Mechanica (Mechanica #1)
Nicolette’s awful stepsisters call her “Mechanica” to demean her, but the nickname fits: she...

‘A writer of sentences so elegant that they gleam’ – Ali Smith, author of How to be Both ...
Magical Realism Retelling Literary Fiction Fairy Tales Adult Fiction

Sea Witch Rising
“The Little Mermaid” takes a twisted turn in this thrilling sequel to villainess origin story...

Blaine's Beast
It's the coldest night of the year--the kind of cold that sinks its teeth into the bones of anyone...

Beauty and the Beast (Timeless Fairy Tales #1)
Once upon a time Elle made a mistake. A small miscalculation sends her through the roof of an...

Kyera (8 KP) rated Beheld (Kendra Chronicles, #4) in Books
Feb 1, 2018
My least favourite aspect of the book was actually the interludes linking each story together, or Kendras tale of trying to find her love. Each retelling would have been an interesting (if short) read, even if she were not a character and the magic was introduced in another fashion. Personally, I felt that these tales would have been better served as novellas because the thread linking them felt forced. The stories themselves felt rushed at times, perhaps because all four had to be combined into one cohesive story and if they were more detailed than the novel would be much too long.
The characters were likable and the world was believable, but neither was particularly developed. I wish that the author had taken the time to delve more deeply into the worlds and build an entrancing narrative. Overall, the book was enjoyable but there were times that it was slow and I had to force myself to pick it back up to continue.
I would recommend this novel, and the series as a whole, to young adult/teen readers who enjoy magic and fantasy in their books, as well as fairytale retellings.

Debbiereadsbook (1324 KP) rated Blaine's Beast in Books
Jan 8, 2023
This is a retelling of a fairy tale, but please shove your knowledge of that fairy tale aside, cos this was brilliant! Bar one teeny tiny thing!
Blaine finds himself caught out in a storm, and then surrounded by wolves and then looked after by some lovely, if slightly odd, people. But nothing is as it seems and when Blaine finds out the truth, he vows to help fix things.
I thoroughly enjoyed this, I really did.
While, to me, it was very obvious who Rohan was, I liked that THAT fact wasn't dragged out for too long.
What surprised me was how things went down at the end. I was happily reading away, there was an ending of sorts and I was expecting that to be it. But I still had 25% to read! And then things happened and I loved being surprised!
It's steamy, and smexy and dark and gritty. It has a few sweeter moments too.
And this is the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars. It pains me, but its my review.
We ONLY get Blaine. And I wanted Rohan and Beast, I really did. I needed them to tell their story. And I don't get them. So, I was not very happy about that. I wanted in their head, you know? How they felt about Blaine arriving, then leaving, then things happening at the end. I needed that, and I don't get it.
so, 4 very good stars
*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Beastly in Books
Feb 11, 2019
The plot wraps around the character of Kyle Kingsbury, who becomes the Beast. The book mainly felt like a character study as he progressed from a conceited, self-involved boy to a self-sacrificing, repentant young man. This is certainly a change from most retellings of this tale, since it is usually from the viewpoint of the character who plays the role of "Beauty." Many of the side characters were also just as fascinating, such as the blind tutor who comes to live with Kyle. I love the fascination that Kyle adopted for roses and the details of their care that were included in the book, it gave the book more depth. Probably the most exciting part of the book was his frantic race through New York City and the way that he handled the reactions that he created during this foray.
I know that this book was turned into a movie recently. I have not seen it as of yet, other than the previews, but I do look forward to it. But I already know of one major difference that the movie has from the book, and that is Kyle's beastly appearance is changed to resemble extravagant and disfiguring tattoos. I'll reserve opinion on this until after I've seen the movie.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated My Very First Story Time: Cinderella in Books
Jun 6, 2019
Cinderella, (along with many of the other characters in this book) is portrayed as mixed heritage. She is also more capable of looking after herself, and a much better role model for young girls since this story is less about her being a slave to her ugly sisters and her “woe-is-me” pity-party and more about how she makes things happen for herself as a valued member of her society. Albeit a magical one.
I’d say this is great reading for children three years and up, as this has paper pages and doesn’t seem to be for an early self-reader, despite the title, but you can still read this story out loud to younger children at bedtime.
A charming book, full of diversity, simple rhythmic words and brightly coloured illustrations.

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It’s 200 years after Cinderella found her prince, but the fairy tale is over. Teen girls are now...
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