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Joking Hazard
Joking Hazard
2016 | Adult, Card Game, Comic Book / Strip, Humor, Party Game
I have never laughed so hard at a simple card game. It is very similar to Cards Against Humanity, however in this game, you are playing to make the perfect punchline to a 3-frame comic strip. We played with four people and in about 2 hours, we played through all the cards available. I can see how playing with more people would make the game faster and also a bit repetitive. I'm sure with expansions, there will be more cards to play, however at this time, I'm not sure there is a lot of "re-playableness". Once you see the cards and how they interact, they lose their humor.
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Arkham Horror: The Card Game
2016 | Adventure, Card Game, Collectible Components, Fantasy, Horror
The campaign (0 more)
Can be confusing (0 more)
Arkham Horror: The Card Game is a very good game... for people who consider themselves avid board gamers. There is a lot to learn, such as the flow of the gameplay, what each type of card does, keeping tally of your skills, etc. If you are willing to knuckle down and stumble through your first attempt at the game, then the story is quite good and is worth the hassle. Otherwise, there is a lot to learn and get your head around. My partner and I really enjoyed playing this game and are looking forward to buying the expansions.



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    Embark on a perilous fantasy adventure, fighting dragons, battling serpents, and avoiding the deadly...

Mansions of Madness
Mansions of Madness
2011 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Horror
Storyline (2 more)
The app "dm"
Puzzles and discoveries
Limited replay (0 more)
Fantastic Lovecraftian D&D lite style rpg
I absolutely love this game. It is a very complex story drive dog with Lovecraftian themes and monsters. Its a perfect way for his stories to come to life and each scenario does feel like solving a mysterious puzzle. There are only 4 scenarios in the core box but a load of expansions and additional online content. Everyome who I play this with loves it. The app saves a lot of time which would be the dm to figuring out what to do next. Its not a cheap game but in my opinion very well worth it.

Deadboytim (1 KP) rated Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar in Tabletop Games

May 17, 2018 (Updated May 17, 2018)  
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar
2018 | Action, Adventure, Travel
Doesn't cost $100's like trying to find an original copy (0 more)
More sets means more money to spend (0 more)
I've been waiting forever
I've been waiting for this for years. I remember how much fun I had playing this game as a kid. But as we know with kids we lose stuff, we break stuff, and then it gets thrown away. Too bad cause I've been looking for a copy of the original online for sometime and didn't like the idea of spending upwards of $500. So now we have a new version which looks like the original with a few expansions. I'm super excited and will be buying a full set. More reviews to come when I actually get my hands on it
2000 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
Easy to learn (1 more)
Great for kids
I found the game unsatisfying (0 more)
Carcassonne is a modern board gaming classic, but one which did not grab me or my gaming group. I went all in by buying a Big Box with multiple expansions, but the variety in the game just wasn't enough for me to enjoy this and see it as anything but a linear tile placement game that subjected me to spend my time putting down tiles and scoring spaces. However, I appreciate my view is in the minority. If you are on the fence about buying this game, I suggest you try before you buy, so you don't end up spending too much and potentially not enjoying this game, like me.
2000 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
Every time you play its different (1 more)
Doesn't take too long to play
Finding a willing person to play with!! (0 more)
A game that can be as complicated or as simple as you desire
I first discovered this game at a board game convention where i entered a competition and instantly fell in love with it. The rules are simple and you can pick it up quickly.
The general aim of the game is to collect as many points as possible before all the tiles run out buy building cities, roads, churches, farms exct.
One of the main things i love about this game is the variety of ways you can play it. you can buy expansions for it so the posibilities are endless.