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Dana Calvo recommended El Norte (1984) in Movies (curated)

El Norte (1984)
El Norte (1984)
1984 | Action, International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Gregory Nava’s film was shown at a Friday school assembly at the private Quaker school I attended from kindergarten to twelfth grade. It was International Day or some special Friday event, and we had the whole morning blocked off. I remember being floored by the rough-hewn portrayal of migrants who were my age, crawling through sewer tunnels as if they were in a Victor Hugo novel. In my twenties, I would go on to chronicle the journeys of Latin American and Caribbean migrants who crossed into the United States without documents. I would ride in the backs of trucks with them, interview them at U.S. Border Patrol processing stations, track their families, who had paid coyotes thousands of dollars. As a thirtysomething mother living in Houston, our Guatemalan babysitter borrowed $1,800 because her son was being held in a safe house in Northern Mexico. After his release, he was picked up by Border Patrol and held at a processing center in Houston. An editorial friend of mine from the Houston Chronicle visited him there and wrote about his journey. He was eventually released and was reunited with his mother. The impact of this movie cannot be understated. I was lucky enough to meet Gregory when I was a Los Angeles Times reporter covering the lack of diversity in Hollywood, and I remain a fan of his work."

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited ;Library.

This pretty much carries on from the last with Basi at her grandmothers funeral. Afterwards she learns some things about her grandmother and her estate that has her marvelling at her secretiveness. Basi also has plans for the Indebted. She wants to undergo the fourth blood exchange so she can begin to have a group of Indebted away from the tower so they can have some freedom but the fourth exchange has been given the no go by King Julian.

It does seem to be getting a little complicated this trilogy. There is so much going on at times that I get a little overwhelmed. I won't spoil it by listing things because I think you need to try this series for yourself.

All I want is for Basi and Kyros to get together because the tension and the emotions between them are so high at times. They've've both lied to each other at time so I really don't know if I get Kyros' anger at the end of this.

The game between these two warring families is very likely to destroy everyone if it keeps going for much longer. It needs to come to an end.

I need to finish this trilogy to see how it all ends.
What You Said To Me (Tree of Life #4)
What You Said To Me (Tree of Life #4)
Olivia Newport | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What you Said to me is a little dry in finding out about the families. This one is good. Though I do not know if the story is more about the girl that looking for her family or just helping in find out about herself.

This story is mostly about the girl that might just need the help to find out what happens in the past to find out why the broken things happen. Where is all went wrong? Will Jillian be able to help her find herself and understand where her mother and her family when wrong in the first place.

This book may have you looking for your family history. We do get past the story point of view as well as the present. Will it be sliver help to find out whatever happened to the Bangt woman and why it ended or how Trisha Crower family got to Cayon Mines?

Why did some leave and only one stay in Cayon Mines? To find out that you will need to read this book. Olivia does a wonderful job of weaving history and family together. Another thing she does is bring the family stories to life. Whatever happens with St. Louis Projects that she working on. Will be that this might not be the last book in the series.
Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995)
Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995)
1995 | Comedy, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ve always been fascinated by the film Welcome to the Dollhouse, the Todd Solondz film. It’s a really dark comedy. It might be because I grew up in Long Island and it feels like where I grew up. A lot of the strangeness of it feels familiar to me. I love the look of it. I love the tone of it. When we started working on Freaks and Geeks, I thought a lot about Welcome to the Dollhouse, in terms of how it was lit, the production design, the strange cadences of its comedy, and these kids who feel like they’re in hell, their families and how their parents treat them. She (Heather Matarazzo) and that character (Dawn Wiener) is one of the greatest outcast nerd characters ever created in film or television. So it’s for someone who always loves a great underdog story. That’s one of my favorites and not a movie that makes it a triumphant fantasy for the nerdy girl either. That is never the Todd Solondz way. I thought about it when we did Freaks and Geeks because we often thought, “This movie is about how you handle failure. It’s not about succeeding. It’s not a show about wish fulfillment.” You see that in a lot of Todd Solondz work. I don’t think we had half the balls that he has."

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
1951 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Something actually I watched recently — my girlfriend hadn’t seen it yet — A Streetcar Named Desire. I’m a huge Marlon Brando fan, as a lot of actors are. I know it’s a cliché, but obviously there are many performances of Brando’s that are just exquisite, but there’s something about that performance as Stanley in Streetcar that I think is just so raw and electric, as everybody says. I’m not saying anything that anybody hasn’t said before, so excuse my banter, but you just cannot take your eyes off him. I think as a young male actor at the time, when I first started seeing that film, you just wanted to deliver everything that he could deliver, and of course, none of us can. I certainly can’t, but the envy that I would feel for him, as well as the thrill of watching what he could do, was so mixed up in my head and my body that I just go back to that film every couple of years and watch it again. Obviously, Tennessee Williams is such a wonderful writer, and we all understand, I think, those powerful emotions that exist within families, and those things that seem very subtle at one point that can then be the breakdown of a family. I just think the combination of his writing and Brando’s performance is just exquisite. It’s really exquisite."

Boylan House
Boylan House
Ron Ripley | 2015 | Horror, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
81 of 250
Boylan House
By Ron Ripley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

For nearly three and a half centuries, the Boylan House has stood at the end of Meeting House Road. And something in that house has been killing boys for centuries.The town of Monson is a quaint and quiet New England town. Yet the house is terrifying and has been for as long as anyone can remember. Adults put the thing out of mind and ignore the fears of their children, admonishing them to stay away.Too many boys have vanished into the swamps behind the house. Bodies never recovered. Nothing ever recovered. The families are left with their memories and the disturbing thought that the Boylan House had something to do with it.Mason Philips knows better than that. He knows that there's something in the house. Something evil. Something hunting children from time to time. And Mason has decided that it's time for the killing to stop.

I am really enjoying reading this author at the minute I’m currently working my way through his Haunted series. This was very creepy and a good horror although reading it in the middle of the night in the dark added to the creepy. Very good author for those that love old fashioned scary.