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King of Beasts (Curse of the Dark Kingdom #4)
King of Beasts (Curse of the Dark Kingdom #4)
Amberlyn Holland | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KING OF BEASTS is the last (so far) in the Curse of the Dark Kingdom series. Everyone has broken free of their curse apart from the eldest, Kyllean. He is the one stuck in The Library, in a beast form. Anyone want to guess the fairytale?

Kyllean and Leandra definitely get their story told, but the others appear too so, in the end, the Big Bad is defeated by all of them working together. I do love it when that happens, don't you?! Leandra is a strong character; she has to be as she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. She is not cowed by Kyllean, even when he roars, and I loved how she always stood up to him. Kyllean himself is a very sympathetic character. He is doing the best he can, the only way he knows how. His insecurities lead him to questionable actions but I found I understood them.

A fantastic retelling of a classic, this was a wonderful ending to the series. The world- and character-building are just as good as always, and the pacing was perfect. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 20, 2023

Kyera (8 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book drew me down the rabbit hole and never let go. I hate Marissa Meyer for making me fall in love with these characters when I know that they may not have a happy ending. No, I don't actually hate her book (I loved it) but it gives you so many feelings and yet you feel that it's not possible for it to work out. If you are familiar with Lewis Carroll's work, you know what happens in Alice in Wonderland. As this is a prequel, you expect that you know how each character turns out and wonder if it will inevitably play out the same way in Heartless. It crushes your heart to know their dreams and realize that they may not come true. My only hope going into this book was that it would have a Wicked-style secret that explains how any of them could possibly find their happily ever afters.

I have always been a huge fan of well-done fairytale re-tellings (or prequels in this case) and Heartless does not disappoint. Marissa Meyer did a wonderful job with the Lunar Chronicles and this is just as well done. We get a different look at our most beloved and hated characters, prior to their lives intersecting with Alice's. Most Wonderland retellings I've read feature Alice, so this was a nice change of pace.

Catherine is our likable if a bit spineless heroine who is set to be the future Queen of Hearts - if her mother has any say. She is joined by the Joker, Hatter, March Hare and other classic characters. Cath's dream is to open the finest bakery in Hearts, but her parents have other plans.

The Joker, Jest is my favourite character by far and he has a great arc throughout the story. He is witty, kind, magical and so much more than just the Fool. I almost wish he was the main character because his scenes were always my favourite.

The author took some liberties with the characters, but overall they just helped to make them more believable. Their personalities are developed and expanded, lending them an air of realness that doesn't always permeate Wonderland.

The Mad Tea Party scene was highly enjoyable as each guest was called upon to perform whilst jauntily adorned with a hat. My only negative is that I wish the Hatter was more likable. I understand his motivations but as classically one of my favourite characters I wish I had enjoyed his role more in this novel. I also wish that Cath could have been more pro-active, even though I understand her less than stellar backbone due to the period and her upbringing.

The world is vividly described from the fabric and accouterment laden Hatta's shop to the lavish King's castle. The author even adds a little Wonderland flair to common phrases and anecdotes. World-building is very well done and makes me long to visit Hearts.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy and the fantastical, fairytale re-tellings, prequels and Marissa Meyer's wonderful writing.
Wendy, Darling
Wendy, Darling
A C Wise | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever wondered what happened when Wendy, John and Michael returned from Neverland? Wendy, Darling by A. C Wise is about to reveal all, but let me warn you, it is far from a fairytale!

Life post-Neverland for the Darling children has been difficult to say the least. Upon their return Wendy was struck with a serious fever, their parents were casualties of the Titanic, Michael has recently returned from WWI with his own ghosts and John has financial struggles. However, from Wendy's perspective, these all pale in comparison: John and Michael have done the worst thing imaginable they have forgotten Neverland!
Wendy's refusal to let go of Neverland and her dogged determination to make her brothers remember their adventures causes great friction within the Darling family. Wendy finds herself labelled as a hysterical woman and is even confined to an asylum after raging at her siblings.
This is just one of the methods Wise uses to address the misogyny of the original Peter Pan story and it is a particularly harrowing one: the abuse Wendy faces at the hands of her "carers" is brutal and unforgiving in its detail. To everyone surrounding her, Neverland is Wendy's sickness, an imaginery world that she is hiding behind. However, several years after her release from St Bernadettes, Neverland still lives on in Wendy's memories and now it is catching up with her. Now Peter is flying out of her window again... with Wendy's daughter Jane in tow!
Wendy returns to a very different Neverland to that which she left. Although the island always seemed to play to Peter's every whim this time there is a dark, evil edge to it. Wise really plays on the fact that everyone idolised Peter in the original fairytale but this Peter has a barbaric, sinister personality along with a dangerous secret. Can Wendy rescue her daughter from the boy she used to worship? One thing is for sure, they're not playing a game anymore!
A. C Wise's writing almost hypnotises the reader, flitting between characters and time periods with ease without losing our interest. The undercurrent of a locked-away secret and the juxtaposition between Barrie/Disney's Neverland and Wise's makes this a real page turner.
Wendy herself is a flawed heroine but in my opinion that is the best kind. She has overcome so much loss and trauma and, although she still feels the pull of Neverland, she finds that motherhood has a much stronger claim on her heart and can provide her with so much more power than she ever imagined.
Wendy, Darling is an unflinching retelling of Peter Pan with a feminist edge. A. C Wise kidnaps and transports her readers to a dark and ominous Neverland which harbours a monstrous secret. Wendy and her daughter are on an adventure of fear, loss and grief. There is no make-believe in this fantasy land.
Thank you to Netgalley and Titan Books for the opportunity to read this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Wendy, Darling comes with trigger warnings for kidnap, death, trauma and abuse.
The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events #1)
The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events #1)
Lemony Snicket | 1999 | Children
8.2 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had watched the Unfortunate Events film, and now I’m addicted to the Netflix series. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve rewatched the series, so I had been wanting to start reading the series for ages. It’s another one of those books that I haven’t gotten around to reading because I always found something I wanted to read more.

I’m glad I finally got The Bad Beginning though. It’s hilarious and some of the best children’s fiction I’ve read in ages. I’ve got a feeling I read it once when I was younger but I was never that into it. I definitely feel that some of the jokes are aimed more towards the readers my sort of age than kids, which is what makes it even better.

I absolutely love Justice Strauss and her library – it reminds me of something straight out of a fairytale.

The Bad Beginning is a hilarious start to the Unfortunate Events series and I can’t wait for my book ban to be over so I can buy the rest of the series and read them all over the stretch of a few weeks. They make the perfect quick read (I read this one in a couple of days around working, picking it up whenever I got a little bit of spare time).

Season two of Unfortunate Events comes out on Netflix in March, and it can’t come soon enough. Neil Patrick Harris makes the perfect Count Olaf and when I was reading this all I heard was his voice.
The Quest of All Ages
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I already wrote a review for this once but I don’t know what happened to it. I feel that this one won’t be nearly as good as the first especially since I am aggravated that I have to retype it. I will try to capture some of the first one though.

When I requested this from NetGalley, it was because I am a fairytale/mythology buff who can never have enough novels about it. I enjoyed the author’s interpretation because she stayed true to the originally mythology while making it her own. What I loved, however, was that it was not a modern telling, i.e. about the gods children or gods themselves in present day. That’s a trope I don’t enjoy.

Maha Devi Li Ra La masterly weaves a fantastical story of self-discovery with dynamic characters. It is story about adventure and coming into oneself, discovering one’s self. It was a powerful journey that had me on the edge of my seat and rooting for love in way I haven’t in a long time. I think it is because I have read erotica for so long where the couples have been hurt and jaded by the time they reach other. The love in Quest is fresh and dewy eyed like younger lovers falling in love for the first time. It has that hopefulness that young love seems to draw from.

Definitely a feel good novel. While it did not blow my mind, I walked away feeling optimistic and lighter.