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Touched: The Caress of Fate
Touched: The Caress of Fate
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a great way to open the series. At first, I feared the book would consistently be confusing about the Angel of Death, Evan, but was pleasantly pleased that as the story went on that a lot of the confusion I had in the beginning was answered. I enjoyed learning about Evan and his brothers in arms and how they came about their particular gifts. I also enjoyed watching Evan transform from someone who doesn't have strong feelings or anything about his missions or anyone in particular to someone who cares very deeply and finds a reason for living and fighting against all odds.

At first, I was concerned about how Evan's past and being would interfere with his curiosity about Gemma and their blossoming relationship, even just as friends. As the story went on, I found myself being drawn deeper and deeper into the story. I can't say that I loved Evan and at times I even doubted his intentions, but I found how Gemma's view of him and her feelings for him made me root for him. I can't say how he seemed to play her in games she had no idea she was in, to be repulsive, but her way of understanding and the way he made her feel, made me smile. I found that the romance in this book, very clean and innocent, was refreshing and definitely helped curb the romance craving I had.

However, even with the romance, the action towards the end made it quite delightful. It helped explain more about the Angels of Death and a few things that were unclear. I also enjoyed learning about a different idea about how Heaven and Hell worked as well as a new view on Adam and Eve from the bible. With the different ideas the story presented, I found it to be amazingly refreshing. I found Amore to have beautiful details on the surroundings and the people in the story. It helped to draw in the reader and make it easy to actually visualize the scenery and practically feel like you were there and experiencing the scenes yourself.

I found the descriptions of the emotions felt to also be very realistic. We all know how it feels to be betrayed or like we don't have control over ourselves and to see these characters struggle with these emotions and these urges to be close to each other, helped remind us how much love can make you feel crazy and yet be amazing. I enjoyed how the description of their actions towards each other and how it made the other feel created my own thoughts of the first time my husband and I met and even held hands. I was thoroughly pleased with how well love was portrayed in this book. I have rarely found romance books that created that warm fuzzy feeling within my heart as this book has done for me. Most romance books can be slightly dirty, but this one wasn't so and that pleased me. I often find myself not wanting to read triple x rated scenes in books. It is a book I would even let my daughter read when she turned thirteen, unlike other romance novels.

I also enjoyed how that death wasn't the end but the final step for the soul to get to where it belonged and that lives are just borrowed time until your acceptance into Heaven, or Eden as it was called, or into Hell was made. It really makes you think about if it was true or just another idea created about the death. I found it truly exciting to think about and discuss with others around me. It was a new take and a delightful thought to have presented it to me in such a wonderful story.

Overall, I would recommend this book to those who love the paranormal and romance. I would rate this book four stars out of five stars. Even though I would love to have had a little more, I would definitely think its a good opening to the series and makes it so you want to read the rest of the five book series.
Antichrist (2009)
Antichrist (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror
5.4 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A married couple suffers one of the greatest losses any couple could endure, but the wife seems to be taking it harder than the husband. She's enrolled in a hospital until he, a therapist, thinks the doctors aren't doing a good enough job with her and that she'd do better at home under his care. She blames herself for their suffering while he thinks he can help her. They decide to depart to a cabin in the woods in hopes of relaxing a bit and to undergo his therapy. Things start out a bit rough, but it seems like progress is being made. That is until nature steps in, who has other plans for them, and the situation begins to quickly deteriorate.

This is quite possibly the most disturbing film I've ever sat through. Inside made me feel incredibly uneasy and Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door made me feel uncomfortable and a little nauseous, but Antichrist seems to take it to another level (I haven't seen Irreversible, however, which I hear Antichrist being compared to quite a bit). While Antichrist doesn't show absolutely everything and it's usually rather brief when it comes to showing disturbing material, it shows enough to make your stomach drop.

Throughout the film, everything that takes place just doesn't feel right. From the very first scene, the viewer knows that the film probably isn't going to be an easy watch. The character's actions and the setting being rather isolated leads one to believe a series of unfortunate events will eventually be taking place. Antichrist doesn't swerve the viewer into thinking it's going to be something else. The foundation is set right from the get-go. The film slowly builds towards the last thirty minutes or so and you're kind of left thinking, "I've got a bad feeling about this," up until that point. However, once things start taking a turn for the worst, your reaction will be something along the lines of, "Oh no, what is she going to do with...WHAT THE F---?! Now she's taking a...what is that?! OH S---!"

Everything else leading to the last half of the film is done incredibly well. The cinematography is rather incredible, especially while they're in Eden. Everything is so lush and green while certain shots alone say more than the characters in the film ever could. The score is haunting and successfully establishes putting its viewers on edge. The song used at the beginning and end of the film is beautiful yet heartbreaking at the same time. The entire film is spent with this married couple and their performances are top notch. It's just those last thirty to forty five minutes take such an abrupt turn. The film hints at things going downhill, but everything hits the fan so suddenly. Nothing can really prepare you for how unrelenting and horrifying the finale is. The events that unfold in this film will haunt you and stick with you for an incredibly long time.

The less you know about Antichrist, the more surprising that first viewing will be. That's the main reason this review is so vague. Don't read up on it and don't watch anything other than the trailer before seeing the film. Just be warned, the film shows enough for a gut-wrenching reaction. It's no In the Realm of the Senses, but it's definitely along those lines. Antichrist's strongest asset is the atmosphere it builds throughout the film. The air just seems to be constantly thick with the fact that something terrible is going to happen at any moment. While the film is disturbing, shocking, and was able to make me feel things most horror films aren't capable of, I wouldn't say the film was enjoyable. It's not to say the film isn't done well because it is in almost every aspect, but I could hardly see myself popping the movie in to entertain me on a Saturday night. The film takes its toll on you and I don't think it's a film I'd really enjoy sitting through again.
I was overly excited to review Marlene Wynn's The Return of the Avatar Queen when I heard what genre it fell in the New Adult world: fantasy. NOT Contemporary or Romance (or both!) like most seem to be these days. Really, the only New Adult book I've come across that's something other than Contemporary is the Everlast Trilogy by Juliana Haygert (among a few others).

The first in the Averill series is just another step towards some more diversity in the ever growing pool of New Adult books. But here are a few reasons why you should take a moment and read Marlene Wynn's debut novel:

Character Development and World Building – Here's what is probably one of the most difficult things in fantasy and paranormal novels: developing the world – the entire world, because in a fantasy book, most worlds are fictional and completely made up! Wynn has it patted down nicely enough within the book that it's not necessary to have a separate dictionary. I definitely feel as though I know enough about the world of Itova as Chandrea does, and the characters don't feel as though they're miles away from me.
<img border="0" src=""; height="180" width="320">
It's Funny – I had the highlight of my book week while reading Wynn's novel, but whenever there are flying raccoons, I can't really help but find it hilarious. It definitely helps when Shawn becomes a major character and lightens things up. He's just a fantastic edition to the book and he seems to make the lighter side of Chandrea come out as well – I certainly hope the author won't kill him off anytime soon. Not that I actually have a say, of course.
<blockquote>“If you don’t, I won’t bathe, and I’ll sleep curled up right next to you, in all my stinky glory.”</blockquote>
Of course, it's definitely not as hilarious as something I saw in a NCRA magazine about a month ago, or finding out what "bae" really means in another language.

No Surprises – This is more of something I really disliked about The Return of the Avatar Queen rather than something I liked. As much as I love knowing all the side characters' history, I really think I would have enjoyed my reading experience more if there were less views. With the amount of views (which, by the way, is quite a lot), I feel as though I'm one step ahead and the author loses the element of surprise. Whatever seems likely to happen in the future to a character or two is already expected by the reader.

Last time I checked, not being surprised does not dwell well. But credit to Wynn for not making me feel like Hansel and Gretel with bread baked by Peeta, to which I turn into crumbs (the bread, not Peeta). Two facts: 1) I like surprises in books. 2) I don't necessarily like surprises in real life.

Here's a little elaboration on #2: A good friend of mine – I call him Mr. Pokey and yes, he's probably related to Lupe. AKA Miss. Pokey. – volunteered to take me to chess tournaments. A few days later, his mom said she could take both of us, but said friend told our coach that I could go without telling me about it first. As a result, I'm have been plotting his demise. Would I really do it? No, but sometimes I want to throw something at his infuriatingly overconfident face.

So here's a word of advice: Don't try to make decisions for others without telling them about it first. At least, don't make decisions for me unless you're my mom. You could regret it dearly.

Basically, you won't really regret reading The Return of the Avatar Queen. Marlene Wynn's debut novel shows a lot of promise in the future and I'm curious as to where the storyline goes from here on out.
Review copy provided by the author for the blog tour
Original Rating: 3.5
Original review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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Freiyon Fables: A Tail to Remember
Freiyon Fables: A Tail to Remember
Justin T Hunt | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best about this book is that it is a rare occasion when I can honestly say that the ending, specifically the Epilogue is my favorite part. (0 more)
the writing style felt simplified and rushed at the same time. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Freiyon Fables: Tail to Remember by Justin Hunt was a book that I could only compare to one other book and that would be Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. The Prologue promises an amazing tale, yet I feel as if the book doesn't quite live up to it. So even though I compare it to Narnia in style it is nothing like it when it comes to the actual material. The complete book itself is separated into three smaller books (or parts) that is then spread out into chapters.

In A Tail to Remember a squirrel by the name of Micklang escapes from a zoo and in the process is electrocuted, giving his tail a lightning-bolt shape. He then falls into another world in an Alice in Wonderland – down the rabbit hole style. In this new world, Micklang receives dreams about his warrior-self telling hi how to become that version of himself. During his journey, Micklang makes some surprising new friends and is reunited with some he has met before in the human world. It is with these friends that Micklang travels this new world, mapping it out.

At one point Micklang comes across an island where his traveling companions are captured and must rescue them before their captors harm them. Then after abandoning ship in a bad storm Micklang finds himself on yet another island, but this one is home to only other lightning-tail animals. Towards the end, Micklang goes back to one of the first islands that he visited in this new world, now called Freiyon. It is there that Micklang and his friends fight in the first battle in a war between The Grabbers and King Karel. It is during this battle that Micklang’s story ends but it is not the end of the stories about Freiyon. This is because a little human boy is told about Freiyon by his mother and decides it is time for him to visit this land of talking animals.

What I liked best about this book is that it is a rare occasion when I can honestly say that the ending, specifically the Epilogue is my favorite part. The epilogue tied the entire story together with the prologue when frankly I originally was confused about how it all connected. This actually redeemed the entire book in some ways. What I did not like was that the talking animals and being in a different world or realm gave the book a Chronicles of Narnia feel. Normally that would be a good thing but in this case, the writing style felt simplified and rushed at the same time. Also, this book felt like it was intended for children up until book three. In Book Three: The Switch Between Stories the phrases “What the HELL” and “how the HELL” were both used and that doesn't feel kid-friendly.

It was hard for me to pick a target audience for this book. My best guess would be for early middle school students and late elementary students, age-wise anyway. This is because the length might make it difficult for some elementary students (and some parents may not be thrilled about all the violence, who knows). Yet the simplified writing style may (or may not) appeal to older readers. Most likely it would be dry and boring for anyone out of middle school. That being said I rate this book a 2 out of 4. This is because this story falls in that dangerous zone between being simple enough for young readers and having just enough detail to feel rushed. The action moves from one major event to another without much of a break in between yet the story is still interesting
Feel (Breaking Free #6)
Feel (Breaking Free #6)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
another 5 star read!
**verified purchase Jan 2019**

This is book 6 in the Breaking Free series, and you really SHOULD read books one through five (and 3.5) before this one. You need to know how Brogan got to this point in his life, and you NEED to know what Mikel did to Jaysan last year. And you know, I SAID so, because they are rather awesome!

Brogan is waiting patiently for his fated Alpha. He really doesn't wanna settle, but will do, as a last resort. His foster parents are brilliant with him and his son, Peyton, but Brogan wants HIS family. Picking up the scent of Mikel in the coffee in the coffee shop while out with Jaysan and Morris, and Brogan knows his found HIS family. However, Mikel is in a bad place after what he did to Jaysan last year, and he is in no state to become a mate. Brogan is, however, prepared to wait for Mikel and when Brogan's past comes back to haunt him, Mikel knows he has to get himself together, because his Omega and his son needs him. But CAN he?

Mikel isn't, well. . .WASN'T . . .my favourite character, and there have been some bad ones in these books, but when WHY Mikel did what he did became clear in Whole (book 5) it made some sort of sense. But here? The full picture becomes shockingly clear, and you see why he did what he did, and you really do feel for the young man. It shows you that not only the omegas and betas can suffer parental abuse, but the alphas can too.

Brogan is the most optimistic of the young men from the fight ring, hoping all along that he would find his mated Alpha and that man would take himself and two year old Peyton on. What Brogan FEELS when he is with Mikel, make shim know that deep down, he is a GOOD man, a good ALPHA, and Brogan just needs to make Mikel see that too.

Poor Mikel is up against some powerful men here, Morris especially, but all the Alphas in the pairings are wary of Mikel and really, who can blame them. But with Brogan's perseverance and determination to make them see that Mikel is a good man, they all come round, one by one. Even Morris, does, sorta! " I can be nice to him, Jaysan, without being his best friend!"

Brogan deals with some stuff here, that is different to the rest of the omegas, and his pain is deep, really deep. Mikel pulls himself together just when Brogan needs him the most. But Brogan helps Mikel too, dealing with HIS trauma after what happened last year, and from before.

I am LOVING these books, and do NOT want them to end!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Lilac Skully and the Haunted House
Lilac Skully and the Haunted House
Amy Cesari | 2017 | Children, Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lilac is a character you can't help but root for.
I don't often comment on covers, but I've got to start this by saying I love the cover for Lilac Skully and the Haunted House. The house is definitely suitably creepy, and the color choice for the sky is absolutely gorgeous. I did pick it up just to look at the cover more than once before it made it’s way to the top of my to-read pile. And at only 168 pages, when I finally did pick it up to read, it was a book that I flew through. Obviously it’ll take the intended age range a bit longer to read than it did for me, but I can’t imagine it being a slow go for anyone. It’s well-written and nicely paced. The story hits the ground running.

I liked Lilac Skully and the Haunted House. Lilac reminded, at least vaguely, of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series. Not as crazy, mind you, but with the blonde hair, the big eyes, and the outcast status, it was hard for her not to feel a little familiar. This was a good thing, as it enabled me to immediately connect with the character a little more quickly than I might have normally. The fact that Lilac was scared of ghosts was perfect. Young readers will definitely be able to empathize with the little girl who does all the sensible things to avoid running into them. Who in their right mind would want to go into a haunted basement, right?

The set up is fairly typical of a kid’s book. A single parent family, with the father additionally and conveniently absent for the majority of the book. The adults that are in the picture for Lilac Skully and the Haunted House are bumbling, sometimes up to no good, and ridiculously easily fooled. Nothing new to see, but still entertaining to read. The formula works for a reason, even if we do celebrate times when things veer from the norm. In this case, it allowed Lilac to participate in some Home Alone-esque shenanigans that had me grinning.

It’s obvious the author has more adventures for Lilac Skully planned (seven, to be exact), and I think she will swiftly gain a loyal fanbase. Lilac Skully and the Haunted House was easy to read, and featured a little girl with a lot of heart. I enjoyed watching Lilac learn that appearances can be deceiving, and that sometimes the people you least expect can become your best friends.

Overall, a very good read for young readers who want something with ghosts, but not something ‘too scary’. Lilac Skully and the Haunted House worth picking up, and something you can let them read on their own, or read with you each evening.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Next Gen (2018) in Movies

Oct 15, 2018 (Updated Oct 15, 2018)  
Next Gen (2018)
Next Gen (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Beautiful Animation (1 more)
John Krasinski
Fantastic Family Movie
We're in the futuristic city of Grainland and robots are everywhere, helping humans with all aspects of life. From robotic teachers and police, right the way down to the smaller, task orientated robots. Friendly robot hairbrushes leap on kids heads and start brushing their messy hair while robot toothbrushes, programmed by mum to ensure their kids regularly brush their teeth, seek out the children who are trying to avoid them. It's all done in good humour, even if in reality it would all be just a little bit creepy. The opening credits introduce us to Mai Su, whose parents split following an argument. As Mai grows up, her mother compensates for her loss by filling her life with servant robots called Q-Bots, making Mai feel neglected and eventually resentful towards all robots. She's a very unhappy teenager, bullied at school for being different.

At the big launch of the next generation of Q-Bots, Mai breaks free from her excited mum and, following a run in with some security robots, finds herself in a hidden lab. There, Dr Rice, who is the technical brains behind the Q-Bots, has been developing a robot of his own: Project 7723 (voiced by John Krasinski). As the curious Mai goes to investigate the robot, security bots catch up with her once more and she has to leave quickly, leaving behind her backpack. Project 7723 picks up the backpack and sets about returning it to its rightful owner at all costs. As 7723 travels along the highway, following the car that is transporting Mai home, we begin to discover just how technologically advanced 7723 is - packing some serious weaponry, which it uses to effectively take out the police robots that are in pursuit. Nothing stands in its way.

The backpack is eventually returned, but Mai is initially disinterested in the robot. That is, until it takes out the annoying robot toothbrush with a laser! The pair form a friendship, and Mai hides 7723 away in her garage at night. Unfortunately though, 7723 sustained damage to his core memory during the earlier chase and each night has to decide which of the memories he made with Mai that day he can delete in order to prevent his storage from reaching critical capacity. As they have fun together and become good friends, this gets harder to do each day, and you just know that eventually this isn't going to end well.

I really enjoyed Next Gen. It's very reminiscent of movies like Big Hero 6 and The Iron Giant and John Krasinski brings 7723 to life brilliantly. The animation is of such a high standard, beautifully detailed, and there are some fantastic action sequences, along with plenty of good humour throughout. And, as suspected, it does manage to pack a real emotional punch at times too. I sat and watched this with my daughter and it really is just a great family movie.
Restraint (The Revelation #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those of you that remember, I was blown away by Revelation, the first book in this trilogy, as it was a Paranormal/Romance/Fantasy book which is my favourite genre but it was something NEW! It wasn't the same story told in a different way. I was reading something new and quickly became engrossed and yes, even addicted to it. Then it finished and I was gutted. I needed more. Randi Cooley Wilson has been teasing her fans with trailers and snippets of my favourites - Asher, Eve and Gage, not forgetting the rest of the St. Michael clan.

I was so excited to receive a copy of this book but was also of the opinion that it simply wouldn't be as good as the first. There was no way that Randi would be able to sustain my interest at the level it had been for Revelation. Boy, was I wrong! Restraint is just as good, if not better, than Revelation. We see more deeply into the world of the gargoyles and understand more what Eve actually means to the rest of the 'mythological' world. Luckily for me, we see a lot more of Asher too - happy days! This book could have so easily been called Frustration because that is what I was feeling for Asher and Eve. Jeez, I want them together so badly! We see more of their relationship and their struggles as they 'try' to do the right thing. Eve isn't afraid of Asher anymore and will happily disagree with him should she feel he is wrong, but still has her own insecurities that spring up occasionally. Mind you, if Eve didn't want him, I'd be more than happy to take him off her hands. What hubby doesn't know won't hurt him ;)

The characters in this book are all fantastically well written and we get even more depth and knowledge about them. We learn that Callan loves to bake whenever he and Abby argue, we learn that Eve can take lessons from this but also can't keep a straight face when offered a cookie any more! McKenna is warming up, Keegan is still the strong silent type but emotions are coming through. Gage is still... well, Gage is still Gage. If you're going to have a triangle then at least make it a good one and this one is brilliant.

I could not put this book down and ended up staying awake far too late in the evening to finish it. *Spoiler Alert - invest in a box of tissues and preferably a large wine whilst reading this!* I have waited a few days before posting the review simply to make sure that I don't gush like a schoolgirl at her first boy-band concert. I'm not sure I've 100% succeeded but I've given it my best shot.

Absolutely fantastic second book in the series. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to all once it is released in August. Now, if only book 3 would be released like NOW!
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989)
1989 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Intriguing Movie
A woman begins a torrid romance of infidelity and tries to keep it from her nefarious husband.

Acting: 10
There is a reason Helen Mirren is one of my favorite actresses. She can be vulnerable and powerful all in the same breath. She makes you sympathize with her character and champion for her to win. She plays Georgina, the wife of a thug. She hates her life and is longing for more. The way she expresses that longing is done in subtle fashion, yet you can feel exactly what she is feeling. There are a number of strong performances in the film, but none quite as strong as hers.

Beginning: 1
I couldn’t tell up from down when the movie started. I didn’t know what to think, who to hate, or who to root for. That all eventually became clear, but the beginning was very muddled and had me losing hope that the movie could be good. Good thing there’s more to this film than the first ten minutes.

Characters: 7
The title, of course, gives away the characters that dominate the story. Each character carries their own weight and adds a different value to the story. Outside of Georgina, I enjoyed watching Alan Howard act out his role of Michael the Lover. He has an air of ignorance with a touch of nobility. He’s a good guy that enjoys being alone, not realizing that he is looking for someone special in his life. That is, until he meets Georgina who turns his life upside down. The interactions between the two provide for a number of great scenes. And, no, I’m not just referring to the sex, although there are some steamy scenes.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 8

Genre: 8
Definitely not the best drama I’ve seen, but hands-down, one of the most unique. I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything quite like this movie. It’s different for a lot of reasons, but mainly in the way the film is shot which helps push the overall tone. It shines with a special kind of flare that sticks in your memory.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 5

Plot: 10
Unique story with an interesting twist. I appreciate when movies try and do something different, and that’s where (insert long title here) succeeds. It’s a gut-wrenching love story told with conviction and passion.

Resolution: 10
Can’t talk about this movie without talking about that ending. Wow, what an ending! Didn’t see it coming in the least. It was both unbelievable and gratifying at the same time. If you haven’t heard of or seen this movie, I won’t ruin it for you. I’ll just say prepare to be pleasantly shocked.

Overall: 77
A stronger beginning and a quicker pace could have made this movie excellent, but it’s still solid enough for a one-time watch. I can guarantee you The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Four Christmases (2008)
Four Christmases (2008)
2008 | Comedy
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christmas, for most of the population who celebrate it, is about gathering with family, taking the opportunity to reunite with loved ones and share in the spirit of the holiday. Most of us do this with great anticipation. But not Brad and Kate, an intensely committed couple, played by Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon, who would rather be anywhere but near their respective families at Christmas. So much so, they invent elaborate excuses every year that keep them away.And because it’s always for a good cause, they’re granted a pass by their relatives. This year, they’ll be busy volunteering to inoculate children in some remote third-world country. In actuality, they’ll be vacationing on some tropical island. But the San Francisco fog works against them this Christmas, and they’re captured on camera by a news crew at the airport dealing with the cancelation of their flight, and, of course, there’s no getting away now.

So, why don’t Brad and Kate want to spend Christmas with their families? Well, mainly it’s because they’re products of broken marriages and each of them have two homes to visit. Hence, the title. Brad’s family consists of a bitter old man, played by Robert Duvall and two brothers (Jon Favreau and Tim McGraw) who are amateur cage fighters who take great delight in torturing their attorney brother. His uncoventional mother, a quirky Sissy Spacek, is remarried and Brad has yet to come to terms with a stepfather he knows all too well. Kate’s mother, played by Mary Steenburgen, has found religion and a not-so-angelic devotion to the pastor of her church, while her sister, an earnest Kristin Chenoweth, just can’t say enough about the joys of childbearing.

Brad and Kate, who airily dismiss the idea of marriage and the notion of children, are content to just focus on each other, spicing up their relationship with some sexy role-playing, dance lessons and exotic vacations. But on one Christmas day, traveling from one parent’s home to another, they face their fears four times and discover more and more about each other with each visit. She didn’t know his name wasn’t really Brad. He didn’t know she went to fat camp. She doesn’t know how to give good clues in Taboo. He is inflexible in changing the rules of their relationship. Suddenly, the happily unmarried couple doesn’t feel so happily unmarried.

The movie is good for a few laughs, mainly at the expense of Vince Vaughn’s Brad. I’ve always been a big fan of Vince Vaughn’s rapid-fire stream of consciousness delivery and he certainly has his moments. While it seems like he carries the movie for the most part, Reese isn’t without her chances to shine. Unfortunately, the opportunities are few and far between. Even with it’s stellar cast, the phrase “lighthearted comedy” feels a little generous. It is definitely light, but doesn’t have much heart.