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Dungeon Academy
Dungeon Academy
2019 | Dice Game, Fantasy
Roll-and-write style games have come a really long way over the past couple years. In the olden days we had Yahtzee, and that satisfied us. But then designers began dusting off that olde mechanic and breathing new life into it. While roll-and-write may never become my favorite mechanic, I am starting to appreciate the good ones more and more each time I play them. Dungeon Academy is one of these good games.

In Dungeon Academy players are taking the roles of students attempting their finals to become graduated warriors and mages in the land. They must pass their tests though, and that entails surviving through the dreaded Dungeon four times and surpassing all opponents to receive their degree.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup a solo game of Dungeon Academy, assemble the Dungeon component per the instructions. The player is dealt a character card with a special ability and markers to track Health and Mana throughout the game. Pile the Health and Mana tokens on the table, shuffle the Loot cards into a deck, and place the Teacher pawn nearby. Grab the pad of paper and pen and you are ready to begin.
Each attempt in the Dungeon will require the 16 Base Dice to be rolled and set inside the Dungeon. It is then flipped upside down when the timer begins and the mad dash to the Exit commences. As the player marks a line through every “room” (each die is considered a “room” in the Dungeon) they create a path to be checked at the end of the round. Once the player has made it through the Dungeon satisfactorily the Teacher will check the path.

The Teacher pawn is now used to track movement in the Dungeon. As the player tracks the path they drew on the paper, the Teacher is moved through the rooms. In each room (each die face) will be one of these possible encounters: a Mana potion to refill an empty Mana space on the character card, a Health potion, a small red Blob, a small blue Ghost, a large red Colossus, or a large blue Reaper. Each small foe encountered will be overtaken by spending one Health or Mana token from the character card. Each potion will restore spent Health or Mana. Each large foe encountered will require two Health or Mana to be spent. As the Teacher follows the path set by the player, Health and Mana will be spent and replenished on the character card, and foes defeated tracked on the sheet.

Once complete, the player will add up all the points from defeated foes (1VP per foe) and any VP from special character abilities or Loot cards. Additionally, the player will choose one of the four Quests at the bottom of the sheet to score each round for extra VP. They write these numbers on the sheet and prepare for the next level. After four total levels the game ends and the total is compared to a scale in the rulebook.

Multiplayer Dungeon Academy works the exact same way except once a player exits the Dungeon, they must grab the lowest-numbered Exit card as representation of the place finished in the Dungeon (so the first one out grabs the 1 card, etc.). The other difference from solo play is that players all compare total VP at the game end to determine the winner.
Components. This game has a large scorepad of 150 double-sided sheets, a bunch of cards for Hero characters, Loot, and Exits, as well as 18 total dice, about a trillion double-sided Health/Mana tokens and an impressive cardboard Dungeon. Everything is of wonderful Matagot quality… except for the Duneon. In my copy the Dungeon does not stay together very well. I may attempt some glue to keep the parts down that need to stay down, but it is still functional and a great design. The art style across the game is cute and fun, and I like the muted bright color scheme. That feels so weird to say/type, but the colors are vibrant hues, but muted so they stay out of the way. It’s strange and I love it.

Speaking of I love it, I love this game! It is quickly becoming one of my favorite roll-and-write games, and I can play it solo. In about 15 minutes. These are all positives, and I haven’t even really touched on the gameplay. Being able to get through a light solo game in 15 minutes while having a great time throughout is an achievement, and one I would like to applaud here. I wasn’t really sure going into this if I was going to enjoy it, but it has blown me away. Trying to evaluate the best path through the Dungeon while keeping track of how the Health and Mana is always in flux gives my brain a welcomed workout that is just a breath of fresh air for me. I love the art style and the theme, and the simple but easy to understand iconography on the dice is much appreciated.

I think that if you are looking for or lacking a similar type game in your collection you should do yourself a favor and check out Dungeon Academy. It is super quick, easy to grasp and play, requires little table space, and is simply a great time alone or with your gamer friends and family. I know I am going to be tracking lots of plays with this one. I am going to have to find a place on my shelves at eye-level because I don’t want it to be overshadowed down at foot-level.

If you already enjoy roll-and-write games and want something a little different with a great theme, or you don’t have any roll-and-writes and want to check one out for the first time, or you simply cannot get enough games featuring great art about wizards in school check this one out. I recommend it.
The Silver Road
The Silver Road
Stina Jackson | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful debut
This is a novel of love and loss, guilt and grief, and of family in both the good and bad sense of the word. It has been translated so well from the Swedish by Susan Beard that I didn't actually occur to me that it had been translated at all.
Lille's daughter has been missing for three years, and he spends every night of the summer driving the Silver Road in an effort to find her. This has caused the breakdown of his marriage, and he has a tenuous grasp on his sanity: he drinks too much, he smokes too much, and he sleeps too little in the summer. His wife has left him, and he spends a lot of time alone with the ghost of the daughter he is searching for.
Enter Meja: her mother has mental health problems, and has decided to move in with a man she has only met online. Meja is used to being her mothers carer, and she's used to a series of men moving in and out of their lives. This is such an emotional novel. I became really invested in the characters of Lelle and Meja. There was a real atmosphere of sadness around both of them.
The peripheral characters were really well written as well: from the ex-wife to the local police officer, from the family of 'Preppers' to Meja's mother and her new boyfriend, Torbjorn.
I loved the atmosphere of this book: there was an air of 'something drastic is going to happen very soon', and the melancholy was palpable. Although the subject matter was very sad, it really was a joy to read.
Many thanks to Readers First, The Pigeonhole and the publisher for the chance to read this book.
Saving Meghan
Saving Meghan
D.J. Palmer | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meghan Gerard is sick. There is no rational explanation for why she keeps getting sick. She has seen countless doctors and she has no diagnosis. Is she making herself sick, is her mother making her sick? What is going on in this girl's life that is making her body shut down. After finding a doctor that may have finally found out what is wrong with Meghan, other doctors are convinced that it's all in her head or her mother is experiencing Munchausen by proxy. What is real and what is psychosomatic?

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I was really looking forward to this book. For me it started off a little slow. Building up the the point of interest. Can you imagine what you would do if your child was sick and there was nothing you could do make them better? What if YOU were accused of being the reason why your child was sick? For the Gerard family, Meghan's health is at the focus of everything. Her parents, Becky and Carl, blame each other for Meghan's problems as well.

Even though the first part of this book started off slowly, it did pick up toward the end. Then I devoured the rest of it, staying up late to finish. I had no idea how this story was going to end up and for that it boosted the star rating.

Who is to blame for Meghan's health? Is it Becky, her mother, who was forced as a child to lie and cheat the system saying that her mother was ill in order to continue to receive disability checks. Is it Carl, the father who thinks that Becky is just too smothering and needs to give Meghan a break from all the doctor visits. Or is is Meghan herself, finding ways to keep the attention on herself? The reality is very shocking.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated 337 in Books

Dec 13, 2020  
M. Jonathan Lee | 2020 | Contemporary
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow life story
The protagonist in this story is Samuel, a man who lives quite a sad life, in my opinion. He is divorced, lives alone in his parent’s house, and doesn’t have many things going on, to be honest. He had quite a difficult life though. His mother left, the father was rigid and abusive, and his brother left as soon as that was possible. Samuel reflects a lot in this novel. He tells his life story, including the life of his grandmother, who is about to die. I didn’t really like Sam, he seems quite miserable and pretty dull. 😦

The narrative is told from a single, Samuel’s, perspective. There are quite a lot of thoughts and personal experiences shared in this novel. I kept waiting for that investigation and surprises, but they didn’t really come. There were attempts to it, but the time spent in a care home with grandmother took most of the narrative. The topics discussed in this novel were mental and physical abuse, children’s mental health issues, loneliness, drugs and alcohol use, controlling fathers and many more.

The atmosphere of this book is quite depressing, it is divided between sad memories and a dying grandmother. 😦 The writing style is quite thought-provoking and detail-oriented, and I did like the story that Sam shared with the readers. I also really liked the short and snappy chapters, that made the reading experience more enjoyable. I liked the ending of this book as well, it was very satisfying to have some sort of closure, and I do hope that Sam finally can have something positive in his life. 🙂

So, to conclude, it was an interesting experience to read a book focused on a man’s mental health issues and his relationships to his quite estranged family members. Even though this novel felt dark and sad, I think that Samuel’s life has thought-provoking experiences. Do give this book a go, and I hope you will like it. It is quite different…
    Monitor Your Weight

    Monitor Your Weight

    Health & Fitness and Lifestyle

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    Award Winning Weight Tracker App developed as a tool mainly to help motivate a person following a...


Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Damage in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Damage by Eve Ainsworth
Confident, Popular Gabi has a secret - A secret so terrible she can't tell her family, or her best friend,
 she can't even take pleasure in her beloved skateboarding any more. One day, an impulse turns to something darker

Gabi has never felt so alone. But then she learns that not everyone has wounds you can see.

A searing look at self-harm and acceptance from hugely talented Author Eve Ainsworth.

When reading this book I felt attached to the character Gabi as I know how it feels to lose your Grandad as mine passed away last year. It does make a gap in the family and feel weird.
It was sad that Gabi couldn't tell her parents how she felt and how it is making her feel as her parents always busy running their pub.
When Gabi starts to self-harm she felt so alone and this is the only way to release the sadness and pain. She felt she couldn't tell her best friend and her friends she skates about with as she felt they wouldn't want to be friends with her and she felt they would think she doing it just for attention.

I haven't read a book about self-harm before and I feel I want to read more about Mental Health through fiction and non-fiction books. I read this book during 'Mental Health Awareness Week' and I feel this needs to spread and let people at school to read it as I knew a few of my girl friends who self harmed when I was in Secondary School. I felt there was enough support in school when people who are getting bullied or needs someone professional to talk to and listen to them. I admit at the time my friends where doing this I was there to listen but I felt helpless and didn't know what advice to give them.

What is helpful from this book is the Author Eve Ainsworth has included organizations at the back of the book to help people. I will include them too below:


Or if you need to talk to someone, the following organizations are there 24 hours a day.

Phone: 0800 1111
Phone: 116 123

If you have anymore organizations you know and would like to include please comment below.

Thanks for reading x