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Rites of Spring (2012)
Rites of Spring (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Meh (0 more)
Jeepers Creepers 4??? (0 more)
Kind of like... Well... A pile of shit, actually
Well... Once again I delved into the world of the WalMart bargain bin and came out with another masterpiece of shite. Thankfully you only pay 2-5 bucks for these... So Im only out the price of a pack of ZigZag's.. No biggie.
Rip-offs come and go... Most of the time I can sniff them out from the poster or cover art.
This film was misleading by art standards. And I had no idea what to expect.
Bad people rob a bank... Bad people need a place to hide... Bad people pick an old slaughterhouse type place not realizing that they have landed in the middle of feeding time for some ancient evil who keeps a farmers crops plentiful and his cows full of... Well... Cow stuff...
This year he caught a wiff of the bad folks and went asshole hunting... What follows is your basic JEEPERS CREEPERS type shit that left me unsatisfied and... Well, not wanting more.
To quote the paperboy in Better Off Dead...
"I want my 2 dollars!!!!"
Try it if you must... But, be warned... It will tear your anticipation apart....
Lol... See what i did there :)
The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974)
The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974)
1974 | International, Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Last Film With Christopher Lee as Dracula (1 more)
A huge Disappointment
Out With Boredom
The Satanic Rites of Dracula- was a huge disappointment. It was boring, and only was intresting when Dracula was on screen. The first 30 minutes doesnt seem like a dracula film, i was confused on what i was watching. It sad because this was the last time you get to see Christopher Lee as Dracula. And it was a disappointment.

The plot: British-made chiller about a blood-thirsty count who takes up residence in modern London to develop a new strain of bubonic plague, with the evil intention of annihilating all life on Earth.

Work began on what was tentatively titled Dracula is Dead...and Well and Living in London in November 1972.

The film itself is a mixture of horror, science fiction and a spy thriller, with a screenplay by Don Houghton, a veteran of BBC's Doctor Who. This is the problem its trying to be more sci-fi and a spy thriller than horror.

This was the final Hammer film that Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing would make together. The two stars would eventually reunite one more time in House of the Long Shadows, ten years later.

A huge let down.
A Luminous Republic
A Luminous Republic
Andrés Barba | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
15 of 220
A Luminous Rebublic
By Andres Barba

One day, the children begin to show up in the subtropical town of San Crist�bal. Aged between nine and thirteen, the children are covered in dirt and hungry. They beg food, commit small acts of vandalism, play games that don't seem to have any rules, and communicate with each other in a strange language. No one knows where they come from or where they disappear to each night. And then, they rob a supermarket and stab two adults, bringing fear to the town. Thus begins a fearsome and thrilling modern morality tale that retraces the lines between good and evil, the civilised and the wild, and drags our assumptions about childhood and innocence out into the light.

This is a strange little story of 32 children who mystery turn up in a subtropical town in called San Cristobel. These children have come from nowhere and they disappear just as quickly. These children cause mayhem round the town. Things take a turn when In a supermarket raid people end up dead and then the “normal” children start to disappear too. I’m not sure still how I actually feel after finishing it very odd.

Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post

Jan 25, 2018  
On age-appropriate reading and viewing..

There are two kinds in our household. I am not so concerned about Miss Abby; she's fifteen and has an innocent sort of sophistication that comes of understanding the theory of the realities of life, but not having experienced most of them for herself. So she can read dystopian novels and watch horror movies and so forth without much problem, though I like to be near her on first exposure to the scary or sexual or violent this she has not experienced before so she can ask questions.

Mix Liz is another story. She's ten, sensitive, scary-bright, and on the autism spectrum, so she has a bundle of insecurities. Also her father (Abby's stepfather) passed away about a year-and-a-half ago, so Lizzy is extra sensitive to stories where parents are dead or missing. You can, for instance, forget about Unfortunate Events, although Harry Potter seems to be fine as long as her momma is there to support her.

What she really seems to appreciate is middle school dramas; she's a huge fan of the Dork Diaries, for instance. They're aimed at ages nine to twelve, and although her reading level is higher than her age, her ability-to-cope level is at or below 10-and-in-fourth-grade. The GoddessGirls series is also a favorite; it's a slightly less scary (and more girl-power) kind of Percy Jackson. What I especially like about these books is that it's impossible for her to think of things like Hades as straight-up evil; in these stories he is the epitome of the Dark is Not Evil trope, the Goth kid from the wrong side of the River Styx. This gives her some perspective and nuanced understanding she doesn't get from watching, say, Disney's Hercules. (Whom she cannot call Hercules, as his name should be Heracles, and she knows it).

In any case, just wanted to share some interesting tidbits from a GamerMom with a sensitive kid. More later, peeps.
Collecting Death (Haunted Collection #1)
Collecting Death (Haunted Collection #1)
Ron Ripley | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
33 of 250
Collecting Death (Haunted Collection book 1)
By Ron Ripley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Rolf the teddy bear looks sweet and warm. But in the dark, its eyes glow with a murderous gleam…

Stefan Korzh’s parents built a life around collecting possessed items, in the throes of a peculiar game with the dead. Antique porcelain dolls, beautifully crafted teapots and an eerie teddy bear, all seemingly innocuous objects that encompass unimaginable evil, and malignant spirits who wish to inflict pain on the living.

His parents’ obsession ruined Stefan’s life, and he dreams of punishing the rest of the world for his poor luck of the draw. Dreams become reality when he sends the collectibles to unsuspecting customers. One by one, he eagerly watches the chaos that unfolds.

Victor Daniels, a historian exhausted by yet another academic conference, wants nothing more than to go home and see his wife. But tragedy cuts his hopes of comfort short. Seeking answers, he teams up with a paranormal expert by the name of Jeremy Rhinehart. The two discover a tangled web of haunted collectibles gleefully painting the town red with the blood of their new owners.

Time is running out, and they must stop Stefan from spreading further mayhem. But Jeremy and Victor are in over their heads, and the hellish objects’ spirits will not rest until their pursuers join the ranks of the dead…

Well he took being pissed at his parents way to far! I’d have loved to learn more about Anne and Rolfe as well as a few other characters! It was super eerie especially if you have a fear of haunted kids toys! Reading in the dark made this that little bit better. Really Interesting read. I’d love to know what else was unleashed on the unsuspecting people buying these haunted items. Found the ending slightly rushed too! But overall a good read.
Terrifier (2017)
Terrifier (2017)
2017 | Horror
When two women see a creepy clown in a pizza place they soon find themselves fighting for their livers in an abandoned building.
Terrifier could easily be mistaken for an 80’s or 90’s slasher movie as Art the Clown (never actually named in the film) cut’s, stabs, shoots and strangles his way through the rest of the cast using a variety of different weapons. Art the Clown seems to stand out in a genre that could almost be called over saturated, he speaks less than either Mike Myers or Jason Voorhees but carries out his kills with a comedic joy that almost matches Freddy Kruger, acting out his pleasure through mime which seems to intensify the silence he exudes.
The film seems to have a homemade feel about it, that’s not saying that it seems cheap but that the cast seem to get along well and that it could almost be something that was shot for fun by a group of friends in the same way the ‘Evil Dead’ or the original ‘Night of the Living Dead’ was. This is helped by a small cast and limited locations.
Being a slasher there is, of course; blood, violence, screaming and a bit of nudity but no sex, in fact the reason one character gets involved it to avoid being in the room with a couple who are getting amorous. Art dispatched his victims in a number of ways, most of which have been done before, after all there are only so many ways to stab or shoot someone, however, Art brings a joyfulness to his actions and, although I have already compared him to Freddy Kruger, Art seems to really see a funny side to what he is doing unlike Freddy who just enjoys the kill.
I have seen that there is a sequel slated for 2020 and given the being/end of Terrifier I think that is could be very interesting.
Don't Breathe (2016)
Don't Breathe (2016)
2016 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
Here comes Little Kevin, all grown up and blinded.
“Don’t Breathe” had a concept that appealed to me. Three Detroit teens are systematically robbing houses of goods to pawn with the aim of getting Rocky (Jane “Evil Dead” Levy) out of the clutches of her deadbeat family to start a new life in California with her younger sister. Dylan Minnette plays the cautious and intellectual Alex, hiding his crush on Rocky particularly badly. Daniel Zovatto plays the fruit-loopy stoner ‘Money’ – the loose cannon of the trio and Rocky’s boyfriend.

After a successful run, they unwisely pick on the home of a blind war veteran (“Avatar”‘s Stephen Lang). He is not just ‘Home Alone’ but ‘Neighbourhood Alone’ (reflecting, probably accurately, the demise of previously affluent suburbs in some industrially declining US cities). Blind or not, the vet (and friend) are a force to be reckoned with: with startling speed the tables are turned and the kids are fighting for their lives. And there are more surprises in store within the spooky old house.

As an audience member, there are certainly points at which the title becomes uncomfortably literal! On the tensionometer, there is a similarity here with last year’s “No Escape”. A scene where blindness is turned into a positive asset is particularly effective.

As is common with this genre, the film suffers from a plot-line that at times makes no sense and involves indestructible participants (with an incident involving garden shears being particularly incomprehensible).

A particularly unpleasant sexual-threat scene towards the end of the film is also nonsensical involving a level of -ahem – ‘preparation’ that the preceding plot simply doesn’t merit.

Inevitably though, the film lives or dies on whether you feel empathy for the disreputable kids in peril. The start of the film tries to balance the empathy scales by giving Rocky her backstory, throwing in the ‘little sister’ card. It also demonstrates that “The Blind Man” is a ‘bit of a bastard’ – or perhaps that should be a ‘bit of a baste-ard’ (LOL, in-joke)). Unfortunately however I hold the peculiarly unfashionable idea that if things are “mine” they are “mine” – not anyone elses: so, on balance, I wasn’t rooting for them and would be happy to let the thieving little sh*ts all get beaten to death!
Jane Levy (channelling a young Emma Stone) acquits herself admirably as the heroine in peril. Also of particular note is the highly effective atonal score by Roque Baños that ramps up the tension extremely effectively. Directed by “Evil Dead” director, Uruguayan Fede Alverez, the film does have a certain style and is an enjoyable roller-coaster ride, provided you park your brain at the (well locked) door.
Reflected in You (Crossfire, #2)
Reflected in You (Crossfire, #2)
Sylvia Day | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of Eva and Gideon continues. Now, this book didn't make me think of 50 Shades at all, thank goodness. Eva and Gideon are now going to therapy together and trying to work on their issues and the crazy relationship that they have.
Gideon is trying to understand why it is so hard for Eva to trust him and Eva just wants Gideon to let her in.
In this book, their relationship is such a roller coaster ride, I got motion sickness. So many things happen in this book, that just astounded me.
<spoiler>Eva meets up with an old flame, who still has a little sizzle left, he actually wrote a song about her. Cary, the roommate is attacked, but why, no one knows. Nathan, the evil step-brother that molested and raped her as a child is found dead, and Eva didn't even know he was keeping tabs on her. Gideon stops communicating with her after an amazing weekend away. Her parents come face to face with each other for the first time in years. Gideon finally tells Eva, what she wants to hear, in more ways than one.</spoiler>
I'm interested to know what is going to happen next for these too.
One great thing about this book compared to Bared To You, she doesn't use the C-word nearly as much!!!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Halloween (2018) in Movies

Nov 2, 2018 (Updated Nov 2, 2018)  
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Tenth Halloween sequel is the eleventh film in the Halloween series and the third to actually be called Halloween; I'm sure there must have been a less confusing way of organising this but clearly no-one could be bothered to find it. Anyway: this film disregards all the previous sequels, allowing them to bring Jamie Lee Curtis back from the dead (again) and ignore all that stuff about occult curses and long-lost siblings in attempt to take the film back to the core notion of an unstoppable force of pure evil with a big knife and a William Shatner mask.

And it works rather well, although the decision to essentially turn Laurie Strode into Sarah Connor from Terminator 2 inevitably shifts the tone of the film somewhat. Many pleasingly tense sequences, and some clever and respectful call-backs to the original film. The ongoing characters are effectively presented although most of the new ones don't make much of an impression. In the end this feels much more like a reverent act of homage than the kind of horror film we usually get in 2018; whether this is a good thing or not is probably a matter of personal taste. I imagine this will keep most people quite happy until the next sequel or reboot comes along.
Pretty Dead (Elise Sandburg #3)
Pretty Dead (Elise Sandburg #3)
Anne Frasier | 2015 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
118 of 250
Pretty Dead ( Elise Sandburg book 3)
By Anne Frasier

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

A serial killer stalks the streets of Savannah...

Homicide detective Elise Sandburg and her partner, profiler David Gould, are all too familiar with the terrible costs of chasing evil. Despite their wounded psyches, the detectives delve into the deranged killer’s twisted mind, determined to unravel the clues in the taunts he leaves behind.

A city gripped by fear...

When his daughter becomes the killer’s next victim, a grief-stricken mayor comes down hard on the police, demanding that they catch the psychopath—now. Feeling the pressure, department officials enlist the aid of both Elise’s estranged father and an FBI profiler who has unresolved business with David.

A cunning and elusive madman...

In a heart-pounding race to stop the next homicide, the detectives uncover their own role in the madman’s deadly game. Will they outsmart the killer before another horrific murder takes place in their beautiful city? Or have Elise and David finally met their match?

I thought it was fab! I love this duo and Anne’s writing style. I did have the murderer pegged from the beginning but even so it was such an entertaining read. Can’t believe there are only 4 books in this series so only 1 more to go.