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Smith's Corner: Alora & Ash (The Heartwood Series #3)
Smith's Corner: Alora & Ash (The Heartwood Series #3)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Didn't quite love this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Heartwood series and while not totally necessary, it might help you get a better picture of this family group, and all the supporting characters.

Ash went to prison, and he shut Alora off completely just when she needed him the most. You get a picture as to WHY he does that, though. When their paths cross again, Alora runs away from Ash. It's not long til Ash discovers the secret Alora has been keeping from him, though.

Ash has to learn the hard way about letting people help him. Had he done so before, he might not have such a hard time now. But one thing holds true from then to now: he LOVES Alora, so darn much!

You understand why Alora is reluctant to let Ash in, he hurt her before, but when she does let him in, its wonderful!

There is some overlap with book 2, Layla and Levi and it's kinda fun watching those two from the other side, so to speak!

This is a great addition to the series but it doesn't quite push my buttons like Dallas and Delilah or Levi and Layla do, I'm afraid. Oh it's good, yes, but I didn't quite love it.

Fox and Faith are next. Given that Fox hasn't SAID a word in three books, that should be an interesting read!

3 good solid stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​
Assassin's Creed (2016)
Assassin's Creed (2016)
2016 | Action
5.8 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Action sequences (4 more)
Practical and CGI effects
Highest free fall performed by a stuntman in almost 35 years.
Apple of Eden (1 more)
Not as much Past sequences as I'd like
Nothing is True...
Okay, so I have been a huge fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise since the beginning and have enjoyed, at least to some extent for certain ones, all of the games that have been released thus far. I was so excited for this movie once I heard it was being made and spent the years waiting, worrying. Videogame Movies have had nothing but a bad rep throughout the many years and this was one I was hoping did not fail, or at least not be a failure for me.

To give an example of what I mean, the Prince of Persia film was one I actually really enjoyed but to the world it was a flop and people despise it and dread to talk about it. Yes it's not as great as it could have been but neverless I enjoy what they tried to do with it. This film is both similar and yet different for me, because I didn't enjoy what they tried to do, I enjoyed what they did.

Though many will disagree with me I would like to at least get my view of the film across so that other might understand how someone can enjoy the film. So here it goes;

First of all Michael Fassbender is brilliant as both Callum Lynch and Aguilar de Nerha. As Callum he brilliantly portrays the anger, confusion, intrigue and then of course the characters progression into his focus and his determination to fully understand what it means to be an Assassin, not just in the past but in the present. As Aguilar we watch as Fassbender portrays to us his ancestral character as a much more skilled individual. Someone you can tell has been through years of intense training, has been taught to focus his mind on the task at hand and to understand that nothing is more important than his mission. Even if that means that people, no matter how close they are to him, must not be mourned in death until the mission is complete.

Other cast members such as Jeremy Irons and Marion Cotillard, are brilliant in their roles as their characters each have their own goals, and both require Callum Lynch, so their interactions together are shown in very different ways, although both are sincere.

The action in this movie is brilliant and is almost very reminiscent of the games themselves (the later games in the series at least, since the combat becomes more evolved and fluent compared to the first game/s). The actions of the Assassins such as the air assassination, the free running, the leap of faith and others, are exactly what I wanted to see in this film. The best part about them is that they are practical effects. The cast are actually free running, they are actually fighting, and doing somersaults (with the help of stunt doubles of course) and my favourite, the leap of faith is actually performed using a crane and a crash mat, by British gymnast and free runner Damien Walters. He free falls from the crane lift at 125 feet in the air, and in 3 seconds, he lands on the crash mat. This is actually the highest free fall performed by a stuntman in almost 35 years.

The connections to the games are beautifully blended into this new and refreshing plot that we haven't seen before. Everything from the different Assassin Insignias, to the leap of faith, the weapons, Abstergo Industries, and of course the Piece of Eden, is everything the fans wanted and possibly more. They even included a version of the Bleeding Effect that we haven't seen the likes of before, which I adored.

Probably my only issue with this film is the Apple of Eden, simply because, unlike the game, it doesn't do anything, except glow. The look of it is beautiful, just like all the other props and clothing in this film. However, when the orb is activated, there's simply some lights thrust out of it but it doesn't do anything besides show some pretty lights. In the game it can control minds, even break them and kill, or make someone run away in fear. Besides that, I have no real important issues with the film. The plot is, to me at least, brilliant and whilst there are some minor nit picks here and there, I love this film enough to not let them bother me. I saw this film twice in the cinema and would have gone a third time if I had the chance. Sadly I was too busy.

If you're a fan of the game franchise I highly recommend you give this film a chance. If you don't like it, like most people, then that's fair enough, but as I say about most films such as this, and comic book movies, give them a never know, you just might like it.

Bird (1700 KP) May 4, 2017

Brilliantly written review as always @Connor Sheffield 👍


Connor Sheffield (293 KP) May 4, 2017

Thank you. Glad you enjoy my work :)