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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2163 KP) rated Halloween Cupcake Murder in Books

Aug 23, 2023 (Updated Aug 23, 2023)  
Halloween Cupcake Murder
Halloween Cupcake Murder
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grab a Treat to Read with These Three Novellas
Kensington is back with another Halloween anthology for us, this time featuring three different authors. Up first, Carlene O’Connor takes us Home to Ireland as a trip trying to find Halloween decorations for Tara Meehan’s shop leads her to find a dead body. Our next stop is the North Pole with Liz Ireland’s Mrs. Claus. It’s the second Halloween in Santaland, and April Claus is dealing with missing candy corn, the themed ingredient for the bakeoff, and a murder in a bakery. Finally, we travel to Salem to spend time with Carol J. Perry’s Lee Barrett. The town’s favorite baker is missing, and Lee can’t help but get involved, especially when her visions show her where he might be.

As if often the case with these anthologies, I only read one of the authors. I love the Mrs. Claus series, and this was easily my favorite in the book. The other two were good, although they did leave me with some small questions I wish had been answered. Still, they were good introductions to the characters, as I had no problem following who all the characters are. All three stories kept me guessing until sleuth figured things out. While there’s obviously a culinary theme to the collection, we only get one recipe at the end. If you are looking for some new series, this is a fun way to try three new to you authors. If you are already a fan of these series, you’ll enjoy these between books check ins.
Three Dark Crowns
Three Dark Crowns
Kendare Blake | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Please don't let the fact that it took me forever to finish reading this fool you. I had other commitments that kept me from finishing this some time ago.

This is a well written and captivating story line and the characters are all simply beautiful and unique. I can't say that I have a favorite sister yet as Katharine, Arsinoe and Mirabella all have their own strengths and weaknesses that I am drawn to.

I truly did not see the cliffhanger ending coming and I now ask; how long do I and others need to wait until book two is released?!!

Readers of all ages will find themselves quickly falling for this amazing read and I highly recommend that you read it as soon as possible.
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
I like Darth Vader before seeing this one, but isn't he AMAZING! I know you're not supposed to like the villain, but we know pretty much everybody just loves Vader. The atmosphere of this movie is definitely more ominous, as it should be. The story is darker, it draws you into this building conflict that you're just waiting for someone to make the first strike (even when you've seen it umpteen times!). Many fans claim this as their favorite of the films, but I can't separate any of the original titles. I truly enjoy them as a full presentation, just with breaks in between each story segment. Empire Strikes Back is of course darker, but no less enjoyable for the whole family.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2003 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
acting,story (0 more)
Why Rum Gone
Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) plays our beloved pirate to love and hate in this adaption of a Disney ride. The movie from the word go is filled with action,comedy and suspense as we follow our captain take possession of a powerful boat with the help of Orlando bloom and try to rescue our damsel in distress Nightly and recover the last gold coin of a lost treasure to try and break and long time curse. This movie storyline took time and patience to make sure everything flowed right and it does. To me there is not a moment of down time and my favorite line when marooned on an island is "Why Rum Gone" Enjoy
Cruel Beauty
Cruel Beauty
Rosamund Hodge | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance (2 more)
Strong Female Character
Character inconsistencies (0 more)
Love story
Nyx is honestly my favorite female book character. She has such a realism to her that I want to wrap around me. She isn't this hero who is going to her death great full for a chance to save her world, she is angry and full of poison and it's so refreshing. She isn't a perfect martyr. Not to mention the book takes its time and the time frame isn't a few days and Boom! She's in love. She has the opportunity to learn something about her husband and he has the opportunity to show he loves her for who she is. I reread the book constantly and I highly recommend it as a love story.
Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
The first modern day Spider Man movie. Of all of the spider man movies this one to me seems to follow the comic on really how he bacme the famous super hero. We see the nerdy love struck Peter Parker get bit by a genetically enhanced spider and get multiple talents of the spider. Once he has learned of his powers we see the typical MCU plot of a family member gets killed and he vows revenge to make it right but, by doing so he learns that revenge isn't always important but helping others from suffering the same fate is more important. We see him square off against the Green Goblin who is today still one of my favorite villains in all of the MCU
City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments, #3)
City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments, #3)
Cassandra Clare | 2009 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my gosh! So this book took me forever to get through, but it is not at all because it wasn't that great. Honestly this has been my favorite of the entire series so far. How can you not fall in love with Jace? And Clary, talk about a bad ass female character who isn't too over the top with her "bad assness."
This book had so many twists & turns throughout the entire thing. I love that in a book & this one didn't disappoint! So much more of the story becomes clear once you read the whole thing. But it also leaves some unanswered questions too so you know the next installment won't disappoint. I can't wait to get started on it!