Expose 2: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe
Daniel P. Wade and Mark Snoswell
Building on the success of its predecessor, EXPOSE 2 now in its second edition, masses the very best...

Expose 5: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe
The flagship title of award-winning publisher Ballistic Publishing has become an institution in the...

Expose 7: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe
Daniel P. Wade and Paul Hellard
Showcases the world's best illustrated 2D and 3D work submitted for the EXPOSE 2009 awards....

Expose 8: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe
EXPOSE 8 showcases the year's finest new digital art from around the world. he biggest and best...

The Pro Exposure
TheProExposure.com focuses on interviewing top names in photography, publishing, modeling and more...

Expose 10: The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe
Ballistic Publishing and Ronnie Gramazio
For the last decade, Ballistic has released the Computer Graphics industry must have, digital art...