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A Long Petal of the Sea
A Long Petal of the Sea
Isabel Allende | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My first, and not my last, Isabel Allende book!
A Long Petal of the Sea is my first foray into the books of Isabel Allende, and after reading this, it most certainly wont be my last.

This is the sweeping historical story of the Dalmau family, their role in the Spanish Civil War, their escape in to France (which was horrific), and their journey to Chile as refugees on the ship ‘Winnipeg’ arranged by the poet Pablo Neruda.

It’s a devastating and yet heartwarming look at humanity and it’s ability to endure. I hadn’t known about the concentration-style camps that the French forced the Spanish refugees in to after Franco and his right wing party won the Civil War. It looks as though people have always been able to destroy one another in inhuman ways (this is no surprise to me, by the way). We see more of the use of concentration camps in Chile after the military coup.

The main characters, Victor and Roser Dalmau continue to see Chile as their home, over and above Spain. They show us that home is where your friends, family and community are - and that you can make this home anywhere.

This book really is a joy to read. I’ve learnt so much of the history of this time, as well as having the pleasure of just reading a great story.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bloomsbury for my copy of this book to read.

Darren (1599 KP) rated The 33 (2015) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
The 33 (2015)
The 33 (2015)
2015 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The 33 starts as we follow our Chilean miners including family man Mario Sepulveda (Banderas) and safety inspector Don Lucho (Phillips) who is reluctantly backs down from their boss about the conditions inside the mine, believing the mountain will start to collapse in on itself.

When the mine does collapse, it leaves all 33 miners trapped hoping they might get rescued, well that is inside the mine. Outside the mine the miner’s families led by Maria Segovia (Binoche) demanded answers and help from the government with Laurence Golborne (Santoro) calling the shots, doing the best he can to find a way to rescue the miners. This is the incredible story of how the Chilean miners survived and were rescued.


Thoughts on The 33


Characters/Performance – The film is based on the real people involved, Mario is the one that takes control inside the mine, the reluctant hero even against the odds. Laurence is the government man that must do the right thing while working with the experts as well as keep the families happy. Maria is the sister of one of the miners and leads the protest to find answers about her brother and other miners.

Performance wise, Banderas shows himself to be the biggest star within the mine, we do get strange casting choices up next because we have a French actress playing a Chilean lady, and Irish man as a Chilean. But away from this we have good performances all around from the whole cast.

Story – The story is one that we all followed on the news, it was one of the most must watch news stories of the 21st Century. Seeing the amazing story of how the men survived, the way a small town can together to bring a nation, then the world to see, beg and pray for these men is an incredible story of courage, strength and belief in the human race.

Biography/History – While we don’t truly get to know the men personally, we do see the 69 days that changed their lives. This will go down in history as one of our moments of greatness as a human race.

Settings – The film is set between the mine which shows us just how trapped the character will be but we also see how the family members are working towards rescue.

Final Thoughts – This is an incredible story that was one we followed and seeing this brings back the memories but in places this is slightly slow.


Overall: Great glimpse into history.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Selection in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
The Selection
The Selection
Kiera Cass | 2012 | Children
7.9 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The Selection</i> is the first book in a girly dystopian novel by Kiera Cass set far in the future in a new country called Illéa. After two more world wars society has a place where people are labeled depending on their family history and wealth. Castes from one to eight, where one is the royal family, are assigned to every family in the country, which also determines their job prospects.

America Singer is a five and helps her family to earn money by performing, singing and playing music. But her life changes when it is announced that Prince Maxon is searching for a wife. Thirty-five girls from around the country are going to be selected to spend time with the prince at the palace where eventually one will be chosen to be his bride. Most girls would jump at the chance to be selected, but when America’s name is chosen she could not be more horrified.

America has a dilemma. She is already in love with someone else. Marrying Aspen, a six, is all America has ever dreamed about. Despite the fact that marrying into a caste below your own is frowned upon, the two of them were hoping to find a way around it. Now America has no choice but to leave Aspen behind. But what if the prince wants to choose her as his bride? Could she ever love him or would her feelings for Aspen hold her back?

It is easy to grow attached to America’s character and personality. She remains herself in a place where most girls would put on an act to get noticed. America also cares a lot about other people and they way they are treated, even though she is from one of the lower castes. Likewise with America, the reader is torn between wishing she could create a life with Aspen, but also hoping something will happen between her and the prince.

Overall it is a well-written book however it does not feel completely original. The castes felt similar to the district idea in <i>The Hunger Games</i>, however <i>The Selection</i> focuses on a more positive storyline. The outcome of the selection process is not resolved within this book, so if you enjoy reading this novel you will definitely want to read the next one!

Kaz (232 KP) rated The Wasp Factory in Books

May 15, 2019  
The Wasp Factory
The Wasp Factory
Iain M. Banks | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
The believable Writing (0 more)
Some Graphic elements (0 more)
A Sinister, but Excellent Read
I've just finished 'The Wasp Factory' by Iain Banks and all I can say is wow!

This story is told by Frank, a 16 year old boy, who lives on a remote island in Scotland with his father. This is about Frank, his very dysfunctional family and trying to find his brother, who has escaped from a mental institution.

What I love about this book is the way in which Iain Banks writes characters. Frank is such a complex character that, although in essence he is an evil person, there are flashes of innocence and sensitivity about him, that you can't help but like him. One moment you feel like he is the only reasonable member of his family and then gradually, you realize his true character. Despite that, you feel sorry for Frank and the life that he has grown up in and the next, completely horrified by some of the things he does in the novel. He's not just a bad character, which in turn, makes him all the more believable.

I also liked some of the dark humour in this novel. Some of the more disturbing stories of Frank's family history were told in such a way, as to make them funny. I felt guilty for laughing at times, but I couldn't help it!

Away from the story itself, I liked how the novel comments on human nature's need for power and to overpower others. This idea is relevant in the areas of gender, politics and society.

This novel isn't plot driven, but character driven, so the story was a bit slow at times. However, I was not expecting the twist at the end.

This might not be for everyone, because it is so dark and at times, really intense. However, I thought this was a brilliant first read for 2019.

I would give this 5 starts, but I have to knock a point off, because this book dragged a couple of times.

ClareR (5608 KP) rated The Parisian in Books

May 30, 2019  
The Parisian
The Parisian
Isabella Hammad | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling historical fiction
Midhat Kamal arrives in Montpellier in 1914 to study at the University to become a doctor. He falls in love with his University professor landlords daughter, Jeanette, but he becomes disillusioned with the family, and leaves to continue studying in Paris. He lives here during the war, and becomes friends with other Arabic men during a tumultuous time in the Middle East.

When Midhat returns home to Nablus, he is expected to conform to his fathers wishes, marry a woman from a good Muslim family, and work for the family business. He is thereafter known as The Parisian to those who don’t really know him, because of his style of dress and his outlook on life.

Politics soon begin to affect every part of his life, as the colonial powers of Britain and France flex their muscles. Their unwillingness to learn histories and the way people actually want to live cause untold problems, which actually we still see the consequences of today.

I can see that some may struggle with the French and Arabic peppered through the dialogue (I don’t speak Arabic), but I do think it was used in such a way that I didn’t lose track of what was happening, and it lent some credibility to the story. Midhat slips in french words to his speech when something surprises him, or he feels strongly about something. His second language has become a part of him. Endearments are usually in Arabic as well (it took a little while for me to realise what they were, and there are other words used that aren’t just endearments, I’m sure!).

This is a beautifully told story. It’s hard to read in places - history isn’t always very pretty. But I think it’s important to learn about the past in order to understand the present and hopefully learn from past mistakes.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.
The Country of Others
The Country of Others
Leila Slimani | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a fascinating look at Leïla Slimani’s own family history.

Mathilde falls in love with, and marries, Amine Belhaj, a Moroccan stationed in Alsace. After the war, she sails to Morocco to live with Amine on his family farm. Life is so different to that in France, and Mathilde struggles to adapt. The French there shun her because of her husband, and Moroccans are suspicious of her because she’s French.

It’s a time of great upheaval in the 1950’s, as the Moroccans fight for independence from France, and life becomes increasingly dangerous for the Belhaj’s.

It’s a challenging life for Mathilde: she has to work hard, and Amine has a very fixed idea of a wife’s role. When she doesn’t stick to his rules, voices her opinions or disagrees, Amine beats her - he’s a violent man, scarred by the things that he saw and experienced in the war.

Mathilde does manage to insist that their daughter, Aicha, goes to a good French speaking school, and Aicha proves to be a good, diligent student - but the other girls at school are poisoned by their parents views: they’re very unkind and bully her.

There is a real feel for the heat and dust of Morocco. The contrasting cultures and religions of Christianity and Islam are shown, as well as the roles of women and how they are restricted in the light of their religions and it’s traditions. It looks at what it is to be a foreigner in a strange land; belonging, both in a country and a family; and the Moroccan struggle for independence from France.

This is going to be a trilogy, and I’m already fully invested in it - I can’t wait for the next book. Sam Taylor’s translation is perfect, and I hope that they’ll be translating the subsequent books as well.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for helping me (yet again!) with my NetGalley reading, and to Faber for my ebook copy through NetGalley.
The Secret Keepers
The Secret Keepers
Trenton Lee Stewart | 2017 | Children
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
he Secret Keepers by Trenton Lee Steward is an adventure that focuses on 11-year-old boy named Reuben who lives in Lower Downs which, is one of the poorer areas of the city of New Umbra. Reuben's father died when he was a baby and his mother works two jobs to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Reuben spends his days exploring the city, keeping watch on various inhabitants of the neighborhood while his mother is at work.

While Reuben wanders around the city the reader learns about the politics of the city. The reader learns about a mystery man known as "The Smoke" who keeps the city under his thumb. As years pass "The Smoke" has reached a level of influence of those who have control. "The Smoke" has a spies that are referred to as "The Directions" by Reuben and others in the neighborhood. The spies go out in groups of your and have a specific direction in which they go in order to keep watch. One of Reuben's many games is to from "The Directions" where he is still able to observe them.

Reuben discovered an alley with two buildings. He climbs the buildings he discovers a small box engraved with a name and containing an intriguing watch. He looks at the watch and thinks perhaps he could sell it to help his family. As he tries to find a potential buyer, Reuben learns that "The Smoke" has been searching for a similar watch for many years. Reuben begins messing with the watch and finds an unexpected secret. The watch has a temporary but amazing power. "The Smoke" learns that a boy has found the watch and sends "The Directions" to find Reuben .

Reuben sets out to find the history of the watch and see what he can learn about its previous owners. His search leads him to the Meyer family who has a multi-generation secret story around the watch. The youngest member of the family, Penny, becomes a good friend to Reuben and he convinces him to bring her along. Her older brother Jack finds out about their plans and attaches himself to the adventure to try and undermine "The Smoke" and his hold on the city.

The pacing of the story is methodical and builds on itself as the story progresses. The book is split into three parts. The first part focuses on Reuben in the Lower Downs and his search through New Umbra to learn more about the watch. The second involves his trip where he meets the Meyer family and learns the history of the watch and then formulates his plan to take on the Smoke. The final part involves his plans and the confrontation with the Smoke. The characters and story is interesting and engaging.

I recommend this book to middle grade or YA readers. Be prepared for intriguing and engaging twists and turns to take you down both predictable and unpredictable roads and leaving you with a number of thoughtful questions to consider.

I give this book 4/5 stars.

I received this books from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.
The Diary of a Young Girl
The Diary of a Young Girl
8.2 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Diary of a Young Girl
We have all heard about or read this book. I remember reading it in high-school as a project. And since I never had written a proper book review, I decided to read it again.

I went to the library, and they only had the short Penguin version, with the most important diary entries of Anne Frank. It is only 65 pages. So, I decided to also grab another book – The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank by Willy Lindwer, so I can write a full overview.

This is a diary of a young girl, and she was writing these stories during two years of hiding. Anne Frank and her family are Jews and they live in The Netherlands. After the Germans invade, many people are captured and go to designated camps. A few manage to escape and go into hiding. Anne’s family hides in her father’s office.

If you are reading this diary, without knowing anything about history – this could be a happy story. These diary entries are filled with love and hope, dreams of a young girl, beliefs, opinions, descriptions of her first crush and planning a future.

But this is not a happy story. This girl doesn’t get the chance to grow up. This girl doesn’t get the chance to experience freedom, and live to get to know her grandchildren. This is a sad story of not just Anne Frank, but all these people that have gone through that painful journey.

While this book deserves to be read by every person, and this history needs to keep being told many years after us, I feel the need to make a proper book review.

This is not a well-written book, with a great plot and amazing description. So based on that, this doesn’t stand up to the standards. But this book has a meaning that makes up for all the amateur writing. After all, this was a teenager writing it, without even knowing this will someday be shared with the world.

To all of you that haven’t read it yet – I highly recommend it. If you don’t want to go with the long version, read the short Penguin one, like I did.

ClareR (5608 KP) rated Brotherhood in Books

Apr 2, 2019  
David Beckler | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Byron is called home to Manchester by his panicked teenage nephew, Philip, when he becomes embroiled in the murder of one of his school friends. Philip is adamant that he is innocent, and Byron believes him. Unfortunately, the murdered boy has a rather dangerous family, and there is history between the leader of this family and Byron.
Byron is helped by his friend Adam, who was in the Marines with him, and they try to solve the murder to hopefully exonerate Philip.
I really enjoyed this book. Byron and Adam seemed like really nice people, believe it or not, even though they knew how to handle themselves and there was consequently a fair bit of violence!
There was the added interest and/ or complication of an African child soldier who had been adopted by a British couple. I really felt very sad for him as I read his flashbacks; he had led an awful, violent childhood.
This looks as though it’s the start of a really good series. I liked that Byron and Adam appeared to have an equal status in their little team, and the police officers and procedures all seemed genuine to me (but then I’m not a police officer!). It was such a fast, exciting read, and I really did gasp out loud a couple of times whilst I was reading! I’ll be interested to see where this series goes next.
Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this book, which I hope I’ve fairly reviewed!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Murder on Amsterdam Avenue in Books

Jul 7, 2021 (Updated Jul 7, 2021)  
Murder on Amsterdam Avenue
Murder on Amsterdam Avenue
Victoria Thompson | 2015 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poisoner on the Lose
Frank Malloy has moved into the house that he and Sarah Brandt will share after they get married, but they have to wait until restoration is done on the house to actually get married, and the workers are taking their sweet time about it. Meanwhile, Sarah accompanies her mother on a condolence call to the home of the Oakes family. Charles suddenly got sick and died a few days later. The Oakes have been friends with Sarah’s family for years, and so, on the visit, Charles’s father asks if Frank will investigate the death. He thinks that something is not right about it. It isn’t long before Frank confirms that Charles was poisoned. But who would poison him?

While these are historical mysteries, history doesn’t always come into play in these books. Here it does in a couple of different ways, and I enjoyed both of them. Fans of the series will be delighted with how the character’s lives are progressing. The mystery was a little slower than most, or maybe it just felt like it to me because I guessed some parts of the plot early on. Even so, I enjoyed some of the twists along the way to the satisfying climax. We get plenty of the supporting characters here, and I am enjoying how they are developing. The characters’ lives are transitioning still in this book, and long-time fans will be happy with how that progresses. This isn’t the strongest in the series, but it will still please fans.