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The Dark Queen
The Dark Queen
Lizzy Gomez | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written keeps you hooked. (0 more)
Brilliant trilogy
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book 3 on a trilogy.

This series was recommended to me by a friend as im doing an A to Z book challenge this year. The first book is called Z.

Quick run through.....

Z and her adoptive brother are on the run from the police wanted for murder, they are forced into the streets after their adoptive parents tragically die in a cat accident.

When cornered in a dark alley her brother is killed and she saved my a mysterious stranger claiming to be her real brother from another dimension. Oh and she's some long lost princess.

Over time she regains her memory and her family, all except dear old dad who happens to be called the dark king. While trying to find a rare ingredient for s potion to save her mother z or rather Nadya gets taken by her dad.

We pick up in book 3! Nadya had her memories manipulated by the general Allen who she thought was dead. When her friends come to save her she has different memories of them and tortures Her best friend for potion ingredients them send them all through a portal to earth. They find there way back in time to save her but lose a lot in the process!

I can honestly say I'm sad to see this end! I have enjoyed reading it and following Nadya and her friends. Victorias was so sad after all the plans she had made.

Loved seeing Nadya become the queen she was meant to be. I love Lizzy's contrast between our earth and theirs bringing some of a fairytale world into ours.

I'm looking forward to seeing what she does next!


Keeper - Single by Olivia Nelson
Keeper - Single by Olivia Nelson
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Olivia Nelson is a 23-year-old singer-songwriter based in East London. Not too long ago, she released an honest R&B tune, entitled, “Keeper”, the third track from her upcoming EP.

“I hope he cracks your back and treats you better than he did to me. I hope he builds a bridge and gets over his insecurities. I’m so over the complications, over the not letting go. I’m ready to move on, ready to open the door. And she’s a keeper if she can deal with all your sh*t. No, I wasn’t the one, wasn’t no fun to play with.” – lyrics

‘Keeper’ tells a straightforward tale of a young woman who sends her ex-beau an evergreen message.

Apparently, not too long ago, the once budding couple called it quits. Their breakup occurred because she lived in a fairytale world while he simultaneously dated someone else.
Later, after healing from her heartache, she tells her ex to keep his new girl close because she’s the only one who will deal with his shenanigans.

‘Keeper’ contains a bittersweet storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and funky instrumentation flavored with contemporary R&B and neo-soul elements.

“It’s a message to his new girlfriend. A warning of what’s potentially to come.” – Olivia Nelson

Olivia Nelson blossomed after releasing her collaborative debut, “Someone That You Love”, which has amassed over 15M streams; and her standalone single, “Smother Me”, has over 1M streams online.

She is labeled one of British R&B’s most exciting new talents and set to perform on the BBC Introducing Stage at Reading & Leeds Festival this year. Followed by her own headline show at Hoxton Bar & Kitchen in London on October 15, 2019.
Rotten Men (Rotten Love Duet #2)
Rotten Men (Rotten Love Duet #2)
Ivy Fox | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sooo good
Contains spoilers, click to show

Such an ugly sin.

Yet, here I am guilty of it.

See, I envy you.

You who wake up in the morning not knowing what your future will entail. A blessed uncertainty filled with hope and mystery, with the potential to make it whatever you aspire it to be.

Must be nice — to open your eyes and dream of such a promising existence.

I have no such hopeful misguided notions.

My fate has been written down on crumpled paper, made smooth and immaculate by bloody tainted hands for the outside world to behold, since the day I was conceived.

There is no happily ever after for me but I’ve come to terms with my gilded golden cage long ago.

It’s their destiny that keeps me up at night — the pieces of my soul.

They are the ones who I would defy the devil himself for and stare true evil in the eye, taunting it to do its worst.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do for them, yet I know the wheel of fortune is not in our favor.

So, yes — I envy you.

While you dream of your colorful tomorrow, I dread its grayish arrival.

You see, we were all born rotten.

And rotten girls and boys don’t deserve a fairytale ending.

Rotten Girl is the first book in the duet -A Rotten Love

<strong>Sssoooo good</strong>

I loved this duet. Felt so good to finally see Selene home with her men! There is something to love in each of her men. I think I internally cheered when butcher was taken out,I'm also glad it was by her hand with both him an Ciro . Ivy Fox has a really good writing style that keeps you gripped from start to finish.
