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Record of a Spaceborn Few
Record of a Spaceborn Few
Becky Chambers | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"From the ground, we stand. From our ships, we live. By the stars, we hope..."
The lives of five people and their friends and family are followed on board one of the ships of the Exodus fleet. These are the descendants of those who escaped a dying Earth, not knowing if what they were doing would result in their deaths anyway. It didn't.
I loved reading about these people: they illustrated the different kinds of lives they had, and how they were regarded in the wider universe.
Becky Chambers books are so descriptive without being boring: I felt as though I was walking the corridors and sitting in the 'hexes' with the families. All three of these Wayfarers novels have had that personal feel to them, and this is something that has really appealed to me and kept me coming back for more. I can't wait to see where Chambers goes next. Whether she continues with the Wayfarers or not, I'll definitely read them!
Reclaimed (Angel's Halo MC #4)
Reclaimed (Angel's Halo MC #4)
Terri Anne Browning | 2016 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely fell in love with this series from page 1! Incredible MC series that follows so many great characters where the guys are all just a bunch of big softies for their women. ;-) I love everyone in this group.. the brothers are tough, alpha bikers who would do anything to protect their women and families. The ladies have all gone through so much and are all so different but all such interesting characters each with crazy stories and pasts of their own.

I've said this in past reviews throughout this series but what I love the most about it is that it follows everyone.. one book does not just cover one character or couple, but you are able to follow along with everyone's story throughout. LOVE IT! I've laughed and cried, feeling so close to these characters and am so sad I've finally reached the end. CAN'T WAIT for more books in this series!! HIGHLY recommended!!
Guardian Angel (Angel's Halo MC #3)
Guardian Angel (Angel's Halo MC #3)
Terri Anne Browning | 2015 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely fell in love with this series from page 1! Incredible MC series that follows so many great characters where the guys are all just a bunch of big softies for their women. ;-) I love everyone in this group.. the brothers are hot, tough, alpha bikers who would do anything to protect their women and families. The ladies have all gone through so much and are all so different but all such interesting characters each with crazy stories and pasts of their own.

I've said this in past reviews throughout this series but what I love the most about it is that it follows everyone.. one book does not just cover one character or couple, but you are able to follow along with everyone's story throughout. LOVE IT! I've laughed and cried, feeling so close to these characters and am so sad I've finally reached the end. CAN'T WAIT for more books in this series!! HIGHLY recommended!!
*********** NO SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW*************

Isabel George, author of Buster: The dog who saved a thousand lives, is clearly an animal lover herself and has much respect for the dogs in British/American forces. (Despite the high percentage of those who disapprove in America), Isabel George has an understanding-given her long history of books-for dogs/handlers and her natural attitude is clearly felt. Dog Soldiers merits the strong bond between a dog soldier and dog their bond is firmly glued and cannot be unsealed. I am not going to talk about the book itself because I wish for readers to pick this book up with a fresh mind rather than me going into detail of what this book entails.

Nonetheless, I cried many tears...!
Much love to the families

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