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Merissa (12394 KP) created a post

Oct 23, 2020  
"This is the perfect afternoon read, cuppa to hand and cheeky snacks... snuggled on the sofa of course!"

What a Latte Books by Morgan Sheppard - @hotchoc84, @MorganJSheppard, #Sweet, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #Romance, 4 out of 5 (very good)

Klou (162 KP) rated Carnival Row in TV

Oct 15, 2019  
Carnival Row
Carnival Row
2019 | Drama, Fantasy
Faeries and humans struggle to co-exist in this dark, Victorian, fantasy world.

When a faerie (Cara Delevigne) and the lead detective (Orlando Bloom) fall in complete lust, they find themselves in dangerous territory. Then the killings, only a monster could do this. A monster like no other.


    6.0 (2 Ratings) Rate It

    TV Show

    Set in the 1960s, the series, packed with mystery and suspense, depicts the adventures of PARANORMAL...