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Four's a crowd
Twenty-sixth Godzilla movie (also eleventh Mothra movie, eighth Ghidorah movie and third Baragon movie, in case anyone's counting) recruits director Shusuke Kaneko, helmsman of the brilliant 90s Gamera trilogy; results are (perhaps inevitably) disappointing. A new incarnation of Godzilla threatens Japan, but a young tabloid TV journalist encounters a mysterious old man in an equestrian safety helmet who tells her of three legendary Guardian Monsters who will defend the country against this menace (Baragon is also a Guardian Monster but not famous enough to get his name in the title).

Some interesting innovations: first film to address (even obliquely) issues of Japanese culpability for events of the Second World War, first film where King Ghidorah is a good guy, first film with a scene set in Godzilla's intestinal tract. However, the end result is let down by a fatally uncertain tone - seemingly serious scenes of death and carnage are intercut with knockabout cheesy humour and in-jokes (in the English dub at least). The retro feel of the movie, hearkening back to the 60s films of the series, is not unwelcome, but its take on the formula is just plain weird. Most importantly it lacks the mythic grandeur of the Kaneko Gamera trilogy. Still better than the films which immediately preceded it, though.
Out Of The Penalty Box
Out Of The Penalty Box
Genevive Chamblee | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good, but not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I struggled with this one. And here's why.

Aidan is, or has been, straight. Here, he is attracted to Christophe, who is gay. You'd expect a whole lotta more soul searching and questioning going on, but there isn't. Aidan just jumps almost straight away into bed with Christophe, after he first expresses his feeling for Aidan.

I know its only a short book, some 100 odd pages and you can only do so much in those pages, but I did not feel any sort of emotional attachment to Aidan, at all.

We also only get Aidan. Yes yes YES, I KNOW I say it often enough, but think I might have enjoyed it a little more had Christophe had a say too.

And, aside from that very first chapter, there isn't any hockey!

So, a nice book, but not one that grabbed me. An easy read, maybe a little too easy. Someone will LOVE this book, I have no doubt. And I might have at any other time, but it just landed in the queue at the wrong time.

Not my best review, but I'll plead illness and hope that someone will forgive me.

3 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Robbie Riverton: Mail Order Bride
Robbie Riverton: Mail Order Bride
Eli Easton | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dumb title, awful art, but good book
Please don't judge this book by its atrocious cover. As a kid, I read all of my older sister's romance novels--Jude Devereaux, Judith McNaught, et cetera--but as a sentimental gay dude, there was a lot that didn't hit home for me. This is my first gay historical romance, and I really liked it. It has about the same amount of depth you would expect from a heterosexual romance novels (which is to say, not much), but it was no less an enjoyable read. I'm glad that Easton didn't rely on angst to further the story, but actually gave us a story that stands in its own two legs.

I admit that I was nervous going into the more erotic scenes. It's kind of a thorny issue, with Easton being a woman and describing an entirely male act. But they were surprisingly realistic (for a romance novel). That said, they didn't exactly light my fire, but they weren't "boobs feel like bags of sand" either. Nice, middle of the road. It's clear the focus is on the relationship, not sex, though she acknowledges the strong sexual intensity that (sometimes) manifests between men.

Just, please, Easton, if you read these at all, do something about the cover art. The title is a little hokey too. It made me underestimate your talent.

Acanthea Grimscythe (300 KP) rated Looking for Dei in Books

Jun 10, 2018 (Updated Jan 18, 2019)  
Looking for Dei
Looking for Dei
David A. Willson | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I hate being the first person to give a book a low rating, but after months of trying, I was unable to finish Looking for Dei. Largely, it's simply not my style. The voice is a little too passive, the story a little too predictable. Then again, my tastes are a bit bloodier and darker than this fantasy novel, and this is yet another pure YA read--like Ghost Slayer, but fantasy rather than paranormal.

I don't feel an attachment to any of the characters, and for me that's a big problem. There's no connection, no wondering what will happen to them and that could be in part because of all the exposition. They simply bore me, for lack of a better word. I don't mean to come off harsh, but I've really been struggling to read this.

Plotwise, its much of the same. Too much of what is going on can be guessed at. The evil characters have no mystery to them. The good characters are always fortunate in what happens to them. It's simply too fantastic in that regard for me.

I'd like to thank the author for providing me with an ARC of his book for the purpose of review. I regret being unable to finish this book, but after three months of trying and putting it down, I simply cannot force-feed it to myself.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Creed II (2018) in Movies

Dec 8, 2018 (Updated Dec 8, 2018)  
Creed II (2018)
Creed II (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sport
Eighth movie in the Rocky series is well-nigh miraculous, not for being a well-made sports drama (though it is that) but for revisiting some of the characters and events of Rocky IV (the silliest of these films) and still producing a credible, involving story. Donnie Creed wins the world title, but is challenged by Viktor Drago, the son of the man who killed his father umpty-tump years ago. What follows is a classical story of hubris, comeuppance, and redemption, with powerful themes of parental responsibility, legacy, and what it means to have the heart of a fighter. Plus lengthy sequences of beefy men bashing the living daylights out of each other, and the odd training montage too.

Really quite good in every department: the fights are as predictable as ever, but the storytelling really makes you feel them, and you care about the characters so much it doesn't really matter anyway. Carl Weathers must still be off somewhere muttering bitterly to himself about the fact that (one presumes) he's not making any money off these things, but Stallone does his latter-day character actor thing, Jordan carries the film well, and Tessa Thompson makes the most of a slightly underwritten part. Almost certainly the best movie in the filmography of Dolph Lundgren (this is not saying much) or Brigitte Nielson (this is probably saying even less).
The Perfect Mother
The Perfect Mother
Aimee Molloy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow built up suspense with a great ending
Don’t be overwhelmed by the substantial amount of characters in this book. Some are just stand by, you’ll want to focus on: Francie, Colette, Nell, and Winnie. (Maybe Token on the side but he’s more a supportive role) it may seem haphazard and all over the place which is why it’s best to just focus on these four moms.

The chapters switch from different points of view and there’s that one lone chapter that’s presented in first person. It’s a mystery as to who that is until much later, but it certainly does keep you guessing on who that person could be. It may seem obvious at first and during the reading you feel so sure you know who that is and what’s behind the entire story but the blind side moment comes fast in the last few chapters and you’re left with a shock.

The plot slowly builds to a good mystery and suspense. The thrilling bits get you at the end. It’s a satisfying read, the characters grate on you (Francie and Nell are the ones I disliked the most), but it’s the suspense and the ‘keeping you guessing’ bits that get the reading going.

So although it may seem like it’s all over the place, give the book a chance and read. It’s well worth it with the superb ending.
The Silent Songbird
The Silent Songbird
Melanie Dickerson | 2016 | Children
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Silent Songbird is a story about a heroine that wants to something all people want. It takes place in either 1700 or 1800 England. It mostly about the King’s warden. Will she find what wants in life? She knows her duty, but she does not want to marry someone she does not love.

Evangeline knows her cousin goes to set up a marriage to an Earl? She tries to tell her cousin she doesn't want to marry this man. She is forced to run away. This is where all twists and turns and surprises start to occur. She meets a man and asks to go along with him and his men. She also has her friend with her as well. I believe this is where she starts to learn about herself and learns about the world around her.

The author does a good job showing us what it likes for women in that era. We learn of what Lord Shivery is like and how he is. You will be surprised at how and what this man did to his first wife. The author does wonders with her characters. You can see how deep she makes them. You are pulled into the era of that time and you feel like you are a part of that world.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Bodyguard in TV

Sep 25, 2018  
2018 | Drama, Thriller
Gripping and gritty
Not normally a fan of British drama, I was persuaded to watch this based on the hype surrounding it and my wife being told by everyone at work how good it was. The first episode was exceptional TV - gripping, tense and realistic with strong characters outlined early on. For me, this was the peak, as PS David Budd (Richard Madden) acts on his suspicions over someone boarding his train.
From there on, Budd becomes embroiled in politics (as the protection officer for the outspoken Home Secretary) and a series of conspiracies. Right up until the final episode, there was a definite feel of early Homeland about this, as you are constantly trying to work out whether Budd is in on it, as the evidence suggests, or is honestly trying to stop the terrorists or find the culprits.
A few clumsy moments here or there that took the edge off for me (most notably certain people suddenly admitting everything under the lamest of police interrogations, but also more practical things like switching radio channels with only one hand).
Overall, Madden was a strong main actor, but as with a number of Scottish actors I find their need to soften their accent comes across as bad, less natural acting and it is hard for me to see past this.

MzCourtney82 (3 KP) rated Magnum P.I. in TV

Sep 26, 2018  
Magnum P.I.
Magnum P.I.
2018 | Action, Crime, Thriller
Good Acting (0 more)
The new Higgins (0 more)
Pilot Episode
I was both excited and weary of watching the new remake of Magnum P.I. I remember the original series from my childhood days and I am a huge fan of Tom Selleck. I have to be honest, I was really worried about Jay Hernandez in the title role. Those are some really big shoes to feel. In my opinion, so far he has done phenomenal. He was giving me all the Thomas Magnum feels and his narrating was on point! The rest of the cast was giving me all the feels of the original series also from TC, to Rick, and even down to the two dogs that love to make Magnum's life at home pure hell. My biggest worry was when I found out Higgins was being played by a woman. As a woman, I love to see more roles being offered to us, but any other Magnum fans who are like me loved the arrogant little British man that is Jonathan Higgins. I worry that this casting of Higgins, now Juliet Higgins played by Perdita Weeks, will lead to the stereotypical man and woman working closely together so they must fall in love. She does absolutely nail the arrogance so that is promising! All in all I am very excited to see what they do with this series.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
Soundtrack (0 more)
I will never not watch this movie
Dazed and Confused is a great movie with an even better soundtrack. I dont know if it accurately represented the times because I wasnt born in that era, but the movie sure made it look good. Plus it introduced us to people who are now movie stars, so there's that.
The movie is primarily a Seinfeld, which means it's much afoot about nothing, except for one character going through some growing pains and sticking it to "the Man", i.e. his football coach. But really it's a bunch of high school seniors living much cooler lives than I did at that age. And one lucky freshman who mostly avoids getting hazed.
Then there's Matthew McConaughey, being borderline creepy and offering up the most quotable lines from the movie. Who doesn't recognize "Alright alright alright"? Or "I keep getting older, but they stay the same age"? (That's the creepy part). Somehow, Matthew made it seem funny instead of gross, which I guess is why he has an Oscar now.
I feel like this is one of those movies that is a rite of passage. You know, when someone admits to not having seen this movie I look at them like they shouldn't be trusted or like they just landed on Earth. It should definitely be seen by every teenager on the planet.