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Only Ever Yours
Only Ever Yours
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am not sure what to think about this book.
I didn't like a single thing, I couldn't put it down for a second but I didn't like it: I didn't like the story or the settings, and the characters are horrible.
Then again I don't think this book is meant to be liked.
It disturbs me in a way that I cannot really understand: it disturbs me because it is so cliche that I would like to laugh at it, but in the same time I can see so much of my younger self in those girls that it scares the hell out of me: all the doubts, and the mean best friends, the willing to fit in no matter the costs - even if it means betraying yourself.
This book makes me feel uncomfortable.
At the beginning I didn't like the line that the author put between women and men, like saying "this is all men's fault, they did this, they are the bad guys", and then you meet this men and you realize that they are just scared teenager as well, with a life already decided for them. Maybe this book disturbs me because it just put you in the middle of the story but it does't explain how humanity arrived at that point: how is it possible that people just stopped to have daughters? Why women didn't fight this culture when it was spreading? Why did they accept all of that in the first place?
Maybe again, this is not the point of the book and maybe what it really bothers me about it is the complete lack of hope: there is not a single character that can be considered good (even though no one can be considered the bad guy), not a single character took the right path, they are all absolutely incapable. But worst than that I think is the complete lack of hope for the society, the resignation to a system that cannot be changed, drugs and death as the only way out.
I didn't like this book at all, I wasn't impress by it, I felt offended, angry, sometimes bored.
But I couldn't put it down until the end, and maybe this is why is worth reading it.
DC League of Super Pets (2022)
DC League of Super Pets (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Animation
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had hoped for something lighthearted and amusing, I definitely didn't expect what I got.

When the safety of Superman, and the world, is threatened by a bald supervillain, Krypto must step in to save the day. Ordinarily, that would be easy, but not today, today he's going to need some help.

You've got to love the classic tail tale of man's best friend. Add in some superpowers and you're really on to something, the whole family well covered. Friendship, loss, insecurity, lots of lessons for the kids, and a surprising amount of bleeped dialogue and jokes for the adults.

Each Super-Pet goes through their own little journey, and though most of the interactions are between the pets, or between the humans, when the two crossover it's handled really well. The simple transition from Kate McKinnon waxing lyrical about villainy, to guinea pig squeaks is surprisingly hilarious.

You can't really find fault with the voice cast. Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart are always wonderful together, and I can honestly visualise them doing some of the recording together with the physical acting. McKinnon's villainy is second to none, and her reactions to scenes... *chef's kiss*.

But can we talk about Keanu? Who has started the petition for him to play IRL Batman? We need it.

The animation is simple, that's not meant in a negative way. It feels very much in line with graphic novels, there's great attention to detail, but it doesn't distract from what's in the foreground. The expressions, the human/pet interactions, every reaction is captured perfectly. Just watch for the ear bouncing and tail twitching if you don't believe me!

I went in hoping for something amusing, I came out having seen one of the best superhero movies I've ever seen. If it had songs I may have bumped it up above Teen Titans GO! To The Movies... but also, they play no crystals. So it's a very close second place.

Oh, and, just saying... if they wanted to scrap everything live action in the DCEU, animate it, and add Super-Pets... I wouldn't be mad.

Originally posted on:
A Thousand Glittering Lights
A Thousand Glittering Lights
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
absolutely stunning book!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jennie Lynn Roberts has become a firm favourite, her first book blew me away and I'm still struggling to catch my breath! But those books were fantasy/paranormal, and this is a contemporary romance and I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this book.

I need not have worried! I loved this book, massively!

It has some many layers and subplots, or at least I thought they were subplots, until everything start to merge together and things become much MUCH clearer! I wasn't confused, not really, just at times I felt I was reading those subplots as multiple books. Once things started to come together, however, those subplots made much more sense.

I loved how I just let myelf fall into this, along with those plots, and didn't really try to figure it out as I went. I usually do, trying to put 2 and 2 together to get 4, but for some reason, I let myself flow with the book. And I am so glad I did, because I didn't see it taking that route! Ok, so maybe I did try, but only a little.

I loved that we heard not just from Ellie, but alos from the male MC and some others. I wasn't WHY we were hearing from them, as I was reading, but I have to say, they were absolutely needed for those plots to come together. Roberts NAILED how Victoria (Ellie's best friend) was dealing with things, she absolutely did.

I can't go too much into what I loved most about this book, for spoilers, but know this: I loved this book and the way it went! I cried a lot, and cheered a lot. It's deeply emotional, not just for Ellie, but for out male MC. Because :

All he knows is darkness… and Ellie.

And never has there been a more perfect tag line!

I can't fault this book, I really can't. I'd love to be able to give it more, but I can't so...

5 full and glittering stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Vox in Books

Sep 19, 2018  
Christina Dalcher | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book made me so ANGRY.
Contains spoilers, click to show
** spoiler alert ** Somewhere along the line, what was known as the Bible Belt, that swath of Southern states where religion ruled, started expanding. It morphed from belt to corset, covering all but the country’s limbs—the democratic utopias of California, New England, the Pacific Northwest, DC, the southern jurisdictions of Texas and Florida—places so far on the blue end of the spectrum they seemed untouchable. But the corset turned into a full bodysuit, eventually reaching all the way to Hawaii. And we never saw it coming.

This book made me so ANGRY. I read it in a flurry of outrage in less than 24 hours because I just.could.not.stop.

It's the very near future, and the religious right has (seemingly) won in the United States. Women no longer hold jobs, are no longer allowed to read or write, and are limited to speaking 100 words per day, enforced by an electric-shock "bracelet" counter, their voices effectively silenced, their rights taken away. A religious zealot is pulling the strings of the puppet-President. School textbooks are replaced with religious tomes. The LGBTQ community is forced into prison/work camps for "conversion" to the "normal" way (read: man/woman). Engage in premarital or extramarital sex? Work camp in the Black Hills of South Dakota for the rest of your life, with a counter on your wrist set to ZERO. You may think "none of this would ever happen!" .....wouldn't it, though? Consider the current political climate and treatment of women, folks. Maybe it's not that far off the mark.

“Whose fault do you think it was?” he said. I stood in my kitchen, wanting to explain, careful not to, while he told me we’d marched one too many times, written one too many letters, screamed one too many words. “You women. You need to be taught a lesson.”

There will be the inevitable comparisons to The Handmaid's Tale, of course. I personally could not slog my way through The Handmaid's Tale,, so I can't speak to those comparisons. I can only tell you that if you aren't outraged by the very IDEA that this could happen, there may be something wrong with you.

I did feel like the ending was slightly rushed, but not to the point that it took away from the rest of the story. It was a satisfying, hopeful ending.

What would you do to be free?
Legend (A Claire Whitcomb Western #3)
Legend (A Claire Whitcomb Western #3)
D.V. Berkom | 2021 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If, like me, you tend to bypass the Western or Historical Fiction genres thinking they might be boring or not what you usually enjoy, can I give you a little advice? Don't ... take a look at the blurb and if it sparks even a little light of interest, give it a go ... you never know, you might enjoy it. I have certainly enjoyed this series and it is way off what I normally read.

This is a very satisfying third and, supposedly the last, book in the series featuring Claire Whitcomb with "Retribution" being the first and "Gunslinger" being the second. Claire is a strong female in a time when strong females were frowned upon and she has to work doubly hard to follow the line of work she wishes and to prove herself amongst a world full of men; she does this with grace, dignity and style in this story filled with action and adventure set in the Wild West.

What I particularly enjoy is the references to real historical figures and places such as Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Calamity Jane, Tombstone and the OK Corral; these are people and places I have grown up with (my dad and husband being avid Western watchers) and with adding a great character like Claire in amongst it all brought it to life even more for me.

My only gripe, which has continued over the three books, is that they aren't long enough ... you no sooner start when you have finished but maybe that's my fault and I read too quickly!

Having said that, I still highly recommend this series and D.V. Berkom as a whole; you won't be disappointed with anything she writes because, let's face it, what's not to like - great characters, immersive stories that transport you to different times and places, action, adventure, thrills and spills; she writes about it all with the bonus of the lead characters being strong females that aren't afraid to kick some behinds! So, have a look at her back catalogue and get reading.

I am lucky to be a member of D.V. Berkom's ARTeam and was sent a copy of Legend before the official publication date of 12-January-2020 in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for which I am, once again, extremely grateful.
    Rugby League Live for iPad

    Rugby League Live for iPad

    Sports and Entertainment

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    With over 10 million downloads, Sportsmate Apps are created by the world’s favourite independent...

    League Live

    League Live

    Sports and Entertainment

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    With over 10 million downloads, Sportsmate Apps are created by the world’s favourite independent...

Shatter Me
Shatter Me
Tahereh Mafi | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lupe and I made a random, out of the blue deal where I read <i>Shatter Me</i> (the entire series), and she finally gets her act together to read the amazingness called <i>Harry Potter</i> (the entire series). <b>She's trekking her way merrily - I've made a fan out of her yet. #SophiaIsProud</b>

<b>Let’s be honest here: she gets the better deal.</b> This trilogy and I will have a strong love/hate relationship that knows no bounds because all I wanted to do was:
  <li>Throw my iPad at Lupe if she shows herself (not literally)</li>
  <li>Hug the book</li>
  <li>Die of laughter</li>
  <li>Stop torturing myself</li>
<i>Shatter Me</i> is straight up the alley of everything I will read because a character who kills anything they touch is a golden novel. It’s like King Midas’s curse gone completely wrong.

But unfortunately, it’s my cup of tea with way too much sugar and other weird flavors.
</b> <b>There is a massive amount of numbers.</b> The first 5-6 chapters had my eyes crying because 1) I really hate numbers, 2) numbers just remind me of math, 3) I don’t like math, 4) it reminds me of Calculus, which went POORLY (AKA failed the final with a giant fish flop) and 5) I think I’m allergic to numbers.
</b> <b>There is also a lot of strikeouts.</b> Honestly, I can’t complain, because I use strikeouts on my own blog and if I say I hated them I would be contradicting myself. I’ve basically learned that strikeouts take up space and are sometimes unnecessary, which is the case with <i>Shatter Me</i>.

There are fewer numbers and strikeouts as the book progresses, but they remain. My eyes cry less, and I <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">whine</span> complain less about the massive use of numbers to Lupe. Poor Anelise had to witness this (as it is the tragedy of being a coblogger and dealing with two beans who actually know each other personally and outside blogging).
</b> <b>I don’t care about Adam or Warner.</b> I think Adam is a shallow cheese ball (it might be his romance with Juliette because I cringed every time they’re doing romance things) and Warner is a creepy pervert, so I don’t understand why Lupe swoons over Warner. If he’s still a creepy pervert by book three, I might have to <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">interrogate</span> question Lupe on her fictional boy choices.
</b> <b>But thanks to Adam, I know about Juliette as a person, so that’s a plus.</b> <b>Does this mean I care about Juliette? No...</b>

If there’s one thing I’ll agree with Lupe on this series, it’s Kenji. He is a precious little bean who deserves so much more page time than he got.

There are a lot of birds. So many birds and no explanation (not even a little). I like metaphors and all, but I still don’t get the concept of a million birds mentioned throughout the book, and Lupe isn’t too helpful. I have to go wallow in misery and torture myself some more.

I’ll be reading the rest of the series for the following reasons:
  <li>It’s Lupe’s fault</li>
  <li>Kenji the precious bean</li>
  <li>Why are there so many birds</li>
  <li>Mainly it’s just for the sake of Lupe</li>
  <li>It brought my reviewing soul back I think</li>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Streets (The Pines Trilogy #3)
The Streets (The Pines Trilogy #3)
Robert Dunbar | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stick with it!
Firstly - the formatting of the Kindle edition is pretty terrible. Half of sentences are missing, some are cut in half by paragraphs, words are missing and strange gaps appear where they shouldn't be. Hopefully these issues will be rectified soon.

If you are looking for a cheery, easy bed time read then this is definitely not it! The tone of the book is rather dystopian and gritty. It's certainly not suitable for younger readers!
I wasn't aware that this is the last installment of a trilogy. Although prior knowledge of the other books probably adds more layers to the story and characters it can be read as a stand alone. The first two books do not seem to be available yet on the Kindle.

It took me a few chapters to 'get' the style of writing. It starts off with a huge bang and then slows down considerably. The way the author writes creates a pretty tense, claustrophobic atmosphere that doesn't let up at all throughout.

One character is both the centre of the story and absent for the majority of the time. There are various sub plots that all lead to the same ending. The author deals with these well and it's rarely confusing, especially when you get to know the characters a bit so you automatically know which plot line they are in. Unfortunately the formatting issues I brought up at the beginning of the review can cause confusion. That is not the authors fault, though, so my rating is not affected by those issues.

It is rather disturbing at times and deals with an awful lot of taboo and hard hitting subjects. Some people will probably find it too much but I felt that, although sometimes they are hammered home a little too often, the author deals with them on the right way.

Some of the characters are pretty much impossible to identify with but I feel that is kind of the point! I can't really say that any of the characters are completely sympathetic because they all have a darkness around them - sometimes due to their overt actions and others just because of their complicity in certain situations and events. Again, though, this seemed to be the authors intention.

Can I say that I enjoyed this novel? I'm not sure. It is very bleak, extremely uncomfortable at times and I found myself thinking about certain events that happened whilst doing everyday things. So enjoyment isn't the right word but it is very well written, intense and I am planning to try to get copies of the two earlier books. That in itself shows just how much the story got into my head and is proof of the authors skill

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated American Horror Story - Season 4 in TV

Nov 18, 2019 (Updated Nov 18, 2019)  
American Horror Story  - Season 4
American Horror Story - Season 4
2014 | Horror
Season 4 of AHS, subtitled 'Freak Show' gets a bad wrap in my opinion.
It doesn't reach the lofty heights of the first two seasons, but there's plenty to love and it tries something new.

The bulk of the series revolves around Elsa Mars (Jessica Lange) and her group of travelling sideshow performers, all who have some sort of abnormality. As they arrive in 1951 Florida to set up shop and make a living amongst a world that fears and targets them, they are also being eyed up by Richard Spencer (Denis O'Hare), a shady businessman attempting to profit from their misfortune, and Dandy Mott (Finn Wittrock), who harbours an unhealthy obsession with the Freak Show, and in particular, conjoined twins Bette and Dot Tattler (Sarah Paulson).
All the while, a murderous and sinister clown called Twisty (John Carroll Lynch) is on the loose, causing the finger to be pointed at another Freak Show member, Jimmy Darling (Evan Peters).

All of these plot lines running at once actually run side by side pretty smoothly, making for an engaging narrative, with plenty of plot twists along the way.
The Twisty plot line is proper classic slasher horror, and is unfortunately tied up pretty quickly, but it makes way for a surprisingly touching story about family, and what it means to be different.
I found myself caring about almost everybody during Freak Show. It's very well written.
The cast are as usual, pretty great. As well as the cast members mentioned above, we have returning AHS in the likes of Kathy Bates, Francis Conroy, Emma Roberts, Angela Bassett, and Naomi Grossman, as well as some new blood in the form of Michael Chiklis, Erika Ervin, Mat Fraser, Wes Bentley, and Neil Patrick-Harris.
Sarah Paulson is the undisputed highlight during this season, playing two characters at once, with some fantastic effects work going on.
The only character I really struggled to get on board with here was Elsa, which is a shame as she's front and centre. No fault of the great Jessica Lange of course.
The season drags for a while in the mid section, but with so many likable characters, it's not a huge issue.
Freak Show is also the first season that has a concrete connection to other seasons in the AHS story, confirming finally that all the seasons take place in the same universe, which is incredibly exciting, and opens the door for a lot of possibilities.

The gore effects and horror elements continue to be a big plus for AHS, and as always, the anthology format keeps it feeling fresh. Another win for Ryan Murphy and co.