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Whew... what a way to end a series. But that is what I love about Susan May Warren's books. They engage you fully, from your thoughts down to your actions. You can be consumed by her writing.
    As this series comes to a close, Susan May Warren chooses to awash us in a battery of action-packed pages, faith-filled moments, and the promise of a second chance. I have personally been looking forward to Ham’s story from day one; I mean who wouldn’t be curious about a guy willing to go over a cliff for his friend? Well, Susan May Warren leads us on a merry chase to learn Ham’s story and she introduced us to Ham’s Wife and Daughter as well. The characters were well done, I loved their interactions with each other and the somewhat over the top action on every page. While this story was not how I picture Ham’s story taking us it was interesting and a conclusion for the ages. I am truly sad to see this series end, but I am looking forward to the next book Susan May Warren writes.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the action-packed moments, the theme of second chances, and for making me want more! I do wish that there had been less going on in the story and that we could have seen more of the main story. But overall, it was good, just left me with more questions!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Whew, what a way to begin a series! Jordan pulled me in from the beginning and made me so curious about her as a person and how Allen Steadham would mold her as a character. She was/is a complex person with really well described internal struggles that I think everyone goes through at one point or another in their lives; I mean what is your purpose in life? It seems to be one of Jordan’s biggest questions and I truly admire the way Jordan goes about finding the answers to that question. I also really enjoyed the secondary characters and the layers of laughter, sarcasm, sass, and humor that they brought with them. They are so loyal that I cannot imagine the story without them! All the characters show a great amount of strength and courage when faced with the unknown.

The plot was also really good and hooked me from the first page (Just read it and you will see why) Allen Steadham definitely knows how to pull you in and commit you to the story. The twists and turns that this story takes will have you dreaming of conclusions and wishing you had already bought the second book so you could see what happens next. I know I did. I totally enjoyed this story and definitely recommend it if you are willing to take a leap into a world not quite our own. 5 out of 5 stars for the great character build up, faith interwoven themes, and for leaving me wanting more…. Now I am off to read book two, Jordan’s Arrow.
Season of Hope
Season of Hope
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Are you ready for a heart-searching, feel good, happily-ever-after type story? Well, then this is a book you definitely need to read! This is my first time reading a book by Carol James and I enjoyed the way she developed her story.

From the start, there is great tension and emotions between the characters without them being over the top or dramatic. They feel natural given the situation presented. Both Hope and her son were cute characters and I liked the conflicts between Hope and Josh. I felt they were very likely to happen to real people. The only thing I did not like was the way Hope’s son Mattie phrased things at times, it seemed like Carol James was trying to hard to get him to sound like a kid. Otherwise, I thought the characters were very well done.

The setting of this book takes place in a little Texas town near Fort Worth! I love all things Texas, and this was a fun addition to the storyline since I knew a couple of the places mentioned. The time period is set in the 1970’s right after the Vietnam War. I thought it was a unique timeline that I have not read very many books about. I truly enjoyed it.

I give the book 4 out of 5 stars for the creative characters, the interesting setting, and for the very prevalent aspects of finding faith and forgiveness.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.


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