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Wreck Raiders
Wreck Raiders
2019 | Dice Game, Nautical
“X marks the spot.” But what happens after the pirates sail off with the treasure? Usually the next time we see it, it’s in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean. How did it get there? I’m not exactly sure. But your job as a Wreck Raider is to get that treasure out of the water, onto land, and into museums to start earning you some serious cash!

Wreck Raiders is a dice rolling game of worker placement and set collection in which you are trying to collect sunken treasures for museum exhibits and build extravagant aquariums that will earn you a fortune once opened to the public. Players take turns claiming dice, moving Divers to underwater wrecks, collecting treasures for museum exhibits, and safely collecting exotic sea creatures for display in aquariums. Can you find the rarest and most desired underwater treasures, or will your competitors take all the goods and leave unimpressive baubles for you?

DISCLAIMER: There are a few mini-expansions for this game, and we do have them. We are reviewing only the base game for now. Should we decide to review the mini expansions, we will either update this post or link to the new post here. -T

I don’t own a lot of worker placement games. I don’t usually enjoy ‘take that’ type actions, and in most worker placement games, when one player monopolizes a single spot on the board (either to amass those resources or block their opponents), it can certainly escalate the tension of the game. Wreck Raiders is a worker placement game, but with a twist. When you place one of your Divers at a wreck, any players in the adjacent spots also receive the benefit of your placement. If a dive site is full, you have the ability to bump your opponents to the beach, where they will also collect that resource. Nobody can truly be blocked in this game, and that makes it feel like a friendlier game. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still competing for the most end-game points, it just doesn’t feel as cutthroat because you know that you can still have access to the resources you need.

With that said, Wreck Raiders requires a whole lot more strategy than meets the eye. All collected treasures are public information – you know what your opponents have gathered, and they know what you have. Since your worker placement could benefit Divers in adjacent spaces, you really have to think about what resources you need, and what resources you are willing to hand to your opponents, free of charge. If you have enough Divers at a site, you could multiply your own collection, but if your opponent holds the majority, you could be handing them end-game points if you decide to place your Diver there. It’s a game of give-and-take, and a single placement decision could inadvertently affect the entire outcome of the game. Another aspect of this game that I really like, regarding strategy, is that there are several ways to earn points. You can earn points for completing museum exhibits, collecting matching sets of artifacts for your personal vault, and building as many aquariums as possible. There’s no single path to victory, and the options provided make for a different game every play. Make sure you keep an eye on your opponents, though. How can you inhibit their strategy while maximizing yours? I guess you’ll just have to play to find out for yourself!

Wreck Raiders looks like a daunting game with a lot of moving parts, but it really is quite simple to learn and to play. That is a huge positive for me because I am not the greatest board game teacher (yet!), so if a game is pretty intuitive, it makes it easier for me to teach. The gameplay itself is not too complicated, and that makes it fun and fast to play. Yes, you’ve got to be constantly strategizing, but there aren’t so many options that you feel overwhelmed and unsure of what moves to make. This game is a great balance of strategy and ease of play and I will never turn down an opportunity to play it.

Wreck Raiders is a game that I Kickstarted, and I am so glad that I did. The artwork is neat, the components are high-quality, and the game itself plays extremely well. There are so many strategic paths open to you, every game is going to be different. Wreck Raiders is one hidden treasure that I am happy to have discovered! Purple Phoenix Games gives it a seaworthy 10 / 12.


Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Five Tribes in Tabletop Games

Jun 21, 2019 (Updated Dec 17, 2019)  
Five Tribes
Five Tribes
2014 | Civilization, Fantasy, Mythology
The Sultan of Naqala has ruled for many years, keeping the city prosperous and living in peace. Comprised of five different tribes, all inhabitants work and live together in harmony. But now the Sultan has died, and word of his passing has traveled far and wide – a magnificent city without a ruler? Who could pass that up? You make your way to Naqala to put in a bid for the throne, but others have heard the news and shown up with your same idea! Can you use your wit and devise a strategy to manipulate the tribes to your benefit? Or will a competitor undermine your attempts and win the tribes over to their side? Only one can be victorious – to whom will the tribes show preference? Play Five Tribes to find out!

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions for this game. Though we have them in our collection, for this review we are only using the base game. Should we decide to review the expansions in the future we will add that information here or link to the full review. -T

Five Tribes is a game of area control, auction/bidding, card drafting, and set collection with a modular board. At the beginning of each round, players bid coins to determine turn order – the higher you bid, the earlier you get to go in the round. On your turn, you will select a tile, pick up all the meeples on it, and move them around the board – dropping only one on each subsequent tile, a la Mancala mechanic. There are strict rules regarding meeple movement and placement, so strategy is key in deciding the best path to VPs each turn. When you place your final meeple on a tile, take all meeples of that same color from the tile into your hand. If that completely clears the tile, place one of your camels on it to indicate that it is under your control. Each meeple color represents a different tribe, and each tribe grants the player certain powers when collected – i.e. gathering resources, gaining gold, or invoking Djinn powers. After you use your meeple power, you also have the opportunity to use the power of your ending tile, whether it is under your control or not. The game ends when a player has placed their final camel, or if there are no more legal moves to be made. VPs are tallied, and the player with the highest score wins!

As a kid, I played Mancala A LOT. I’m not entirely sure why. I learned it at school, caught the bug, and started playing it a ton at home too. Five Tribes takes Mancala and makes it 1000x better. The pick-up-and-drop mechanic is integral to the game, but there is so much strategy required that you will never be bored playing Five Tribes. You have to follow movement/placement rules, you have to figure out what meeple power you’d like to use on a given turn, you also have to decide if there’s a certain tile power you need – all while the board is constantly changing between each player’s turn. That’s why bidding for turn order can be so important! If you see a move that will earn you tons of VP, are you willing to spend your hard-earned gold (VP) to ensure that you can make that move? Or are you content with saving your gold and capitalizing on opportunities that may be presented later in the round? The board is constantly changing, and your strategy must follow suit if you are to have any hope of winning! There is no single strategy for a guaranteed win every game, and that keeps Five Tribes refreshingly fun and engaging.

The one negative I have about Five Tribes is that there is kind of a learning curve to this game. There are so many moving elements, different iconography, and special powers that it can be overwhelming for a new player. After a couple of plays, it is easier to remember the intricacies of the game, but at first it can be kind of daunting. Not a huge negative, just something to keep in mind when pulling it out for newer players!

Overall, I love Five Tribes. The gameplay is engaging, the strategic options are diverse and seemingly limitless, and the components are awesome quality. I only just got this game for Christmas last year, but it’s making its way up the ranks in my list of favorite games! If you haven’t already, give this game a try – there’s more to it than meets the eye! Purple Phoenix Games gives Five Tribes a fantastic 21 / 24.

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Elder Sign in Tabletop Games

Jul 16, 2019 (Updated Aug 21, 2019)  
Elder Sign
Elder Sign
2011 | Adventure, Card Game, Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting
One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear not! The world of solo-play is a vast and exciting realm! What follows is a chronicle of my journey into the solo-playing world – notes on gameplay, mechanics, rules, difficulty, and overall experience with solo variations of commonly multiplayer games! I hope this will provide some insight as you continue to grow your collection, or explore your already owned games!

Disclaimer: There are many expansions for Elder Sign. I do not have any of them, nor do I have any gameplay experience with any of them. If and when I do get them added into my base game, I will either amend this review or write a new one! – L

In Elder Sign, players take on the roles of Investigators who must use their supernatural knowledge and keen wit to seal dimensional portals and prevent the Ancient Ones from entering our world and destroying humanity. Just another day at the office, right? Players take turns rolling dice to fight monsters and complete adventures that will reward them with artifacts, health and/or sanity, clues, or even Elder Signs – the symbols necessary for sealing away the Ancient Ones for good. Be careful, though – if you fail to complete an adventure, you will be harshly punished! I’m talking losing health and sanity, accidentally summoning monsters, or even bringing the Ancient One one step closer to our world! As a solo game, Elder Sign plays the same way as it would in a group setting. The only difference is that the solo player cannot use the ‘Assisting’ ability because there are no other players who can offer you aid. Besides that, gameplay remains the same – even a lone Investigator can put their dice to good use to ward off evil!

I enjoy playing Elder Sign as a solo game. Although mostly dominated by dice rolling, there is a fair amount of strategy required for this game. I don’t feel like I’m mindlessly rolling dice – I have to decide which adventures are attainable with my given items, and which rewards benefit me the most in my overall task. There are rewards and consequences to be weighed with every decision, so action must be taken with great thought. Because of the strategic implications, Elder Sign keeps me thoroughly engaged, even when playing solo, and that’s one reason why I keep coming back to it.

On the flip side, one thing that isn’t my favorite about Elder Sign is its reliance on dice rolls to progress in the game. Yeah, I know, it’s a dice game – what did I expect? Sometimes, though, you just can’t roll to save your life (quite literally, in this game) and that can make the game frustrating to play. A series of poor rolls can feel like they completely negate any strategy you’ve enacted and can unravel your entire plan. On a good dice-rolling day for me, I love this game! On a not-so-good dice-rolling day, I find it a little harder to enjoy myself. But hey – if it was totally easy, it wouldn’t be fun, right? One positive of this, I guess, is that I always have to be adjusting my strategy to take the current dice into account. I can’t just pick one strategy and run with it since almost all outcomes are dependent on the luck of the roll! Elder Sign keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure.

I got Elder Sign from Travis as a birthday present last year, and it has been a good addition to my collection. There is enough going on to keep me engaged the entire game, but not so much that I feel overwhelmed. And yeah, maybe I’m not always the greatest dice-roller, but that just makes me adapt my strategy to deal with the current situation. I have read that adding expansions makes the game even more enjoyable, and hopefully one of these days I’ll get to experience that for myself. For the time being, though, I’m content with the base game. If you enjoy Elder Sign, I recommend you try it solo – it doesn’t feel any different to play, and I think you’ll enjoy it just as much as a group game!
Mystic Vale
Mystic Vale
2016 | Card Game, Fantasy
The Land needs you, Druid! It is plagued, barren, in need of revitalization and only your Circle can cure it and bring vivacity back to our home. Earn as many VP crystal shards as you can to defeat the other Druids and re-beautify us!

DISCLAIMER: This review focuses on vanilla Mystic Vale. We have most of the expansions in our collections, and we may do reviews on them and how they change the experience. If we do, we will either update this review or link to the expansion reviews here. -T

Okay, so the last part of my intro doesn’t quite make thematic sense, but this is a competitive game. A really good competitive game where there really isn’t a ton of direct player interaction, so if you enjoy merely messing with your opponents’ plans and just seeming like an annoying bee sting, read on.

I will also get this out of the way early: this is my first Card Crafting Game and the first of its type (that I know of, anyway). The concept is explained in the next paragraph. There are now others, but this is the grand-daddy. I was skeptical at first and was late to hop on the bandwagon here, but when I did I was really blown away. You have your own deck of cards that is exactly the same as your opponents’ decks, with a different colored back. Throw those cards into the provided clear sleeves, set up the other decks from which you will be purchasing upgrade cards, and you are setup.

The game mechanics are familiar, where you are pushing your luck to flip over cards from your deck to create a hand of cards… or bust and do nothing. Using the symbols on these cards allows you purchase cards from the current offering grid. Once you have purchased your new card(s) you must put them in the sleeves along with your starting cards to improve those starting cards! How can we do this, you ask? THE CARDS ARE SEE-THROUGH PLASTIC CARDS. Some starting cards are completely blank, and so adding to them drastically increases their value. This is a twist on the old deck building mechanic where you are no longer adding cards to make your deck more plentiful, but you are improving the sleeved cards you already have.

The art on the cards you are purchasing from the offer are printed in a way where information is split into three areas – top, middle, and bottom. So, you may have a starting card that gives you one icon worth of purchasing power with art on the top section. You grab a card to add to that another purchasing icon, with art on the bottom section. Now the next time this card comes up in your hand it is worth two icons to spend on further cards. Simple, right? Well, there are several types of purchasing icons (stars, leaves, paws, etc), not just one general icon. Some cards will furnish you with the other icons that you can use to purchase Vale cards (see photo below). These are powerful cards that can provide VPs and other actions to propel you to victory.

There’s so much in this game, even with just the vanilla base cards, that I just cannot explain everything here. So I won’t. If you have questions, do let me know. Speaking of the base game, here’s what you get.

A box. The box is decent size and will accommodate an expansion. I believe it is supposed to handle more than one, but in my experience, I wasn’t able to fit a whole lot in there with the provided insert. So I made my own. The VP tokens are great. The plastic cards are really great, but they have a strange (or familiar if you have played games like Gloom) smell to them that takes a bit to get used to smelling. Also, the cards come with a protective cling-film layer that will eventually start peeling off. These are used to facilitate printing on the plastic, and can be kept on or taken off – your preference. I’ll tell you what though. The art on this game is absolutely stellar. I really haven’t seen much better on a game, so I definitely am keeping my protective film on mine. The sleeves are decent, but I have had a few blowouts from usage. The game comes with more sleeves than is necessary, so I am hoping I never run out.

This review is long enough, but I wanted the reader to know that I hold this game in VERY high regard. It is well entrenched in my Top 10 list, and I don’t see it moving downward any time soon. The expansions definitely add a ton of replayability to it, but even as is, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a revivified 21 / 24.
Legacy of Dragonholt
Legacy of Dragonholt
2017 | Adventure, Exploration
Its an rpg without a dm (1 more)
The biggest book based choose your adventure youve probably ever played
As with any choose your adventure choices can seem limiting (2 more)
The game is the only one of its kind and feels like it should be a series, but unfortunately discontinued
Its a one time playthrough
Largest choose your adventure ever
This game takes on roleplaying games for a single player rpg experience using "choose your adventure" style mechanics. At the beginning of the game a player makes a character, chooses a class and chooses skills. These character design choices do very much affect gameplay, providing different adventure paths/ options for characters of different races or having given skills in a situation. The box includes multiple adventures, each with a rough playtime of 30-60 minutes, though it can become longer with more players. Each booklet is designed to be played as a single gaming session, providing a convenient place to stop for the night or for a breather. The game also has a story tracking mechanic where bubbles are filled in based on choices made. These can affect interaction with npcs or track overarching campaign events that have shaped the world.

 I played through this game once and it took me about 6 hours and feel tgere are not enough alternate choices to merit another playthrough. Even though the game says it can be played with 1 to 6 players I recommend one player because only a single choice can be made with each entry and multiple players may not agree on a single course of action. For this game you fo need some tablespace as there are lots of tracking sheets and books and possibly a map you will have out.

*Minor Spoiler Ahead
My overall view of this game is that I wish it was different in one of two ways.
1. It would be nice if there were expansions to this where a character could carry over to another campaign or an expansion that weaves in more npc drama. At the end there are only 4 possible endings and then the game just ends, I wanted more, but knew it would never be.
2. This game with all of its tracking was more akin to muds and I feel it would have been better suited (at least for single player) as an interactive book for a computer where the tracking is done behind the scenes. This would of provided more mystery and made the game feel more in the moment rather than breaking out of the story to reference tracking sheets to see if a choice was allowed.
Star Saga
Star Saga
2017 | Miniatures, Science Fiction
Dozens of miniatures (3 more)
Great detail
Great looking system
Customisable and adaptable
A couple of miniatures are slightly too flexible (minor damage) (1 more)
Limited replayability without going "alone"
Initial impressions and first play
I managed to pick up a copy of Star Saga by Mantic, initially because I wanted the accessories more than the game.

I opened the box and was blown away by the quality and quantity of the miniatures as well as the accessories. We are talking dozens of characters with great sculpts, as well as the doors and consoles etc which look fantastic (and to get these alone is a significant cost). Additionally, you get a couple of dozen deck tiles, which are perfect for many sci fi miniatures games, and can be used separately to the in-box missions, if you wanted to go it alone/freestyle for other players.

I watched one of the Play Through videos on YouTube, and decided to try it myself. The rules are pretty clear and easy to follow, and it does help that the first 2-3 suggested moves are spelled out in the rulebook.

The first mission is a 1-2 player mission; you can literally play the game on your own, and there is enough flex in the Nexus (read- GM) cards to give an unknown quality to the game. Controlling one Character only, it is fully meant to get you used to the game.

First time I played, I rolled poorly (with 4 dice, usually failing to hit, or having my hits blocked by armour/scenery) and eventually got swamped by lesser minions. The second time I tried it, I managed to get through to the objective and complete it; having said that, the first loss was still useful as it meant I could see what impact damage and wounds had on the character.

The second mission is a larger mission, controlling several characters with different rules, with locked doors and more enemies - the rulebook also suggest if you have 2 copies of the game, to play the 1st and 2nd missions at the same time - although I actually think there is enough pieces to play the 2 together from the one box with minimal adjustment (maybe a slightly shorter corridor, for example).

In short, although it doesn't have the same "freeflow" as something like the old gem Warhammer Quest, it is close, and is a great sci fi dungeon crawler. There are also lots of expansions, but I need to defeat these bad guys first...
Small World
Small World
2009 | Fantasy, Fighting, Territory Building
A neat thing about this hobby is getting in on all the hype of a soon-to-be-produced game. It’s exciting to follow the development, and neat to get sneak peeks and inside access to the production. But another awesome thing about this hobby is getting to discover a game long after it’s release, and still finding yourself excited about it. That’s what happened with me and Small World. That game is 10 years old at this point in time, but I was only introduced to it within the last year. I thoroughly enjoyed it, so when I saw it at a used game sale, I knew I had to have it.

The population of the world is growing, but unfortunately the world is running out of space. Many different races of creatures are vying for dominion over the land – conquering as many regions as possible to extend their empires. However, as every great civilization rises to power, it will also eventually fall and give way to a new empire. Which race can garner the most influence before it begins to fade away? And which race will be lying in wait, ready to capitalize on the vacancy left by its predecessor?

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions for this game, but we do not have any at this time, so this review is concerning vanilla base game Small World. If we review any of the expansions in the future we will update this review or link to the new material here. -T

Small World is a game of area control/movement and variable player powers in which players are attempting to use their chosen races to gain control over as much territory as possible. Once your chosen race has reached its limit, you can push it into a decline and pick another race to start fresh and conquer more land. Each race is coupled with a different power that could give you added benefit when used. On a typical turn, you will place tiles representing your race onto the game board. If you want to conquer a territory that is already inhabited by an opponent, you must play a specified number of tiles that will subsequently drive the opposing race from the territory, leaving it available for you to claim. Once you have played all the tiles you wish to play, you can re-distribute your race tiles – perhaps moving more to a territory near an opponent so they will not be able to overtake you easily on their turn. To end your turn, you receive one Victory Coin for each region of the world that you occupy. When you decide that your chosen race is no longer earning you enough points, you may push it into a decline and select a new race (with its own race tiles) to start a new conquest. The game ends after a finite number of turns, and the player with the most Victory Coins is the winner.

One thing that I really love about Small World is the variability of the game. There are 14 different races available each game, as well as 20 different powers. And the neat thing about the powers is that they are not tied to a specific race. Each game could yield a different combination of races/powers. So maybe in one game you get an awesome combination of a race and power, and the next game, the same race coupled with a different power turns out to be a dud. The only way to find out if a combination works is to try it! There are so many possibilities here, and that keeps the game engaging.

Another thing that I really like about Small World is that each player can go at their own pace. If I decided to push my race into decline, that does not mean that everyone else has to as well. It all depends on your specific strategy/race/power. This is also a cool part of the game because it makes it harder to determine your opponents’ strategies. You’re trying to maximize your own race/power while trying to figure out what everyone else is planning. There’s no hidden information – everyone knows all races/powers in play, as well as the races/powers available for purchase. The tricky part is trying to keep your opponents oblivious to your long-term plans. That keeps this game captivating and way more strategic than meets the eye.

The only negative thing I have to say about Small World is that there is a learning curve to this game. There are a lot of moving parts, and many things to keep track of each turn. Not to mention figuring out how the different races and powers work in conjunction with each other. It’s kind of a daunting game at first, but after a couple of plays it becomes a lot easier.

Small World is a strategic game with lots of variability and replayability. You may need to keep the rulebook on hand the first few plays, but once you get the hang of the gameplay and learn how the powers work, the game flows easily. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to play Small World, I recommend you do. Just because it’s an ‘older’ game doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not a good game anymore! Purple Phoenix Games give Small World a big 22 / 24.
2012 | Transportation
Great replayability (2 more)
Good solo mode
Plenty of expansions
Fiddly set up (1 more)
Worker placement suffers a bit at 5 players
It's a train game, isn't it.

Well, there are trains (many, many wonderful (and stupid) trains), and there are tracks, but Snowdonia is not your typical stuffy old train game.

Snowdonia is a worker placement Euro game (one of the best in My opinion) which has players working to complete the railway up to the top of Mount Snowdon.

While you are all working on the same track, this is a competitive game in which you score points for laying tracks, building stations and completing contracts.

The Dai is Cast

The game is set up by choosing which scenario you wish to play, and there are a good number, and laying out the track & station cards around the edge of the board. This is one of the great things about Snowdonia - each expansion is just a deck of cards which replace the original station & track cards, add a few additional rules and make a completely different experience.

The main board has a number of actions you can take like gathering resources, digging out rubble to clear the way for laying tracks (another action) or building stations to name a few. Each action location is further split into worker slots and in true worker placement fashion, these are limited so not everyone can do what they might want to.

There is a deck of contract cards, 3 of which are drawn at the start and replenished each round. If no-one has taken a contract, then the leftmost one is discarded and the other cards shift across with a new contract appearing on the right.

These contract cards are in two sections - the main part is a one time action that can give you a bonus to specific actions and is then spent. You keep the card though as the top part shows a game end bonus. If you satisfy the contract (by having laid a certain number of rails, built a number of stations, or dug enough rubble (and usually a combination of these things)) then you can get a decent bunch of points at the end of the game. Going after these can be rewarding but also quite tricky.

The backs of the contract cards also have a weather icon on them and this can be sunny, raining, foggy or, depending on the scenario, snowy. There is a weather track on the board which indicated the current weather as well as the forecast for the next 2 days so you can try to plan what you are going to do. The weather affects what actions you can take and how efficient you will be at doing them. Sunny days increase the amount of rubble you can dig and the number of tracks you can lay while rainy days decrease this and foggy days restrict the number of action spaces available. These work rates are marked on a track so if you get a run of 2 or 3 sunny days, you can get a good amount of work done.

The way this weather mechanic works really changes how each game feels. You can have games where it's very sunny and you can fair fly up the mountain or you could trudge through the fog gloomily laying the odd track and wishing you were in the pub.

It's warm in here, boyo, leave me to my pint will you

Ah, the pub. You have three workers, but only two are always available. The third one is found in the pub and will only come out if you get a train to take him up the mountain. Firstly, this involves buying a train when it becomes available and then paying a coal cube (not a cola cube, he's not that easily bought) to fuel the train. You only get him for that round after which he goes straight back to the pub.

This brings me on to resources. There are three types - Iron, Stone and Coal. Iron is needed to make tracks and build some station spots while Stone is used to build stations. Coal, as said, get's your man out of the pub.

Resources are restocked at the end of every turn and drawn blindly from a bag. The bag has finite resources determined by the player count but also contains 5 white cubes. These white cubes are the game's timer and represent "the company" coming in and doing work while you are messing about so keeping an eye on what resources are out is vital if you want to get a decent score.

When white cubes are drawn, they get placed on the AI track and will make the company dig, build or lay tracks so if you are not careful, the company will bring the game to a swift end.

Very Chuffed

The base game comes with 6 trains and each expansion adds more. Each train has it's own different special ability like granting you a bonus to your dig rate, letting you convert more Iron into Rail tracks or giving you a free build action.

All these really change how you can play and combined with the weather and the variety of contracts available really give a ton of replayability to Snowdonia.

Not only do the expansions come with trains, but the designer, Mr. Boydell has been creating additional trains for many a year, both as physical promo cards given away at conventions and with other games in his stable and as print and play cards posted up on his blog on BGG. Many of these trains are funny, silly or rude, often being inspired by events on the news and in the gaming world and there are A LOT of them. Check out to see the full list.

The Solo Game

Technically, the solo game is played exactly as the multiplayer game and is a "beat your best score" but that is really doing it a disservice. Like in the multiplayer game, the vastly different ways the weather, contracts and trains can interact makes each game feel totally different and the AI is unforgiving if you linger too long hoarding resources. This makes for a very challenging puzzle of resource optimisation and action efficiency that is very satisfying when you nail it.

There is a campaign of sorts where you play through a number of games using each train in order and there have been various challenges posted on Boardgame Geek.

Ooh, It's Big and Shiny

The Deluxe Edition (currently on Kickstarter) has collected all the expansions, many of them incredibly hard to find, (almost) all of the trains (even the print & play ones) and every other promo over released for Snowdonia and put them together in a lovely big box with a myriad up upgraded wooden pieces, all screen printed, as well as a larger board (with spaces to lay the track cards), more trains and some exclusive new scenarios. There is also the hint of a dedicated solo Automa to be added, but we will have to see, I wouldn't be bothered if it doesn't as the game is a superb solo experience as it is. Oh yeah, they have also added a set of cards that have each space on the board printed on each one so that you can use those to play the game if you are tight on space or want to take the game travelling. These were originally uploaded to BGG by a fan and I have used these many times when I have been working away as you can take them plus just enough pieces and cards to play solo and fit them all in a tiny box.

Snowdonia is My top Euro game and has been for a number of years, and I highly recommend going and checking it out.