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Lirahlu (37 KP) rated Dread Nation in Books

Mar 1, 2019  
Dread Nation
Dread Nation
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing Alternative History Horror
In a post-Civil War America where neither side won because of the Zombie Apocalypse, Jane McKeene studies to become an Attendant – part body guard, part chaperone – as part of the Native and Negro Reeducation Act due to the breakdown of institutionalized slavery. While she excels at the fighting and weaponry, Jane continually fails her etiquette lessons despite being the daughter of a wealthy, white plantation owner. While other girls at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore County, Maryland desire an Attendant’s life with a wealthy family, Jane’s one goal is to return home to Rose Hill Plantation in Kentucky. Just weeks shy of graduation, Jane, her ex-beau Red Jack, and her light-skinned “frenemy” are sent West to a “Survivalist” pioneer town where blacks are still very much treated as slaves and forced to fight “shamblers” on the front lines with rusty, ineffective weapons. Though segregated with the rest of the blacks, Jane refuses to accept the town’s ingrained injustice – even when the price of resistance is death.
Dread Nation is a fantastic mashup of the alternate history and horror genres. Ireland’s characters are intricate and flawed, and therefore believable. Ireland does not shy away from the horrific history of slavery and racism in the United States and the characters and world she’s built around them are stronger for facing these issues head-on. An absolute must-read for anyone who is not shy about gore and loves a strong female character who can hold her own in a fight.
A thoroughly enjoyable and informative book which brings the history of Highclere to life in energetic and engaging story telling.

Initially, the author shows their 'upper class' voice a little too often but as the story progresses and you begin to engage more with the people involved, it becomes less obvious, therefore making the book much more easy to read and enjoyable.

As an avid Downton Abbey fan from day one, I was engrossed with learning the true history of the actual house, and can honestly say that the connections between Downton and Highclere are not limited to merely the house. The Carnavons are a wonderful and very energetic family with fingers in so many pies and so rich a history that they truly deserve the accolade this book should give them. They do not come across as typical aristocrats at all, rather 'real' human beings who are committed to the improvement in lifestyle of all they are connected with, true philanthropists and dedicated historians.

I can honestly say that this book reads like a fiction story, and you have to pinch yourself at times to realise that these were real people who lived and breathed and carried out all of these wonderful acts. Truly, it is a fantastic read which is fully deserving of more than 5 stars and something that anyone interested in either Downton, late Victorian/early Edwardian society, the First World War and it's aftermath, or even the tomb of Tutankhamen should most definitely add to their 'to read' list.
Connilyn Cossette has officially earned her spot as my favorite Biblical Fiction Author. The creativity in which she approaches the era, the people, and the culture of the Hebrews astounds me. She accomplishes so much while staying as true to history and the Bible as possible (obviously there are some creative strokes because this IS fiction).

Moriyah and Darek have been thrown into a circumstance that takes their lives in a direction they never thought possible. Running for her life, Moriyah must face the consequences of her actions, even if accidental. Meanwhile, Darek wrestles with his loyalty to his family and his growing attraction to the woman who is responsible for bringing so much heartache to those he loves.
Throughout these pages, we continually see the grace and love of Yahweh expressed for His people. Mrs. Cossette was brilliant in her execution of this story. There is always another level of history, of scripture, to discover, and I felt like she brought this aspect of the Mosaic Law closer to the surface of understanding.

If you have never read Biblical Fiction before, you should definitely give Mrs. Cossette's books a try. If you love history in any aspect (especially Biblical) I encourage you to read A Light on the Hill. Your eyes will be opened and your heart touched to the core by this beautiful story of love, danger, faith, and healing.

I received a complimentary copy of A Light on the Hill from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Two Rings: A Story of Love and War
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been interested in the history of WWII for some time, particularly by the Holocaust. I don't know where the interest began. It has nothing to do with my family. My dad was an infant & my mother not even born. As far as I know no one in my family fought it the war. I think more than anything it is the horror of the situation & that people were able to survive despite the atrocities they faced. Ones I can not even begin to imagine.
This memoir tells the story of Millie Werber & her experiences as a Jew in Poland during the war. I found myself amazed that a young woman could go through what she went through & live to tell the tale. I felt like I was holding my breath as I read. It sounds silly being as it is a memoir & I knew she had written it, but I found myself begging for her to be okay, wanting to know what happened next.
It was a surreal read. This book is incredibly well written. It reads like a top notch thriller, one you long to see made into a box office smash. Yet at the same time you know that it is all real...that the person recounting these "stories" actually lived through them. That in itself makes the ending unbelieveable.
I would reccommend this book to anyone interested in that particular time in history. But also to anyone who enjoys an amazing story of survival where one is least expected to occur. This is one of my favorite books ever. READ IT!!!!!!
Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you don't know by now, I am a huge fan of the Beatles. Both of my children have their own Beatles song (Hey Jude and Help), however my general knowledge of their history is not so great. So when I saw Tune In, I didn't hesitate at the opportunity to read it. Being born in the late 80s I can only imagine what it was like to live in the world of Beatlemania, endure the sorrow of their breakup, and all the years in between. Which is why I am so excited about this book. Something else about me, is that I value history, learning the facts and details about people and time periods. Tune In is an extremely in depth look at the men that changed music forever.

Beginning with their family histories, we learn everything there is to know about the background, the life, the creation of the Beatles. Each chapter covers a few years to a few months, and a single day in some cases, beginning in 1845-1945 with the histories of their families, going through their childhood years in the next chapter (1945-1954), and taking us through to the end of 1962.

I have only begun to scratch the surface of this book and I think it is safe to say...Mind...Blown. So much detail, so much history. I love it! With about 80 pages of Notes and another 10 for Credits Mark Lewisohn has definitely done his research to give us such an in depth account of Beatles history. If you are a fan of the Beatles, you are sure to love reading Tune In. Now to wait for volume two...

I received a free copy of Tune In (The Beatles: All These Years) Volume 1, from the publisher through Blogging for Books. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Nudist Colony of the Dead (1991)
Nudist Colony of the Dead (1991)
1991 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It doesn’t try to take itself seriously- good job too. The puerile names. (0 more)
Production values due to low budget. Acting ability questionable (0 more)
Ridiculous. Ridiculously silly. Ridiculously fun.
Ridiculous. Ridiculously funny, silly and blasphemous.

“Your children can’t praise the lord if they’ve got genitals in their mouths!” - Reverend Ritz
So much to snigger at here - notably the slightly-more-mature nudist Mrs Druple and her hazardous wrinkly swinging boobs.

There’s things to learn as well - whoever knew that devilled eggs came from possessed chickens?! Beware folks- evil lurks in the most unlikely of places.

“There’s a history of fornication in my family.” Fanny Wype
Actually, there are some deep theological questions raised here, such as, Why does this god guy get lost so much? Everyone is always trying to find him.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Botticelli's Bastard in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Botticelli's Bastard
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This my first in this kind of book dealing with art and history. It a good book and interesting. It deals with Germany and take over of Europe in the 1940's. I liked the idea of the painting talking and telling detail about his owners. That what is been so neat about it. I love the fact that Giovanni started with a discovery of stolen art.

Giovanni has some family problems that it so funny in a way that he find a discovery to lift his spirit. The author was good and i enjoyed the book. I rate this book at 4 1/2 stars. Those the painting stories about himself is so funny that you want to laugh. It makes you want to find out more of they mystery of the painting.
Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin, #9)
Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin, #9)
Jennifer Estep | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating

I've given this five stars for several reasons.

One: A reunion between Gin and Owen! (I'm so happy!!!)

Two: Sophia's backstory with the Grimes siblings played a huge part of this and it was nice to know--but not necessarily nice reading--how she came to be how she is.

Three: ...Two's enough, right?

Anyway. I'm so glad that Gin is the way she is, that everyone she classes as family--whether related or not--are treated rightly and if not, she will go out and get them justice.

As for book 10, I may put it off for a few books as from what I've read it delves into Gin's history and how she became The Spider. I'll come back to it at some point though :)
How the West Was Won (1963)
How the West Was Won (1963)
1963 | Action, Western
Sprawling account of fifty years of American history, as encountered by various members of one pioneer family. Starts with the initial settlement of the west, takes in the Civil War, the coming of the railroads, and concludes with the triumph of law and order (well, sort of).

At least partly sold on the sheer number of stars involved, but in the end there's hardly any John Wayne, not much more Jimmy Stewart, and probably a bit more George Peppard than you'd honestly care for. It's quite naive, sentimental stuff, in many ways, and the technical side-effects of it being shot in VistaVision are very obvious. There's some magnificent photography, the odd effective cameo, and very occasionally a moving moment - but too often this is stodgy and episodic rather than a stirring saga.
Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King
Alfred: The Boy Who Would Be King
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alfred is a mostly ordinary boy, going to school, playing video games, and reading books about medieval history. His mother is a bit eccentric but all in all, he is living the regular life of an 11-year-old. That is until a mysterious man shows up one night and Alfred suddenly finds himself in a fantastical, medieval kingdom. What is even more strange, Alfred soon discovers he has families ties to this strange land and is the only heir left to the kingdom’s throne. Thrust in the middle of a country cursed by a witch, a dark lord, terrible creatures, and famine, Alfred has his work cut out for him. But thanks to the help of a few new friends, his medieval video game, and book knowledge, he is up for the challenge.

Alfred is a determined, hopeful, excited kid living out a child’s fantasy. He manages to stay strong through horrible circumstances and uses his knowledge of the period along with that of his own time to try and make things better for his people. The mashing together of periods offers plenty of hilarious moments as Alfred tries to explain things like TV and pro-wrestlers. His knowledge of things like agriculture and battle defenses quickly become lifesavers for the peasants who have accepted the return of the king.

This fantastical adventure is a beautiful story that balances the dark, harsh realities of 6997428survival against both enemies and natural, the struggle of the weight thrust upon Alfred’s shoulders, while also remaining lighthearted, funny, and fun. The story unfolds like a puzzle before the reader, much like it does for Alfred, as you discover more about his family, magic, and the politics of this magical world. Author Ron Smorynski has done an incredible job of creating an extraordinary world and characters that you can become invested it. The story captures the pure adventure and action so longed for in fantasy adventures while also tackling growing up, history, and family struggles. To me, it brings to mind such classics as Narnia and The Castle in the Attic.

The book is an excellent beginning. While the story itself is well rounded in itself, the real magic is in the story that it has left to tell. Throughout the book, we get the beginnings of magical rules, political struggle, villains powers, and the complicated history of Alfred’s family and those that knew them. The book leaves you with as many secrets as it answers and simply begs for a sequel. I am excited to see more from this author and continue my journey with Alfred and his friends, hopefully soon!