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Sheridan (209 KP) rated Outpost in Books

Jul 9, 2017  
Ann Aguirre | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing Continuation :)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Oh man sooo much happened! This book was amazing, all the gore and violence was still there with a hint of family, romance and homeliness. *SpoilerAlert* I was horrified in certain bits and I couldn't help feel that something more happened to Fade when he was captured but perhaps it wasn't explained because this is designed for a young adult audience. I was still rooting for Stalker and he snuck in a couple of kisses but no solid romancing for him yet :( I grinned my ass off at the end when they all chose to go with Deuce. Cannot wait to start the Horde :)

WildBell (6 KP) rated Gardenscapes in Apps

Nov 19, 2018  
Games, Entertainment
7.4 (18 Ratings)
App Rating
The levels are a good mixture of difficulty (0 more)
You can't save your unlimited time for later (0 more)
A year later still going
I've had this game for a couple of years. Love designing my garden and the different challenges you can join. The levels are sometimes really difficult and others super easy.
I will fade in and out of playing it a lot of the time, but will always return to it.

The flower challenge can be annoying as you have to use your unlimited time when you get it and I end up wasting half of it due to life getting in the way. Damn being an adult.
Black Christmas (2019)
Black Christmas (2019)
2019 | Horror
I have seen so many films like this that rely on political commentary in an inappropriate way, so I've come up with an outline that I will be filling out as a review for all of them.

Dear Black Christmas, if you are going to use political commentary as your main talking and plot point, it is essential that you use it in a classy and substance filled way. You did not do that, so please fade away into eternity. I especially didn't like the Brett Kavanaugh line, so please get over yourself and make your political commentary make sense. I root for you guys, but you make it very hard.
Heaven's Gate (1980)
Heaven's Gate (1980)
1980 | Action, Drama, Western

"I saw this one again a few weeks ago in its incredible restored director’s cut. I have always admired Michael Cimino, and I loved Heaven’s Gate when it was released—with some quibbles. Now, I can’t believe I could have had any quibble about this masterpiece. It’s not just that it ages well; it wipes away any doubt: for some reason the passing of time (remember the only genuinely moving tagline ever? What one loves in life are things that fade.) reveals this film as the extraordinary, transcendent triumph I could not see then. And the way it finally reaches us through the echo of time only makes it more moving, heartbreaking, even."

The Bond (The Secret Tales #1)
The Bond (The Secret Tales #1)
Vicki Stiefel, Sanna Brand | 2023 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
absolutely LOVED the slow burn/fade to back/very little smexy times!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Historical romance has always been a bit hit and miss for me, I tend to get annoyed with all the rules and regs of the time, but, strangely, that's what I liked about this one!

Because Rosie (to only Rhys and NO ONE else!) kind of flaunts the rules. She pushes the boundaries and smashes down the expectations for ladies of her time.

Given her secret, and how she dealt with that in the past, it's understandable she doesn't want anyone to push her into anything, certainly not a marriage to Penworth, the odious man. Rose's male parental unit (I refuse to call him her father!) is a nasty piece of work, but he does get his comeuppence!

I loved that Rose and Rhys have history, from when they were children. I loved that we get some of that history in flashbacks. It helps you paint the picture of how Rose and Rhys came to be.

And I absolutely LOVED the slow burn/fade to back/very little smexy times that this book has. Hardly surprising given Rose's past, but I loved that Rhys loved Rosie enough to WAIT for her, to come to him, when she wanted more from him.

Quite a lot of angst in this book, for Rose as well as Rhys. I liked that Rhys was able to articulate his feelings for Rose, since men of that time were not expected to be able to do that.

Given the bit at the end, I expect that one of Rose's sister's will be next and I look forward to reading it,

I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page, but I can't find a single thing wrong with it, so. .

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

BookblogbyCari (345 KP) rated Enclave in Books

Aug 14, 2018  
Ann Aguirre | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 6/10.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, this book is a cross between Lord of the Flies, and City of Embers. You know you’re reading a YA novel when it starts with a coming-of-age ritual, and all the characters are under 25 years old.

The central character, Deuce, is a 15 year old young lady who grew up in an underground enclave, who has trained all her life to catch food to eat and protect the rest of the enclave from sharp-toothed zombie-like creatures (AKA Freaks) who also live underground.

The power within the enclave is held by a minority few and they operate by hard and fast rules. Everyone is designated their own purpose when they come of age. Deuce’s role is “Huntress” and other roles include “Builder” for those who make the items needed by the enclave, and “Breeder” for those who lack the skills to be put to any other use.

The enclave motto is “The Strong Survive” and the unspoken implication is that the weak are not valued. Any random object found by the members has to be declared to the elders and kept by the Wordkeeper. Hoarding is punishable by death. The enclave’s beliefs and way of life are all that Deuce has ever known.

Shortly after her naming ceremony and teaming up with Fade to carry out patrols, Deuce starts to see the set-up for the cold way of life that it is. One thing leads to another and the 2 of them are exiled. And so, the second half of the book continues above ground, where they face a different set of challenges.

In the beginning of the book, the descriptions of the fights with the Freaks are detailed, but this soon changes (which I was glad of, as that would have put me off the rest of the book).

The story is fast-paced and I didn’t get bored, but, as you may expect in a post-apocalyptic world, much of the story revolves around fighting zombies, finding food to eat, and water with which to drink and wash. So it felt repetitive in places.

There is a barely-there slow burn romance between Deuce and her “partner” Fade. They have each other’s back when fighting the mutants, and when Deuce got exiled from the enclave, but there’s little in the way of desire for each other.

At one point, the book seemed to form the beginning of a mystery novel, as Deuce and Fade tried to piece together how the world had got this way, but when a yellowing newspaper revealed an old story, there seemed nothing mysterious about the state of affairs.

This book is the first in the 3-book series, Razorland. Strangely the first book doesn’t really end in a cliff-hanger, so I didn’t feel compelled to read the next one. Although I’d imagine some of the earlier characters will re-appear. To be honest, I felt the story so far is unimaginative, but that’s not to say the rest of the series is the same.
A Lady to Treasure
A Lady to Treasure
Marianne Ratcliffe | 2023 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
very much fade to black and I liked that!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is, I think, the first I've read of this author, and I really enjoyed it.

I'm not afraid to say I like my books on the steamier and smexier side, you know I'm not but what I liked the most about this was the fact that there is NO smexy stuff!

Oh, don't get me wrong, there is love and passion and emotions all over the place but it's very much a fade to black book, and I liked that it was.

Louisa is in a tricky spot, having been sent by her father to secure a husband in England with enough money to save his business. Sarah is just trying to keep a head above herself; her sister; her father and stepmother and the waste of space that is her stepbrother.

Several marriage offers later, and a terrible attack on Louisa and the ladies realise that they need each other. But Sarah has been alone for so long and accepting the help and love that Louisa offers is hard and she pushes her away, often. Tragedy strikes and Sarah knows to where he must go for help.

I think the thing I struggled the most with, was how long this book is. There is a huge amount of back story, that seemed to drag on. Back stories are great, but I found myself skipping huge chunks. I didn't feel I missed anything by doing so, so maybe they didn't need to be there.

I loved the supporting cast. Eleanor especially, was a joy, even if she was shunned by most of "polite society" in those days.

I didn't feel anything from either woman about what might happen if they let themselves love on each other, you know? Neither were bothered by their feelings and what might happen. Found that a bit odd, given the time they lived in. The romance element sort of popped up too, there didn't seem to be any build up!

But all in all, a nice read, with some drama and some passion; some love and some danger.

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
An Unrivaled Off Season (Hockey Ever After #3.5)
An Unrivaled Off Season (Hockey Ever After #3.5)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
perfect for these two!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3.5 in the Hockey Ever After series, and you MUST read book 3, Unrivaled, before you read this one. This is a continuation of Max and Grady's story. The other books are not necessary though, but they are all 4 and 5 star reads.

What this is, is an immediate pick up from Unrivaled and the summer that Max and Grady spent at Max's home in New Bruinswick. (I have no clue where that is, in relation to Florida or California, but I know its north and colder that those two places!)

Both men are wanting to ask THE QUESTION, but neither man can figure out how best to do it and what follows is a wonderful 100 odd pages of them getting up the courage and spitting the darn question out. But things keep happening and the question comes, finally, at the most perfect time!

These guys love each other, and they make no bones about it! I loved that the smexy times is again fade to grey, maybe even to black, but hey! I don't care! Yes I usually like the smexier times, but I'm big enough and ugly enough to admit that it's not always necessary and these guys do fade to grey perfectly!

I loved the way these two integrated into each others lives, homes, and hearts. They are quite devious in gettting what they want, and I loved that neither one really realsied what the other was doing!

It's got laugh out loud moments (or in my case, a croak cos I have a raging sore throat!) It's got so much love. It's got guys from book 1, Gabe and Dante, playing a huge part. It's got some emotional bits, mostly when Max and Grady are having the internal conversations with themselves about asking the question, but it's not heavy. It's a lighthearted read and it was the perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday morning.

I don't ususally give such short reads 5 stars, since I almost ALWAY want more, but this one??

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
H Is for Homicide (Kinsey Millhone, #8)
H Is for Homicide (Kinsey Millhone, #8)
Sue Grafton | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Over the last couple of months, Kinsey has become friends with Parnell, an investigator at California Fidelity. So, she is shocked when Parnell is shot in the parking lot. With no leads, the case begins to fade, and even Kinsey is given a new case to investigate Bibianna for potential insurance fraud. Her plan is to get close to Bibianna and confirm the fraud, but Bibianna has secrets that complicate Kinsey’s plans. What will happen next?

This book starts well with an interesting first half, but then the second half really bogs down. The climax is almost anti-climactic in fact, and a huge change to Kinsey’s life is dashed off in a sentence. Furthermore, insurance fraud is the focus more than the homicide, which is disappointing for the “H” entry in the series. It’s not a bad book, but it’s definitely the weakest in the series to date.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Merissa (11800 KP) created a post

Feb 14, 2021  
Don't forget to add #Hiraeth to your TBR list!

Ellis Clarke has never felt at home anywhere, always feeling a sense of nostalgia for somewhere that she doesn’t know. When she goes to Beddgelert on vacation, she is overwhelmed by the feeling of belonging. Of course, the handsome Luke may have something to do with that.
Luke Maddox is a Guardian of Wales, a red Dragon who patrols the skies with the rest of his Weyr. When he meets Ellis and she is welcomed home by Merlin, he knows he has found the other half of him... but only if Ellis acknowledges him.

How will she claim him when she has no knowledge of being either a Guardian or a Dragon? Will Ellis find and accept her lost responsibility or will Luke fade away before she figures it out?

'Hiraeth is a Welsh word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret.'

Goodreads Link:
