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Skyscraper (2018)
Skyscraper (2018)
2018 | Action
You can't fault it for the amount of action. And its Dwayne Johnson, so you know they'll be those unexpected funny one liners. Once you get beyond the far fetched storyline, its pretty entertaining. (0 more)
Like most action movies, the story line, not so plausible. (0 more)
Its action-y. Stuff blows up, things fall down, crazy "that could never happen" plot. Is it entertaining? Yes. Would I watch it again on another platform? Probably. Is it going to get added to the 100 movies you must see before you doe? No.

The gist: if you like action movies and ate looking to be entertained for a bit, you won't be sad that you watched this movie.

David McK (3233 KP) rated San Andreas (2015) in Movies

Jun 14, 2020 (Updated Jun 16, 2020)  
San Andreas (2015)
San Andreas (2015)
2015 | Action
You could be forgiven by, basically, thinking this disaster film deserves the tag line "The Rock Vs an Earthquake".

You'd be wrong, however, with surprisingly little made of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's physicality, as a Los Angeles Fire Department search-and-rescue helicopter pilot who goes off-book on a mission to rescue his family following a magnitude 9 (the largest recorded) earthquake along the San Andreas fault.

Very much a by-the-books movie (and it knows it!), with young love flourishing amongst the ruins and devastation, and with the circumstances leading to a reconciliation of the leading mans nuclear family (who started the movie filing for divorce), whilst his wife's new-boyfriend ends up, ummm, 'disposed off' in the third act after he shows his true colours.

Gail (4 KP) rated Brant (Secrets #2) in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
Brant (Secrets #2)
D.B. James | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brant by D.B James

Four Stars

Yes!!! This book was sooo good. I need my own personal Brant. Tessa was just perfect her personality was similar to a lot of my friends and even myself. She had it bad at the beginning of her adult life but she came out of it stronger but still afraid. Once we lose our fear that’s when we stop sensing the trouble. I hate the thought of women and sometimes men too going through abuse. Feeling like its your fault. Never really trusting another person again. Brant was just fabulous he treated Tessa like we all want to be treated. He sent thoughtful gifts and put his heart on the line without expecting her to do the same. The danger throughout the story wasn’t really big so it didn’t really effect how I viewed the story. The plot twist was funny even though it was meant to be serious. I am excited to se what else this author has to offer. The writing style was smooth and the chapters flowed together perfectly.
Station Eleven
Station Eleven
Emily St. John Mandel | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Coherent plot, multiple points of view done well (0 more)
Meh (0 more)
This was marketed as a dystopia, but it’s really more post-Apocalypse fiction. There’s a fine line between the two – and sometimes things can straddle it – but I wouldn’t call this a dystopia. So I’m a little disappointed there. Otherwise, it was good. I’m left not really sure how I should feel about it, though. I prefer books that make me feel a certain way – romances make me happy, non-fiction usually makes me feel smarter, like I’ve learned something, graphic novels make me nostalgic. I’m even okay with books like The Fault in Our Stars, or The Crown’s Game, that left me a weeping mess. Station Eleven just left me with an “…o-kay?” Like, what am I supposed to do with this? Unlike most dystopias, I don’t feel like it was a social commentary because it’s post-apocalyptic. (In this case, a virus swept through and killed about 99% of Earth’s population.) But at the same time, because it details events both before and after the apocalypse, I feel like it was trying to be?

See my full review at
Death be Burned (Terra Vane #4)
Death be Burned (Terra Vane #4)
Katie Carys | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
76 of 250
Death be Burned ( Terra Vane book 4)
By Katie Carys

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

My name is Terra, and I’m a Psychic. At times I wish I could control my visions; it would make tracking down the remaining nine escapees a lot simpler. That task just got a lot more urgent, as most of the psychos have blasted their way through a portal and are now wandering the streets of Seattle - one of them being a fire djinn intent on revenge following his brother’s recent recapture.

I’m heading after them with my hand-picked team of specialists; among them being my shifter partner who I’m more drawn to every day, and a lust demon who has her eyes set on him too - it’s going to be one hell of a bumpy ride. If we’re not careful, someone’s going to get burned, and with two worlds now on the line the stakes have never been higher.

I really fault these books, I love the writing, the characters and the storyline. Terra absolutely is the perfect female role. I’m still firmly in Kalebs corner of course there just so much tension! my stomach sank at the thought of losing Bernard that is just not an option!! Looking forward to book 5.
Jack Reacher (2012)
Jack Reacher (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Plot line (0 more)
Tom Cruise is not and cannot be Jack Reacher (0 more)
A serviceable thriller, but this isn't Jack Reacher
It's just not possible.... Jack Reacher is HUGE, he is a Giant among men. His physical statue is part of the story... Tom Cruise is not. It's not his fault but this is bad casting. According to wikipedia: Explaining the casting decision, author Lee Child said that it would be impossible to find a suitable actor to play the giant Reacher and to recreate the feel of the book onscreen, and that Cruise had the talent to make an effective Reacher. Child also said, "Reacher's size in the books is a metaphor for an unstoppable force, which Cruise portrays in his own way." Of Cruise's relatively small stature, Child said, "With another actor you might get 100% of the height but only 90% of Reacher. With Tom, you'll get 100% of Reacher with 90% of the height."

  I respectfully disagree. Lee Child can do whatever he likes, he created the character... but I think Mickey Rourke (as he did in Sin City) could've done a hell of a job. Or Clive Owen who is 6'2 and has action chops as well as a subtle humor.... And if you've going to without the height I think Bruce Willis is your man. Maybe they turned it down which is a shame if that's the case. This is one of my favorite literary characters.

  The movie was acceptable, but could've been great.
First off, I want to thank the authors for sending me a copy of this book in return for an honest review; please be reassured that receiving this book for free in no way influenced my review in any way.

What a fantastic read that was!

Excellent characters, brilliant and unique story line, gripping and full of suspense … what more can you ask for? Well, throw in a serial killer and a deadly flu virus and you have Silent Fear! But that’s not all … the Morcans write in a way that immerses you into the story so that you become absorbed into the lives of the characters and the dire situation they have found themselves in through no fault of their own.

I have to admit that it was quite daunting to find my Kindle copy was 708 pages long!! That’s one heck of a beast, however, you quickly forget that as you are swept along from chapter to chapter with ease picking up the subtle clues dropped along the way that you don’t initially recognise as being clues until the excellent twist at the end when all is revealed.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good whodunnit or mystery or thriller or serial killer story or … actually, anyone who loves reading a great book and I would urge you to check out the Morcans other works some of which I have been lucky enough to have also read- see my blog for the links - <a href="">Reading Stuff 'n' Things</a>.
Low by David Bowie
Low by David Bowie
1977 | Rock
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I hadn't actually heard this song one before we played Carnegie Hall last year [for The Music of David Bowie concert featuring the Pixies, Debbie Harry, Cyndi Lauper and Michael Stipe]. We were the house band and had quite a few artists coming on to play, so I had to learn it. For me, it wasn't an obvious one. When I first heard it, I even thought it was a terrible song! Like it wasn't even a song! That was just my first impression of it. But it was only when I started playing it, and trying to do my own version of it, that I realised that it all fit perfectly. It was great to play live. It was just him throwing something together - it's unserious, a totally unpretentious concept, and the music just fits the lyrics so perfectly. You know, the drums are not that tight, and there are drum rolls where you think: 'Wow, that's like a beginner that's just been playing drums for six months!' But then you play it and it actually fits! It's really weird. It fits the idea of always crashing in the same car. If it had been played technically correctly it wouldn't have worked. For me, it was a good example of how everything in the backing of a song has to line up with the message of a song. I think a lot of music these days, gets into this over-produced, too-tight, no feel thing, but you can't fault it. It's correct. The dots are all in the right place, but there is no soul. Or even, there isn't a message to grab a hold of and it all falls down. It's so easy now to put something together in your bedroom on your computer that sounds like a finished record, but if you don't have those same elements there that make a good song, you may as well not bother!"

Transformers (2007)
Transformers (2007)
2007 | Action, Sci-Fi
Based on the popular line of toys and animated television series from the 80’s. Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay have teamed up to create a mega million FX extravaganza that will delight fans both old and new.

The story involves a group of sentient machines who have battled for centuries in an effort to locate and possess an all powerful object. The kind Autobots led by Optimus Prime, wish to locate and destroy the artifact to keep it from the evil Decepticons who would use the artificat for their own evil purposes, and the deaths of billions.

The film opens with a spectacular battle at a U.S. military installation in the middle east, where one of the Decepticons is attempting to access sensative information from the computer network. Overwhelmed by the attack and subsequent assault on Air Force One, the U.S. government has called in the best and brightest in effort to get to the bottom of the mysterious attacks and the mysterious assailants.

Meanwhile, mild mannered high school student Sam Witicky (Shia LaBeouf), is trying to raise money for a car, and uses his class presentation to hawk his Ebay auctions, unaware that the fate of the universe will soon rest in his hands. After purchasing a used Camaro and giving a ride to the hottest girl in school Mikaela (Megan Fox), Sam thinks his luck is about to change. Little does Sam know that his car is actually one of the advanced scouts for the Autobots, who are attempting to locate one of the items in Sam’s online auction, as it actually contains clues as to the location of the lost artifact.

In short order, the two sides are facing off in several shape changing battles with Sam, Mikaela, and the rest of humanity caught in the balance. Bay and Spielberg have done a great job of combining jaw-dropping FX and action with the humor, charm, and fun that made the original series such a huge success. The audience at my press screening reacted very positively to the film, and there were numerous cheers and rounds of enthusiastic applause throughout the film.

If I had to find fault with the film, it would be that at roughly the 3/4 point, a plot line involving John Turturro as an agent in a secret organization seems forced and unnecessary, as it greatly detracts from the pacing and action of the film. Until this point, the film was very engrossing and moved along at a brisk clip. When the film gets back to the action, it delivers with a solid finale, that while using some of the action film staples, still manages to keep it exciting.

LaBeof works well with Fox and there are numerous supporting roles and cameos that make “Transformers” a pleasant, if silly treat.

Dana (24 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to start off by saying to Owlcrate, amazing job at curating this book for the box. I was stoked when I opened the box to see this one in there because this was on my wish list!

I know quite a few people on this site did not enjoy this book. I, obviously, am not one of them. I really liked the magical quality of Caraval. It seemed like a really creepy, yet beautiful place to be. As you probably can see, it took me a while to actually read this book, but that's not the writing's fault. I just kept getting distracted or into mini slumps. I promise, I liked this book a lot.

Caraval has gotten a lot of hype and attention, I think for a good reason. This, I believe, is Stephanie Garber's first full novel and she did an excellent job at it. I am excited to see what she comes up with next.

The characters were interesting. I liked Scarlett and her sleuthing skills. She was strong and wanted to protect those around her which I can understand. She is a little too self-sacrificing to be completely relatable, though which is one fault I will put onto her. I can say I wasn't a big fan of her sister, Donatella. That's all I will say about that. The Grand Master Legend was creepy as hell and he wasn't really seen in the book at all. That was great writing to be able to feel that creeping sensation throughout the book. He was just a heavy presence at the back of your mind that you couldn't quite shake. I felt immediately attached and wary of Julian. When you read the book, you'll find out why.

The plot is primarily about the game and sisterhood. Scarlett will do anything to protect Donatella, and I mean anything. She knows she has to win this game she has been dreaming about her whole life to keep Tella safe, and damn it, she is going to do her best. I respect that. I liked the pacing of the plot, though there were a few moments things happened too quickly. I feel like there were a few too many jumps to immediate conclusions for the hints in the game that the readers couldn't necessarily keep up with.

The setting was beautiful. Who wouldn't want to go to this magical circus island? I mean, yes, it's super dangerous, but I would go! I love the rose imagery throughout. It was a great connecting theme that I liked because even if the characters sometimes were disoriented, you could find your way again with the roses.

The game was crazy. Literally. I was so blown away with the thought process Garber had to forman of when she was writing this. Blown. Away.

The twists and turns of this book had me going at all times. I really enjoyed not being able to see things coming, which I usually can when there is more of a suspenseful plot line, but in this one, there were only a few moments I could see ahead.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I can't wait for the next one!