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GameCritics (290 KP) created a video about Fallout 4 in Video Games
Sep 21, 2017

Lee (2222 KP) created a video about Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) in Movies
May 16, 2018 (Updated May 16, 2018)

PirateBlue14 (0 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Fallout 4 in Video Games
Mar 24, 2018

mmb02191 (81 KP) rated the PC version of Fallout 4 in Video Games
Jun 19, 2018
Gameplay for fights (2 more)
Large world
Story (1 more)
Just not as good as 3 or New Vegas
I love the Fallout Games. I own all of them, even the first ones. Fallout 4 isn't BAD per say - it just isn't great. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had me up for weeks playing, not able to put it down. Fallout 4? Not so much. The story wasn't as grabbing, the new speech format was lackluster, and the repetitiveness wasn't great...
Plus, it's less sandbox and more structured now. I want to get back to being able to kill every NPC I find, and dealing with the consequences.
Plus, it's less sandbox and more structured now. I want to get back to being able to kill every NPC I find, and dealing with the consequences.

Lizzi Lewins (73 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Fallout 4 in Video Games
Dec 23, 2018
I've enjoyed all the fallout games so far and wasn't disappointed by fallout 4. It does feel different to the previous games but that doesn't take away from it. I love the settlement building aspect as well, although being limited on what you can build did slightly take away from the enjoyment. Overall though I love this game.

Kristopher K St-pierre (722 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Fallout 4 in Video Games
Dec 28, 2018

a2thehip (1 KP) rated Fallout 4 in Video Games
Jan 7, 2018

GameCritics (290 KP) rated Fallout 4 in Video Games
Sep 21, 2017
Huge and totally open world gameplay and design. (3 more)
Lovely colourful visual upgrade.
Vastly improved combat.
Oh God its HUGE.
Frame rates can be choppy (1 more)
High requirements make it a slog to craft anything
A huge game that's anything you want it to be. An immense RPG, shooter, and world to explore that is only constrained by your imagination and desire to explore.
Critic- Games Radar
Original Score: 5 out of 5
Read Review:
Original Score: 5 out of 5
Read Review:

Sheridan (209 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Fallout 76 in Video Games
Dec 29, 2018
Challenging Gameplay (3 more)
Huge Open World
Ability to Modify Items
Tragic Graphics (4 more)
Online Only
No Dogmeat :(
STASH box limit
Feels Repetitive
A Game to End an Epic Series?
Let's face it - there's a lot of Fallout fans out there and these fans have a whole heap to say about this game. The big question is - is this a game for the fans? Not really, no. I don't *hate* it, but I'm not totally on board with it either. Now I've been playing the Fallout games for a very long time, I've completed both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas serveral times and have completed the majority of Fallout 4 too. Fallout 76 is just - not a good game. There are aspects I quite like - the CAMP, the STASH boxes littered around so you don't have to fast travel all the time, the ability to modify weapons and amour, the huge open world to explore - I like all of that. What I hate is that it just doesn't feel like a Fallout game, the storyline just isn't there - I don't just start playing and realise literal hours have passed. There's no NPCs, no companions and worst of all there's no Dogmeat. I mean, sure other companions I understand, it's an online only game, I can see how running around with a crew could become combersome but - I miss my doggo! I can't stand that it's online only - sure give us the option to but I've never been a fan of being forced to play online, I game to relax, not to interact with others - plus no pause is extremely annoying. The graphics are terrible considering what other companies have come out with in 2018, it feels like FO3 graphics. The limit on the STASH box is currently 600lbs but mine is full and I keep having to get rid of stuff that I actually need. The repetitive going back and forth on missions and having to travel from one side of the map to the other while doing a mission is extremely frustrating, especially considering you're pretty much always carrying too much stuff (you literally need a ton of weapons, ammo, food & water to survive).
Overall I don't love it, but I don't hate it.
In short;
Was it worth the $120 preorder price? F**k no.
Is it something I'll play complusively until I've done everything?
Does it ensare you and leave you excited to play again?
Does it exceed Bethesda's big exciting lead up to release?
Certainly not.
Is it the worst game ever?
No, not really.
Is it truly a Fallout game?
Does it feel like a dodgy, half-assed turd that the developers crapped out to make money?
Why, yes, yes it does.
Is it a game for Fallout fans?
Maybe, if you're into online play with friends then I guess? If you look past all the bugs, the sub-par graphics and the dull unimaginative storyline sure, this might be a game for you.
Would I recommend it?
No, not unless it's in the $20 bin at EB and you have literally NOTHING else to play.
I'm just saying if this game were a puddle, I could stand in it bare foot and not get my feet wet - that's how much depth it has...
It isn't the *worst* thing I've spent money on (Technomancer takes that spot with Recore as a close second), but it's definitely not something to play if you're a Fallout fan. Just stick to the old stuff, it's waaaay better...
Overall I don't love it, but I don't hate it.
In short;
Was it worth the $120 preorder price? F**k no.
Is it something I'll play complusively until I've done everything?
Does it ensare you and leave you excited to play again?
Does it exceed Bethesda's big exciting lead up to release?
Certainly not.
Is it the worst game ever?
No, not really.
Is it truly a Fallout game?
Does it feel like a dodgy, half-assed turd that the developers crapped out to make money?
Why, yes, yes it does.
Is it a game for Fallout fans?
Maybe, if you're into online play with friends then I guess? If you look past all the bugs, the sub-par graphics and the dull unimaginative storyline sure, this might be a game for you.
Would I recommend it?
No, not unless it's in the $20 bin at EB and you have literally NOTHING else to play.
I'm just saying if this game were a puddle, I could stand in it bare foot and not get my feet wet - that's how much depth it has...
It isn't the *worst* thing I've spent money on (Technomancer takes that spot with Recore as a close second), but it's definitely not something to play if you're a Fallout fan. Just stick to the old stuff, it's waaaay better...

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Fallout 4 in Video Games
Jul 20, 2017
More Fallout (1 more)
Crafting system
It's Good To Be Back
To be honest, I thought I would have a lot more to talk about in my review. I was prepared to write a War and Peace style essay on how great Fallout 4 was and yet I find myself struggling to live up to that notion. Not because the game isn’t good, Fallout 4 is exactly what we have been waiting all these years for, but that’s just it. This game is exactly what we were hoping for and nothing more, which is more than fine with me. Playing this game for the first time feels like slipping on an old pair of comfortable slippers, the controls all come back to you immediately, the charm of a Fallout game is immediately present and it feels like you are right back at home. The world is vast, beautiful in parts and grotesque in others and I’m not just talking about the intentional aesthetic ugliness of the game’s world. Streched textures, dated character models, stiff animation loops, clipping, short draw distance and technical glitches are just some of the problems that come with Bethesda using the dated Creation Engine to create their first ‘next gen’ open world game. The best thing graphically in this game is the lighting effects and the more vibrant colour pallet. When the rays of sunshine hit the trees of Sanctuary Hills at the right moment this game can actually look quite beautiful, but that is immediately lost when you turn around and see the eerie face of Mama Murphy. So the presentation could be better, but I feel that’s to be expected from a Bethesda game and that is the problem. This shouldn’t be ‘expected’ from any game in 2015, if CD Projekt Red and Kojima Productions can produce large scale open world games that actually look like they were made this year and not a decade ago, then there is no real reason that Bethesda can’t. However even with all of these flaws and complaints that we really shouldn’t have to continually endure, Fallout 4 is still my GOTY. I mean all Fallout 4 had to do to be my GOTY was to be more of Fallout 3 and that is exactly what it is. The shooting is still clunky but I am a big fan of the VATS system and I’m really glad that they decided to keep the feature and it feels good to get back to being the loot addict that I am. Now, even the junk has a significant use! The crafting system in this game is such an awesome addition, I mean it obviously has its flaws as it isn’t the smoothest crafting system I have ever used, but in a game like fallout it just makes so much sense. I’m not really into the weapon, armour, chemistry or cooking crafting stations, but the ability to build your own settlements is awesome. It genuinely has stopped me from progressing the main quest. No spoilers, but I am at the part where you have to choose a faction to side with in the run up to the end of the game, but I couldn’t care less about any of that, I’m quite happy to just keep building up my settlements. That’s not to say that the quests and characters in this game aren’t interesting, because they are. The companions are all quite interesting, even if there is a strange lack of female options for a companion. The worst companion though, by far, is Dogmeat. He is the worst programmed and therefore the most broken. Constantly blocking corridors and doorways, not fetching items for you when they are within reaching distance and just being a general annoyance, he goes from being cute to irritant in a couple of short hours. The voice acting is also something that varies like crazy. Both the male and female protagonists are voiced excellently, (even if it is a Caucasian man and woman doing the voices, which means if your character is any other ethnicity, they will still sound white,) but the other voices of NPC’s etc are wooden and downright awful in places. The areas in this game are cool, they add to the tone and the immersion, as do the sound effects and score, but there is a level of polish that is absent here and there is no reason for it, it just lets the game down and prevents reviewers from giving that perfect 10 score. People on the internet have gave the dialogue system a lot of hate and while I can see where that is coming from, I personally think it functions fine.
Fallout 4 isn’t going to break any major grounds, it isn’t going to change the gaming landscape on any grand scale and it does feel like an old game and I’m okay with all of that. This is my GOTY because it’s more Fallout and that was all that I needed it to be. Sure it would have been nicer if the game looked a bit prettier and some of the systems were a bit smoother, but to be back in the wasteland, taking part in random battles that break out beside you as you wander through this dead world and looting until you can’t walk properly, it brings the feelings out in me that I haven’t felt since Fallout 3.
Fallout 4 isn’t going to break any major grounds, it isn’t going to change the gaming landscape on any grand scale and it does feel like an old game and I’m okay with all of that. This is my GOTY because it’s more Fallout and that was all that I needed it to be. Sure it would have been nicer if the game looked a bit prettier and some of the systems were a bit smoother, but to be back in the wasteland, taking part in random battles that break out beside you as you wander through this dead world and looting until you can’t walk properly, it brings the feelings out in me that I haven’t felt since Fallout 3.