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2008 | Card Game, Medieval
Best deck building game I've played (1 more)
Strategy changes depending what cards are available
Expansions add some dud cards that lead to unsatisfying combinations (0 more)
Each turn you will draw five cards from your deck and use the powers and gold to acculate more cards for your deck. The goal is to gain the most victory point cards, but those cards have no powers, so they dilute the affectiveness of your deck.
Smash Up
Smash Up
2012 | Card Game, Fantasy, Humor, Pirates, Science Fiction
Simple and silly (0 more)
Like a simplified version of magic the gathering, you build a deck out of two factions and compete with other players for victory points, which are acquired by destroying bases. Once you learn how to play the game is fairly fast paced and would be great for players the age of twelve and up. There is a plethora of expansions adding new factions and bases
Unstable Unicorns
Unstable Unicorns
2017 | Party Game
Card designs (1 more)
Stopped expanding after 4 packs. (0 more)
Unstable team, Great time
So I checked it out online before buying. My partner enjoyed it so much with me. Bought every expansion to it as soon as it came out. Then they decide to make the same game but with a light vs dark theme deck as separate and stop expansions. Besides the NSFW expansion, it is fun to play with anyone.
2014 | Card Game, Economic, Political
Splendor is easy to learn and allows for a wide variety of ages to play for a reasonable amount of time. The expansions are nice ways to change up the game as well. (0 more)
The only thing I don't like about Splendor is the small amount of players. I'd love to see it expand to 6 or even 8 players, even if the mechanics were a little different. (0 more)
Awesome game!
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride
Entertainment, Games
9.1 (12 Ratings)
App Rating
short game turns (2 more)
interesting decisions
great single player with multiple versions of Ai
Once of the all time best board games, a masterpiece
I adore this game, seriously fun quick game. I love to play the full board game and all of it's expansions as well as just the simple first game as an app on my phone. doctors office waiting room? perfect? DMV? Perfect. just pull it up and play.
Vikings Gone Wild
Vikings Gone Wild
2017 | Card Game, Fantasy, Humor, Medieval, Mythology
The theme is fun / funny (2 more)
Vikings are good.
when you are attacked you don't lose much
Its not very deep even with the expansions (0 more)
Good beginning deck builder
This is a good game, but not a great one... it's ok / meh 2 player, but shines with 4, The parts and pieces are ok, we got the deluxe version from KS and it's well made, but I'm glad to have the upgrade.
2003 | City Building, Civilization, Medieval
Simple, (3 more)
Good Depth
tons of expansions that make the game better
can get a little long when adding in expansions which make the game better (0 more)
Great Tile Laying Game, with interesting economic system
I love this game, it's great. Simple elegant. each turn you either buy tile and add them to your city, or you take money to prepare for the next turn. which makes turns relatively quick. but the depth of press your luck and anticipating what others might want is strong. There are plenty of expansions. I have the big box and you can pick and choose which ones you want to use, but each makes the game longer, so prepare yourself for longer games, which sometimes you want, other time is can drag because of it. One expansion allows you to take a tile out of turn if you can pay for it with exact change, we love that one. and there are exchange cards which allows you to convert blue money to orange money and we adore those cards too. This game has the quick feel of Ticket to Ride, with the Tile laying of Carcassone, but also the market system and a reward for paying with the exact right amount, so you have to decide if it's worth over paying for or you can be patient and get it with just the right amount. Also I highly recommend checking out Grenada which is a just a little more depth to it.
2000 | City Building, Medieval, Territory Building
simple (3 more)
Quick Turns
makes an interesting looking board when you are done.
A great gateway game for new boardgamers involving Tile Laying and Area Control, building castles can be contentious
I enjoy this one, and there are tons of expansions to go with it if you are looking to up the complexity level. This is the kind of game you can play with kids and also adults that don't play many games. I have the big box and if you add in all the expansions it can double and triple the playing time. but does add some fun rules, and new funky tiles. best to pick and choose a few and implement then without all doing all of them. This game is simple, elegant, has quick turns and is really easy to teach. If you are looking to dip your toe in the water of board games, this isn't a bad one to try out. also try ticket to ride and catan.
1995 | Economic, Territory Building
Easy to play (1 more)
Different every time
A bit of setting up (especially with some of the the expansions) (0 more)
This is one of my all time favourite games and something we play a lot of as a family. I love introducing this game to new people and have yet to find a friend who hasn’t enjoyed it. There are so many expansion packs available so once you’ve mastered the basics, there are so many variations to try.
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Lisa Padley (1090 KP) Jul 31, 2018

Currently explorers and pirates, but so far I’ve only had chance to play that and traders and barbarians


The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Aug 1, 2018

I play this game on the ipad much more than I do in real life. But even then it's every once in a while.

The Sims: Complete Collection
The Sims: Complete Collection
2002 | Simulation
Your world, your rules, your people (0 more)
Expansions are kind of like a sinkhole of money. You can spend hundreds easily. (0 more)
The beginning of the end
The first and original. First game I've played that I spent hours just designing my sims and house. Then I discovered the macabe aspect of killing sims in different ways. "oh, your pool ladder is gone? Just drown" "oh, there's a rug and plant by the fireplace, better be ready to burn"