Post-Petroleum Design
Despite the growing demand for design strategies to reduce our petroleum use, no one has yet brought...

Economization of Education: Human Capital, Global Corporations, Skills-Based Schooling
In this timely, cogent analysis of trends and powerful forces shaping global educational policy...

Business Funding For Dummies
Get the business funding you need to secure your success The issue of funding is one of the biggest...

Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality
Mobile technologies are often hailed as a way to "give voice to the voiceless." Behind the praise,...
Texas Amphibians: A Field Guide
Bob L. Tipton, Terry L. Hibbitts, Troy D. Hibbitts and Toby J. Hibbitts
With a wide variety of habitats ranging from southeastern swamps to western deserts, Texas is home...
Vivarium: Experimental, Quantitative, and Theoretical Biology at Vienna's Biologische Versuchsanstalt
The Biologische Versuchsanstalt was founded in Vienna in 1902 with the explicit goal to foster the...

Alpe-Adria Trail: From the Alps to the Adriatic: Hiking Through Austria, Slovenia & Italy
This is the first English-language guide to the epic new 750-km hiking route through the mountains...

Catapult: Stories
"Fridlund writes of families, marriage, and childhood as if our received wisdom--what we thought we...

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire
When the mysterious fog of the Ruining crept over the world, the living died and the dead rose. Only...
Young Adult

Glow (Sky Chasers, #1)
What if you were bound for a new world, about to pledge your life to someone you'd been promised to...