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Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
staying connected to family and close friends (0 more)
advertisements, political campaigns and no engagement (0 more)
It is OK, but there are better apps that will probably be more useful to you!
I have been using Facebook for a very long time now. It all started when MySpace and Hi5 were not popular anymore, and it was the only way to connect with friends and family.

I loved playing the games as well (FarmVille Master over here!!!). Then the games started dying too.

Now, Facebook seems to be only good for promoting your business and selling your political agendas. Other more popular apps/platforms have now replaced what Facebook used to be, such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn.

Night Reader Reviews (683 KP) created a post

Feb 4, 2020  
Just putting this out there if you check out Night Reader Reviews on Facebook I am hosting a giveaway of the book Incinerate by RL Green for the publishing company.

Clare Parrott (294 KP) created a post

Aug 2, 2017 (Updated Aug 2, 2017)  
Communication, Productivity, Social Networking
7.9 (302 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy to use (0 more)
Even my old mum can use it
Have you ever tried to explain to an octogenarian how to use snap chat? It isn't worth the effort. Facebook messanger is the easiest way to talk to your friends and elderly family online. It is ubiquitous at this point cause everyone has Facebook and can click the little video or send button. Click the red one to go away. The filters are getting better but still plain.

Ainsley Lewis (3 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jun 11, 2019  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Social interaction (1 more)
Groups when you find a good one
Can't always find what you want in settings (0 more)
Facebook fame
Facebook has been around for years and has become one of THE biggest social media platforms of the 21st century. You won't find many people that do not have an account and becomes almost the new socialisation. Yes... there are bad points to social media... lack of human interaction, online bullying has become a big problem, becoming dependant on mobile devices. But I have found with being away from family and friends, a comfort to keep in touch and up to date with what is going on. (I am one of these people that are terrible for keeping in contact) so it's comforting to be able to just click open my Facebook and see my little nieces growing up and brothers doing what they do best. Watching my friends grow and become the amazing people they have always been. The features of Facebook are getting better as it grows. Having your own ability to create groups and pages especially for small businesses, the fun little way of using a short snippet of a video for your profile picture. So yes I do prefer face to face interaction but with apps like Facebook becoming a more prominent part of day to day life, why not enjoy it!!

Bry (11 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 12, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Almost everyone I know uses it. (2 more)
Reconnect with people I thought I'd lost forever.
Stuff I wouldn't generally see elsewhere.
Security/privacy is HORRIBLE! (2 more)
Facebook is biased against minorities.
Facebook enforces the rules when & if they choose.
If Only There Was A Better Alternative
If I could convince all my Facebook friends to move to another site, I'd jump ship in a heartbeat! Yes, there's fun stuff & great info that I wouldn't normally come across any where else. But it comes at a price. With all the info Facebook has gathered on me, sometimes I feel like they know more about me then I do. I've been the victim of (& witnessed others be victims of) bullying numerous times. 99% of the time, Facebook does nothing about it. I report the problem, & the typical response is that "it doesn't violate Facebook's community standards". I've been hacked on their Messenger app. People can be downright cruel in the comment section of any article. There are bugs that keep getting worse instead of better. For example, I'm reading an article or watching a video I've clicked on. When I'm finished, instead of taking me back to where I was in my news feed, I'm sent back to the beginning. Once is frustrating. After that it's painfully irritating! There's so much more! I'll just sum it up by saying "Facebook has become a cesspool of negativity." I would leave the app, but I'd either lose people completely that can't or won't use other apps, or I'd have to use a boatload of apps, because of course people won't agree on the same alternative.

Vegp (6 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jan 29, 2019  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Funny memes (1 more)
Keeping in touch with family and friends
Far too many adverts (1 more)
A lot of shit on there
Good waste of time
Facebook is a part of life these days, I've been on there for about 10 years and checking Facebook has become a must multiple times a day for me (more habit than anything else).

However it is such a waste of time. There are far too many ads and rubbish posted.

The powers that be on there are either overzealous or disinterested.

 It's also a great way of making yourself miserable by comparing your life to others (which is often massaged to look better than reality)

I don't think I could leave Facebook but sometimes I kinda wish I'd not joined in the first place.

Lumos (380 KP) rated Tumblr in Apps

Jan 9, 2018  
Lifestyle, Social Networking
7.8 (25 Ratings)
App Rating
It's a Rabbit Hole
I love that you can customize it to your interests. It's as if pinterest, instagram, and facebook all mushed together to make an app. I will scroll through my tumblr page for hours.

Jaylyna Miller (4 KP) created a post

Apr 22, 2019  
I have a Facebook. I keep in touch with family that lives out of state. I usually enjoy it. Buy lately I haven't. It seems to be about politics. Donald Trump this or Donald Trump that. I

Minmay84 (140 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 17, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Can keep connected with people (0 more)
Getting too political at times. (0 more)
Good social app
I was using Facebook when it was first established and love it. I love being able to stay in contact with family and friends.