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Secret Origins (The Courtless Fae #1)
Secret Origins (The Courtless Fae #1)
Maya Daniels | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Secret Origins is the first book in The Courtless Fae series and runs along the same timeline as Ignited, the sixth and final book in the Daywalker series. Personally, I would recommend you read that series first as it will give you a better idea about the different characters and what makes them tick. You will also see Myst with Frankie which is always worth a read.

You learn more about Myst from the start of this book. She has a persona she puts forward for everyone, and even falls for it herself at times. She pushes people away, not wanting to care for anyone. Unfortunately for her, some people sneak past her walls. From the other books, it is obvious that Myst and Fenrir have a history together but now we learn just what that history was. No wonder Myst pushed him away. Fenrir has a lot to do to make up to Myst and to get her to trust him again.

As with all of Maya Daniels' books, it is full of snarky humour and action. There are new characters to meet as we learn about Myst's past that I can't wait to meet again. A brilliant start to a new series and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 26, 2020
Promenade (The Dark Nocturne #3)
Promenade (The Dark Nocturne #3)
Morgan Shamy | 2022 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading and loving the first two books in the Dark Nocturne series by Morgan Shamy, Serenade and Etude, I jumped right into reading the final book in the trilogy, Promenade. Promenade was the best book in the series which is saying a lot since I loved the first two! I was just sad that the trilogy was ending.

In Promenade, November and Vincent are in two separate eras in time. After an attack on November's life that lives others she cares about dead, she enlists the help of the Fae to help her get back in time to help stop Vincent's death in the present time. However, there's the shadow wraith that keeps coming after her to send her back to her time. November must convince Vincent, who's a totally different person than his present self, to somehow change the future to prevent his death in her time. However, things don't go as planned. More lives are lost, and November's plan is left in shambles.

I very much loved the plot of Promenade! I was hooked right from the start. Yes, the first two books in the series are fantastic, but Promenade really blew me away! There's so much action and adventure packed in each and every page throughout this book. It's hard not to get sucked right back into November's world. There was a few time where the pacing took off without me, and I was left confused, but that was not very often. Other than those few times, the pacing was perfect, and I found myself fully immersed in the story. I loved the setting of early 20th century London, England. With Shamy's great descriptions of everything that was around, I was easily transported back with November. It was easy to imagine everything going on around November. The world building was so good! The time travel aspect was written superbly, and it was done in a way that wasn't extremely confusing. In Promenade, we still had some mentions of blood walkers, shifters, and witches, but now November was also dealing with the Fae, the Shadow Fae, and a shadow wraith. I loved all the new types of fantasy beings in this book. There were a few plot twist throughout the book, and I loved how the whole trilogy was tied up nicely by the end of the book.

Where do I start with the characters in Promenade? Just like in the previous two books in the trilogy, Shamy does an amazing job at breathing life into each and every one of her characters no matter how big or small of a role they play. November redeemed herself in Promenade after annoying me in Etude. I admired her love and strong bond with Vincent. I loved how she'd risk everything just to try to make sure he and her friends would be alright (even if it would sometimes have the opposite effect). The depth of November's emotions felt very realistic, and I felt myself having the same feelings as November. I enjoyed reading about the Vincent of 1901. He was much different from the present day Vincent, and it was interesting to read how different they were. I liked how we got to know Quincey a little better in this book as well. I enjoyed learning more about him. Cam was also heavily featured, and I was thrilled! I've always had a soft spot for Cam after the first book in the trilogy when he turns over a new leaf. We are also introduced to the characters of Rowan and Hazel. Although they weren't featured a lot, they were still awesome characters. We also get to meet Vincent's father. Let's just say he is definitely a piece of work! Shamy does a fantastic job of making us kind of sympathize with him for wanting to protect his land and people but at the same time, hating him for what he's done to the people he thinks disobey him.

Trigger warnings for Promenade include murder, attempted murder, torture, violence, and blackmail.

Overall, Promenade is one of the best books I've read in awhile. With it's exciting plot and well developed characters, you'd be hard pressed not to like this book. I would definitely recommend Promenade by Morgan Shamy to those aged 14+ who are willing to stay up all night to finish a book due to how great it is!
Hunt the Moon (Cassandra Palmer, #5)
Karen Chance | 2011 | Paranormal, Romance
Hunt the Moon is a great addition to the series because it takes us Deeper than ever before. Prepare to light up the dark side of the moon, because this book is a super-bright flashlight on the mysteries and mythologies that fuel the Cassandra Palmer world and the overall plot of the series. But be ready for some shadows and more questions to be thrown in as unexpected twists and turns take us on a whole new, thrilling angle.

I really enjoyed Hunt the Moon. Karen Chance onces again nails the pace of action, romance and deepening our understanding of the loveable characters she has created. In Hunt the Moon we learn a lot about the big three, Cassie, Pritkin and Mircea which puts their behaviour and way of reacting to life in a whole new light. It's a work of art.

In Hunt the Moon, Cassie finds herself a brand new enemy, because rogue vampires, black wizards and gods were't enough. Now she gets to throw in the fae and demi-gods too. Who bring with them a whole new bag of tricks. And while you shouldn't laugh at someone who always seems to find herself and her bodyguards in the midst of explosions, but, well, it's damn funny when a stoned pythia is glaring at a possessed fridge. Karen is able to be serious and cover some unsettling topics like war, politics and childhood trauma (of all varieties) and balance it with pleasant prose and just straight-up fun. That's the best word for the Cassie Palmer series, it is fun to read.
Below Dark Waters (Dalya #2)
Below Dark Waters (Dalya #2)
Katie Zaber | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Below Dark Waters is the second book in the Dalya series and it really should be read in order or it just won't make sense!

Megan and the rest are making their way away from Capo and hopefully Megan's murderous father. They are a ragtag crew but fit together although cracks are showing in Sarah. Megan is having a rough time of it and isn't sleeping, giving the others concern about her. She is changing more each day, becoming stronger and more fae-like.

Oh wow! This book has just as much going for it as the first! This time, it is told from the points of view - Megan, Lilly, and Carmia. Three very different women with very different experiences. I can't wait to see how they tie together.

One thing I love about Katie Zaber is even when she writes a scene where you expect someone to be nice, she manages to turn it around and throw Megan to the wolves and you don't even blink! She continually surprises me and, for someone who reads as much as I do, that is fantastic.

I loved how the story still involves all the characters from book one although I would have enjoyed more time with Mana but that's just me. 😁 It is getting more intriguing the more I read and I really can't wait to continue this series.

Absolutely and completely recommended by me!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dark Harmony (The Bargainer #3)
Dark Harmony (The Bargainer #3)
Laura Thalassa | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
71 of 200
Dark Harmony ( The Bargainer book 3)
By Laura Thalassa

There are worse things than death. Things that lurk in the shadows and slip into your dreams. Things that have no business existing. Things that once slept … but have now awoken.

For Callypso Lillis, the fae magic that now runs through her veins is equal parts curse and good fortune. For the very thing that bonds her to Desmond Flynn, the King of the Night, also makes her vulnerable to the Thief of Souls, a man who wants to break the world … and Callie along with it.

But it’s not just the Thief whose shadow looms over the Otherworld. Des’s father is back from the dead, and he wants revenge on the son who sent him to the grave in the first place.

Des and Callie must figure out how to stop both men, and time is running out. Because there are forces at play working to tear the lovers apart once and for all … and unfortunately for them, death is no longer the worst thing to fear.

What an ending! I have absolutely loved everything about this series it was just so good. I have been looking for a decent fey series for so long! I think I’ll definitely be rereading this one! Highly recommended If you like your fey, hot sex but not constantly shoved down your throat and characters you can laugh, cry, love and hate. This was a series the author was giving away whist the world was on a crazy lockdown to so thank you Laura Thalassa!!
Rogue (Relentless #3)
Rogue (Relentless #3)
Karen Lynch | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book starts with just a small gap from the ending of the last one. Sara has 'escaped' from her home, leaving Nikolas, Tristan, and her shadows behind. Of course, she's not allowed to escape by herself, Jordan has blackmailed Sara into letting her come along. I don't think that Jordan was expecting the escape to take the route it did, although it gave me plenty of laughs to start off this rollercoaster of a book.

Sara is determined to stand on her own, to prove that she isn't helpless or hopeless! With Jordan, Peter, and Roland's help, she has physical support. With the friendship of David and Kelvan, she has IT on her side too. She proves that she kicks ass whilst also showing her caring and empathetic side.

Sara's character grows with leaps and bounds in this book, as she harnesses both her Fae and her Mori sides. I will just add here that although I love Nikolas, I was ready to whomp him upside the head when he kept saying it was too dangerous for Sara and not listening to her. I couldn't wait for her to pull the rug out from under his feet! Of course, I still love his character, but still!

Packed full of emotion and action, this is a thrilling climax to the trilogy. What a journey this group of characters have taken me on. This is most definitely a 5-star series - there is not a book that lets it down. Absolutely loved it and highly recommended!

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 7, 2016
Sea Dragon's Hunger (The Fada Shapeshifter #4.5)
Sea Dragon's Hunger (The Fada Shapeshifter #4.5)
Rebecca Rivard | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sea Dragon's Hunger (The Fada Shapeshifter #4.5) by Rebecca Rivard
Sea Dragon's Hunger is the 4.5th book in The Fada Shapeshifter series. We meet Cassidy, a dolphin shifter mum who is doing her best to protect her sea dragon daughter from 'the bad men'. Fae are after her daughter because if they use a dragon's heart, their power grows times five. Cassidy will do anything to protect her daughter, including going to the father for help. Nic left Cassidy five years ago as he didn't want her to have the isolated life he knew he would have, and didn't know about Rianna. Unfortunately, Cassidy has ended up being hunted, despite Nic's best intentions. These two need to figure out what's going on between them now, before they can move forward - if they live long enough, that is.

This is a well written and fast paced book, full of sweet and steamy moments. Rianna is precious, and the men in Nic's den are instantly smitten with her. Cassidy is a sassy character, strong in her own right, and definitely not just some doormat ruled by her hormones. With a flowing style, the scenes change smoothly from one to the next, and there were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. Although this book is number 4.5, it is the first in this series I have read, and I had no difficulty in staying with the story. Of course, it has left me wanting to read the others, just because ;) Most definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Heart Bandit (Gargoyle Night Guardians #1)
Heart Bandit (Gargoyle Night Guardians #1)
Rosalie Redd | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful new series!
*purchased copy Jan 2020*

I have a *thing* for the more obscure paranormal creatures, and gargoyles are at the top of that list, since so few are written. Add in an author who is a firm favourite, and really, you can't go wrong!

And I LOVED this gargoyle book!

It has twists and turns, new additions to the folklore of gargoyles. It has a feisty young lady, with an old head on her shoulders. It has an old solider, with a hardened heart. It has a scorned witch, and some bad as sin fae folk who want nothing more than to destroy all the gargoyles!

Beaumont (not ever shortened to Beau, so many Brownie points!) is old, and actually has had enough. Faced with his little pickpocket stealing his most precious stone, he knows that he will die if he doesn't get it back. But since meeting the feisty little thief, his attitude is changing, and maybe, just maybe, he can find it, and be happy with Sadie.

I loved that Beaumont only calls Sadie her given name but once in the whole book. She's his little thief, his pickpocket, all those sorts of names. Why? He doesn't like that Sadie contains the word SAD! I was like, "oh thats so sweet!"

I liked that Sadie's sister will play a huge part in another gargoyle's life, in book 2. And I wonder if the scorned witch will be making another appearence in a later book to redeem herself.

Ms Redd has started a new series with a bang, and I hope to get to read them all!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Mystik Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #2)
Mystik Warrior (Dark Warrior Alliance #2)
Brenda Trim, Tami Yulka | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
118 of 200
Mystik Warrior ( Dark warrior alliance book 2)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

After suffering a century of torture and humiliation, Jace still bears the scars that have left his heart closed to love and acceptance. He escapes the prison walls only to realize he's mystically bound to his tormentor. Believing he doesn't deserve a Fated Mate, he keeps his distance from females. Renowned for being a level-headed warrior, his control is pushed to the limit when he meets the Vampire Queen's sister. Not only is his patience tested by Cailyn, but his skills as a sorcerer are challenged when he fights to save her mortal soul. Cailyn is instantly spellbound by the damaged soul she views in the sparkling depths of Jace's amethyst eyes. The attraction is so strong that it forces Cailyn to question the direction of the life she has planned with another. Her mundane human life is shaken up by a violent car crash, a Fae spell, expeditions into the bayou, and battles with demons. Amidst the chaos, the developing bond between her and Jace strengthens, leaving their desire for one another undeniable. Of one thing Cailyn is certain, she must help Jace explore the depth of his scars to overcome the wounds of his tortured past and find a future... but will it be with her?

It was not a bad read it was very similar to another series I read! The thing I think I struggle with is the Scottish written it hurts my head to read it. It’s not badly written in just not sure it’s necessary. Overall I would recommend especially to those that enjoy this genre.
Carnival Row - Season 1
Carnival Row - Season 1
2019 | Drama, Fantasy
Cara Delevigne (0 more)
I have mixed feelings about this one. I know that this show did well with the critics because it's apparently reflective of our modern times (xenophobia, etc), and, I'm sure that's probably what the writers intended. However, this show seemed to actually reflect the always interesting and complicated relationship between Ireland and England. The fae even had Irish accents (albeit, bad ones in some cases). It made me think, since both of my families are descendants of two races that weren't necessarily welcome in the US, and I get random sneering/weird comments about being half-Polish.
Anyway, the world was interesting, and it was a Steampunky-Victorian mash up. It was also very predictable, I had everything figured out completely by the 6th episode. The script wasn't that great, and good god, Cara Delevigne cannot act her way out of a wet paperbag. The main draw, for me, was Orly. He seemed to be the best actor out of all of them. There was one story line that I'm not sure was strictly necessary, involving the Spurnrose family, and that obnoxious actress that played Catherine Howard in the Tudors. There was also another strange plot line that seemed a little off, because it wasn't introduced with enough detail. There was also unnecessary T&A that I think just slowed down the show in general. I don't like T&A scenes in general, because they're hardily every relevant to the overall story. I just feel like the streaming platforms are trying to be like HBO. This show would have benefited from not having it, because it could have brought in a younger demographic as well as the adults.
I'm glad this was already renewed for a second season, because they left it as a cliffhanger. I wanted more about these different magical races and their country of origin.
Show all 3 comments.

Erika (17788 KP) Sep 9, 2019

I had a hard time rating it, since Cara was sooo bad in it. It's definitely intriguing.


AJaneClark (3962 KP) Sep 9, 2019

It’s on my watch list. But the reviews have not been great at all