394. Still. At first I thought it was titled this because it was so quiet. But no, that wasn't the case. One of those movies that if you have some logic that works in your thinking box, it's not too hard to figure out. The description makes it seem that a hiker is the main character, it's definitely the couple on the farm that hold the spotlight. There's something wrong with Lily, health wise that is, and it seems she has decided to wander out into the wilderness to die. You may recognize Lily, the one eyed handmaid. Anyways at some point she gets sick passes out and wakes up on a farm, run by wife Ella and hubby Adam, and they look after her. Weird because just 10 minutes ago in the opening scene, Adam just straight up shoots up two guys that wander onto the farm, that are even welcomed in by Ella, so yea. Must be cause she's a pretty girl? Kinda, but not really. So Lily hangs out for awhile getting to know them a little earns her keep by chopping wood,doing odd chores around the farm like have a threesome and toward the end of this threesome Ella hangs back watching Lily bounce on her man's pogo and decides, yep, Lily has been sent here to replace me. Ella decides to let Lily in on the secret of the farm and though the threesome was dynomite, it wasn't good enough for Adam to let Ella go, and through an act of violence, all is revealed. It's not all that hard to see what they are pointing to, however it was still a well told tale, with a pretty satisfying ending. Why is it called Still? I won't tell you. Filmbufftim on FB