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No Time for Goodbye
No Time for Goodbye
Linwood Barclay | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow. This book had it's moments where I really couldn't put the book down.

It lived up to its thriller genre. It was fast paced and it was written from an interesting point of view. I figured it would be written from Cynthias view as it really was her story to tell but instead it was her husband's view. This made it difficult to judge her as a character as you weren't in her head. This made her even become a suspect in her own families disappearance. But this kept you on your toes so you never really learnt who done it as they say until the final bit of the book.

I have only awarded the 4 stars as dispite the final twist I was disappointed with the outcome with her family. I guess part of me wanted a happy ending not the bitter ending it had. I know it created closure but it would have been nice to have a tiny bit more happy too.

I would recommend this book to anyone and others would likely give it 5 stars it's just my personal preference to have had a bit more of an alternative ending.
I’m not sure who enjoyed the new Disney movie ‘Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’ more, the adults or the kids.


Steve Carrell as the out of work, stay at home dad and Jennifer Garner as the stressed out on the go working mom are funny and quick witted.


There were lots of funny situations and lots of laughs from the audience as we follow the family through a day that is ‘cursed’ upon them by the midnight wish of their middle child Alexander (Ed Oxenbould) on his birthday.

Alexander wishes that his family, for once, would understand what it is like to be in his shoes and have a ‘Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’.

What ensues is mishap after mishap for each member of their family, and ultimately, the lesson that no matter what, family is first and families need to stick together to overcome challenges.

I loved the movie, and my 6 year old liked it too, even though many of the jokes in dialogue were over his head.

I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars, as a great family film, and great fun.
The Berenstain Bears Nature Rescue is a really good book for all. It teaches us about nature and birds. This one is about learning about different kinds of birds. Like the yellow popinjay. This almost put everyone into an almost war.

The story plot is mostly learning about what is important birds are to peoples. The way the author or authors wrote this makes it easy for early readers to learn about habitats and a lot what around them. Woods and birds are important. There may be more than one way to solve a problem.

The wood bears want to build cottages for more bears and families. Who will come out on top? The story and plot are to learn about birds and saving though birds before they are gone forever. Find out what brother and sister and other cubs do.

It is good for early readers as well. The pictures are done well. I enjoy the images that are drawn. This book is made for all age groups. I enjoy this series as well as many others. One of the best series of my childhood and still is.