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Merissa (12363 KP) rated By The Book in Books

Jun 26, 2017  
By The Book
By The Book
Maria Vickers | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
By the Book by Maria Vickers
By the Book is a story that will give you the warm fuzzies as you pray for Josh and Sam to get together, and to STAY together. This may sound easy, but these two have both families against them. Josh does act immature at times, but he is actually mature enough to realise it! Sam is trying so hard to do the right thing, that he may end up losing the best thing for him.

This is a wonderful story, excellently told, and giving great insight into how family can cause issues even if they are not on the doorstep! With plenty of situations to keep the characters on their toes, their characters grow throughout. This is definitely a feel-good book, that has no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed.

Hot, steamy, tender, poignant, it's all here. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Betty Edwards | 1979 | Art, Photography & Fashion, Reference, Technical
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really great for building confidence and teaching basic exercises (2 more)
Perfect for people who think they "can't draw" (drawing is a skill, and perfectly learn-able)
Will help a whole lot if you are just starting
Will hold you back if you let it (1 more)
The neuroscience this is based on is sadly outdated
Great book, but FOR BEGINNERS ONLY
So this book is really, really good for beginners. I have bought multiple copies of it to give to people who are afraid to start drawing, and they loved how fast they improved. It also kind of helps you learn to learn more (if that makes sense)

If you cling to it afterwards, it will stunt you, though. It doesn't teach much in the way of perspective, color, composition, art historical precedents, or mastery of techniques and materials (but really, there are whole books and disagreeing theory families on each of those topics...)

To start drawing, I have yet to find something better. Just give it to someone else when you are done.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Fragile in Books

May 10, 2018  
Lisa Unger | 2010
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book that I have read by Lisa Unger. There were a lot of characters in this book. A couple that I think that could have been left out of the book.

Everyone lives in a quiet little town outside of New York City called The Hollows. Most of the people in that town grew up there and came back to live their lives and raise their families.
Jones Cooper: the head detective of The Hollows police department
Maggie Cooper: His wife and local shrink
Ricky Cooper: Their son
Charlene Murray: Ricky's Girlfriend
Elizabeth: Maggie's mother and former principal of Hollows High School.
Travis Crosby: Friend to Jones since High school and police officer
Marshall Crosby: Travis's son and town misfit
These are the main characters of this story.
When a local teenager goes missing(or ran away) the whole town gets together. This missing girl brings up a past that connects all the current suspects in way that no one would expect. This has all happened before, but will the outcome be the same.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Raid 2 (2014) in Movies

Feb 19, 2019 (Updated Jul 29, 2019)  
The Raid 2 (2014)
The Raid 2 (2014)
2014 | Action, Adventure
Astoundingly violent sequel to The Raid (hope that doesn't constitute a spoiler). Hapless but extremely handy cop Rama is obliged to go undercover in the Malaysian underworld and infiltrate one of the major crime families. The plot is complex and coherent, surprisingly so for a martial arts action movie, but it's all really just a pretext for jaw-droppingly lavish, inventive and brutal fight sequences. Film doesn't shy away from the consequences of violence - at one point the first time I watched this, someone pulled a claw hammer out of their bag and I found myself instinctively cringing down in my seat in anticipation of the crunching gore to come.

Nevertheless, the film is lifted not just by the director's grasp of pacing and camerawork, but by some surprisingly strong performances. I imagine many people will not be able to take the intensity and violence of this film, but that doesn't lessen its achievement. Not the greatest gangster movie ever, nor the greatest martial arts film, but almost certainly the most accomplished fusion of the two genres.

Andy K (10823 KP) Jul 29, 2019

One of the best action films ever made!

Instant Family (2019)
Instant Family (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Great casting (2 more)
Great script
Great message
Made me cry! (0 more)
This film was amazing!
Totally heartwarming to the point where I cried several times, however there were brilliantly timed comedic lines, that you could have tears streaming down your face but still be laughing.
Although crammed in to a 2 hour film I think they really accentuated the parts that needed to be. That fostering children is going to be hard especially if that childs parents are in the picture and wanting contact, that these children have sometimes been through more in their short lives than most people do in an entire lifetime but really all they want, even if they won't admit it and push against it, is a family, hugs, attention, to feel wanted, be safe and feel loved.
The message behind the film was beautiful and for me the cherry on top was during the credits where they had pictures of real families with their foster or adopted children, beautiful way to honour them.
Please go and see this film if you are on the fence because it was beautiful.
1935 | Business / Industrial, Economic
Great game (2 more)
Time consumer
Time consumer (2 more)
Tears families apart
Hope you don't mind a prison sentence
Either a really good game, or a really bad game
I love this game. My family and I always used to play this in the school holidays so it always has a lovely memory attached to it. On the other hand, it has been the cause of a few arguments and sore losers as you can probably imagine. Nevertheless, when you can get through a game without arguing it is so fun to play.
It is a massively long game if you are playing in large groups though or people refuse to trade cards and help the game progress. We used to have to either play until an ungodly hour in the morning or put the game aside and continue playing the next night. So if you're after a quick game, Monopoly is a no-no.

Additionally, we used to play card games and use Monopoly money as currency. So there's that use too if you're not feeling up for a massive board game.
Show all 4 comments.

Andy K (10823 KP) Mar 10, 2018

Love this game!


Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) Mar 10, 2018

@KatieLouCreate Everything?

Only The Brave (2017)
Only The Brave (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama
You need to see this...
The true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots is compelling in every way and should not be missed.

Their triumphs and tragedies make for enriching, adventurous drama as well as seat-gripping adventure.

Jeff Bridges has the quote of the film saying : "If you're looking for sympathy, the only place you're going to find it is in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis."

The bravery of these men running into fire while the rest of us run away should make us average folk not so worried about our cell phone batteries or what you are having for dinner tonight.

The film is not only about the men, but their relationships, families and the hard choices they must make in order to be a part of this daredevil profession lifestyle.

I loved this film.

P.S. How does Jennifer Connelly keep getting more beautiful ? I looked it up and she's actually older than me and I look like a dried up turd. Unbelieveable!

After the Storm (KGI, #8)
After the Storm (KGI, #8)
Maya Banks | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok so I get why some people didn't like the latest adventure in the KGI series. Yes it wasn't set in so far flung place, God knows where. Killing bad guys to rescue the damsel in distress but you got to see Donovan how he really is, his passion for rescuing women and children from the clutches of evil and his longing to settle down with his own girl and play happy families just like his brothers.
Donovan for all his muscles and hardness is a pussycat really.

"Donovan wouldn't hurt a hair on your head, nor would he hurt you emotionally. He's just not wired that way"

I loved "After The Storm" it's just as good as the others in the series but just different :-)

Page 210, O.M.G that was fabulous and Rusty's story is going to be great, I can't wait for that.

For those who DNF shame on you, you missed the best bits. Oh well, your loss.

Roll on the next in the series Maya can't write fast enough for me x
101 Video Games to Play Before You Grow Up:The unofficial must-play video game list for kids by Ben Bertoli is a great introduction guide to video games that adults may have played while growing up, and will be a great platform for families to meet and have fun. This book begins with a comprehensive table of contents for quick and easy reference. There are fill in boxes to note if you played it, "my rating", "My favorite moment" and "Notes for each game. It has great divisions such as action adventure, sports, and party games. Each game in the list includes platform, rating, other suggested games, and interesting trivia.

The book is printed in bright colors with cartoony type characters which is eye catching. The book is a quick read and a useful reference guide to throw in with your game consoles. Perfect for sharing with kids, revisiting memory lane, or for avid gaming fans.

I give this book 4/5 stars

I received this book fromQuarto Publishing Group – Walter Foster, Jr. and Walter Foster Jr via NetGalley
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pamela Crane | 2018 | Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A moving, incredible book for every woman who has ever felt a moment of unappreciation, exhaustion or of just never being enough. Not for the weak of heart, we get a glimpse into the lives on Oleander Way... Following four different women throughout each of their own daily private struggles to be a wife and mother, providing for their families while getting so little in return - all while upholding the image they have created about their perfect lives. Jo, Ellie, Shayla, and June, each dealing with their own private turmoil, never finding a moments peace or an outlet for the growing pain inside them.

I can't imagine there isn't a woman or mother alive who could not connect with this story on some personal level. We get a glimpse into four not-so-perfect lives and witness the heartbreak of a woman finally losing it. Incredibly painful yet such a beautiful story, I was brought to tears at not only the struggle and loss but of the strength of those who held on and found the good in their lives.