Game Discovery and New Releases
Jan 19, 2020

Imogen SB (4507 KP) rated Everdell in Tabletop Games
Mar 19, 2019
'Everdell is, simply put, GREAT. From top to bottom, the components, the artwork, the gameplay--everything about this game works. Get it. Play it. You'll love it. I know I do!'
Jeremiah Isley, Theology of games
Jeremiah Isley, Theology of games

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Everdell in Tabletop Games
Jun 12, 2019
I have seen so many people say this game is amazing. So I threw the Collector’s Edition on my wish list for my birthday (in October if you wanted to know) and Christmas. It’s a pricey game, so I understood not receiving it. But then after Christmas I visited my FLGS Games +1 in Davenport, IA, and there it was. Retail version, but dagnabbit, I needed it. So I got it. And played it. Holy smokes was I blown away. Guys, the squishy berries are legit. This is Everdell.
As in all my reviews I am not going to explain the entire game. There are videos for that. There are digital scans of the rulebook for that. I’m going to give you my impressions and opinions on the games I played.
Disclaimer: We are reviewing the vanilla Everdell retail edition. We do not have plans to review the Collector’s Edition, but if we get our paws on a copy, we will update this review with its information. Same goes for the Pearlbrook expansion. -T
So I am going to start off with the negatives: the font on the cards. I understand why they made the font so small – they wanted to highlight as much of the gorgeous art as possible. So everything gets shoved to the sides of the cards and subsequently gets smushed in the process. That makes for a very difficult time trying to read the cards and the abilities and the chaining card names. That certainly put a hamper on Bryan’s experience with the game, and that’s a big big reason he has it at a 3. It’s near unplayable for him for that matter. I told him to put on his big-boy glasses, but, you know, younger brothers and all…
However, the gameplay is where it’s at with this one. The worker placement is excellent, with great choices every turn, even when Laura monopolizes the pebble space. The chaining cards a la 7 Wonders is familiar and they make sense – the Innkeeper goes with the Inn, etc. The gameplay is fluid and after a round or two we all “got it” and the game became quite fun. The components are incredible – even with the retail version we played we got those awesome little squishy berries. The theme is so stinkin cute with all the woodland creatures, and paired with the incredible art and components I was mesmerized. The game did not wear out its welcome, nor was it too quick. It was just right. I will definitely be pulling this one out much much more over the year, and I hope to convince Bryan and Josh that it’s better than their first play.
We at Purple Phoenix Games are all over the place with this one, awarding it a score of 18 / 24.
As in all my reviews I am not going to explain the entire game. There are videos for that. There are digital scans of the rulebook for that. I’m going to give you my impressions and opinions on the games I played.
Disclaimer: We are reviewing the vanilla Everdell retail edition. We do not have plans to review the Collector’s Edition, but if we get our paws on a copy, we will update this review with its information. Same goes for the Pearlbrook expansion. -T
So I am going to start off with the negatives: the font on the cards. I understand why they made the font so small – they wanted to highlight as much of the gorgeous art as possible. So everything gets shoved to the sides of the cards and subsequently gets smushed in the process. That makes for a very difficult time trying to read the cards and the abilities and the chaining card names. That certainly put a hamper on Bryan’s experience with the game, and that’s a big big reason he has it at a 3. It’s near unplayable for him for that matter. I told him to put on his big-boy glasses, but, you know, younger brothers and all…
However, the gameplay is where it’s at with this one. The worker placement is excellent, with great choices every turn, even when Laura monopolizes the pebble space. The chaining cards a la 7 Wonders is familiar and they make sense – the Innkeeper goes with the Inn, etc. The gameplay is fluid and after a round or two we all “got it” and the game became quite fun. The components are incredible – even with the retail version we played we got those awesome little squishy berries. The theme is so stinkin cute with all the woodland creatures, and paired with the incredible art and components I was mesmerized. The game did not wear out its welcome, nor was it too quick. It was just right. I will definitely be pulling this one out much much more over the year, and I hope to convince Bryan and Josh that it’s better than their first play.
We at Purple Phoenix Games are all over the place with this one, awarding it a score of 18 / 24.

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated My Little Scythe in Tabletop Games
Jun 12, 2019
OMG look at the cute cover! Ok, the title is a little strange to those who are oblivious to its origin, but I knew the game to be a scaled down version of Scythe. This version started as a fan-made revision by a dad and his young daughter to make Scythe more playable for them. It’s basically about curating friendship through apple picking, delivering gems, baking pies, and trying to just be heckin good bois. My Little Scythe. Just don’t play it on My Little Game Table. It’s definitely a table hog, but it’s a glorious table hog.
Accost me later, but I have never played Scythe. I have played lots of area control and pick-up-and-deliver games. I have just now oversimplified an already mechanics-simple game. Without explaining the entire rulebook here, you are these cute little animal “seekers” who are buzzing around the board collecting apples and gems to deliver to the castle, upgrading your movement or “make” abilities, completing quests on the board, improving friendship, baking pies, or even winning pie fights against your opponents! Each of these accomplishments can equal trophies for your team and the first to four trophies triggers the end game.
Ok the good stuff. Everything. I absolutely love this one. The board is BIG, beautiful, colorful, and it makes me happy just looking at it. The theme is so easy to love, and the goals are clear. The game play couldn’t be simpler in what you do on your turn, and the components are absolutely top notch. It certainly doesn’t overstay its welcome on the table, and I want to keep playing it over and over. Those are signs of a GREAT game to me.
So, the bad. Well, I don’t really have anything negative to say about this at all. At least not that is the game’s fault. I have different strategies I still want to try in the game, but that keeps me playing more and that is actually a positive trait. Ok ok fine, I will give it a couple negatives, but they are just MY opinion based on what I enjoy. Can we borrow the idea of the berry component from Everdell to make the apples here cuter and squishy? Can we linen finish the cards? Can we make the Quest tokens bakelite or acrylic or something other than cardboard? Can the trophies be pre-painted minis of trophies? Can the seeker minis be pre-painted? Yeah sure. All that could easily be added to this game. But be prepared for another $50 added to the price (maybe, idk, I’m not a component manufacturer. Jamey, what’s the cost to bling this out?).
I digress, but the game is super solid. If you see it in the wild and you do not yet own it, pick it up. You will certainly thank me later. Let’s just propel this one into my Top 10 Games of All Time. Looks like I am not alone as Purple Phoenix Games gives this lovely adventure a 22 / 24.
Accost me later, but I have never played Scythe. I have played lots of area control and pick-up-and-deliver games. I have just now oversimplified an already mechanics-simple game. Without explaining the entire rulebook here, you are these cute little animal “seekers” who are buzzing around the board collecting apples and gems to deliver to the castle, upgrading your movement or “make” abilities, completing quests on the board, improving friendship, baking pies, or even winning pie fights against your opponents! Each of these accomplishments can equal trophies for your team and the first to four trophies triggers the end game.
Ok the good stuff. Everything. I absolutely love this one. The board is BIG, beautiful, colorful, and it makes me happy just looking at it. The theme is so easy to love, and the goals are clear. The game play couldn’t be simpler in what you do on your turn, and the components are absolutely top notch. It certainly doesn’t overstay its welcome on the table, and I want to keep playing it over and over. Those are signs of a GREAT game to me.
So, the bad. Well, I don’t really have anything negative to say about this at all. At least not that is the game’s fault. I have different strategies I still want to try in the game, but that keeps me playing more and that is actually a positive trait. Ok ok fine, I will give it a couple negatives, but they are just MY opinion based on what I enjoy. Can we borrow the idea of the berry component from Everdell to make the apples here cuter and squishy? Can we linen finish the cards? Can we make the Quest tokens bakelite or acrylic or something other than cardboard? Can the trophies be pre-painted minis of trophies? Can the seeker minis be pre-painted? Yeah sure. All that could easily be added to this game. But be prepared for another $50 added to the price (maybe, idk, I’m not a component manufacturer. Jamey, what’s the cost to bling this out?).
I digress, but the game is super solid. If you see it in the wild and you do not yet own it, pick it up. You will certainly thank me later. Let’s just propel this one into my Top 10 Games of All Time. Looks like I am not alone as Purple Phoenix Games gives this lovely adventure a 22 / 24.

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Spirits of the Wild in Tabletop Games
Aug 15, 2019
You know how some games just look… delicious? Take Azul’s tiles that remind us of a yummy burst of sugary goodness. Or all the cutie little bits in Everdell. Well, the components in this game are really stellar and are just a joy to play with. Yes, I am jumping the gun with the formula I typically use for my reviews, but just scroll down for a sec and check out the play photo. Just those juicy little stones, the awesome bowl, the nice little coyote mini. They’re great! Anyway, having great components doesn’t necessarily mean that the game will be good. Add to that the fact that I picked this up from Target AND it’s published by Mattel and I really wasn’t expecting much from Spirits of the Wild. I’ll admit I was wrong. This is a great game. This is why –
This is a game about resource management, set collection and a hint of take that. The winner of the game is the player who can most efficiently use the stones they choose from the bowl during the game by assigning them to areas on their player mat. Each area scores points differently, and the game ends at the end of the player’s turn once at least five clear stones have left the provided bag. Let me explain.
DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy from the publisher directly, from Target, or from your FLGS. -T
To setup the game, place all the stones in the bag. Place the bowl in the middle of the players, and set aside the coyote mini. Place the two stacks of Spirit Cards in the middle of the table. Each player receives a play mat and the same set of cards that indicates an action that can be taken on a turn. Draw out four stones from the bag and place them in the bowl. You are ready to begin.
On a player’s turn, they choose a face up card from the collection in front of them which tells them what to do on their turn. Such actions include take a stone, take two stones, or place some stones in the bowl and take one. Once an action card has been chosen and followed, the player flips it over and it cannot be used on the next turn. One card that can be used at any time instructs the player to take a Spirit Card action and refresh their cards by flipping them all face-up. The cards drive the actions to be made throughout the game, but the game really hinges on the stones and the coyote.
When you take actions to choose stones from the bowl you then have to assign those stones to spots on your play mat. These areas score differently and deciding which stones to grab and where to place them can be agonizing, but only because you can see what your opponent is doing and you really need to set yourself up to score points before the game suddenly has to end and you are stuck unfinished and will be unscoring. Unscoring? You’re welcome, Webster’s Dictionary. The coyote, when placed on an opponent’s play mat prevents stones from being added to that area and can really throw an ACME wrench into your plans. So determining when to move the coyote from your mat onto your opponent’s may really be the difference between sweet, tasty victory and bitter, yucky defeat. Again, play continues until the end of the turn when the fifth clear stone leaves the bag. Oh those clear ones? When placed, you can no longer place stones in that area but will also double that area’s score at the end of the game. So there’s quite a bit going on in your head throughout the game. Delicious!
Components. Well, I kinda already professed my love for them in the intro, so I’ll do it again here. They are wonderful components! I want to just be fidgeting with them all the time.
So is this good? Verily!! The constant struggle between deciding your action card based on the stones in the bowl or refreshing your cards or just going for broke and taking a chance on unscoring an area because there are already three clear stones out but you know at any time three more can make an appearance and end the game is just so satisfying. The components are amazing, the game play is fast and furious (not a sponsor), and you just want to play it again right afterward. Those are my favorite kind of games. If this all sounds like your kind of game, definitely check it out. You won’t be disappointed. I believe anyone would like this one. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an enthusiastic, but temptation-to-eat-the-stones-resisting 10 / 12.
This is a game about resource management, set collection and a hint of take that. The winner of the game is the player who can most efficiently use the stones they choose from the bowl during the game by assigning them to areas on their player mat. Each area scores points differently, and the game ends at the end of the player’s turn once at least five clear stones have left the provided bag. Let me explain.
DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rule book, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy from the publisher directly, from Target, or from your FLGS. -T
To setup the game, place all the stones in the bag. Place the bowl in the middle of the players, and set aside the coyote mini. Place the two stacks of Spirit Cards in the middle of the table. Each player receives a play mat and the same set of cards that indicates an action that can be taken on a turn. Draw out four stones from the bag and place them in the bowl. You are ready to begin.
On a player’s turn, they choose a face up card from the collection in front of them which tells them what to do on their turn. Such actions include take a stone, take two stones, or place some stones in the bowl and take one. Once an action card has been chosen and followed, the player flips it over and it cannot be used on the next turn. One card that can be used at any time instructs the player to take a Spirit Card action and refresh their cards by flipping them all face-up. The cards drive the actions to be made throughout the game, but the game really hinges on the stones and the coyote.
When you take actions to choose stones from the bowl you then have to assign those stones to spots on your play mat. These areas score differently and deciding which stones to grab and where to place them can be agonizing, but only because you can see what your opponent is doing and you really need to set yourself up to score points before the game suddenly has to end and you are stuck unfinished and will be unscoring. Unscoring? You’re welcome, Webster’s Dictionary. The coyote, when placed on an opponent’s play mat prevents stones from being added to that area and can really throw an ACME wrench into your plans. So determining when to move the coyote from your mat onto your opponent’s may really be the difference between sweet, tasty victory and bitter, yucky defeat. Again, play continues until the end of the turn when the fifth clear stone leaves the bag. Oh those clear ones? When placed, you can no longer place stones in that area but will also double that area’s score at the end of the game. So there’s quite a bit going on in your head throughout the game. Delicious!
Components. Well, I kinda already professed my love for them in the intro, so I’ll do it again here. They are wonderful components! I want to just be fidgeting with them all the time.
So is this good? Verily!! The constant struggle between deciding your action card based on the stones in the bowl or refreshing your cards or just going for broke and taking a chance on unscoring an area because there are already three clear stones out but you know at any time three more can make an appearance and end the game is just so satisfying. The components are amazing, the game play is fast and furious (not a sponsor), and you just want to play it again right afterward. Those are my favorite kind of games. If this all sounds like your kind of game, definitely check it out. You won’t be disappointed. I believe anyone would like this one. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one an enthusiastic, but temptation-to-eat-the-stones-resisting 10 / 12.

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Cytress in Tabletop Games
May 13, 2022
You ever play a game where you feel completely overwhelmed at first, but then slowly figure everything out just to fall in love with it? I really hadn’t… until Cytress. This thing is beastly, huge, and like 4 main games crammed into one experience and one box. I really wasn’t planning on letting on to my final thoughts so quickly, but here we are.
So like I mentioned, this game is an utter beast. I mean this lovingly, but for many different purposes. First, it will take some time to fully read the rulebook and understand everything mentioned within. Secondly, it will take way more time than you think to setup for the first game. Just stick with it – I promise it is worth it. Thirdly, players who are familiar with the game have a giant advantage over those who do not, so my immediate suggestion is to make a commitment to play with the same players as often as possible.
DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T
Typically in my reviews I like to explain the setup and paraphrase the rules to give a great idea of how the game looks and plays. This time, however, I just don’t think I can paraphrase the rules well enough to do anything justice. That said, I will provide a link to the designer explaining the game and provide photos and my final thoughts at the end as normal.
I should get back to normal format now.
Components. Just as a reminder, we were sent a preview copy of the game. That said, we were sent a box just FULL of components. There are about a billion cards of different types and sizes, translucent tracking cubes, tunnel/tube pieces, standees, boards, chits, and even DeLorean-looking ships. Everything in my box was really great quality, especially for a prototype preview copy. It is difficult to tell from the Kickstarter campaign page what the final game will look like (with final components and all), but even if it came to backers the same quality as what I was forwarded, I imagine backers would be decently satisfied.
Okay, I know I did not explain the game at all, but if you watched the video, you will understand why. Essentially, players are trying to score the most points and get their team into the floating city of Stratos. They accomplish this by building tall tubes on the main board. Influence in each subsection (or neighborhood I guess) on the main board allows players to build these tubes, and completing missions for different crime bosses allows influence over the different neighborhoods. Throughout the game players are able to leverage their resources at several locations, and even increase effectiveness of their characters through different means of leveling up. It’s a great combination of mechanics and design choices that Laura would more than likely give it a chef’s kiss.
I will always have extreme fondness for games that allow me to level up my character. Years and years of playing RPGs both digitally and tabletopally have fed my love of character development. Cytress allows me to indulge that part of my gaming preferences and really create characters that are interesting for me to play. I mean, if I am playing a character in a game, I would prefer to have some say in how they are built. Immediately Cytress scores big points from me for this factor alone.
Playing a game on different levels is also a really big enjoyment factor for me. I mean this as being able to concentrate my turns to specific but different areas of the board/game, but also that incredible 3D Stratos board creation is simply divine. I really appreciate when designers think in that third dimension and are able to create meaningful design choices to incorporate it (like in Everdell), instead of just throwing a random element for coolness factor. Playing my cards and pushing my cubes to climb ever higher is not only something I enjoy in games, but also in life… if that can be a metaphor for life.
I really could write for hours on what I love about Cytress, but I don’t want to beleaguer the point. This is a game that, if it sounds even remotely interesting to you, should be backed immediately. The campaign ends May 24 so you have some time still, but don’t wait. You certainly don’t want it to slip away. I have had such a blast with Cytress with all the play counts, and I cannot decide which I like best, so I won’t decide – it is great with all play counts! Purple Phoenix Games enthusiastically recommends Cytress to any and all lovers of games. The theme is amazing, presentation is through the roof (almost literally), and the gameplay is surprisingly interesting from a first-time designer. You can thank me for enticing you to back it when you see me at the next convention by buying me a delicious beverage. Then we can play a game of Cytress and school some randos.
So like I mentioned, this game is an utter beast. I mean this lovingly, but for many different purposes. First, it will take some time to fully read the rulebook and understand everything mentioned within. Secondly, it will take way more time than you think to setup for the first game. Just stick with it – I promise it is worth it. Thirdly, players who are familiar with the game have a giant advantage over those who do not, so my immediate suggestion is to make a commitment to play with the same players as often as possible.
DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know for sure if the final components will be any different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T
Typically in my reviews I like to explain the setup and paraphrase the rules to give a great idea of how the game looks and plays. This time, however, I just don’t think I can paraphrase the rules well enough to do anything justice. That said, I will provide a link to the designer explaining the game and provide photos and my final thoughts at the end as normal.
I should get back to normal format now.
Components. Just as a reminder, we were sent a preview copy of the game. That said, we were sent a box just FULL of components. There are about a billion cards of different types and sizes, translucent tracking cubes, tunnel/tube pieces, standees, boards, chits, and even DeLorean-looking ships. Everything in my box was really great quality, especially for a prototype preview copy. It is difficult to tell from the Kickstarter campaign page what the final game will look like (with final components and all), but even if it came to backers the same quality as what I was forwarded, I imagine backers would be decently satisfied.
Okay, I know I did not explain the game at all, but if you watched the video, you will understand why. Essentially, players are trying to score the most points and get their team into the floating city of Stratos. They accomplish this by building tall tubes on the main board. Influence in each subsection (or neighborhood I guess) on the main board allows players to build these tubes, and completing missions for different crime bosses allows influence over the different neighborhoods. Throughout the game players are able to leverage their resources at several locations, and even increase effectiveness of their characters through different means of leveling up. It’s a great combination of mechanics and design choices that Laura would more than likely give it a chef’s kiss.
I will always have extreme fondness for games that allow me to level up my character. Years and years of playing RPGs both digitally and tabletopally have fed my love of character development. Cytress allows me to indulge that part of my gaming preferences and really create characters that are interesting for me to play. I mean, if I am playing a character in a game, I would prefer to have some say in how they are built. Immediately Cytress scores big points from me for this factor alone.
Playing a game on different levels is also a really big enjoyment factor for me. I mean this as being able to concentrate my turns to specific but different areas of the board/game, but also that incredible 3D Stratos board creation is simply divine. I really appreciate when designers think in that third dimension and are able to create meaningful design choices to incorporate it (like in Everdell), instead of just throwing a random element for coolness factor. Playing my cards and pushing my cubes to climb ever higher is not only something I enjoy in games, but also in life… if that can be a metaphor for life.
I really could write for hours on what I love about Cytress, but I don’t want to beleaguer the point. This is a game that, if it sounds even remotely interesting to you, should be backed immediately. The campaign ends May 24 so you have some time still, but don’t wait. You certainly don’t want it to slip away. I have had such a blast with Cytress with all the play counts, and I cannot decide which I like best, so I won’t decide – it is great with all play counts! Purple Phoenix Games enthusiastically recommends Cytress to any and all lovers of games. The theme is amazing, presentation is through the roof (almost literally), and the gameplay is surprisingly interesting from a first-time designer. You can thank me for enticing you to back it when you see me at the next convention by buying me a delicious beverage. Then we can play a game of Cytress and school some randos.