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Marcus Sedgwick | 2011 | Horror, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Vampire, A Hare and A Human Sacrifice
The horror genre has never been one that I read a lot of. I'm more of a fantasy, murder mystery kinda gal. Horror gives me the creeps (as it should) so I tend to avoid it as much as I can.

Now in the hopes of becoming a more well-rounded reader, I decided to take a dive into the deep end and pick up these unsettling read.

Midwinterblood tells the story of the souls of Eric and Merle. Yes, I did say souls. This book is about reincarnation, the past and future lives and how our souls stay intertwined with the ones we love. Midwinterblood is split into 8 chapters each represented by a different moon and a different time period, I wouldn't say it's a pure love story, although that is what I initially thought after the first chapter, as each story is so different I wouldn't say it's got a specific theme throughout.

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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Great God Pan in Books

Aug 21, 2019  
The Great God Pan
The Great God Pan
Arthur Machen | 1894 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Classic of late Victorian horror-fantasy. A misguided scientist performs a surgical procedure on a young woman's brain which leads to her madness and death; but over the years that follow it becomes clear that he is also responsible for unleashing something much, much more disturbing.

It's slightly amusing to consider that this novella was criticised on first release for its decadence and sexual content - by modern standards it is, on the surface at least, very tame. But that's the nature of the beast in this case - this is a horror story where all the disturbing scenes happen off-stage, which is where the monster stays as well. Everything happens through implication, and is left somewhat to the reader's imagination, a trick which Machen pulls off rather more deftly than some writers who hailed him as an influence. I must be honest and say that the lack of a big reveal and a genuine climax wrong-footed me a bit, but the story is on the whole ingeniously structured and well-written, atmospheric and unsettling.
Closed for the Season
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not enjoy the book as much as her other ones. I love Hahn’s ghost stories and those that deal with the paranormal (Look For Me By Moonlight). This novel was more thriller/suspense than her usual horror.

All always the people Hahn creates have such character and her story is flawless. That being said, it just was not my genre. There was no trace of the paranormal and fantasy in this book, and it left me wanting. It was also predictable. Hahn writes for a much younger generation, but yet, so all her novels are predictable.

I cannot give this book a low rating because there was genuinely nothing wrong with it. It simply was not my cup of tea.
Body of Christ
Body of Christ
Mark Matthews | 2018 | Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the things I love about horror is the potential for wildly imaginative happenings. Like fantasy, some crazy things can take place–only with horror, it’s more attuned to the things we fear. In Mark Matthews Body of Christ, we see the fantastic in strange, everyday behaviors.

Body of Christ tells the story of two children simultaneously, one a young boy whose mother is abusive and father kills himself, the other a girl whose mother has died and her father neglects her. Both children are peculiar in their own ways, and it is deliciously disturbing. Despite how messed up the story is, I can’t help but feel a bit of pity for the children and that’s a good thing, considering they’re the herald of bad things to come.

The story is quick-paced, with no time wasted. Considering my short attention span, this is a plus. Boredom often leads to me not finishing a story. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this work. I feel that the plot was unique and I love the way Matthews describes his horrific things.

I received a free copy of this book. This is my unbiased opinion.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Ultraviolet in TV

Jan 3, 2021  
1998 | Horror, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
British horror-thriller resists the temptation of going camp and is all the better for it. London cop Mike Colefield discovers the existence of a secretive government agency hunting blood-drinking, mirror-averse immortals and is eventually recruited by them. But can they uncover the enemy's plans before internal tensions tear the team apart?

One of the many post-X Files genre shows to appear in the UK in the late 90s, but much better than most of them, largely because it resists the temptation to go overboard with the flashy fantasy elements: vampires rarely appear in the early episodes and this more closely resembles a police procedural show. But definitely a horror series, and an effective one for the most part, written and played with great skill. Starts off as an episodic show before the serial elements gradually take over - the standalone episodes are best - and comes up with some clever new spins on vampire lore. One wishes they could have made more than just the six episodes (plus a US pilot with a mostly different cast and rather different approach), but as it this this definitely counts as small but perfectly formed.
Wildling (2018)
Wildling (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Horror
Characters – Anna was raised by a man in the middle of the woods, she has been drugged to stop her going through her womanhood until she is rescued. Taken in by the local sheriff, she learns about the world for the first time, only she isn’t prepared for everything, finding it hard to adjust to everything. Daddy is the man that has raised Anna, he did educate her, while warning her about the outdoors, while he does drug her, the mystery is around why he kept her isolated. Ellen is the local sheriff that takes Anna in, she does her best to teach her about being a woman, while others just want to lock her away. Ray is the sister of Ellen that is still in high school, he tries to help her on a social standpoint, while being one of the only people left for her to trust.

Performances – Bel Powley is great in this leading role, she must go through a transformation and play the fish out of water figure too. Brad Dourif is just as creepy and you need him to be, always going to work in this type of role, with Liv Tyler being the cop that believes they know what will be right for victim, trying to be the role model figure.

Story – The story here follows a young girl that is raised in the woods, only to be released to discover who she really is and what she is capable off. This story does follow the traditions of seeing a young girl taken and raised in secret, before something happens to bring her into the real world, this side of things has been done before, it works and is an effective way to bring a stranger into a modern world. Where this story takes an interesting turn comes from the reason behind why she was being kept, we do get to see what she really is, but we don’t get to see if she is a threat to everybody else, we do get a couple of message in this film too that want to point out certain motives in hunting, but overall the story keeps us guessing and surprised by the truth.

Fantasy/Horror – This film does dive into fantasy when it comes to learn what Anna really is, we have ideas early on, but we are never truly sure what she will become, this does help with the horror side of the film because it keeps us waiting to see if there will be more bloodshed.

Settings – The film is set in a town surrounded by woodlands, this shows first where she was raised and where the people will welcome her, right back to where she feels more comfortable.

Special Effects – The effects are used to show the wounds and the look of the Wildling figure, there give us a creepy but natural looking creature and the blood isn’t afraid to be splashed about here.

Scene of the Movie – Home from the party.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – We could spend more time learn the normal human life.

Final Thoughts – This is a fun fantasy horror, it doesn’t hide the blood and is happy to give us a twist on the traditional storytelling.

Overall: Fantasy Horror 101
Pumpkinhead (1988)
Pumpkinhead (1988)
1988 | Horror
Characters – Ed Harley is a hardworking shop keeper and single father, he gets on well with the community and enjoys the quiet life. His life is turned upside down when his son is killed in an accident, which pushes him to turn to the dark arts to avenge his son’s death, only he didn’t plan for what would be expected from him. Chris is one of the teenagers that wants to do the right thing after the accident, much like the rest of the teenagers they all blend into one, except for the one that caused the accident, who only wants to look after himself.

Performances – Lance Henriksen is the star of the film, he is easily the best performer as his character goes through the biggest trauma and shows the desperation for revenge and regret for his decision. When it comes to the rest of the cast, they are performed to the level most slasher films reached.

Story – The story here follows a man that will do anything to get vengeance for his son’s death, which sees him summon the evil Pumpkinhead to kill the people that took his son, he soon learns the errors of his choice and must figure out how to stop the killing machine. For a monster creature feature slasher this is a simple story, we don’t get twists, we don’t need much character development as we are more interested in seeing the effects being used. It is nice have a story that remains simple in the horror genre at times too.

Fantasy/Horror – The fantasy elements of this film comes from the figure of Pumpkinhead that gets summoned to do revenge for people that believe they have been wronged, which plays hand in hand with the horror side of the film which is slasher elements which show just how deadly this figure will be.

Settings – The film is set in a small town where we don’t have many people with the ones living their knowing each other and anyone coming from the outside being frowned upon.

Special Effects – The effects are the highlight of the film, Stan Winston was known for his ability to create some of the most memorable creatures in film history and with him directing he brings us another terrifying creation.

Scene of the Movie – The first imagine of Pumpkinhead.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The teenagers are stupid for how they acted for the accident to happen in the first place.

Final Thoughts – This is a slasher that can be enjoyed by the horror community, it offers everything needed to just let us enjoy ourselves without challenging us like other horrors.


Overall: Simple, effective and fun horror.
To Kill a Kingdom
To Kill a Kingdom
Alexandra Christo | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoy books that take mermaids (or sirens, in this case, as mermaids exist but are something different in this world) and turn them back to their murderous roots. Adding in Cthulhu-esque horror made Into the Drowning Deep especially fascinating. To Kill A Kingdom didn't have much horror - it took the fantasy adventure/quest route instead.

The book alternates between the viewpoints of Princess Lira, the siren known as the Prince's Bane, and Prince Elian. Their name is at the start of each chapter that is written from their viewpoint, but it's small and easily missed. I wish it was in a larger, more obvious font, because I kept having to flip back a few pages to figure out who I was reading.

I loved seeing the character growth of Lira as she comes to know the humans, and realizes there is another possibility besides just following her mother's brutal orders. She learns, watching Elian's people follow him, that there is a way to inspire loyalty rather than compel it by magic and brutality.

Lira definitely shows more character growth than Elian does, and the book never really explains how Elian gets past the fact that she's killed so many princes.

The beginning of the book was also a little slow - I actually set it aside for a couple of weeks while reading other things and worried a little that I was never going to pick it up again. Worried because I don't usually not finish books unless they're terrible, not because I actually wanted to find out what happened. I didn't get invested in the characters until probably about halfway through the book. Books usually catch me far before that point.

So - it was okay. If you want predatory mermaids, I would recommend Into the Drowning Deep long before this one. Though if you want more fantasy with a touch of romance, and less horror, then this is probably the book you want. Just be warned it takes some time to hit its stride.

You can find all my reviews at
The Nightmare Stacks: A Laundry Files Novel
The Nightmare Stacks: A Laundry Files Novel
Charles Stross | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fun entry in the Laundry Files series, this one is narrated by Dr. Schwartz, from the previous novel. Poor Alex is trying to come to grips with his sudden career change and living life as a PHANG (vampire, to the rest of us). He has also fallen into social interactions with an actual female person, which is vastly unusual in his life. In fact, having a social life is rather foreign.

There are a fair number of cringe-worthy scenes, if you (like me) are embarrassed when anyone else is. Of course, this is a comedy/horror/science fiction/fantasy series, so there are the requisite horrid things in the plot. If you've gotten this far in the series, I shouldn't need to warn you about that. I really wouldn't choose this volume as an entry point if I were you.
Someone Like Me
Someone Like Me
M.R. Carey | 2018 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
See all of my reviews at

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

M.R. Carey is known for writing "The Girl with all the Gifts" among many others. His latest, "Someone Like Me" has been shelved on Goodreads as fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller, and mystery. "Someone Like Me" is hard to categorize but easy to get sucked into. It is a long book with 500 pages so, if you have plans, make sure to set a timer. It was easy to keep reading without a break. I do not want to give too much away. It's a family drama about Liz, her children, her abuse ex-husband, and her neighbors but it is also much more. If M.R. Carey had left out the rest concerning Fran and Liz's alter-ego, the story would be a well written story about a single mom trying to raise two kids. It is the rest that makes the story extremely interesting. I have always been fascinated with Psychology, thrillers, and fantasy. Mix the three together, add some good writing, and an interesting story and I'm hooked. Carey's writing is descriptive but he does not overdo it.

If you like a book that opens with action and requires you to figure what is going on then this is for you.