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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Fun...with heart
Doctor Strange is my favorite Marvel character. This comes from my college days when one of my roommates had a stack of Dr. Strange comics and I tore through them - one of the few Marvel comics that I have actually read. So I was thrilled to find out that Sam Raimi was coming back (was he ever gone?) to direct the 2nd solo Dr. Strange film, DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.

And it does not disappoint for while DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS is not quite as “mad” as one would expect by the build up to this film, it delivers solid action by actors playing characters that are easy to root for (or root against) all done with a wink in the eye and a focus on Marvel’s secret weapon…relationships and heart.

You will find no brooding “dark knights” in this one.

Sprightly Directed by Sam Raimi (THE EVIL DEAD), Multiverse (as I will call it from here on out) finds our titular hero (Benedict Cumberbatch) connecting with - and working to save - a multiverse hopping heroine in the form of America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) from an evil that wishes to drain her of her multiverse hopping powers.

What happens next is a multiverse hopping action/adventure/horror/chase film that really shows off the cinematic sensibilities of Director Raimi who’s mark is all over this film…for the better. Multiverse swerves really close to being a horror film, but, fortunately for it’s box office fortunes, remains firmly in the action/adventure/superhero genre. Only a director like Raimi can ride this fine line as well as he has and it works for this film.

Cumberbatch, of course, is terrific as Doctor Stephen Strange and he slides, comfortably, back into the cloak and sling-ring. Benedict Wong (Wong - The Sorcerer Supreme), Rachel McAdams (Dr. Christine Palmer) and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Baron Mordo) all reprise their characters from the first film and they all seem re-energized in their roles for this one while Xochitl Gomez makes a winning debut as America Chavez.

But, make no mistake, the personae that steals this film is Elizabeth Olson as the grieving Wanda Maximoff/Scarlett Witch who Dr. Strange reaches out to when America Chavez falls into his lap. She is outstanding and is really the driving force here. It would not be a misnomer to say that this film easily could have been titled THE SCARLET WITCH IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.

My one quibble with this film is that it doesn’t go to enough Multiverses to suit my tastes and is not quite as “mad” as one would hope - our hero does spend a rather large amount of time in one multiverse - but that is a minor issue and this one multiverse does bring many fun cameos…cameos that will not be spoiled here.

Which brings up one last point. See this film, if you can, in a theater full of the aforementioned fanboys. The full house IMAX theater that I caught this film in went absolutely nuts when one specific person showed his/her face for their extended cameo and that was a very fun time.

As is DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS - it works well as a stand alone film, but if you want to do “some homework”, check out the Disney+ TV Series WANDAVISION (essential), the first DOCTOR STRANGE movie (good background) and the animated Disney+ series MARVEL’S WHAT IF (some nice callbacks).

And, of course, stay for the end credits…it sets up DOCTOR STRANGE 3, a film that can’t get here soon enough.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Eat the Night
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’re looking for a good ol’, classic horror tale in the flavor of <i>Evil Dead</i> or <i>Army of Darkness</i>, Tim Waggoner’s <i>Eat the Night</i> is a must-read. It’s fast paced and filled with the sort of material horror fans like me grew up with. Death cult? Check. Mass suicide? Check. Possession? Check. Vivid, gore-filled scenes? Hideous monsters from another dimension? Reincarnation? Check, check, and check. I can’t even begin to describe how hungrily I devoured this book, and though it has its ridiculous moments, I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author!
Thirty years ago, retired rockstar Mark Maegarr and his devout followers, in true Jonestown fashion, committed suicide in tropic Suriname. It was Maegarr’s belief that this ritual would hasten the approach of Entropy, or the total dissolution of the world as we know it. Unfortunately for Maegarr, something went wrong and he spends the next several decades reaching from beyond the grave to finish what he started.
Joan Lantz and her husband, Jon, are first time home-owners. Burdened with a troubled past, Joan is glad to finally have a home of her own. After waking from a horrific nightmare detailing the grisly end that befell Mark Maegarr and his cult, she discovers a hidden basement in her home, which had not been on the house’s plans and was previously unknown to the home’s last owners, who were friends of hers.
Kevin Benecke works for Maintenance, a secretive company that is reminiscent of Men in Black. Aware that they cannot save the world from its fate, their goal is to slow the coming of the end down from the sidelines. He’s an unfortunate sort of fellow and things don’t happen to go the way they ought to in his line of work, but he has his own boyish charm.
Together, these three characters weave a story that is brimming with horrific scenes and action. The plot is fairly solid as well, and Waggoner doesn’t hold back when it comes to the laws of the world he has created to coexist alongside the one we know so well. Maegarr’s cult is expertly crafted, with a belief so plausible it could be defined as chilling.
<i>Eat the Night</i> is easily one of my favorite reads so far this year and is perfect for those looking for a good Halloween read. I would like to extend a special thanks to NetGalley, DarkFuse, and Tim Waggoner for providing me with an advanced copy for the purpose of an honest, unbiased review.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Overlord (2018) in Movies

Feb 6, 2019 (Updated Feb 6, 2019)  
Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Incredibly dumb and incredibly fun (0 more)
War Is Hell
Overlord is yet another movie released in late 2018 that I am just getting around to seeing and I am glad that I got to check this one out. I have been looking forward to seeing this one ever since seeing the trailers last year as I am a huge fan of the Wolfenstein series, which the trailers for this really reminded me of.

The movie opens with a fantastically shot plane crash sequence that manages to convey a sense of extreme intensity as Private Boyce jumps out the exploding plane that was carrying his squad and plummets to the ground below. This sequence also does a brilliant job of setting the tone of the movie that the audience can expect going forward.

Surprisingly, the Nazi zombie stuff doesn't actually make an appearance until about 1/3 into the movie and the first act is spent telling a more traditional and realistic war story and setting up the relationships between the characters that we are following. Even when we do start to see some of the weirder stuff taking place, it is fairly reserved in comparison to what you might be expecting. This isn't Dead Snow or Wolfenstein. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's underwhelming, the few amount of monstrosities that we actually get to see are impactful and feel genuinely threatening.

The cast are serviceable in their roles, even if they are fairly stereotypical. The stand out is Pilou Asbaek, who may know as the evil Euron Greyjoy from Game Of Thrones. Here, he plays the dastardly, villainous Nazi with a venomous snarl that really tells you everything that you need to know about his character and his intent.

The one negative I had with the movie were the few telegraphed jump-scares that the filmmakers threw in to remind us that this is supposed to be a horror movie, but thankfully there aren't too many of these present throughout the film.

Overall, this is a fun action/horror movie set against the backdrop of the Second World War that is a blast to sit through. There is plenty of cringe-inducing violence and gore created by mostly practical means that will scratch the horror itch that some audience members may be looking for and although this wasn't quite the movie that I was expecting going in based on the trailers, I can't say that I came away disappointed.
Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
New take on the story John Lithgow Fairly paced (0 more)
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers (I won't post here read review) (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm 33 and I saw the original pet semetary when I was about 10 on some cable channel like nbc or abc. Back in the 90's, tv was heavily edited. Even then it scared the shit out of me!

The 2019 just didn't give me that same vibe. Yes, I'm older and don't scare as easy. But I also get creeped out pretty easily when a movie does something right. And this movie didn't do to much right to chill me to my core.

Now that's not to say this movie was bad or awful in anyway. The pacing was very good. The twist that they showed us in the trailers was great and added to the later plot device. And even having Gage running towards the road as the truck came barreling towards Ellie made me think they were about to lose two kids. Hell even Lithgow was pretty stellar in his role. But this movie just tried too hard to top the original.

The wife's back story about Zelda should have stopped after she told what had happened to Zelda. They drug it out by giving her some PTSD bullshit that I didn't feel really fit into the story.

The guy that gets hit by a car (victor) and warns Louis about the dangers that are about to unfold was rushed and not as fleshed out as the character in the 90's film. And I don't mean to compare this to that film because it is it's own thing, but they could have tried to humanize him a little more that just a device plot.

Ellie being self aware that she had died and turning evil because of it was fucking creepy. And Everytime this girl had screen time you felt like she was back from the dead and completely changed. The scene where Ellie terrorizes Jud was pretty close to the original but with some twists and I thought that made it more enjoyable. especially since these characters seemed to think situations out better than typical horror movies.

The last twist was fantastic and I'm not going to spoil it. I didn't care for the ending. I thought it was very bleak and bland. And really didn't lead to what was going to happen now as a whole, not just Gage potentially dying.

Overall I really enjoyed the movie for what it was, a fun popcorn horror flick.

Have you seen it? What did you think of the movie?
Bird Box
Bird Box
Josh Malerman | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here!

<b><i>The sky is falling, the sky is dying, the sky is dead.</b></i>

One day you wake up and read a horrifying news story, there are people who are seeing things that make them go insane. So insane that they are driven to kill themselves. Soon, the entire world is infected with this <i>thing</i> and your only hope of survival is this: <b>do not open your eyes.</b>

This book was skin crawling-ly creepy! The plot is so unique and it really chills you to the bone at times. I liked how, as a reader, you were left just as blind as Malorie was, with Malerman giving you the opportunity to believe if there was something evil lurking, or not. This novel plays into one of my deepest fears. Being blind. Thinking about going blind has always scared me, but especially the thought of having to become blind involuntarily. Not being able to use your sight when you have the ability to do so would be excruciating and terrifying.

Malorie was such a refreshing, interesting and bold character. I loved her from page one and I never stopped loving her throughout. Her being a paranoid, helpless mother really brought out the scariness of the entire apocalyptic situation so well that you just know this book would have been nowhere near as good if Malerman has chosen to lead with another character, such as Tom, or Shannon.

Throughout, this book had me on the edge of my seat with fear and trepidation. One scene that really got to me in this novel was the scene in the bar. Malorie not being able to open her eyes to see what Victor was fussing about or having the ability to know if there was danger in the room with her really gave me goosebumps.

My only qualm with this novel was one aspect of the main plot line that I felt was left at a bit of a loose end. I guess, in some ways, it was good that it was left unspoken. We only have our thoughts about it to simmer in, to make our decisions as we did with so much of this book. But on the other hand, I would have liked an outcome of why and where.

This is by far one of the scariest novels I’ve read in a long time and I want more of Malerman’s writing, right now!
Loot Time Podcast
Loot Time Podcast
Games & Hobbies, TV & Film
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Fun hosts (2 more)
Silly discussion
Great pop culture knowledge
Too long for the format (1 more)
Tries to stretch instead of editing for quality
It’s a decent podcast!
I’m being overly critical here but recognize I still give this a solid 7/10.

This podcast is well crafted from an audio quality standpoint and from a “love of the game” style genuine feeling you get from the hosts. They really love pop culture discussion and it shines through.

They are comfortable with the banter and that’s not easy to make happen, especially within just 25 episodes (when I listened).

My criticism here is a matter of what plagues great intentioned media everywhere. Everyone and everything benefits from a great editor. Now, I’m not talking about topic censure or quality of audio or what other editors of podcasts sometimes do. I’m strictly speaking of editing for content coherency and poignancy.

These guys love to talk pop culture but as any conversation with people who are passionate, they have conversations that seem less interesting if you’re not on the same page. There’s a ton of great content and a lot of boring non-essential content. The non-essential content is usually what defines a conversation-style podcast, because it’s the character of the show. However a lot of times it seems the hosts are stretching for filler. Trying to make the topic of the box more relevant or simply going on a tangent to simply fill tape.

And that is where an editor comes in. I think this could be a FANTASTIC half hour show. But with the dryness of the reaching to stay on topic versus the naturally on-topic stuff, an hour is just too much.

Again, I’m being harsh. I get it. But I think this has a ton of potential. It’s a great idea, and it’s got hosts who are genuinely fun to listen to when they’re jazzed about whatever topic they are on. But when they’re trying too hard to make you love they way they love, it’s too forced. (Loved the Evil Dead stuff, hated the gremlins on VHS stuff as one example).

Enthusiast media is great because it creates a shared space for fans to converge. You don’t have to sell us. We are on board already! So just have fun with it, don’t try to create topics, just run with it. And have someone ready to cut the audio into something more manageable to keep the sweet stuff, and trim the fat!

100 Bloody Acres (2013)
100 Bloody Acres (2013)
2013 | Comedy, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 100 Bloody Acres starts as we meet one of the brothers Reg (Herriman) who is a part of an organic fertiliser business, after Reg picks up a dead body, he finds himself drawn into picking up three hitchhikers, Sophie (McGahan), James (Ackland) and Wes (Kristian) who are heading to a music festival for a binge filled weekend.

Once Reg arrives back to his brother Lindsay (Sampson) the hapless brothers must decide to kill the three to continue to produce the highly popular fertiliser and keep their reputation up or let them go.


Thoughts on 100 Bloody Acres


Characters/Performance – Reg is the simple-minded brother who is always out to impress his brother, he brings the victims back to the factory. Lindsay is the brains of the act and he must clean up the mess Reg has left him in. He will go through with any killing. Sophie is the main reason Reg stops, she is travelling with her boyfriend but been cheating on him with their other friend. James just believes he is going to have the life he planned with Sophie. Wes is the traveller who enjoys a drug or two finding himself high through the whole film.

Performance wise, Damon and Angus are both good as the brother showing good chemistry as they do come off very different. Anna, Oliver and Jamie are all fine in the victim roles without coming off as interesting characters.

Story – The story has moments that feel fresh in places but in the main it is all just another version of group of travellers get taken by isolated people who must fight to survive or become the latest victims. It has good moments but doesn’t end up being the most memorable story in the genre.

Comedy/Horror – The comedy is good in places and does add to all the events of the film as it is almost what could go wrong does go wrong. The horror works in places too as we get the gore from it.

Settings – The Australian outback always makes for a good setting as we know how isolated the places are when it comes to the horror.

Special Effects – The effects work when needed without being used too often, the highlights come from the wild trip Wes is going through.

Final Thoughts – You want to see an Australian version of Tucker & Dale versus Evil, then this is for you but it doesn’t quite live up to the levels of that one.


Overall: Enjoyable horror comedy.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated MediEvil in Video Games

Oct 29, 2019 (Updated Oct 29, 2019)  
I remember playing this game, on the ps1. It was on a demo disk that had a collection of games and this was one of them. I just remember it being so cool and intresting. I havent played it since childhood, i want to play it again. So lets talk about it..

The game is set in the medieval Kingdom of Gallowmere and centres around the charlatan protagonist, Sir Daniel Fortesque, as he makes an attempt to stop antagonist Zarok's invasion of the kingdom whilst simultaneously redeeming himself.

Development began in 1995 at Millenium Interactive in Cambridge under the working title of Dead Man Dan. The visuals are heavily influenced by Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas. Originally conceived as an arcade-style shooter for platforms such as Windows and the Sega Saturn, Sony's purchase of SCE Cambridge Studio evolved the game into a PlayStation title.

The game takes place across a variety of levels, many of which require certain objectives to be performed to progress. Sir Daniel Fortesque can use a variety of weapons, consisting of close range weapons such as swords and clubs to long range weapons such as crossbows. When not possessing any items, Dan is able to rip his arm off and use it for both melee and ranged attacks. Dan can equip a shield alongside weapons for defence, but shields have a limited amount of strength and are therefore best used sparingly. Throughout the game, Dan can visit gargoyle heads of two varieties: green ones offer Dan information while blue ones allow Dan to buy services or ammunition by using the treasures he finds.

Lets talk about the plot: In the year 1286, an evil sorcerer named Zarok plotted to take over the kingdom of Gallowmere with his undead army. It is told in legend that the champion, Sir Daniel Fortesque, led the King of Gallowmere's army to victory and managed to kill Zarok before he succumbed to his mortal wounds. In reality, however, Dan was struck down by the first arrow fired in the battle, with the king choosing to cover it up and declare Dan the "Hero of Gallowmere.

It is a classic ps1 underrated game, that people should play, if you havent. Their have recently released it on the ps4. And on that remake you can play the original 1998 game can be unlocked in the remake by completing special objectives. Which is cool.

Lastly shout of to @Kevin Phillipson for getting the hints/clues for this review right.

A must play game.

Kevin Phillipson (10011 KP) Oct 29, 2019

Thanks for the shout out


Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) Oct 29, 2019

No problem

White Noise (2005)
White Noise (2005)
2005 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ever since the phenomenal success of “The Sixth Sense”, films dealing with the supernatural have been an ever increasing presence at theaters world wide as studios attempt to find the next break out film in the genre to ensure lucrative box office and video returns.

The latest foray into the Supernatural is the new Michael Keaton film White Noise, which is based on the actual study of E.V.P. or Electronic Voice Phenomena which is reputed some paranormal investigators to be the voices of dead people speaking to the living via static in electronic devices.

Although the factuality of this is still a topic of hot debate, as after decades of study, no conclusive finding either way as to the legitimacy of E.V.P. have been found as many people attribute the supposed voices as simply the mind hearing what it wants to hear. Despite this, there are a growing number of groups and organizations worldwide who are dedicated to the study of E.V.P.

The film centers on Jonathan Rivers’s (Michael Keaton), a successful architect who is married to a best selling author Anna (Chandra West). The couple is anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first child as Jonathan has a son from a previous marriage and is thrilled to see his family grow

Tragedy sets in when Anna goes missing and eventually is found dead after an apparent accident. Jonathan has his world collapse around him yet and is living in a state of despair. Shortly, a man named Raymond Price (Ian McNeice) comes to Jonathan claiming that he has been receiving messages from Anna from the afterlife. Jonathan is at first dismissive but when he gets calls on his cell that are originating from Anna’s cell number; he visits Raymond and learns about E.V.P.

Jonathan becomes drawn into the study of E.V.P. and soon becomes obsessed with recording voices and images from the afterlife as he is desperate to stay in contact with Anna. All is not well though as Raymond failed to tell Jonathan that there are evil and dangerous entities in the afterlife and they can also use E.V.P. as a way to access and influence the living.

Jonathan also meets a fellow E.V.P user named Sara (Deborah Kara Unger), who like Jonathan becomes involved in a deeper and darker mystery as Jonathan begins to decipher a pattern behind the messages as well as the intentions behind them.

White Noise starts well as a solid mystery and had a few moments where what you imagine is often more intense than what the reality really is. Early in the film there are some good chills and creepy moments as the story unfolds. Roughly ¾ of the way into the film, the tone of the film changes from supernatural thriller to that of a mystery and I suspect that the film will lose many people at this point. The film was working well as a thrill, yet the last ¼ of the film and the conclusion become confused and sporadic as the momentum and flow of the film is lost.

The conclusion was unsatisfying as I was able to see where it was going and based on the very promising first hour of the film, it was sad to see that the film took the easy way out and relied on tired premises instead of continuing to forge ahead with the new premise and take it to what should have been a much better and more logical conclusion.

Keaton does solid work and carries the film very well. It is great to see him back on the big screen as he is a gifted and versatile actor who is capable of handling a wide range of roles.

While not a bad film, White Noise is sunk by the issues with the finale that I mentioned above. That being said, it is an entertaining film that aside from the ending, does generally work and holds the attention of the viewer.
The Twelve Dice of Christmas
The Twelve Dice of Christmas
Gail Oust | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I adore a new book, and if it’s part of a series, that's great, as it means more books for me to read!

Welcome to Serenity Cove, a peaceful Southern community where the residents like to play dice, and when there is a dark mystery, play detective.

With Christmas fast approaching, Kate McCall and her retired friends get into the holiday spirit by agreeing to help the elderly Eula Mae Snow decorate her home, even when it means sorting through many of the older woman’s belongings. Intent on doing a good deed and uncovering a bright collection of seasonal decorations, Kate is stopped dead in her tracks when instead she discovers the skeleton of a man showing clear signs of foul play.

Many in Serenity Cove thought that Waylon Snow had run off and left town and his wife, Eula Mae, more than two decades earlier. But with the appearance of his skeleton and a whole host of clues pointing to Eula Mae as the murderer, Kate will have to put her sleuthing skills to work to figure out who could have committed the evil deed.

Kate and her retired friends, known as The Bunco Babes, are feeling festive and they are planning a cookie exchange and ugly sweater contest for their last dice game session of the season. As they plan their holidays, they decide to help their friend decorate her house for the annual charity Christmas Home Tour. The Bunco Babes get cracking, and in the process of hunting for the Christmas decorations, Kate discovers the skeleton in the root cellar. Kate now has a twenty-five-year-old mystery to contend with. Can she solve it?

This is my first novel by Gail Oust and I really enjoyed it. I love that it is an old mystery set in Christmastime. Although this is the fourth book in a mystery series, you do not need to have read the previous books in sequence to be able to follow the story properly.

I found many of the characters very funny and easy to relate to, particularly Kate herself, but also Eula Mae's granddaughter, Tammy Lynn and Bill Lewis, Kate's "significant other". Many of the other characters in the book were extremely amusing and unusual. Kate and the Town Sheriff, Sheriff Wiggins have history, Although he is not in Kate's fan club, can she use her powers of persuasion on him to allow the Bunco Babes into the house in time for it to be decorated for the Christmas Home Tour?
You’ll treasure this sweet Christmas mystery, as I did!

Thanks to Netgalley and Beyond the Page Publishing for a copy of this book.