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<b>Sorry, this is kinda more ranty then when I started out, and probably not very well-written. You've been warned. Also, no spoilers are revealed in my <s>rant</s> review</b> (though that was hard not to do ;P)<b>.</b>

Why do I keep reading this series? Why do I expect it to get any better? Or even come close to resembling what the show was about in the first place? What in the Sam Hell is wrong with me that I persist in reading this travesty? Ack!

Again, the plot is ludicrous, the characters don't always feel true to form, the witty banter is nearly non-existent, and the illustrations are making the characters indistinguishable from one another, most especially the darker haired girls, such as Faith, Dawn, and Kennedy (Why exactly isn't she gone yet?). The villain, Twilight, isn't very interesting and I wonder how much longer it's going to be before the big reveal. Just get to it already, will ya? Amy and Warren also need to go. Lame is the word that comes to mind when I think of them. Old characters who have long exceeded their welcome, and Amy in particular doesn't add anything anymore; she's run her course, let's move on now. Oz was a mixed bag, I liked some of what happened to him since he left Sunnydale and some...not so much. The interactions between him and Willow were rather weird and didn't seem to fit where they had left off exactly. Willow herself was quite angsty and I don't understand how she got to that place at this time. Perhaps I've forgotten something from a previous entry.

Gone is the show I've known and loved, instead they've decided to pull out all the stops, literally, and we're left with this bizarre mess. I don't know if they made a deal with the devil or what, but everything has been thrown into this story, including the kitchen sink, with no rhyme or reason. Do they know what control is, or careful selection, or do they just not care? I don't expect graphic novels to be as detailed as a TV show, but this whole season has gotten more and more ridiculous as it has went on and I cannot fathom why I'm torturing myself. Oh, I know, it's great entertainment. I want to see how much further they can destroy the memory of a great show. Does this deserve two stars? Probably not, but I can't help myself, apparently. Bah!!
Rachel's Dream
Lisa Jones Baker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rachel’s Dream by Lisa Jones Baker is the third book in Hope Chest of Dreams series. Rachel Kauffmann is eighteen years old, and her hope chest contains her journal with her secret dreams for her life. Rachel loves the family horse Cinnamon and is worried about her. Her father calls out the new vet Dr. Jarred Zimmerman. Jarred is instantly attracted to Rachel’s sweet, caring nature and glass half full attitude. Rachel appreciates Jarred’s love for animals and his caring personality. Cinnamon is very ill and Rachel prays for his recovery. She is grateful for Jarred doing everything possible to save the horse. Rachel and Jarred get to know each other when Jarred visits to check on Cinnamon. Rachel learns that Jarred has not gotten over a tragic incident when he way four years old. It forever changed Jarred. Rachel encourages him to contact his parents to resolve the matter. Jarred is amazed at Grace’s faith and optimism. The pair are quickly falling for each other, but the path to happiness is not a smooth one. If they are to have a future together, God will show them the way.

Rachel’s Dream is easy to read and ties in nicely with the other two books in the series. The main character; Rachel, is eighteen. Rachel leans on God and prays about everything expecting all prayers to be answered. Jarred, an English vet, was given up by his parent’s as a young boy and was raised by a Mennonite couple. Rachel’s sick horse brings them together in the beginning and helps them to develop a deeper relationship.

The book is a sweet, love story of an Englisher and Amish falling in love. I love how he joins the church and the fact that it is not only for her but that he has been living with these thoughts for some time. I did have some issues getting started with the book. It took a little bit of time for me to get started. Another issue I noted was that every prayer that Rachel mentioned in the book, was answered just how she prayed. It might have been more realistic if everything didn’t fall into place so unrealistically.

I did enjoy this book and recommend it to others. It was a great story-line with just a few holes in some places. I loved the idea and that love did prevail in the end. I also loved that the horse lived.

I received this ARC copy from Kensington Books and Zebra publishing companies via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Commuter (2018)
The Commuter (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Michael MacCauley (Liam Neeson) is a devoted husband, father, and provider who commutes by train every day for ten years to his New York office to provide for his family. Michael is facing big pressures as he has a son about to go to college and another ready to follow behind him. When Michael tells a client he lost his savings when the markets fell, he is leveraged deep and looking for help.

When his job is abruptly ended five years from retirement, Michael is unsure of how he will reveal the news to his wife. After a few drinks with his ex-partner Lt. Alex Murphy (Patrick Wilson), Michael opens up about his situation and how things seemed simpler at times when he was on the force.

On his way home, Michael has his phone stolen and is in time approached by a mysterious lady (Vera Farmiga), who gives him a hypothetical scenario which could be worth 100K to Michael.

Michael scoffs at the idea and then learns the offer is very serious and has very serious and deadly consequences to his family, fellow riders, and one mysterious and unknown passenger that Michael is tasked with finding before the train reaches its destination.

Under constant surveillance and unsure who he can trust, Michael is an a race against time to unravel the situation he finds himself in and needs every ounce of his wits and prior police experience to protect those he loves.

What follows is a fast paced, intense, but at times reaching film that does offer some excitement and thrills as long as you are willing to overlook various plot holes. The film moves briskly and has a good amount of intensity, but has plenty of holes that has you wondering why certain paths were and were not taken and requires leaps of faith to work.

The final act does become very “Hollywood” and detracts from a promising setup and the big twist was one that I saw coming a way off, but I often see twists in film early as that is simply how my mind works. The film could have been easily dismissed at times but the charismatic Neeson always holds your attention even when the material is thin.

In the end “The Commuter” is an entertaining film that delivers some fun thrills and suspense as long as you are willing to temper your expectations and overlook the issues.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama
6.1 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tom Cruise returns as Jack Reacher in the second cinematic installment of the popular character in the book series by Lee Child. In “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back”. After helping the military with an operation, Reacher returns to his drifter ways but is enticed to travel to Washington D.C. to visit Major Turner (Colbie Smulders), after establishing a friendship with her via phone during the recent operation.

Reacher has left the military behind and why he agreed to do the task for the Military is unclear aside from the actions of those involved upset his moral compass and made him become involved.

Upon reaching D.C. Reacher is informed that Turner has been arrested and charged with espionage and that she has requested that he not be allowed to see or contact her.

This does not sit right with Reacher and the fact that Turner occupies the same office that he was commanded has made this more than a personal score for him. Reacher also notices that he is being followed by some military contractors and soon suspects that he and Turner are in serious danger.

Reacher uses his resources and abilities to break Turner from confinement to save her life and sets off to clear her name and stay ahead of the forces that seem to know their every move.

If this was not enough trouble for Reacher, he is also implicated in a crime he did not commit and learns that there is a young girl named Samantha (Danika Yarosh), who has been targeted to get to Reacher even though he has no idea who she is and how she is involved.

What follows is an exciting mix of action and suspense as Reacher and Turner battle enemies and try to solve the clues behind their situation before it is too late.

The sequel has a premise that grabs you early on and an energy that keeps you compelled to the action. Cruise seems to be very comfortable with the part in his second outing as Reacher and it shows as he commands the screen with a mix of physicality and restraint that underscores the complex nature of the character. Smulders also does well with the physical nature of her part and works very well with Cruise as she is far from a damsel in distress.

The film at times takes some leaps of faith but the intensity and suspense of the film as well as the solid action scenes and pacing make the film a very pleasant surprise and one worth watching.
The Apothecary's Daughter
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although it has been a couple years since I read this one, I am still very fond of it and have determined that I need to reread it SOON! Hopefully I can find the time before too long.

(Original review published on Bookworm Mama 11/2014.)
The Apothecary’s Daughter is a wonderful story beginning in 1810, England. Within the pages you will find heartbreak and romance, hope and despair, sorrow and joy. But above all...Faith.

Lillian (Lilly) Haswell is the daughter of the village apothecary in Wiltshire, England. She longs for adventure and a life outside of her father’s shop. Her mother left when she was younger and Lilly dreams of the adventures she might be having and longs to follow after her. Yet she is devoted to her father and her brother, Charlie. When Lilly is whisked away to London by her Aunt and Uncle Elliot, she believes all of her dreams are about to come true. Balls, admirers, the chance to marry a wealthy man and settle in London, but also the chance to look for her mother. Following a sad series of events, she has to return home to help her father run his shop, or risk having it closed. One of her admirers follows her home, but finds that he is not the only one interested in Miss Haswell.

While women were allowed to assist and work in apothecary shops, they were forbidden from diagnosing and prescribing treatments. It is not long before she has to cross the line of the law. Will grace and mercy be shown? Or will this be the end of Haswell’s once and for all? Along her journey Lilly loses herself, but in the end finds who she is and what she truly longs for in life. Throughout her trials and struggles she learns how to depend on the Lord for strength and wisdom.

Julie Klassen's novels are long and full of detail and she draws me in until I am completely obsessed with the story! I really enjoyed learning about the different herbs and their uses, apothecary. I found it all quite fascinating. I adore historical fiction, especially set in England. I was able to truly taste life in the early 1800s through this book. In a lot of ways I could relate to Lilly as well. I have left “home” twice in my life, living adventurously. But my heart was never at peace until I returned.

I borrowed The Apothecary's Daughter from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jen Turano's books are on my to be read list...before I even know she has started writing a new book. Not only is she a fabulous author, but she is an even more fabulous woman.

Out of the Ordinary was placed at the very tippy top of my list for one very important reason...Harrison Sinclair! &#x1f60d; Gertrude is one lucky lady! No doubt about that. Between his handsome face,, his caring and compassionate heart....Oh! and he is wealthy...Harrison is simply a dreamboat if there ever was one. Gertrude has definitely not had an easy life. From losing her family to working for Mrs. Davenport...It has been one thing after. Mrs. Davenport is, eccentric to say the least, but when you find out a little more of her history, your heart will shift in her favor.

Several times the words jumped right off the page and embedded themselves into my heart. "God doesn't expect His children to live ordinary lives, but extraordinary ones." I never want to settle for the way things "should" be. Why not make life an adventure? Why not step out in faith and follow God's leading on a new (maybe even difficult) path! Trusting in Him to guide and care for us. And when things get bleak in our lives...Do we wall God off? Question His motives? I know I have asked "Why?" too many times to count. But I am learning, that even if we never know the "Why" behind the circumstances we are given, that God will be by our side through every moment. And that along the way, there will be people whose lives are changed for the better because we were put in their lives.

If you enjoy a book that will make you laugh, cry, swoon, and want to set sail on Treasure Island reference)...Then Out of the Ordinary is for YOU! (This is book 2 of a series, but CAN stand alone.) Harrison will sweep you off your feet (and Gertrude will probably push you overboard for it) and take you on a wild adventure filled with humour, mystery, escapades, jewel heists, the Ticklish Water Polka, and you are sure to devour this story in no time.

I received a complimentary copy of Out of the Ordinary from the Publishers through this Celebrate Lit Tour. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Our leading lady, Julia Elliston, is the daughter of the famed Atheist William Elliston. She is young and naïve, her mother tried to protect her and shield her from the world outside. She has much to learn about the world and is in a delicate emotional state. Her entire life has begun to crumble, starting with the death of her mother. She soon learns that everything she thought she knew is a lie. How did her mother die exactly? And who is this mysterious guardian who wishes to remain anonymous? Her childhood sweetheart has betrayed her, yet is there hope for reconciliation? As we follow Julia’s journey of discovery we encounter a few other key players. Edward and Henry Auburn, brothers who fell in love with Julia and her best friend Elizabeth Windham as children. They made plans of their future together and were secretly betrothed. But now, all their hopes and dreams are threatened. Elizabeth’s mother, Mrs. Windham has taken it upon herself to find a husband for “poor Julia”. Lady Foxworth is intent upon playing matchmaker as well. Little does Julia know the vast change in life that could take place if she concedes to marry Mr. Macy. A man with extraordinary wealth that has promised to care for and protect Julia. But can he be trusted? When laws cannot protect Julia, will her life come to ruin? And will she take a step of faith towards the only One who remains constant in an ever changing world?

  To be completely honest, I didn’t know what to think of this book most of the time I was reading it. Now that I have finished I will say that while I wasn’t 100% impressed with particulars of the content, it was a very well written book. I love the descriptive way Jessica Dotta drew me into the story. So much so, that I could imagine standing in the room with Julia. The language and style is one of my favorites for reading. The entire book is narrated by Julia who is looking back on her life much later, after the events have taken place. She hints at other mysteries in the story, but doesn’t give away too much. I was not impressed with the scenes between Mr. Macy and Julia where he was supposedly “courting” her. Although Julia remains a maiden by the end of the book, she allowed Macy’s advancements premature. It made me feel uncomfortable. Other than that, I really did enjoy Born of Persuasion. I am starting the second book Mark of Distinction, today.
How much is Lady Georgina willing to risk to protect her secret? Will she be able to keep up her façade long enough to land a titled husband who will protect her at all costs? First things first...I have NEVER read a book quite like this. And I LOVE it!!! The storyline overlaps A Noble Masquerade from both Lady Georgina's and Colin McCrae's perspective. Giving us a whole new level to the story. Simply brilliant. (Kristi, I am happy you were able to retain a bit of sanity while writing it, the result is beautiful!!!) We revisit several scenes and now I want to go back and reread the original scenes in A Noble Masquerade. Kristi weaves the story together so beautifully. Both intriguing and refreshing, there is not a dull moment between the covers of this book. Lady Georgina's character definitely lives up to the expectations presented to us in both the novella and the first book of the series. I fully expected her to be self-centered and snobbish and that is how she begins. However, her secret (and no, I'm not telling you what it is) adds a new dimension to her character that produced compassion in me, for her (yes I am shocked myself). Her journey and growth is astonishing to behold. And I can say that I am truly proud of the person that she becomes. And can I just say, "Lord bless Colin McCrae." Annie over on Just Commonly has already called dibs on Colin, which is fine with me. But he is one of the most charming and by far a favorite hero of mine. His growing admiration of Georgina was thrilling to see unfold before my eyes, and closely mirrored my own feelings about her. Faith and self acceptance play a big role in this book. Not only being ok with who you are and how God created you, but thriving in that knowledge that God accepts us for who we are. It is truly important to realise how valued we are, not just by God, but our friends and family as well. And above all, there is nothing too great to keep the Father's love from us. I am even more excited now for Trent's story in An Uncommon Courtship scheduled to come out in January 2017.

I received a free copy of An Elegant Façade from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky
David Litwack | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</i> by David Litwack is set in a world similar to our own, however there have been many wars as a result of religion and the people have separated themselves into believers and non-believers. Helena Brewster and Jason Adams live on the republic where the people rely heavy on reason and reject the supposedly irrational ramblings of the zealots who live on the “Blessed Lands”. One day a nine-year-old girl, Kailani, escapes from the Blessed Land and sails over to the republic where Helena and Jason find her. Kailani is immediately captured and questioned by the authorities that want to send her to a correctional facility to undo the brainwashing of the zealots.

In the meantime, as it is several months until her tribunal, Helena and Jason become Kailani’s legal guardians and take her to live at Glen Eagle Farm away from the main population of the busy towns. Kailani is loved and admired by the inhabitants on the farm, however there are people on the Blessed Land that want her back.

This is certainly an interesting story that explores a range of themes. For Helena there is the grief she is suffering as a result of the recent death of her father, and the feelings she has towards her mother whom she felt abandoned by. Between Jason and Helena there is also a developing romance as the two connect in their determination to protect Kailani. The most important theme, however, is that of the antagonism between the believers and non-believers. Those living on the Blessed Land want to indoctrinate everybody with their ideals about the soul whereas on the republic this is forbidden as they insist on living a life ruled through fact. As the story goes on certain characters begin to understand the need for both realism and religion. One person even suggests, “In our pursuit of reason, we’ve become as unreasonable as the other side.”
Kailani is a lovable character, which makes the novel a joy to read. It is interesting to compare how a child brought up under a strict religion innocently views the world in comparison with adults who have no faith what so ever. Although written for adults it is suitable for young teens to read too who, although may not understand the significance of the two different sides, are sure to love and enjoy reading about Kailani.
Window in the Wall
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>The Window in the Wall</i> by Ginny Merritt is based upon the bible story of Rahab and the spies, and the fall of Jericho. Although most Christians will know this story well it is probably not as well known amongst children. By making the main character a young girl, Talia, Merritt makes it suitable for young readers to enjoy.

Talia lives with her parents and brother within the walls of Jericho and loves helping her father in the flax fields. An approaching army strikes fear into her heart despite reassurances that nothing can destroy the strong walls and get into the city. However Talia’s aunt, Rahab, has been told different by a couple of Israelite spies who promise her and all her family safety as a reward for helping them. As many family members that Rahab can persuade sit and wait in Rahab’s room to see what happens and hopefully be saved. Unfortunately there are a few people who refuse to believe in what Rahab is saying nor that there is a God that is Lord of all.

Those familiar with the story will know the outcome of the story, but children will race through this book eagerly wanting to discover what happens to Talia and her family.

As an adult reading <i>The Window in the Wall</i> the references to Rahab’s characteristics will make more sense whereas they will most likely go over children’s heads. Having it written from a child’s perspective will help children to learn this bible story. Talia has many questions, which adults will not answer, as will the readers!

Merritt has helpfully included a pronunciation guide at the back of the book to help readers with the tricky foreign names that they encounter in the story. As an adult these names were not particularly difficult, but this would be a great benefit to younger readers.

Adults that read this book need to keep in mind the age of the target audience. The story does not go into much depth and may not be that engaging to those familiar with their bible stories.

The story of Rahab is not an easy one to rewrite for children but Merritt has done an excellent job. Books such as <i>The Window in the Wall</i> would be a great way of teaching Christian children about their faith without boring them with sermons.