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Insight (The Community #1)
Insight (The Community #1)
, Santino Hassell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insight (The Community #1) by Santino Hassell
Insight is the first book in The Community series, and we start off with Nate. He lives in a dead-end town, works a dead-end job, comes from a dead-beat family, and is going nowhere fast. However, his life changes when his twin dies. Now, don't get me wrong, there is no big lovefest with these twins - far from it. Theo is a drama queen of the nth degree and isn't above 'playing' for what he wants, no matter the cost to anyone, not even his brother. However, when Theo's death is ruled a suicide, Nate knows something is wrong. How does he know? Because he keeps getting visions in which he IS Theo and even shares his death. That's how he knows. With family drama nipping at his heels, he packs up and heads out to New York. Trent has already spoken with Nate, although Nate can't remember. When he drives past Nate hitchhiking, he can't just leave him, so he doesn't. This leads on to the romance part of the story, although it doesn't over run it. Once they get to NYC, it's full on and fast paced as the story progresses and Nate finds himself in the same danger as Theo.

This is the first book by Santino Hassell that I have read and I was thoroughly engrossed from the very beginning. I really felt for Nate and everything he was, and had been, going through. Trent is the perfect foil for him, and provides back up and sanity as and when Nate needs it. This isn't a romance book, although it has elements of romance within it. Primarily I would say this is a Paranormal Suspense. Either way, the story is gripping, the characters are well rounded (even those you don't particularly like), and you will keep turning those pages. I loved the epilogue that we got, right up until the major cliffhanger that you are left with. For something that is definitely different, I would have no hesitation in recommending this.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Phantom Thread (2017) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
Phantom Thread (2017)
Phantom Thread (2017)
2017 | Drama
Not a Fun Guy to Be With
Yet another reissue of the controversial 1999 movie, but this time George Lucas has taken out all the stuff with taxation and Jar Jar Binks in favour of fashion design... ha ha, I jest.

Daniel Day-Lewis plays an obsessional creative genius who throws himself completely into his work and is very demanding of everyone around him, and is occasionally prone to hallucinating dead family members (so perhaps this role was less of a stretch for him than many).

Initially this comes across as a slightly so-what romantic drama about the relationship between a powerful, privileged man and a much younger woman, with him as a manipulative user and her, essentially, as a victim, but it eventually turns into a dark and even slightly twisted tale of what it sometimes takes to make a relationship work.

Day-Lewis is good, obviously, but so is Vicky Krieps as the woman in his life; presumably it's only her obscurity that's kept her from getting awards nods as she is really as good as he is.

Probably not for everyone, but Paul Anderson's most satisfying and accessible film for some years.
What Happens in Paradise
What Happens in Paradise
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s been a year since Irene Steele received the news that her husband Russ was killed in a helicopter crash. The most shocking part: it occurred on the island of St. John, where he apparently lived a double life with another family. Now Irene and her two grown sons are back on the island, trying to move on—and learn more about the life Russ led there.

I really am loving this series. I worried for naught this book wouldn’t be as captivating as the first! It was, per usual, a delicious Hilderbrand read. I love these characters, especially stalwart Irene. And Huck, oh Huck, the tough yet sweet fishing captain. She just captures them all so perfectly!

This book is really quite fascinating—almost a mystery. There’s plenty of good relationship drama, too and lots of curiosity about Russ’ business dealings. It’s so easy to get caught up in everyone’s lives.

This is a fun, dramatic, and engaging read. You can read it out of order, but pick up Winter in Paradise first (if you haven’t already) for the full experience!

(Also, this was my first read BOTM. Yay!)

Dean (6927 KP) rated Top Boy - Season 3 in TV

Dec 8, 2019 (Updated Dec 8, 2019)  
Top Boy - Season 3
Top Boy - Season 3
2019 |
Great story (1 more)
Good range of characters
Back on Top
I remember the first 2 short series when they were on Channel 4, both good but they were only 4 episodes long and the second one seemed to end abruptly. They are available on Netflix with the Netflix original new series which is 10 episodes long.
It's definitely worth watching the first 2 series as many of the main characters are the same and the story does carry on from then. Although it's been 6 years since the last series.
This is a good crime drama showing how rival drug gangs from different estates are trying to out do each other. It does feel quite realistic as we see the events unfold from many different characters viewpoints. Family, friends, rivals, gang members as they all get tied up with the events that unfold. It definitely feels like a much better all round story than the first 2 series. It's quite violent in parts as you would expect. Definitely worth putting towards the Top of your list to check out. If you like films like @Kidulthood (2006) you will like this.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Waves (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2020  
Waves (2019)
Waves (2019)
2019 | Drama
Powerful, visually dazzling contemporary drama. The lives of an African-American family in Florida begin to unravel when their son, perhaps pushed too hard by a driven father, develops a painkiller addiction and discovers his girlfriend is pregnant. Very much in the same kind of vein as Moonlight, but I found this to be much more powerful in addition to being incredibly creative visually - the screen is filled with a bravura mixture of colour and movement.

For the first hour and half or so, this is like watching a car crash in slow motion: it's almost unbearable to watch the main character go off the rails, but you can't look away either. It concludes with the kind of incident you hear about as a brief item on the news, but here the film puts flesh on those bones and the scale of the tragedy is made clear. The third act is a definite change of pace: no less artfully made or moving, but less focused, and the outcome of the film remains in doubt until the very end. I'm hugely surprised this hasn't featured on the Academy Awards shortlist: a tremendous film in so many ways.
Downhill (2020)
Downhill (2020)
2020 | Comedy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
404. Downhill. It has terrible reviews. Then i read them, and a lot of them seem to be hating because it's a remake of a foreign film. I didn't see it. But I liked this one, an uncomfortable comedy drama. Looking like the perfect family, Billie and Pete take the kids skiing, yay! Everything is going great, until one day at breakfast, one of the controlled avalanches goes a little out of bounds a bit and feels like a bunch of people are about to buried alive. Spoiler alert... In those seconds were they realize the snow is about to smack em hard, Billie puts her arms around her children and ducks down to protect them, Pete on the other hand, grabs his cell phone and splits, after its all over, the initial shock wears off and now Billie is left with the knowledge of what hubby did in the face of danger. Movie goes on to follow both on now their separate vacations, leading to some funny though uncomfortable situations. Check it out!! Will Ferrell was great as the slowing imploding Pete, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus was great as Billie trying to keep shit together! Filmbufftim on FB