Three Birds
A startling and darkly comic drama about childhood, family and fantasy. Winner of the Bruntwood...

The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)
"The Greatest Show on Earth" is a dazzling spectacle of life behind the scenes with Ringling...

Oculus (2014)
Now young adults, sibs Tim and Kaylie are still trying to recover from -- and get to the bottom of...
psychological horror horror haunted object

How I Live Now (2013)
Young teen girl in the not so far in future goes to live with her cousins in a cottage outside...
Hulu young adult

Find Me Guilty (2006)
Movie Watch
Imprisoned on a drug charge, mobster Jack DiNorscio (Vin Diesel) refuses to testify against his...

Unbreakable (2000)
Movie Watch
David Dunn (Bruce Willis) is the sole survivor of a devastating train wreck. Elijah Price (Samuel L....

Dragonheart (1996)
Family fantasy fare, in which disillusioned Knight Bowne (Dennis Quaid) ends up befriending the last...

One Hour Photo (2002)
Movie Watch
Casual shoppers stocking up at the local SavMart may not pay much attention to the man at the photo...

Lady Macbeth (2017)
Movie Watch
Rural England, 1865. Katherine(Florence Pugh) is stifled by her loveless marriage to a bitter man...