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Beloved Lives
Beloved Lives
Marilyn J. Evans | 2018 | Paranormal, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite work for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And I gotta be honest here, it was very touch and go whether I would actually finish this!

The story tells of April, and Mitch and Weston. April only has her say here, and I would probably have enjoyed in more if the guys had had a say.

April and Winston have history, ancient history. And through time, they have, according to Weston, found each other and lived long and happy lives. But something doesn't ring true for April and she uses Mitch skill at hypnotherapy and past life regression to finally get some answers.

Like I said, touch and go for a while. I got way past half way, and I still wasn't able to figure out what was going on, and where this was going. But I kept at it, hoping it would make sense at some point. It did, but only once it was all revealed in the book.

It's not overly explicit, but there is some violence when they talk about how it all began. It's well written and I saw no editing or spelling errors.

It just didn't work for me.

But for a first time author, well done.

3 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Dragon's Thief
The Dragon's Thief
Riza Curtis | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 shiny stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A magpie is hired to steal from a dragon's hoard. What could possibly go wrong??

Short! So very VERY short! That's my overwhelming thought on finishing this book, I wish it were longer.

It's told mostly from Chester, the magpie's point of view, but Michal, the dragon who hires Chester, gets some say, just not enough for my liking!

It's not overly complicated, nor is it explicit nor violent. It's well told, and well delivered. Some more could have been made of the feud between Michal and his brother James.

It was just too bloody short!


I DID enjoy it, spending an hour sitting out in the sun on my day off. It's the first I've read of this author, but now she is firmly on my radar, my wish list is a little longer and hopefully I'll be able to read more soon.

Because I LIKED the way she tells her tales, and I LIKED that we get a magpie shifter, because I have never read a magpie shifter! And ya'll know I love them different!

So, because I found it too short ( I did NOT know it was a short going in!) and because I wanted more Michal...

4 shiny stars (because magpies love shiny things!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
Irvine Welsh | 2014 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not a pleasant read
Having recently read and enjoyed Trainspotting, I decided to give this book a go as I was intrigued to see how Welsh writes when it’s not in Scottish. Sadly I think I prefer the Scottish!

This is not a pleasant read, in more ways than one. The main character Lucy is a horrendous person, which is intentional but it doesn’t make for a nice read. There’s nothing redeemable about her at all and the longer the book goes on, the more repulsed you become by her behaviour. She’s not meant to be massively likeable, but I really didn’t enjoy reading a book where the main character is that disgusting. It’s a shame as the actual plot itself is quite decent and has a lot of interesting aspects and developments. The problem though is the characters and the fact that this is far too explicit and crude, it’s entirely unnecessary. The writing style also grates a lot in this. It seemed to work for Trainspotting but in this it just seems inappropriate - why Welsh can’t write conversation and paragraphs with proper punctuation and paragraphs I’ll never know. And finally the ending in this is just laughable. After such a horrific story the ending seems so out of place and so undeserving for such characters. If you want to read Irvine Welsh, read Trainspotting. Don’t bother with this.
My Dad Wrote A Porno
My Dad Wrote A Porno
8.5 (24 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Absolutely hilarious
Podcasts aren't usually my thing, however working from home full time has made me go insane listening to my usual music and radio shows. A few of my friends have recommended this podcast on numerous occasions so thought I'd give something different a go... now I'm just mega peeved that I hadn't started listening to this sooner!

This is possibly the funniest thing I've ever heard. Let's be honest, this isn't for the faint hearted or those easily offended as it's pretty explicit, but boy is it laugh out loud hilarious. The funniest thing is the fact that this is actually a real book series written by Jamie Morton's dad (aka Rocky Flintstone) and that this hasn't just been written to make fun. His writing style is bonkers and the way it moves from mundane description to ridiculous and completely unappealing porn scenarios is so bizarre. And then listening to this book being narrated by Jamie just adds to the laughs. Listening to his, Alice Levine's and James Cooper's commentary feels like you're sat in a room with friends listening and chatting about it in person. They pick on every grammatical error and plot hole, and not to mention the ridiculous scenarios and inept sales work.

Can't fault this at all, it's downright hilarious and I'll be very sad if/when I get to the last episode.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Jul 21, 2020

Best podcast ever!

Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)
Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)
Nora Ash | 2018 | Paranormal
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
did not like Liv!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have *issues* with this book.

Aside from the fact its single person point of view and blah blah blah of course I wanted to hear from Warin, Olivia has to be the single most annoying main character I have ever come across and I cannot,for the life of me figure out why I kept reading!!

She whines and moans and has the mental age of a teenager, I wasn't actually sure how old she was supposed to be til she and Warin are talking about how old he is.

Clearly, the British vampire Night Lord who's name escapes me already, is playing on a much bigger playground than just Chicago. And Warin's brother, Aleric, is part of that playground judging by the epilogue, but I can't see what game he is playing.

The book is reasonably well written, with some sexy scenes and some violence, but nothing too explicit or graphic. I saw no spelling or editing errors.

Will I read book two? Depends on who has the majority voice in that one. If it's Aleric? Possibly.

I just did not like Olivia!

But I did finish it, so for that reason...

3 stars

 Sorry this is short, but I find the 3 star ones for meh books the hardest to write.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Out Of The Ocean
Out Of The Ocean
Lynn Michaels | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 3 stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, was gifted my copy of this book.

Cal and Scott come together, when their boats are destroyed in the storm. They are fighting for their lives, out at sea, and the inevitable happens, they get close just as they get rescued and split up. With Scott in Germany and Cal in the States, will they fight for what they want, for WHO they want??

I liked this book, I really did, I just didn't love it. It's very well written from both Cal and Scott's point of view, and I saw no editing or spelling errors. I just, I dunno, couldn't love it!

I did find Scott a little ....insipid....a bit of a spolit brat.... when standing up to his dad! He DOES stand up to him, but only at the risk of losing Cal, when it should have been way before then for a mid 30's guy!

I just....oh! Don't you just HATE not being able to word what you want!!

It's not overly explicit, but it does get a little yukkie while they are floating in the life raft, but eating raw fish, eyes and guts and all weren't never gonna be a picnic in the park, now was it?? Bit gross!

A nice book, just one that didn't blow me away. Only short, some 100 pages, an hour reading time for.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Mr May (Calendar Men #5)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
didnt feel this one!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Calendar Men series, but you don't NEED to have read the other books before this one. It would HELP though, to give you a better picture of this doomed photo shoot and what these men have suffered at the hands of Evan.

Derrick plans, and plays safe. His one adventure nearly gets him killed. Meeting Niall, who is a fox shifter, and who lives life to the fulle, knocks Derrick off his axis.

Up until this book, I was really enjoying this series but my feeling on finishing this one?? I did not like it and I have no bloody idea why!

It's a fun read, though, mostly a much lighter read than the other books, with the exception of the nutty ex. I found it a little less explicit too, but that ight just be me!

I read it in one sitting. What's here is well written and well delivered.

I just . . . . . . *ARGH* . . . . . didn't feel this one! And you know how much it pains me, when I can't put my finger on what's letting it down!

Sorry this review is short, but when I cannot word what I need to say, I start to waffle, and waffling does not a good review make.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Hunter and The Cultist (Hunter X Slayer #1)
The Hunter and The Cultist (Hunter X Slayer #1)
J.A. Giaquinto | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kept me thoroughly engaged, and hooked me in sufficiently to want to read more.
Independent reviewer for gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

From a little research, I've discovered this author usually writes young adult, and this is most certain NOT young adult. Now, at times, it shows. It's a little clunky in places. In places where clunky need not be :-p

That said! I thoroughly enjoyed this!

It takes a little bit of time to put all the clues together about this world, and while usually I don't like massive info dumps, I could have done with at least a SMALL one here. It all comes together, it just took me far too long, and I kept feeling I missed something.

It's quite violent in places, but I think that was needed to get the point across. Steamy, but not ever so explicit (but definately more than a YA book!) and I did scream a time or three at the author! Gustav and Abel got interrupted so many times before they got their moment, and it just went on a bit too much I thought.

There are massive clues who might be next, and I look forward to reading who ever it might be.

A good read, that kept me thoroughly engaged, and hooked me in sufficiently to want to read more.

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Pieces of Eight (Lost Souls' Treasure #1)
Pieces of Eight (Lost Souls' Treasure #1)
Tricia Leedom | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderfully easy read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Griffin returns to Florida to help his old mentor to strike gold, literally. He just never realised he’d find his own pot of gold: in the form of a former circus performer called Bug. Bug never told Griff how she felt about him, and she won’t now, not if he’s leaving again. But a trip to Martinique changes everything, and could end it all before it really begins.

This is a delightfully easy read, with just enough of everything to keep you engaged.

There enough of the past, of Bug and Griff but mostly Griff. Enough of now of them both (they both get a say) Enough drama, both with these two and with the team. Some wonderful characters in the team, and when Hannah (Griff’s ex) turns up, I’m sure she’s ruffled a few feathers! Enough steam to make it smexy, but not overly explicit. Enough emotions from both of them, and you understand why Bug is so angry with Griff in the beginning, once those emotions are fully explained.

It’s well written, and well delivered. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It’s a really GOOD book, it just doesn’t blow me away. And I’m sorry about that! Will I read future books in the series? Possibly.

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Leaving Neverland (2019)
Leaving Neverland (2019)
2019 | Documentary
I’ll start by saying that I’ve never really been an MJ fan. Yes I like some of his music, but that’s about it and I have always wondered whether there wasn’t something a bit off about him. Similar to the likes of Jimmy Saville - MJ definitely had a weird creepy air about him. This documentary for me only helped reinforce what I’d already suspected, and it’s a harrowing thing to watch. These are stark, no holds barred accounts of abuse that these two men suffered as children to the point where nothing is held back. These accounts are very explicit, and for me this just made them seem more real and accurate. And the fact that it also digs into how this affected all of their family members too makes it even more haunting - it doesn’t just focus on the men as individuals but their relatives too. This definitely isn’t a documentary for the faint hearted although I did think that the 4 hour run time is a little too long.

Yes this is a one sided documentary, but for me it doesn’t make it any less believable. And strangely what I found most disturbing about this is the reaction of the MJ super fans to Wade. How these people can say such horrific things about another human being, just because they don’t like what’s being said about their idol, is truly disgusting. What saddens me though is that these people will have the same reaction to this documentary.