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Another cover love novel from the hands of Mrs. Colleen Coble, a gem among the Christian Fiction authors I review books by! I struggled just a bit with the first 3 chapters, trying to get engrossed, but once I did......boy, this novel flew by for me! The characters were wonderfully chiseled and the theme of the story was suspenseful, just as the first. 

This book, to me, while having amazing characters, started off too slow for me. It wasn't until about chapter 4 that I became fully engrossed and flew through the book with lightening speed, following Ellie and Grayson through their story. There was unique twists and turns through the story once I got engrossed in it. Those twists and turns left me on the edge of my seat on a few occasions.

This book, filled with terrorism, truths that don't add up, and characters that are perfect for their roles, will leave you ready to get book three in your hands to find out what happens next. This is definitely a 4 star worthy novel and one that I will recommend to all who love a good, faith filled, thrilling suspense page turner. Mrs. Coble's talented hands have once again created a thrilling addition to her Lavender Tides series! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I love these two authors and their work, and I was excited to see where this book went. And honestly, while I loved that these authors came together and created a captivating story, I was a little lost in some of the areas of the story, so I'll definitely be going back to read the first two in the series.

That said, these characters, both present day, and historical, are beautifully chiseled. Told between two points of view, the authors take the reader on a whirlwind ride through history and contemporary times. I loved visiting Richmond during the Civil War. Historical eras are my favorite! Nicole and Therese quickly swept me into the heart of the story and I felt both of their emotions like they were my own!

Despite not reading book 1 and 2 and occasionally struggling to follow the story line, this conclusional book is definitely worth 4 stars. The writing styles of these two authors are beautiful, and mysterious and historical elements are awesome. This book is filled with emotions, thought provoking story lines, family legacies, and Godly messages of faith, trust and hope. I definitely suggest you get this book if you've read the first two! It will steal you away to another place in time and keep you up long into the night.<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The events of a typical Autumn Friday night rock a typical small town American family to the core as tragedy strikes them from out of nowhere. Will their lives survive this ordeal as they change from a functional to dysfunctional family? This event has changed and altered their direction, but will this be permanent? The ways the family deals with the loss of a loved one can either make them stronger or crush them in their hope for their small town future. The bonds of love and friendship are stretched to see how far they can go. Will the development of the surviving sibling's progress with growth or be stifled as the family dynamic is pushed to the edge? One's concept of justice is put to the test and their faith in God may never be the same. Actions, reactions and their consequences are exposed for you to see but don't judge too harshly. You may agree or disagree with their actions but ask yourself, if you were in their situation, would you do the same?

This is a very sad story. Good but also difficult to read as it is true to life for some.
It is good for a YA to read as maybe it would get the message across to them of how precious and short life can be.
The writing is simple and direct, making for easy reading.

I read a PDF of tis book I received from the author.
Every Falling Star by Sungju Lee, Susan Elizabeth McClellan is the first book I've read about North Korea. The author's voice is genuine and emotional as it relates to the personal story of his adolescent years in North Korea during the 1990's. It is about a young man's awakening from naive child who believes his country is perfectly fine to realizing that not all people are treated equally. This is a memoir. The reader learns what it's truly like to grow up in North Korea

The most fascinating thing about North Korea and this memoir is the way the cult of personality works. It is deeply ingrained that Kim Jong-un is an almost magical being, someone to be revered, a perfect specimen of humanity leading the best country on Earth. It is actually illegal to mishandle any images of the Supreme Leader, never mind speak out against the regime.

Sungju Lee recounts his childhood through the 1990's famine. He begins in Pyongyang, a naive child with blind faith in his leader. This later changes as his family is forced to move to a poorer area of the country where the locals are starving and executions happen regularly. The reader learns about the complete lack of awareness that is characteristic of the more fortunate North Koreans. This is especially children. Their belief is that everyone is provided for and no one goes hungry.

This book is every eye-opening and terrifying.
Must. Move. To Italy. Now.

This is one of those books where you can live vicariously though the author and feel like you are living their life (and truly wishing you could!) Part 'Under the Tuscan Sun', a dash of 'Bridget Jones' Diary' and some hints of "Eat, Pray, Love" I am dreaming of Florence, it's people, it's food, and can easily picture the beautiful scenery after reading this!

Kamin is stuck. Shes in a bit of a rut professionally, personally, and mentally. The stresses of everyday life combined with lingering heartache are wearing down on her immensely and she takes a giant leap of faith and moves to Italy for a year. To write, mostly, but the lessons she ends up learning will change her life forever.

The way this book is structured is my absolute favorite! Every chapter is a month of her new Italian life, and starts with little snippets of the month (Smells, What's in season, Italian phrases learned) and they all end with AMAZING recipes that were talked about in that chapter. I adore how she shares these almost intimate details, and feel as if I'm there with her.

I really enjoyed this book. I can't wait to try some of the recipes, and I aim to embrace "Bella Figura!"

I received a copy of Bella Figura as part of the Penguin First to Read program in exchange for my honest review.
Latter Days (2004)
Latter Days (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Contains spoilers, click to show
I saw this movie back when it was released fourteen years ago, when I was still young and had faith in things. I picked it up again to see if it held up, and you know? It's not bad. Usually romantic comedies don't do much for me, gay or straight, but I have a thing for Mormons--what can I say?

So Christian is a gay party boy livin' it up in LA, but ultimately lacking in purpose and drive. Aaron is a Mormon missionary from Iowa, who experiences culture shock and desire for the first time, because of course they become neighbors and hijinks ensue. Fun fact! This movie also stars Joseph Gorgon-Levitt as a total butt, which is quite a contrast to his role in Mysterious Skin, another gay-themed movie which came out in the same year.

The acting is actually not as horrible as you would think from the production value/budget, and the story is typical romantic comedy fare. Still, I think it would strike a chord with anyone who is queer and was brought up in a religious household. It doesn't shy away from how agonizing it can be to be betrayed by family, especially fourteen years ago. And you know, some of the dialogue is actually really poignant. If you can get over the vaguely "afterschool special" feeling of this movie, it's definitely worth a watch.

(It has a happy ending!)
Erasing Time (Erasing Time, #1)
C.J. Hill | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I won a copy of this book through a FirstReads giveaway.

I usually don't read Sci-Fi, but when I read the premise for this book, I thought it sounded pretty interesting, so I gave it a shot and entered the giveaway. I'm glad I did, because it was a really good book!!

The first chapter had me wondering if I was going to like it, as it seemed kind of "out there" to me. But once the second chapter started, introducing Sheridan and Taylor, I started getting into it, and managed to read over half the book in one sitting. It's set in 2447, but you can actually see how our world could turn into the one described, language-wise, government-wise, etc. The interactions between the characters was realistic and extremely funny at times, as Sheridan and Taylor used their "sayings" to confuse those around them and keep them from understanding their discussions. It was also interesting when the story switched to Echo's point of view, so the reader can see how he is coping with the "time riders" and how their arrival meshes with his plans.

"Erasing Time" has made me want to read more Sci-Fi, in hopes that I can mind more like it. It has renewed my faith in a genre that I usually steer clear of, and hopefully I'll find others that enjoy as much as this one!

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Beast in Books

Dec 3, 2018  
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is best for young teens or preteens (this is my opinion only). I truthfully can't remember when I first read this book, I do still like it and did remember liking mostly because it is the why's and hows why was the breast cursed how did he live? The fact that this from the Beast's pov. He is a Persian prince who is Muslim. That the author peppered the book with many foreign languages. And except for a few (mostly the Latin) she says what it means in English. I find I dislike first person present tense (person opinion) and at times find it can be stilted, however, I do respect a writer that can attempt it and succeed. Most of the story about 3/4 of it tells about the before meeting of Belle. It is not a fast paced book. And the ending is kinda abrupt. Not a bad "summer" read besides the multiple languages it is not a difficult read. A very unique book about a devout Persian Muslim whose thick headedness and pride get him cursed and his faith that he might be forgiven.

"And I've forgotten my prayers. How can I expect the Merciful One to remember me if I forget Him? I go out side and perform the wudhu. Then I pray.
I hear horse hooves.
This is not the way prayers work."---Beast
Felicity is in the wrong place at the wrong time. She is kidnapped by a convoy lead by a sheikh and taken to his palace to be his queen. There is no way in hell she is going to give up her company to become his bride and live halfway across the world. She has to figure out how to help him but also gain her freedom.

Zakir Al-Nazari is the ruling sheikh of Al-Shakhra and needs a bride asap. His government is losing faith in his ruling capabilities and the only way he can figure to keep the peace is to take a bride. He was trying to kidnap the bride meant for a neighboring sheikh but the intel was wrong and he ended up with Felicity. Now he needs to convince her to stay and help him and his country.

I am not typically a sheikh genre fan but given the fact that I adore Jackie Ashenden I gave it a go. It was a good book but it didn’t sway me to the genre haha. I will say however that I enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would and I credit her writing style for that. If you haven’t read anything by Jackie before I would highly recommend her. If sheikh’s tickle your fancy try Never Seduce a Sheikh or Never Refuse a Sheikh.