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Larry, Bush Pilot
Larry, Bush Pilot
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jordan Mierek, also known as Jordan Elizabeth, usually writes for young adults, but after many requests, she has published her first children's book. Larry, Bush Pilot is a collaborative effort between Mierek and her father, Lawrence Mierek, who grew up on a dairy farm. Larry, a ten-year-old boy, also lives on a farm during the 1970s with his father, who owns an aeroplane. Despite his age, Larry's father taught him to fly, which came in handy when his father suffered an accident in the middle of nowhere.

This short story loosely reflects Lawrence Mierek's childhood. As a teenager, his father taught him to fly a plane on the airstrip behind their barn. The narrative is likely an imagined scenario, placing a young boy in a precarious situation, which many children would not have the means to solve. Only through extreme determination and courage is Larry able to rescue his father.

Larry, Bush Pilot is a short story intended for primary school children. The few illustrations between chapters make it an appropriate step between picture books and teenage novels. Larry's life on the farm allows modern children to learn about the world before digital technology and the importance of a family working together. The story also tells the reader that if they believe in themselves and their abilities, they can achieve great things.

Jordan Mierek has stepped into the world of children's literature and proved that she is more than capable of writing for several age groups. Larry, Bush Pilot is the first in a series called Flying Acres, and we look forward to joining Larry on his next adventure.

Ellen Fox recommended Gone With the Wind (1939) in Movies (curated)

Gone With the Wind (1939)
Gone With the Wind (1939)
1939 | Drama, Romance, War

"My ideal man was Christopher Reeves’ Superman; my ideal woman Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman. But here was my first glimpse of the electricity that can crackle between two such sexy grown-ups. Like Oz, it’s another 1939 tale about a dark-haired, willful farm girl. But Scarlett O’Hara’s desires aren’t as heady as Dorothy’s; they run hot and elsewhere. Thanks to the manic perfectionism of both producer David O. Selznick and Vivien Leigh, it’s the best depiction of female desire ever captured on film."

War Horse (2011)
War Horse (2011)
2011 | Drama, History, War
World-War one set drama, which I've only recently discovered was based on a children's book and on a stage show - I actually thought the stage show came later!

Anyway, this follows the trials and tribulations of the horse Joey from his birth, through his time on a farm (the work for which he is totally unsuited) and into the horrors of the First World War, with some stunning cinematography and a whole bevy of acting talent on display (including not one but two future MCU stalwarts)
English Pastoral
English Pastoral
James Rebanks | 2021 | Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A love letter to Old English farming
English Pastoral is a beautiful love letter to traditional English farming.

Rebanks takes us through the journey of three generations on the farm in three parts. The first part talks about his childhood on the farm and his grandfather teaching him the ways of the land. The second part is Rebanks in his twenties, he’s experienced modern farming overseas and has ideas on how to move the farm forward, this includes using chemicals to protect the crops and enhance the livestock. Part three is Rebank’s time on the farm and their realisation that all they’ve been doing to keep up with modern farming has actually been having a counterproductive event.

It is a story of hope, a farming family brought to the brink of collapse that realise, in time, the real way forward can sometimes be backwards.

There is just too much goodness in this book to cover it all here. It’s beautifully written, it’s heartfelt and evocative. It pulls you into the pages, and I could have quite happily stayed living on that hardworking little farm on the fells.

There are some charming little anecdotes in this book, and the reverence with which Rebanks tells them is palpable. Rebanks is acutely aware of the contrast in farming techniques and frequently draws comparisons. From his grandfather gently moving a nest from one part of a field he’s cutting back (then moving in back again), to modern-day combines just hacking their way through a field regardless of the wildlife within.
This also re-affirms his grandfathers earlier statement that modern-day farmers sitting up in the cabs of their tractors have lost touch with the land.

This modern-way of farming doesn’t quite sit right with Rebanks and his father, they know that something is not quite right with the way they do things, but what else can they do to keep up with modern demands. The pivotal moment comes when Harry passes away. Harry is a local farmer of the same generation as Redbank’s grandfather, he’s stayed connected to the land and hasn’t gone in for all these modern ways. Another farmer who plans to buy the land gets the soil tested (in anticipation of what nutrients he may have to put into it) the soil inspector explains that the soil is healthy. In fact, it’s some of the best soil he’s ever seen.

This is when Rebanks begins to realise that the farmers themselves are the problem with the land. The ultimate irony that the very people who are supposed to be caring for the land are also the ones slowly destroying it.

Not only is this an exquisite little memoir, it is also a lesson on looking after the land. Rebanks lays it out as it is; in cold hard detail, this is what happened this is what he did about it. There is no preaching, but if we’re lucky we’ll learn something from it
The One Safe Place
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Review of an uncorrected bound manuscript.
<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a gripping tale by Tania Unsworth aimed at older children, although completely enjoyable by teens and adults too. Written in the third person and set in the not so distant future, we follow Devin’s story.

In the future the climate has changed, the temperature has risen and rain is very rare. The opening scene reveals Devin, a young boy, on a farm, digging a grave to bury his grandfather who has recently died (presumably of old age and not something sinister). Devin, now alone, decides to head to the city, a place he has never visited, in order to find some help for the farm. The problem is he has never once left the farm and knows nothing of the real world. Here he meets Kit, a young girl on her own living on the roof of a building, and decides to tag along with her. But then they meet Roman who promises them a safe home. Although skeptical, they decide to trust him and thus they arrive at the <i>Gabriel H. Penn Home For Childhood</i>. The place is amazing and has everything a child could want: toys, games, clothes, individual bedrooms, a swimming pool, and most importantly, food and drink. So why are all the other children walking around in limbo, uninterested in everything around them?

Devin, with the help of his friends, and his synesthesia, soon discovers and pieces together what is wrong about the home. The pace picks up as they plan their escape leading to the exciting ending.

<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a book young readers will love. Well what child would not love a book where the children outsmart the adults?