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Joseph Mount recommended 4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey in Music (curated)

4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey
4-Track Demos by PJ Harvey
1993 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I remember hearing a PJ Harvey song, it might have been ‘Down by The Water’, and thinking ‘this is wicked, I’m gonna buy some of her music!’ At that age I had pocket money, about five pounds, so I went to this music shop in Exeter, found the PJ Harvey section, and all they had was this cheap cassette of 4-Track Demos. I was learning the drums around that time, and listening to the drums in a way I’d never done before, getting obsessive about it. I bought this PJ Harvey record, I put it on and thought ‘OK, the drums are gonna come in soon!’, but of course they never come in, it’s all demos. It was insanely disappointing! But I’d payed the money for this record, so I listened to it, and it became this educational thing for me of understanding that this was part of writing a song. Comparing the demos to the finished tracks, it was an interesting thing to hear and I think the most important thing I’d take from it is investing in something that deprives you of the one thing you were really excited about. It’s a good lesson, but completely unplanned, an interesting exercise to realise that the thing I feel is the most important thing, is not."


William Sadler recommended Unforgiven (1992) in Movies (curated)

Unforgiven (1992)
Unforgiven (1992)
1992 | Western

"With my friend Morgan [Freeman]. It’s so funny, these movies, the ones that I’m pulling out, they all have the same element. They feel perfect. I can’t find a false note, I can’t find a scene or a moment that you could lose and the movie would still be as good. There’s not a wasted breath. I think that Unforgiven is some of Clint Eastwood’s best work. I love westerns — I grew up on them — watching them and playing them around the barn in Buffalo. This is a different western, again, this is a broken guy who’s hanging on by his fingernails. He’s been a dirt farmer, he’s lost his wife, this is his last shot. That’s funny, it’s a little like The Verdict in that respect. None of it is pretty. It’s not slick, it’s not the balletic gunfighting that you see in some movies. It’s ugly and awkward and it’s not easy to kill a man. That was one of the themes that just stuck out like a sore thumb. This is not an easy thing to do, kill a man. For all the glamour and all the romance of the old west and the gunfights and so on, this is awful work, guns. They brought that to life. Gene Hackman can do no wrong. He’s sort of an acting god."

Dog Days (2018)
Dog Days (2018)
2018 | Drama
Not writing this review after seeing the film was a mistake. It's only been 8 days and yet I can't remember much about it, which probably sounds like it isn't a recommendation. I know I enjoyed it, there were touching moments and funny bits. It might not change your life but it'll make you feel good.

There are lots of faces you'll recognise. Some to love and some to hate. Jon Bass is the human star of this one for me. Adorable, funny and the great double act with Gertrude is delightful. She also rocks a super cool doggy wardrobe. Mabel is probably my favourite canine character. A coach to 5k success story line that got me in the feels.

It's another one of those films that's pretty predictable though. Characters end up where you expect them to be, and the dogs (for the most part) make you smile. Nice film, but probably not worth a full price ticket.

As an after thought, there is one moment I can specifically remember, and it left me puzzled. The dog walker sets up in a client's home while he's not there and then at the end of the film she's dating the materialistic vet... was it his house? I don't remember seeing anything about it other than those two scenes and it left me confused.
This Raging Light
This Raging Light
Estelle Laure | 2016 | Children
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

This wasn't my usual book despite me reading most things romance. It didn't focus mainly on the romance, which may have been my issue with it.

But it also felt a little messed up. It didn't read that smoothly for me--this could be down to it being from Netgalley and not a final version of the book--and struggled to get into it until a good quarter of the way into it.

I may need to sleep on it until I can get my thoughts in better order.

So I slept on it and I'm still unsure of how I feel about it. I didn't gel with it much but I had to keep reading just to see how it was all going to play out. Would her mum come back? Would they be found out about living alone? Who was the person/people who were helping Lucille and Wren with the food and stuff? Would she end up in a relationship with Digby?

All of these questions get answered but afterwards I was just wondering what the message is in the story and I still haven't managed to work it out. Is there a message to be learned in it? I'm not sure.
Child's Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Mark Hammill (0 more)
Took liberties with the original film series' canon. (0 more)
A good modernization of the cult classic killer doll film.
As a man in my 30s, I grew up on the original Child's Play and the sequels that followed. So, I was half excited and half worried when this reboot/remake was announced. So many attempts by Hollywood to bring back beloved and cult classics have failed miserably and ruined the magic of the originals. Through the first 20 or so minutes of this one, I was worried this one would fall into this category. And while I wasn't completely thrilled with the film's liberties taken with the doll's origin story, it was easy to set aside due to some decent storytelling. You get to know Chucky in these scenes and a basis for his later acts is laid. You feel for him, and you laugh (a thing done often in the Child's Play canon.) Then, the 2nd and 3rd acts of the film ramp up and continue to build in an understandable, graphic gorefest with a horror plot to keep you riveted. Although I am a purist and would have preferred they stick closer to the original, I thoroughly enjoyed this modernization of the killer doll tale. (But I'll never forget Charles Lee Ray or the chant of dooey de dim bella, give me the power I beg of you!)
Who am I: Prequel to the Semiramis series
Who am I: Prequel to the Semiramis series
Maya Daniels | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who am I: Prequel to the Semiramis series is exactly what it says. It is a short novella giving you an insight into the main character's childhood. It shows you just what Alex goes through and why she is the person she is at the beginning of Semiramis Awakened (book one in the series).

It is exceedingly well-written and packs a punch for all it is so short. You will feel for Alex before you even really know her, which is exactly how it should be. The writing is the usual high standard you would expect from a Maya Daniels book, and although there is no world-building per se, it still gives you enough to give you an inkling into Alex's world.

I have already read the three books in this series, and am waiting oh so patiently (!!!!) for the fourth book to arrive. Therefore I already know Alex and what she goes through. Did this impact my enjoyment of this story? Absolutely not. You don't have to read it in order to gain maximum enjoyment out of it. Absolutely recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hunter's Moon (Wildeward Academy #1)
Hunter's Moon (Wildeward Academy #1)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunter's Moon is the first book in the Wildeward Academy series and we are introduced to a world where magic, and curses, are real. Told from different perspectives, we learn how Victoria's mother disappeared and her father still searches for her. With the wards failing around their home, Victoria has no choice but to attend Wildeward where she meets new and old 'friends'.

This book has a steampunk feel to it, along with the magic. All the characters are interesting and so very different from each other, and I love how they interact with each other. The setting is clear enough to picture and will definitely leave you wanting more.

There were parts of this story that I was unsure about but I am more than happy to keep an open mind and see where book two takes me. I especially want to know more about Doyle's past and why he has reacted the way he has.

For a debut novel and the start of a new series, I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to read more. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Black Hand (Infernal Regions for the Unprepared #1)
Black Hand (Infernal Regions for the Unprepared #1)
Maya Daniels | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Black Hand is the first book in the Infernal Regions for the Unprepared series and we meet up with Brooklyn, Dominic, and Alice. Brooklyn and Dominic are (apparently) natural enemies and Alice is just a mere human but she is more than capable of holding her own against these two!

Wow! Okay, where do I start? Okay, first of all, you might think there is less action in this one but, trust me, it works. I absolutely loved the fact that although the pacing is still fast, there is time to stop and breathe and appreciate the connection between Brooklyn and Dominic. Also, that gave me time to feel the full impact of Veronica!!

The world- and scene-building are exceptional, giving the reader a nicely rounded view of Brooklyn's world and how different she feels. The emotions are vivid and I was caught up on every word.

This is an amazing start to a new series. I am a fan of Maya Daniels and have enjoyed everything she has written but, this one? Off the freakin' charts!!!! Loved every word. Absolutely and utterly recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Consumed (Firefighters, #1)
Consumed (Firefighters, #1)
J.R. Ward | 2018 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The opening chapters were great, but I'm not sure I would call home about it.
Let's start with the good: who doesn't love a firefighter romance? I mean, there's hot and then there is HOT.
Immediately, I was given stakes. There were fires and lives on the line. Decisions that would alter a life forever. Amazing characters and the kind of tension I could shatter my little heart with, It was like I was walking a tightrope --and I was hooked. This was GREAT.

But then about 50% through the book, I realized I had no clue where the story was going. There was definitely a lag for me, a slump where the plot seemed to just hover and not really move forward. The whole premise promised in the blurb of Anne hunting down a killer kinda stalls. I found myself actively looking for action, but unable to find really any movement forward. By the end, much of the plot came together. However, it was too rushed. I truly feel this could have had better pacing to it and a better Act 2 to support the story.

That aside, the book is great for anyone who doesn't mind the hiccups and lags. But for me, I'm not sure I would read this again, which is sad because I do like some of Ward's other books.