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MaryAnn (14 KP) rated Storm Proof in Books

Nov 4, 2019  
Storm Proof
Storm Proof
Carol McLeod | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Go “storm chasing” through the pages of the greatest Book ever written! What storm has blown into your circumstances? Are you—or someone you love—suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Many believers have been known to ask, “God, where are You in this storm?” or, “Lord, did You send this storm into my life?” Just what does a believer do during a stormy season? StormProof: Weathering Life’s Tough Times tackles these and other tumultuous questions. Author Carol McLeod is a storm survivor—more than that, a victor—over infertility, depression, and cancer. She understands the spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges of the trials we face in our lives. A gifted Bible teacher, she provides “life preservers” of hope and faith through the eternal, practical wisdom found only in God’s Word. By examining key storms in the Bible, and the lives of those affected by them, Carol guides you to uncommon comfort for your own storms, offering the shelter of hope, joy, and faith. In StormProof, you will step out of the boat to walk the waves with Peter, knowing that Jesus always comes to be with you in the midst of your storms; you will be rocked aboard a wind-driven ship with the apostle Paul, in danger of being smashed against the rocks, but be preserved by God’s power; you will watch the gathering storm clouds with Noah, holding on to faith in God’s purposes. You will also experience Jonah’s self-inflicted tempest while affirming God’s unconditional love, sit in silence with Job and ponder his questions about the greatest storm of testing, and huddle with the disciples as their boat is swamped by surging waves—only to hear Jesus’s eternal words, “Peace, be still.” You will also hear about storms of harsh circumstances that others from recent history have encountered and overcome. Storms are common in every season of life. Yet, for a believer in Christ, the damage such storms cause can be contained, depending on how we navigate their tumultuous waves. There is a way—a triumphant way—to encounter the fierce gales of life and then exit the tempests with strength and resilience. There is a definitive way to walk through the most devastating of circumstantial tornadoes and emerge with grace, empowered for the future. There is a way to be StormProof.

My Thoughts: We all go through storms in our lives, some may be a little drizzle and others may be a category 5 hurricane. Either way, we can make choices on how to deal with them. In "Storm Proof" written by Carol McLeod, the author takes us through various types of storms. In each one she gives Biblical answers and personal illustrations to give the reader the strength they may require for each type of storm.

As a 'hurricane 5" storm survivor ( I nearly lost my life to a brain infection; 5 months of rehabilitation to learn to walk again as well as other relearning issues), I can truly understand where the author is getting at in her book. I also believe that everyone should read this book. It helps to be grounded in God's word before, during and after a storm. This book will help the reader understand that perspective.

A wonderful, easy read.
The Velocipastor (2018)
The Velocipastor (2018)
2018 |
4.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The VelociPastor starts when Doug Jones (Cohan) whose parents are murdered leading to him to loses his faith, Father Stewart (Steere) sends him of a self-discovery holiday, which sees him head to China, when he returns he finds himself having horrendous nightmares and after he meets a hooker Carol (Kempinski), he tries to put everything together.

Once Doug learns that he can turn into a dinosaur, he works with Carol to fight crime to clean up his own town, including the man that murdered his parents.

Thoughts on The VelociPastor

Characters – Doug Jones is a priest that has followed God for years until his parents are murdered outside his church, he goes on a voyage of self-discovery in China, which sees him infected with an illness. Doug have the ability to turn into a dinosaur, where he decides to use this new power to fight crime in his town, getting revenge on the person who murdered his parents and bring down the drug lord. Carol is a local hooker that meets Doug and sees first-hand just what he is capable off, she pushes him into fighting crime, while she can handle herself in combat too. Father Stewart is the mentor of Doug, he has always helped him keep the faith and is willing to let him discover his faith once more. Wei Chan is the local drug lord that has been controlling the crime in the town, along with his ninjas he will be the fight Doug must take on.

Performances – This movie does have the over the top performances which does only help make things more entertaining, Greg Cohan in the leading role knowns when to hold things back before going over the top, which helps the character. Alyssa Kempinski is fun in her role, which brings the change in our lead character through the film. The whole cast know exactly the tone of this film and it shows in the their performances.

Story – The story here follows a priest that gets infected with something that turns him into a dinosaur and decides to go on to fight crime with this new ability. The first thing you must be prepared for is knowing that this film doesn’t take anything serious and is well aware that everything is as ridiculous as it sounds. The idea behind the film is truly original, it is purely fun and wildly over the top. If you do go into this story thinking you are getting something serious, you will be disappointed because this film is completely self-aware of what it is trying to tell.

Action/Comedy/Horror/Sci-Fi – The action in the film does play into the comedy, which is silly and over the top, which does include the dinosaur fighting ninja, which helps with the horror and sci-fi elements in the film.

Settings – The film is set in a small town, this does help with the idea of how silly this film takes itself without needing to go into anything too serious once again.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are practical, this again plays into the self-aware side of the film, which does show with the dinosaur suit fighting ninja.

Scene of the Movie – Dinosaur v ninjas.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The random Father Stewart backstory.

Final Thoughts – This is one if not the most self-aware movies you will see, it is so funny you can enjoy laughing through how ridiculous this film is.

Overall: Purely fun.
Never Saw You Coming
Never Saw You Coming
Erin Hahn | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Religion, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An insightful look at love and religion
Meg Hennessey grew up finding comfort in her faith. But her conservative parents also kept her sheltered based on their interpretation of the rules of the church. But at age eighteen, Meg learns her entire life was a lie. Instead of going to work at a church camp for a year, she heads to Marquette, Michigan to learn more about the family she never knew she had. There, she meets Micah Allen. Micah's dad is a former pastor who is now in prison. Micah adored and believed in his father, who let the church, his congregation, and his family down famously--the press still hounds Micah years later. With his father's probation hearing coming up, his mother wants him to forgive him, but Micah isn't sure he can. Meg and Micah meet and find themselves drawn to each other. But each struggle with what they've been taught about love, along with the pasts they may need to leave behind to move forward.

"Because the uncomfortable truth is, while the church loves sinners in their pews, they don't want them in front of a crowd. It's the difference between acceptance and tolerance, and it might catch on. God forbid."

This is a really lovely and moving story. While it includes a lot of religious themes and discussion, it never felt like too much--religion and forgiveness informs the story, rather than detracts from it. Meg is a side character in Hahn's excellent book, MORE THAN MAYBE, and we see glimpses of Vada and Luke from that tale (which is really fun). It's wonderful to see Meg fully explored here--Hahn writes her sections in a snappy and smart way, capturing Meg perfectly. She's so sweet, yet smart and tough. Her entire life has been upended, and Meg truly must rethink her whole faith and foundation. I think a weaker person would crumple at such a situation. Watching her grow is really fun; you cannot help but root for her.

And Micah is a great character, too. He too, has had his faith tested, as his father destroyed his church and Micah's belief in the church. Micah and Meg's romance is cute, honest, and real. Hahn's book explores how shamed these two feel by falling in love and how the church has conditioned them to feel that love, happiness, and romance can be wrong and even sinful. It tackles the pain of loving a Jesus/God who then censures you for loving. It's so adept at this and skilled at portraying their struggles. How can the love of these two sweet, earnest kids be wrong? And as they explore why bad things happen--especially as they believe so fully--the book makes you think and examine deeply. It deftly exposes the church's focus on female purity only, while often ignoring the males. Honestly, whether you're religious or not, this is a must-read, especially in these times, when so much of the control of a women's body seems not be our own.

Overall, I loved this book. It offers a charming romance, along with a timely look at religion and how it can affect young people as they make their way in the world. The side characters are excellent (I'm looking at you, Duke, and Cash the dog!). Hahn's writing is as excellent as ever. 4.5 stars. Please note the author's own note for a trigger warning for self-harm and suicide.

I received a copy of this book from St. Martin's Press / Wednesday Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
I have been looking forward to The Reluctant Duchess since the moment I finished book one, The Lost Heiress! As the mystery of the Fire Eyes continues, we will follow Lady Rowena on her journey of faith and love.

About the Book
By the year 1912, Lady Rowena has suffered much and is determined to flee the terrors of her life in the Highlands of Scotland. Yet she reluctant to submit to the schemes designed for her escape. In a rather unconventional way, Brice Myerston, the Duke of Nottingham, sweeps in and saves her from a daunting future. With the Duke, Lady Rowena has the chance of a new life, new love and a new hope that she never thought possible. (Please tell me I am not the only one who started humming the Star Wars theme song just now.) Yet she is plagued with nightmares of the past. Afraid that she will never be worthy, convinced that no one could care about her. Rowena also discovers that Brice is involved with a treasure that brings sorrow wherever it goes. Will Brice be able to help her see the true worth and the beauty that lies within her? Will she find her confidence, her voice and maybe fall in love along the way? Can they overcome the "curse" of the Fire Eyes, together?

"Be whoever you want to be, and be it with confidence."
- The Reluctant Duchess (page 156)
My Thoughts
While I have no personal understanding of the exact situation that Lady Rowena experiences, I know full well the horror of emotional trauma. I avoid talking about our experience in my reviews because, books are my escape. I didn't want the stress, the
trauma, to slip into my posts. But after reading this book, I felt that I needed to share just a little bit. We have been through a lot with our son (medically) since he was born two years ago. He underwent a lifesaving Bone Marrow Transplant (non cancerous diagnosis) at 9 weeks old and everything that goes along with that: being isolated because he is immune suppressed, constant doctor visits, being hospitalized with even the slightest hint of a fever and so much more. Thankfully we are now at the tail end of our journey. He made it through his first cold and was not hospitalized! (Although he had a quick visit to the E.R. per his protocol.) But the effects of the last two years remain. For me, the thought of having to spend the night in the hospital with my son has brought on severe anxiety. Going shopping alone is a real challenge for me as well. While this may seem trivial to some, it is very real for me. What Rowena undergoes, and what I have experienced ( although different triggers) can be explained as PTSD. Because of this, I feel it only fair to give a heads up that separate from Rowena's experience, there is a heart wrenching circumstance near the end of the book that involves a child. I was caught quite off guard with it and know that can be a sensitive subject. This book was a very hard read for me emotionally. It is not a comedy, however I did laugh out loud a couple of times. Love, faith, hope and joy can be found in The Reluctant Duchess as well. I love Brice's faith, that he is actively listening to God in every situation. He acts on the voice he hears, and even though he may misinterpret the words on occasion, he does not let the condensation of his peers sway his faith. Overall, I really enjoyed this second book in Ladies of the Manor. Because it helped me to see myself in a new light. Roseanna captured the essence of the story beautifully. I absolutely LOVE her use of accents throughout the dialogue. All through the story we are reminded of the truth: Where LIGHT is, darkness cannot abide. Do not let the fear of the past distort your view of the future. I understand first hand the effects that can linger after a traumatic experience. But please, do not suffer in silence. Reach out to those who love you. And find hope for the future.

Brice ducked his head a bit, caught her gaze.
"And if you really want to spite them, do you know what you should do?"
He leaned closer, pitched his voice low.
"Thrive. Be happy."
- The Reluctant Duchess (page 156)

I received a free print copy of The Reluctant Duchess from Bethany House Publishers, through Celebrate Lit, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
An Amish Homecoming
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What better way to spend a time lost in book than in a book by not just one of my top Amish authors, but by FOUR of them? There really isn't a better way if you ask me. When I received this book to review, I was sick. I didn't want to read much of anything. But I dove into it with highest of hopes to be able to finish it. I read not just Ms. Clipston's novella, but all of them and fell in love with these stories of hope, faith, understanding and acceptance. Each story, written by equally talented authors, is unique and filled with characters that will stay with you long after.  While I loved all the novellas in this story, I will focus on Clipston's and Fuller's. 

Amy Clipston's NO PLACE LIKE HOME is beautifully and tenderly written.  Her unique writing style shines through and the messages from God are woven throughout. The characters are chiseled beautifully and I could feel myself walking along side them, as Eva returned home and came face to face with a man she once knew, and know is unsure of. Her story of letting go and moving on, is truly a tender one and one that will have me coming back to this story again and again. 

Kathleen Fuller's WHAT LOVE BUILT is another beautiful, moving story. Carolyn quickly stole my heart and when Atlee is introduced, bless! These two sweet souls truly had me pulling for them!  I cold feel their heartaches, their love for the Lord, all of it, as if the story was written just for me. I loved the messages of acceptance, of faith, of trust, all woven together to spin a story I won't soon forget! 

These stories together create a 5 star worthy novella collection that will be on my keeper shelf for many years to come. The Amish simplicity and the hope and love within, will forever pull me back. Each author did a wonderful job in their stories and I am looking forward to another collection like this from these talented ladies! Well done, and I highly recommend this book to all! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I didn't just love this book. I loved this book. It's moving. This book isn't just a biography of Rory Feek's life. It's the story of a true love, that will last beyond death. A love that is strong and unbreakable no matter the circumstance. It is a book that left me smiling, and left me with tears. This is a book that will be with me forever and I will turn to it many times over. 

As a woman who is married to her best friend, I couldn't imagine going through what Rory did with Joey. I wouldn't be able to stay strong and move on. It would be too heart shattering, in my opinion. But, through reading Rory's story, I know I can do it. I know I can remember the good things, the fun times, the inspiring moments that my best friend left me with. Rory's story is filled with hope and faith. The way he talks about Joey is incredibly moving and I loved feeling a part of his life, if just for a little bit. 

Reading this book, however, opened new feelings for me! I followed this story closely, especially since my husband knew Joey and Rory somewhat for a time, having bounced at the Longbranch in Raleigh, NC where a lot of country singers got their start. I followed the singers' story, how Joey was battling her cancer but determined to live life a certain way. I followed the pictures of their beautiful family and sweet baby girl! I was utterly devastated when I read of Joey's death, and sweet little Indie with out a mama! Oh how my heart ached for them all. But, the words that Rory penned in this book truly helped me to see life in a new way. Truly inspiring! 

I highly recommend this book to all with 5 stars and nothing less. It's a story of one man's journey with the love of his life and their struggles with battling her terminal cancer. It's a story of one man's faith in God. It's a story that is truly amazing and you will definitely need a few tissues as you read through these beautifully written pages. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>

Heathere' (25 KP) rated Busted Jukebox Volume 2 by Shovels & Rope in Music

Mar 17, 2018 (Updated Mar 17, 2018)  
Busted Jukebox Volume 2 by Shovels &amp; Rope
Busted Jukebox Volume 2 by Shovels & Rope
2017 | Alternative, Folk, Indie
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
*Surprising choice of cover songs *They make each song unique *You might discover an artist or band you weren't aware of (0 more)
You might miss the vocals of husband and wife Michael Trent and Cary Ann Hearst but they do sing (0 more)
Shovels & Rope-Cover Songs
I don't usually like cover songs. I feel that if you are going to do a cover of someone's song, you should make it 'your own'. I love that Shovels & Rope made each track unique and had so many great singers help them out.

~Cleanup Hitter (feat. Brandi Carlile)
  -original artist: Bill Carson

~Joey (feat. Nicole Atkins)
  -original artist: Concrete Blonde

~Do You Love Me Now (feat. Rhett Miller)
  -original artist: The Breeders

~Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (feat. John Moreland)
  -original artist: Willie Nelson

~Untitled 1 (feat. Matthew Logan Vasquez)
  -original artist: Sigur Rós

~The Air That I Breathe (feat. Indianola)
  -original artist: The Hollies

~I’m Your Man (feat. John Fullbright)
  -original artist: Leonard Cohen
~Death Or Glory (feat. Hayes Carll)
  -original artist: The Clash
~Epic (feat. Lera Lynn)
  -original artist: Faith No More
~You Never Can Tell
  -original artist: Chuck Berry

My favorite track is 'Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain'. I heard this song when I asked my Amazon Alexa to shuffle songs by Shovels & Rope. I put the song on repeat and purchased the album without hearing any of the other songs and I picked up Busted Jukebox Volume 1, as well. I'm a fan of Shovels & Rope and was surprised that I hadn't heard of these albums.

Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain, is a Willie Nelson song and this version, featuring John Moreland, is absolutely beautiful. My father, a Willie Nelson fan would have approved of this version. It's a song that makes it very hard to hold back the tears. If I'm being honest, I haven't been able to that, yet.

The most surprising track is Epic, a Faith No More song. It is so different from the original and I really like the different flow that Lera Lynn gave it. The song in it's cover form has given a slightly different meaning to the lyrics. The original was powerful and in your face while this version is powerful and haunting.

Other songs are originally by

I am so happy that I stumbled upon this and I can't wait to see what this amazing duo will bring us next!
Chivalrous (Valiant Hearts, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In 1217 the daughter of a baron has but one obligation in life: To marry the man her father chooses and continue the family line. But what if said daughter wished for something different, what if her heart's desire was to become a knight?

"Gwen felt no fear, only the surge of battle coursing through her. Steeling her. Strengthening her."

Gwendolyn Barnes longs to be be a chivalrous knight like her brothers. But her ruthless father has plans to marry her to a man who is able to break her free spirit. She is expected to become a meek and submissive wife to whomever her father chooses. Even in the Arthurian-inspired land of North Britannia Gwen is expected to concede to her parents decisions. But when Sir Allen comes to Edendale, Gwen finds herself longing for a family of her own, if Sir Allen were the one she was wed to. When tragedy befalls the land they must make their choices. Ones which could separate them forever. Will the love Gwen has found be lost forever? Will she be forced to marry a brute of a man? Will Sir Allen, the hope of the land, be able to save them all from destruction?

"She would cling tight to her shield of faith. God would be her defense."

Chivalrous is a riveting story of faith, hope and love. As I was reading I was constantly reminded of the Disney movie Brave (which is one of my favorites). Dina Sleiman's Valiant Hearts series is incredible! I love imagining what it would have been like to live in medieval England. However, it is hard for me to fathom being born into a culture that does not allow a person to choose their own future. To be bound by rules and regulations that dictate your every waking moment. It makes me grateful to be born in the time I was. There is a lot of emotions experienced in this book. But through it all the message is clear. Never give up! Keep fighting for what is right and true. And God will be with us every step of the way, guiding us into our destiny.

I received a free digital copy of Chivalrous from Bethany House Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
Can I just gush for a moment?

I have followed Susan May Warren since she first started writing and her books continue to amaze me with the depth and faith her characters display! This new series Global Search and Rescue is so much adventure, suspense, and faith packed into just a bit over 300 pages. IT IS AWESOME. Okay, gush over. The Heart of a Hero is book two in the series and can be read as a standalone, I do think however that by reading the first book your experience will be enhanced.

Let us start with the setting of this book, shall we?

Susan May Warren takes us from a hospital to a tropical paradise in the Florida Keys. The descriptions of the weather and the hurricane are so vivid; It was like I was the one standing in water and running for cover. I enjoyed her take on what might happen (Or probably does happen) when a hurricane comes through the Keys. Her mental picture of the hospital made me feel like I could walk into that hospital and find my way around just by the way the characters talked about it. A lot of details went into this book without making you realize they are there until you go back over the book in your mind.

The characters were some of my favorites from Susan May Warren.

I loved Aria’s spunky and sarcastic personality mixed with her shy insecurities. I think it made her even more of a believable character as we see those traits in ourselves and those around us. Aria had such passion for helping others as well, her take-charge attitude in dangerous situations is something I would hope to have in those situations. Jake. Jake. Jake. I feel like I have been rooting for him since the beginning when he was mentioned in The Way of the Brave. He has such an adventurous and protective spirit to him that is captivating. He knows what he wants in life and goes boldly after it. Basically, the definition of a SEAL. He will go down as one of my favorite characters ever; and Aria and Jake will go down as one of my favorite couples.

There are so many secondary characters that helped make this story complete, but I will let you read about them and see why I liked them just as much as the primary characters!