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Maris (8 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Jun 10, 2019  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a marvelous gem to read. I enjoy every bit of this story. I could not put this book down, I had to know what was going to happen. Who was the Queen of Hearts before she became who she was? Marissa Meyer did exactly that to explain the story.

"Three luscious lemon tarts glistened up at Catherine". Cath the main character of the story absolutely loves baking goods. Her dream is to start her very own bakery one day right in the kingdom of Hearts. What can possibly go wrong with starting your own bakery? Her heart is sought out from the King of Hearts and her heart also falls in love with the kings joker Jest.

The journey between Cath and where her heart truly goes on this journey to her happiness will just make you curiouser and curiouser on where the story will go and how she became what we all know her as the Queen Of Hearts.

Tea parties, Pastry goods, and white rabbits big announcements to the balls! Ohh lets not forget the jabberwocky!

I gave it a five star out of five stars cause its truly a wonderful heart warming story of one of the most notorious villains we all know. It became one of my new favorite stories and Marissa Meyer became one of my top favorite authors of all time.
Yoga Hosers (2016)
Yoga Hosers (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy
Not too much to laugh aboot
When I sit down to watch a comedy/horror film, i usually laugh a little at some of the jokes. But being Canadian... I found this movie offensive as hell......
Not really. I found it subpar and slightly stupid.
Kevin Smith is and always will be one of my favorite writer/directors. His earlier films, Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy are right up there with some of my favorite flicks. Amd his attempt at horror, Red State, was a really good try at entering a genre that he doesn't have much business being in.
Don't even get me started on Tusk... What the fuck?!?!
This is kind of a sequel to the aforementioned walrus horror flick. A few characters from Tusk are in it. Including the Colleens, the pair of Zed Convenience store employees, who are now thrust into the main character roles.
The only light in this dark tunnel is Justin Long who plays Yoga Guru, Yogi Bayer... His portrayalof him is pretty awesome... right down to arguing on the phone with a lawyer from Warner Brothers about violating copyright infringement for his name... it's pretty sweet.
Johnny Depp returns to the sequel as Guy Lapointe French Canadian manhunter... and he is horrid...
Didn't think it was possible for that to happen.
So watch at your own risk.
One of the more interesting novels of the series because it did not have to deal with Arawn directly yet still progressed the storyline in that sense. Despite Eilonway being my second to last favorite character due to her annoying chatter, I still loved reading about her story and history. Alexander actually made me feel pity for both Eilonway and Archen while wanting for Taran to desperately come to terms with his feelings.

Rhun was a light-hearted addition to the cast. he was a temporary character that made me feel constantly frustrated and yet, sympathetic. The only true nuisance to the story was Glew, who must be excused by mean of insanity. I am disappointed, however, that we never find out what happens to the self-centered, simple-minded creature. I also believe that Llyan was a great addiction to the party. I love animal characters and she is just to adorable to resist. A harp loving cat? Yes, adorable.

All in all, it tends to be my favorite novel of the series because, while it still progress the plotline dealing with Arawn (even if indirectly), it gives you much greater insight to the world, Taran's growing maturity and feelings for his female companion, and Eilonway's history, even if it is destroyed. It's a nice refresher with the dramatic and action filled first two novels.
The Realm of Possibility
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book changed my life
It's become a tradition to read this book at the beginning of every year. First off, this book saved my life. It's hard to admit but during my freshman year of college I felt suicidal. It was a few weeks into second semester and one of my close friends gave me this book to read. I read it within hours, I ignored the basketball game that I went to and I devoured this book. Tears were shed, and my life was changed.

This book quickly became my favorite novel and David Levithan has earned the honor of being my favorite author. The characters are intertwined and connect in ways that mimics our every day lives.

I love the fact that David Levithan has characters that anyone can relate to. If you're the popular kid, you will relate to someone. If you're that kid in the back of the classroom, you will relate to someone. There are 20 different characters and you will be able to relate to at least one of them.

I have read this book 6 times so far and every time I read this novel I find something new to fall in love with. My signed book is something that I will forever treasure.

I recommend this book to everyone.
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