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The Missing Ones
The Missing Ones
Edwin Hill | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Research librarian Hester Thursby returns in THE MISSING ONES, but she's not the same. Shaken by the traumatic series of events that occurred in book one, Hester is anxious and guilty. This affects her parenting of four-year-old, Kate, the daughter of her partner Morgan's sister, Daphne. (Follow that?) Daphne has now been gone for over a year, and Hester and Morgan are still caring for Kate. Meanwhile, on Finisterre Island in Maine, Rory, a local cop, is watching the ferry come in yet again. He's ignoring the whispers and suspicion of others on the island, who believe he is responsible for taking Oliver, a four-year-old who disappeared over the summer--and whom Rory found, safe and sound. Now another child is missing. Soon Hester gets a text--asking her to come to the island. In short order, she'll find a body there, and connect it to the missing children. But Finisterre Island is a small place, and not one to give up its secrets easily.

Reading this novel has definitely secured Edwin Hill and the Hester Thursby series as a go-to author/series combo for me. This was an excellent and compelling read. Hester is a wonderful, complex protagonist, and I hated to see her so fragile and struggling. I love Hill's stable of regular characters--Hester, Morgan, Kate, and their dog, Waffles. Plus, several folks from the last book pop up again, which was fun. Always hovering in the background is the missing Daphne, and Hester's complicated feelings: Daphne is her best friend; Morgan's sister; and Kate's mother. Of course she wants her back in their lives, but by now, she fiercely loves Kate and feels like her mother. It adds a deeper layer to the books and an aspect that I really enjoy. And Kate, while "just" four, is a total trip. I love that kid.

The mystery presented here is wonderfully plotted and complex. Introducing Finisterre Island gives us a whole host of new characters: Rory; Annie, Faith, and young Ethan, who are all squatting in a broken down Victorian on the Island; Lydia, Oliver's mother, who runs the local inn and bakery and her husband Trey, a state cop; and others. With a small island comes intense and tangled relationships, and Hill presents and handles them all deftly. The story kept me guessing and intrigued--fascinated both by the murder and mysteries, as well as Hester's own personal issues. Seeing a vulnerable side to her was difficult due to my adoration for her character, but it was so well-done. And, of course, she's still able to solve crimes, because she's amazing.

Overall, this was an excellent read. I love Hester--and her little created family. Hill is an amazing writer and does a great job at creating a suspenseful world that easily sucks you in. 4.5 stars.
Finding Dory (2016)
Finding Dory (2016)
2016 | Animation
The first time I saw Finding Nemo I was amazed. The beauty in every single tiny detail of the underwater sea life was absolutely stunning. From the largest fish to the tiniest krill just mesmerized me. When it was announced that the Pixar team was working on a sequel to the beloved tale, I was thrilled. I couldn’t wait to see the story about Dory and her new adventure.

   In this installment, it is Nemo and Marlin who help Dory locate her family. Though it has been thirteen years since the last film, we are transported right back to where the action left off. A year has gone by after Nemo (Hayden Rolence) and his father Marlin (Albert Brooks) were reunited with the help of a very loving yet very forgetful Dory (Ellen DeGeneres). She begins to dream of memories she once had with her parents. At first we get to see an extremely adorable tiny Dory. Her small voice but big loving and outgoing personality will make your heart melt. Dory’s parents helped guide her through life all while they also had to learn to cope with her impairment. When snippets of these memories begin rushing in, Dory sets out to try and reunite with her parents. With the help of some old friends, their path leads the trio to the Marine Life Institute of Morro Bay. This is where she and her parents once called her home. On the way the trio meet a bunch of new characters. My favorite of these newest members is Hank, a seven tentacled octopus who can camouflage and escape out of pretty much any situation, proving that he is probably the best sidekick for the task. The cutest new additions are a gang of cuddling otters that can stop traffic with their cuteness.

  The film in a whole was brilliantly thought out and well conceived. Little did we know that the comedic situation of Dory’s impairment in the first film would become the core of her story in the second film. Though I’m not a fan of Cars and or The Incredibles, I am still a fan of Pixar and the ideas they create. Especially that of the short film prior to the showing of the main film entitled “Piper”. Pixar certainly has a way with bringing up issues of disabilities, weaknesses and problems within our world today. This makes it easy for film goers to relate to the stories that they tell and find deep meaning in the overall outcome of the story. Finding Dory is filled with all the emotions that make up a fantastic film. Perfect for every age and is best seen with the 3D option. I adored this film and I think I just might have to see it again in theaters when it comes out. Also be sure to stay after the credits!
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
2012 | Drama
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is based upon the best selling novel written by Stephen Chbosky and published in 1999. The film is directed by the author himself who makes the entire film follow the epistolary style novel very well. The film brings to light the struggles of an awkward adolescent boy named Charlie (Logan Lerman, Percy Jackson & the Olympians) and his struggles with trying to cope with the recent death of his best friend who has committed suicide and the not so recent death of his beloved aunt. While coping with both deaths Charlie also has to try his hardest to get through his first day of high school.

Charlie has a tough time making friends being shy and introverted. This definitely doesn’t help on his first day when the only friend he makes is his English teacher Mr. Anderson (Paul Rudd, I Love You Man). Though in his shop class he notices one very outgoing yet somewhat flamboyant senior Patrick (Ezra Miller) who ends up taking Charlie under his wing and inducts him into “the island of misfit toys”. Charlie becomes enamored with a pixie haired beauty named Sam (Emma Watson, Harry Potter) who is Patrick’s step-sister. She is involved with a college boy but soon finds that the path she is on will soon lead down a different direction, possibly with Charlie. Though Charlie is a freshman and has never been able to feel close to anybody, his new group of friends become somewhat of a family and together they are able to overcome the struggles that adolescents are faced with today.

This film is full of great actors with appearances by Joan Cusack, Tom Savini and Nina Dobrev (The Vampire Diaries) and many others. The film hit kind of close to home as I, and many others, I’m sure, can relate to some of the same issues that had to be faced. That is why this is such a great film. I suppose that is why the story was so moving to me. I almost had a small case of anxiety remembering my high school days as a “wallflower” or a “misfit”. While the story is a roller coaster of emotions it is very well paced and has an amazing soundtrack that follows the story. The film will bring a lot of different emotions to the surface and will tug at the heartstrings which all great films must do. I usually take notes during a film that I am reviewing and at certain times I noticed myself not writing anything as I was entirely enthralled with the film. The acting is great and portrays all the characters of the story very well. This was a great film for Emma Watson to grow as more of a dramatic actress as apposed to her role as Hermione Granger though at times you could hear her British accent come through. This film is a must see! PG-13,103mins long.

Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated The Outs in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
The Outs
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this was... an interesting read...

Just gonna quickly put a little trigger warning in here, as there is graphic and emotional descriptions of depression and suicide. But the story isn't about these things, and they aren't properly talked about until far later in the novel.

You're thrown right into the deep end from page one, having to put the pieces together as the plot progresses. We meet one of our protagonists, Caleb, in an unfamiliar room with mysterious men and a random little girl. He ends up taking her with him as he runs, trying to figure out what he did during the Outs.

The Outs are kinda confusing. They're moments in time where electrical appliances all fail, and anything that happens is forgotten as soon as the Outs end. Oh, and anyone killed during the Outs is resurrected from the dead.

I'm really not sure how to describe this book. The plot is super confusing - Caleb and his aphasic friend, Kitzi, take this weird little girl (Amanda) who somehow has powers over everyone and everything, in an attempt to stop Deeds and his army of Deadheaders. Caleb has a psychopathic voice in his head called Crimes, Amanda's dreams come true, Kitzi's suicide happens to have taken place at the same time the Outs started, she can smell the truth - and somehow they're all connected to the Outs? These three individuals - and many others along the way - each have a big part in what is happening. But how?

Honestly, I cannot explain it. There are so many little ties and strings throughout this book that all add up, and I couldn't possibly include them all.

It definitely is a unique book. The idea is pretty good, too - the whole "nightmares becoming real" and all. But I just didn't connect; I don't know if it was the pacing or what, but I just didn't feel involved in it.

I feel like I should've been able to sympathise with the characters more - they had good backstories, emotional and family issues that different people should be able to relate to. And the narration following Kitzi often makes references to comic books which I personally really appreciated. But I just didn't quite feel them. Maybe it's just me - there's nothing wrong with the writing in particular, so maybe it's just personal preference. I don't know.

I had a few typos in my copy but I received an ARC, not a final copy, so that shouldn't affect anyone buying the book. I loved the cover, and the art at each chapter start was great. Also, the inclusion of "Notes From Last Night" (a site where people recorded notes during the outs for after they forget) was awesome, too. It added a whole other dimension to the world, an extra little bit of interest.

I wanted to like this, I really did. And I didn't dislike it - but it didn't feel like anything special to me. 3 stars for The Outs.

Jamie (131 KP) rated The Edible Woman in Books

May 24, 2017  
The Edible Woman
The Edible Woman
Margaret Atwood | 1969 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong commentary about the roles of women as they enter adulthood (0 more)
Starting to show it’s age with outdated social norms (0 more)
An honest exploration of the roles of women, marriage, and entering adulthood
Marian is an average college-educated woman who lives with a roommate in a decent apartment, works for a survey company, is moderately good looking, and has a handsome fiancé who is on his way to being a big shot lawyer. It sounds like life altogether is going pretty well for Marian. Yet for some reason she feels empty, why?

The Edible Woman explores the themes of losing a sense of self with maturity. At work she is pushed around, her roommate Ainsley is inconsiderate, the landlady is judgmental, and her boyfriend Peter is self centered and makes snide comments at Marian’s expense, acting like he can barely tolerate her. With each encounter Marian puts aside her pride for the sake of avoiding conflict. Marian expresses her problems through eating, or the lack thereof, hinting at a potential eating disorder. Just as she feels inhibited in life, she suddenly feels inhibited with the kinds of food that she can eat.

As the story continues she begins to dread marriage and question the direction her life is going—becoming just as listless as her friend and former classmate Clara, who after marriage and three pregnancies just seems beaten down. Marian’s fiancé Peter is the stereotypical perfect bachelor: a man’s man that looks down on women and views marriage as a ball and chain. Peter pushes Marian around in order to mold her into a subservient woman. There is no longer any room for her thoughts, her feelings, or her desires from under his shadow.

But what about work? What are women’s roles in society and the work force? Throughout the story there are several women including Marian with college educations, yet none of them really have a stable career. Women are expected to be wives and mothers, there’s simply no time for an education or a job. In this case, their educations are ultimately viewed as their downfall due to the crushing reality of how little opportunity they would have. This was the very sad truth at the time the book was written and thankfully is not exactly the case now in most parts of the world.

Atwood tackles a large number of social issues throughout the book that I think would be important for any young woman. Adulthood, relationships, marriage, the choice between work and education versus starting a family, and lastly feminism—both good and bad. (Hint: Ainsely is a perfect example of a bad feminist.)

There are certain elements of the book that are becoming quite dated. Namely the typewriters, the social expectation that all women can be are housewives, and the limited ways that women can dress; These things might make it difficult for young women to look past and relate to the main character. Despite this the book is still incredibly relevant in the message that it brings about maintaining one’s individuality. I absolutely love this book and found a lot of my former self in it’s pages.
I'll Take You There
I'll Take You There
Wally Lamb | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Felix Funicello is a film professor who lives in Connecticut. He is divorced and has one daughter, Eliza, who is currently working for New York Magazine. Felix also has two older sister, Simone and Frances who are an integral part of his life. Felix hold a movie club on Monday nights in the old Vaudeville theater in town. One night as he is setting up, he is visited by the ghost of Lois Weber, a renowned film director in her time. Lois shows Felix glimpses of his life along with the important women in it. Through these snapshots, Felix gains a greater understanding of the women in his life and women in general.

This book was reminiscent to A Christmas Carol, but he is visited by the same ghost, who brings three different visitors with her. Felix is first returned to his six year-old self. Where he and his sisters are helping their neighbor gather votes to become the next Rheingold Girl. Rheingold is a beer. This happens after his daughter tells him she has to write a piece about these girls.

The next transportation is a few years later when Felix is twelve. His mother and sister are talking in the kitchen about her boss being inappropriate with her at work. This part I heard just a few days after hearing day after day about a new man in a high position has been removed because of inappropriate behavior in the work place. Mind you, this is taking place in the early '60s and times were different, but some things never change. As Eliza, is telling her mother about what her boss has said, it's the mother's response that truly strikes me.
<i>"Men are men. Shapely girls like you just have to put up with stuff like that in the working world or else quit. Those are your choices."</i>
Thank God, those are no longer our choices, and that shouldn't have been the mentality then, maybe we wouldn't have all these issues today.

Also during this trip, Felix is given some news about his family that will change the dynamic forever.

The final time Lois comes to visit, the guest she brings, gives Felix a testimony that he has wondered about in the back of his mind for most of his life. That helps to fill a missing piece. The story is sad and is a part of the two previous visits from Lois.

All of these visits help Felix to be a better man, brother and father to the women in his life.

I think this is a very important book for all women to read, especially with the things going on in our world today. Told from the male point of view, I think it helps to see that some men can be empathetic to the plights of women. And this books covers a lot of those plights, from feminism, to abortion, adoption and acceptance. Years ago, I read She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb and I remember feeling the same way after reading it. Read them both.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Dumbo (2019) in Movies

Mar 31, 2019  
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
Dumbo is very cute (0 more)
Everything else is just... lifeless (0 more)
It's set to be a busy year for live action Disney remakes, with Aladdin and The Lion King already lined up for release this year. Kicking things off though, is this reimagining of the 1941 classic Dumbo, with Tim Burton directing.

It's 1919 and Holt Farrier (Colin Farrell) has returned from World War I, arriving by train to join the Medici Brothers Circus, where he worked before the war as a performer. But Holt has a number of issues to contend with on his return, the least of which being the loss one of his arms while in service. He's greeted at the station by his two young children, Milly and Joe, who lost their mother, Holt's wife, to influenza while he was away. On top of that, he learns that while he was away, the cash strapped circus owner, Max Medici (Danny DeVito) decided to sell the horses that were part of Holt's star act. Holt is put in charge of pregnant elephant Jumbo, with Max hoping that the arrival of a cute baby elephant will bring in the much needed crowds. It's a lot for Holt to come to terms with and adjust to.

Soon after, the baby elephant is born. But with clumsy, oversized ears, he's not quite the cute crowd pleaser they had all hoped for. Attempts to hide his ears only end in disaster, and ridicule from the circus crowds. Milly and Joe fall in love with the new arrival, and when they discover that he has the ability to use those big ears for flying, interest in him is quickly renewed.

The flying elephant not only draws in the crowds, but also the attentions of V.A. Vandevere (Michael Keaton), who offers Max a deal for him and his circus troupe to join his huge fancy theme park. It's at this point that the movie should really begin to soar, having introduced the circus family and their new arrival. Unfortunately, the arrival of Vandevere signals a sharp downward spiral in terms of story telling. The circus cast are all but forgotten, with the story focusing instead on the tired, familiar tale of sleazy, greedy businessman who is only interested in money and success, at the expense of the poor, trusting people who believed him.

The computerised Dumbo is simply oozing cuteness and technical wizardry. The eyes and the facial expressions are wonderful and he manages to steal every scene he is in. Every time he takes flight, it is a joy to watch. Unfortunately though, this version of Dumbo is trying to add a lot more to the original story and ends up becoming bit of a drag at times. The human characters are poorly written and mostly forgettable, and the movie really only soars when Dumbo himself does. While trying to steer clear of being a straight up remake, opting instead for the addition of plot and characters, it ultimately loses a lot of the charm. As with the recent remake of Beauty and the Beast, it's another case of style over substance.

Ross (3284 KP) rated A Time of Dread in Books

Jan 16, 2018  
A Time of Dread
A Time of Dread
John Gwynne | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Much smaller cast than previous books (0 more)
Twists were quite obvious from very early on (1 more)
Less action on much smaller scale than previous
A new series following on from the events of The Faithful and the Fallen
*** Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review. Typos and formatting issues (of which there were many) have not been reflected in this review ***

The first book in John Gwynne's new series (Of Blood and Bone) comes a little over 100 years after the conclusion of Wrath.
In some senses, and I have seen a number of reviews opining this, this marks the start of a different series, and no prior knowledge of the Banished Lands is needed. I would agree to an extent, though I would imagine a lot of things are taken for granted (the creatures and races of people for one, if not the actual storyline). However, if someone then wants to read the previous series I think a lot of the events of those books has been spoilt, not the overall conclusion but certain little details would be annoying to have spoilt. I would strongly encourage readers to read Malice et all first (though beware of the epic scope and cast of characters from the off).

The story follows three main paths which at times become two. Riv (a trainee warrior) and Bleda (a young ward, stolen from his family at a young age) are living with the "angels" that have broken through to the real world and are training to fight the "demons". Their story serves to chronicle the events of the first series quite neatly, and shows how the angels are not perfect in their role as mankind's guardians. Drem is a trapper living in the wilderness with his father and begins to uncover some unusual signs of dark work afoot. Finally, Sig the giant (a minor character in the first series) also works to eliminate the demons from the world, but does so independently of the angels.

The scope of the story and cast of characters is so much smaller more focused than Gwynne's previous books, which took some getting used to. While I felt the scope of the first series was so epic it was hard work, here it seems like a very different, simpler work. Almost, but not quite, like a step backwards.

As usual, there are twists and turns along the way, not all of which were particularly surprising (sometimes you just know that unless someone's head was cut off, they're going to come back again later!) and I felt they could have been dealt with better.

I felt there was maybe another chunk of the story that could have been added as the final 50 pages rattled along all of a sudden and ended abruptly with more still to tell.

I very much enjoyed the book and am looking forward to the next instalment to see where the story goes from here, though I expect it will be a smaller series than TFAF, looking to tie up loose ends.
Read Me Like a Book
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ashleigh Walker's life is crumbling around her. Her parents are fighting constantly, she's not doing well in school, and her boyfriend, Dylan, doesn't exactly make her heart sing. Suddenly, the one bright spot in Ash's life becomes her new English teacher, Miss Murray. Young and hip, Miss Murray engages Ash in a way she's never felt before. She's even joined the debate club, for pete's sake, and started working hard on her English submissions. But there's more to it than that. Miss Murray makes Ash feel something else. If she really admits it, Miss Murray makes Ash feel what Dylan (and other boys) should. Is something wrong with Ash? And more importantly, Ash starts to think... does Miss Murray feel the same way?

This is a lovely gem of a book. It's the perfect blend of heartbreaking and funny. Kessler, who, as I mentioned, has previously written a series of books for young teens, expertly captures the older teen voice in this novel (which was actually her first book, finally published and updated for the more modern, digital era). She creates a picture as she writes, allowing you to vividly imagine her multi-faceted and complicated characters. Ash is no one-dimensional teen: she's intricate and her own person. As she deals with the agony of her parents' own issues, plus her own inner angst about her love life, your heart goes out to the girl.

Kessler easily paints the angst one feels when in love with a teacher, especially if LGBT - coupled with the delusion that comes with youth, no matter your sexual orientation. Ash's feelings are so real, so strong, and she seems so alone. It's an excellent portrayal of what young teens go through as they wrestle with their sexuality (believe me, I know; it took me back to some tough times in high school).

If anything, some of the resolution is a little too easy, a bit quick and forced at times, but it really doesn't diminish from the force of the book. Watching Ash grow up before our eyes is rather magical. There are some excellent comedic portions from the novel to balance out the heaviness, coupled with a great supporting cast of characters, including Ash's best friend, Cat, and some other youth she meets via school, family, and friends. The novel is perfect for teens struggling with their own sexuality, or needing to see someone "like them" in print, and those looking to support a LGBT best friend, but should also be given to parents of those teens -- as Ash's parents play a role in the story as well.

Overall, I found myself completely wrapped in Ash's coming of age (and coming out) tale. Books with a true to life, multi-dimensional lesbian heroine are still sadly hard to come by, it seems, but Kessler's novel certainly tries to change that.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review - thank you!

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<i><b>He smiles, but he doesn’t show what he has in his heart.</i></b>

I really enjoyed this book, but for reasons I can’t really pinpoint. It wasn’t like any other true crime book I’ve read, it was more like a memoir of Heinrich Scholl’s life. It was certainly a very dry read in parts, in terms of the actual crime, but I just quite liked reading about how well Heinrich succeed in his life. By the time we got the trial, I was actually very excited to see how it all played out, and I was really rushing through the pages (in a good way). The one big downfall with this book was that I don’t know enough about the history of Germany - the war and the fall of the Berlin wall etc - so a lot of the relevance to these events and Scholl’s life were a little lost on me.

Heinrich was abused mentally as a child and by his wife - even after all his successes in life, so it was kind of unstandable for him to fall into these relationships, with the lady from the town hall and with Nani. and call it “love”. Because he was never loved beforehand. It’s sad really. And his desperation to succeed as an older man was also very upsetting. But he was also wrong to string his wife along for years and years, if he was really unhappy, he should have tried harder to leave her.

Heinrich’s wife, Gitti, was a horrid woman! I understand the marriage they had was pretty much a complete sham, but she treated her husband like dirt. Another reason it’s no surprise Heinrich went looking for other relationships. But I also feel sorry for Gitti, not just because she was murdered, She lost all her family in the most depressing of ways and because she obviously had some troubles of wanting and not succeeding to have the perfect life, and this clearly damaged her. She clearly had some mental issues that made her flit between cursing Heinrich, wanting Heinrich back, and killing herself.

The crime of Brigitte Scholl’s death is certainly a strange one. Everything points to Heinrich as the murderer, but then it also doesn’t. I’m not sure I believe it was calculated murder. Manslaughter? Maybe. But murder, no. I actually find it hard to believe he did it at all, but maybe that’s because I have so much pity for him.

This book just leaves you wondering around with your own thoughts. It comes to a conclusion, the charge of murder, but it doesn’t lead you to any final decision. The choice is yours to make; is Heinrich Scholl guilty of murdering his wife and dog?

Thanks to Netgalley and Text Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.